Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 102 Aunt Moon

The owner of the restaurant is Zhang. His name is very vulgar. His name is Zhang Dafu. As his name suggests, he is really rich. Although he lives in the town, he also has business in the county. However, he made his fortune in the town, so he has always lived in the house in the town, and asked his wife and children to live here Instead, the house in the county has become a place to live when you go to play.

Zhang Dafu's family lives on the top of the town. His house is very spacious. It is in the westernmost part of the town, occupying a large area. There are two stone lions in front of the gate, as well as a horse-tied pile. There is a doorman guard, and the person who comes will inform it to the inside. Going to the back door, it can be said that it is the most majestic family in the town.

Manager Zhang was informed to enter the gate smoothly and met Zhang Dafu.

Zhang Dafu was sitting in the greenhouse and talking to his son. When he heard that Manager Zhang was coming, he let him enter the greenhouse.

"The owner, the young owner."

Manager Zhang saluted Zhang Dafu and the young man sitting next to him in a sky-blue silk cotton robe.

"Zhang Shun is here. Sit down."

Zhang Dafu looked at the shopkeeper Zhang sitting on a chair next to him and asked, "What's the matter with you?" The business in the restaurant has just been busy for a while, right?

Manager Zhang smiled and said, "Yes, I've been busy for a while, and I'm not very busy now. I have something to do, so I came to see you. That's right. I met two new dishes today, and there is also a staple food. I've been a restaurant shopkeeper for so many years, and I haven't seen these kinds of food. The seller of the prescription asked for 45 taels of silver, and I don't lose money. I was worried that she would sell it to another restaurant, so I made my own decision and bought it. The recipe is here, and I would like to ask my owner to have a look. If the owner likes it. Today, I asked someone to make it and send it to me. It's good to taste the freshness.

The young owner next to him listened and asked, "In addition to the dishes, there are also staple foods?"

The shopkeeper Zhang immediately said, "Yes. The staple food is a kind of food called dumplings. It is made of noodles with small skin, stuffed with bread and boiled with water. It is very steaming and fragrant. Even people who don't like to eat can eat a lot.

The young owner looked happy when he heard it.

Before Zhang saw Zhang Dafu's face, he only looked at the young owner's face and felt that he had done the right thing. You should know that although this family is the head of the old family. But what the young owner wants to do, the old owner agrees. Who gave him only one son?

It turned out that this rich man married one wife and two concubines in his life, gave birth to seven sons, but only one lived, not even a daughter, and in the end, there was only one seedling. Moreover, this son is the youngest one. He only got it in his thirties, and he naturally loves him. In addition, this son is very smart and good-looking, so he naturally loves him even more.

This son's name is Zhang Baozhu, which is also vulgar, but this is Zhang Dafu's greatest wish, which is to save his last son. Leave the root of his old Zhang's family. He used to be poor, but later became rich. He thought it was because of his name that he was very rich, so he became rich in the end. That son's name is Baozhu, and he will definitely be saved. It will be as strong as a pillar.

This name works. Now the son is twenty-eight years old. Although his body is not the kind of strength that can kill cattle, it is indeed very healthy. He is not as sick as his six brothers at all. It seems that he can live as Zhang Dafu. Zhang Dafu was half of his heart, but the other half couldn't be let down.

It turned out that Zhang Dafu was afraid that his son would die early and married his daughter-in-law early, so he hoped that he could give birth to a grandson soon, so that the Zhang family's roots would be more secure. But God doesn't follow people's wishes. Zhang Baozhu's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Zhang, can't conceive. Zhang Dafu was anxious. Half a year later, he took two concubines for his son. As a result, another half a year has passed, and there is still no grandson. Then I took a concubine, and I took one every year and a half. In the end, I took a concubine with thirteen rooms. Not to mention my grandson, I didn't even have the shadow of my granddaughter.

Zhang Dafu also asked Lang Zhong to show Zhang Baozhu. Lang Zhong said that there was nothing wrong with it, but there was nothing wrong with it. A main room, plus a thirteen-room concubine, none of the fourteen women had children, not even pregnant, which was strange.

Zhang Dafu also invited monks and Taoist priests to open the Taoist altar. It was useless at all, and he spent a lot of money in vain.

It has been 13 years since Zhang Baozhu got married at the age of 15 to the age of 28, and has not seen a single child. As a man, he is also anxious. Seeing that there are several sons of the same age as him, and the eldest son can go to the child examination, how can he not be in a hurry? Looking at those flower-like concubines at home, he was almost out of interest in the end.

At this time, Zhang Baozhu met a girl, who suddenly made him fall in love with her. At that time, he had a feeling that this woman was different from the women in front of him. The women in front of him were all found by his father, and this is what he like and is affectionate. He felt that maybe only such a woman could give birth to a child for him. So after he brought the woman home, he was very fond of her, pointing out that she could bring him a son and a daughter.

This woman became Zhang Baozhu's fourteenth concubine. Her surname is Jia and her name is Jia Yueer. She doesn't like others to call her Aunt Jia, and others call her Aunt Yue.

Now it's this month that my aunt is not feeling well and doesn't eat anything good. Manager Zhang knew that she was being favored in the eyes of the young master, so when he heard that Su Zhi had delicious food in her hand, the first thing he thought was not that his restaurant had a new dish, but that he could make it for the aunt.

"Go back quickly and make these two dishes and all kinds of dumplings. No, let the cook do it here, or it will be cold from you.

Manager Zhang answered. Looking at Zhang Dafu and seeing him looking at those pieces of paper, he must be very happy to think of his old boss.

Zhang Dafu put away a few prescriptions, looked up and said, "Zhang Shun, you have done a good job. Next time this person comes to sell the prescription again, you can still buy them, and the price will be higher. By the way, who is this seller? Do you know each other?"

Manager Zhang said with a smile, "I know, and you also know the owner. Didn't someone kill two tigers in Riverside Village not long ago? It's the dish made by the daughter-in-law of one of the villagers. I heard that she still has a dish. She said that she will come to sell it next time. It seems that the dish will be cooked with chestnuts. She has it at home, so she will cook it next time.

Zhang Dafu said, "I remember one surnamed Shen and one surnamed Li, right?"

Manager Zhang immediately said, "It's the one surnamed Shen. The one who is a little more handsome and taller is called Shen Zi'an. His daughter-in-law is newly married, dignified, and good at cooking.

Zhang Dafu nodded and asked Zhang to go back and ask the cook to cook these two dishes and dumplings. He saw that his son wanted to cook for his aunt, and he didn't care much about it. It's a good thing for his son to be close to a woman, which may really give birth to a grandson for him. When he thinks of his grandson, he supports what his son wants to do, and he can get whatever the woman wants to eat!

The cook came soon. Although the two cooks were cooking separately from Su Zhixue, they also saw it next to them, and they could still do it. After coming, I quickly prepared these two dishes and dumplings. I still made two copies, one for Zhang Baozhu to take to Aunt Yue in person, and the other to Zhang Dafu.

After eating, Zhang Dafu also admired in his heart. He wanted to have these dishes, and the business of the restaurant would be more prosperous. He wanted the restaurants in the county to do this, and he would make more money at that time. Thinking of this, he was interested in the woman who sold vegetables. He thought that the man in the family could beat tigers, and the woman could make such delicious dishes. Although it was a villager's family, it was not an ordinary villager's family.

Not only Zhang Dafu is interested in Shen Zi'an and his wife, but also Aunt Yue.

Aunt Yue has a bad appetite these days. At first, she thought she was pregnant. Later, she went to Langzhong to have a look. No, she was disappointed and her appetite was even worse.

She liked the dish brought by Zhang Baozhu as soon as she smelled it. Although she didn't eat a few bites of the spicy boiled fish, she felt that the taste was full. She ate several pieces of the shiny Dongpo meat. She ate the most hot dumplings. She had to eat fifteen or sixteen, and her stomach was swollen.

"Sir, where did you get such delicious food? You bothered me."

Aunt Yue's watery eyes looked at Zhang Baozhu, and the light in her eyes was affectionate and very touching. She is the kind of delicate beauty, with a palm-sized melon seed face, a pair of eyes, a small nose and a small mouth, her skin is white and red, and her hair is black and shiny. She wears a rose-red dress, which makes her delicate and charming. Looking at Zhang Baozhu with his eyes like this, Zhang Baozhu felt that his heart suddenly softened.

"It's also a blessing for you. To be honest, you are also the lucky star of my family. Today, Shopkeeper Zhang heard from the clerk that two rural children who were eating praised them for their aunt's delicious cooking. Shopkeeper Zhang thought that I mentioned that you couldn't eat. As soon as he asked, he ended up with such a few meals. Now he can not only let you eat, but also make your business prosperous. Do you think you are my little lucky star?

"I would like to be my little lucky star."

Aunt Yue lay softly in Zhang Baozhu's arms, which made Zhang Baozhu love it even more. She thought that such a woman must protect herself well, but she can't let her suffer.

"I think you love this woman's cooking so much that she will sell vegetables to the restaurant in the future. As soon as she comes to sell it, she will ask someone to come home to cook for you. However, I think she sells some big fish and meat. If you like light food, I'll go to her to teach the cook at home. The woman seems to live in a riverside village not far away.

"Riverside Village?"

As soon as Aunt Yue heard a question, she raised herself from Zhang Baozhu's arms, as if she was interested. ( To be continued) RQ