Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 125 Concubine

Zhao Daliang pulled Zhao Xiaohua out of Li Qing's house, walked a little farther, and then let her go. He looked at his sister who rubbed his wrist and stared at him, and sighed.

"Tell me about you, when will you become smarter? What did your mother ask you to do? Have you forgotten?

Zhao Xiaohua was still rubbing her wrist. Just now, her brother really scratched her. Seeing that her wrists were red, she was not only not only coaxing her, but also scolded her, and she was immediately wronged.

"That sister-in-law Li is so bad to me that you don't help me, but you still scold me? Second brother, you don't love me anymore! I'm going back and telling my mother!"

When Zhao Daliang heard Zhao Xiaohua's words, he was even more angry and helpless. He thought that he was so smart, how could he have such an ignorant sister? It turned out to look very smart. Why did she become a little stupid when he was not at home for only two years? Originally, she pointed to the fact that she would get married well in the future and get some money from her mother-in-law's house. If she married to the big house, I'm afraid she will be rubbed into a scum by others and I don't know how to die!

"Little sister, I asked your mother why you came here. Don't say anything else. Did my mother ask you to come here to see what Si Niang can do to make money? Do you want to see how much money you can make and spend if this job is light? Did you have a good relationship with Li's sister-in-law, especially Zi'an's daughter-in-law? Look at you. As soon as you came, you offended people and made people bombarded them, and even I was ashamed!"

"Who won't let that sister-in-law Li let me work with them! As you can see, I've always been kind and angry, but she just didn't give me this face. I was so ashamed, but she shouted at me. You didn't say that she bullied your sister, but she came to slause me! Are you still my brother? I knew that you had been away from home for a long time. You have forgotten my sister for a long time, and you must have forgotten my mother. Fortunately, we will show you at home your mother-in-law who is like a dried vegetable. Can you take care of us?

Zhao Xiaohua was disciplined by Zhao Daliang. The willow eyebrows are upside down. Her eyes stared at her original beauty. She also stared at her.

"Okay, okay, my brother is wrong. Don't shout, let others hear you so loudly later. Not to mention that you are fierce, your reputation will be bad at that time. Let's see which matchmaker will come to the door.

Zhao Daliang still points to this girl to marry a good family, although her sister is a little fierce. However, he is still a little beautiful, and it is the age when a flower is in full bloom. As long as he looks for it well, he will definitely be able to marry a family with many brides, which is not in vain for so many years.

Zhao Xiaohua saw that her brother was soft, so she stopped making trouble. Then she heard him say about her marriage. He lowered his head and pretended to be shy, and hit Zhao Daliang.

"Brother, you really hate it. I'm still young. I won't get married!"

"It's not young. People at your age have been married, and a few of them have been married. If your mother and brother don't love you, I want you to marry a good family. You are the same."

Zhao Daliang took the opportunity to inculcate the idea that 'the elder brother loves his sister'. He will always love this sister, which means that she brings benefits to his own life. Fortunately, this sister also wants to marry a good family. He never opposes his proposal, or he is really embarrassed.

As soon as Zhao Xiaohua heard that her brother was the best for me, she smiled again.

Zhao Daliang sighed in his heart, thinking that this sister was so easy to coax. Originally, I wanted her to marry a landlord and become a concubine. In that way, he can be stained, but it seems that she has that heart and no brain. I'm afraid that I will be disliked after passing the door in two days, so I still can't get anything? You really need to think about this matter, and you must find something easy to deal with.

"Brother, what did you say when you went to Li Shi's house this morning? I saw that he had strange eyes when he saw me.

Zhao Xiaohua suddenly asked. When her brother mentioned her marriage, all the men's faces she thought she could match her naturally flashed in her mind. After all, she was just a village girl. She had only heard of and never seen the old men and princes in the landlord's and rich families, so there were only a few faces in her mind. And Shen Zi'an and Li Shi are among them. Naturally, she thought of Li Shi, whom she had only seen in the morning. Do you have any thoughts about yourself if you want Li Shi to look at yourself like that? Did he see his brother come back and want to propose to himself?

This idea naturally came to Zhao Xiaohua's mind. In her opinion, Li Shi was lucky to marry him, and he was only the last few candidates for his husband's son-in-law. She never thought that Li Shi didn't want to marry her.

Zhao Daliang also thought of Li Shi. He casually said that he wanted to give his sister to him in the morning. In fact, he didn't mean much in that respect. He saw that Li Shi didn't like a girl like his sister. Even if he said it, Li Shi would not agree. That's why he said that he just wanted to make Li Shi uncomfortable, because before that, he had just said that Li Shi and Liu Siniang were suspected of having an affair. He said that he believed that Li Shi was not that kind of person, and then immediately told Li Shi about his sister. Isn't this just a doubt? He just wants Li Shi to understand that he is suspicious!

In fact, Zhao Daliang did not suspect that there was something wrong with Li Shi and Liu Siniang. He knew that Li Shi was a decent gentleman, and Liu Siniang was a beautiful woman in his eyes and could not fascinate Li Shi at all. He just wanted to treat this matter as a handle and make Li Shi afraid of him.

Of course, Zhao Daliang will not say this kind of thing to the girl. He doesn't want the girl to have any idea of Li Shi. Li Shi has some skills, but no matter how much he is, he will not pay attention to him. Unless like Shen Zi'an, he feels that Shen Zi'an is really rich. From his big garden, I envy him. Today, I looked at the clothes and materials on Su Zhi's body and said that it was almost a small landlord!

What's more, with the holy beast in hand, are you afraid of underdevelopment in the future?

It's a pity that he has a daughter-in-law, and Shen Zi'an is not so easy to master.

Zhao Daliang was thinking here, but Zhao Xiaohua couldn't wait. She asked Zhao Daliang, "Brother, what did you say to Li Shi?"

"I just praised you in front of him, saying that you are as beautiful as a flower. He must want to see if it's like what I said."

Zhao Daliang said casually.

As soon as Zhao Xiaohua heard this, she smiled more brightly. She curled her lips and said, "Even if he finds that I am good-looking, it is useless. He can only look at it. If he doesn't have a big house and a hundred mu of land, I won't look at him. At least it should be like Brother Zi'an. His big house is really good. I heard that the garden is also 60 or 70 mu, which can be regarded as a small landlord.

"Sister, Shen Zi'an has a daughter-in-law, and his family is now a rich farmer. He can't be called a small landlord. He has to have at least more than 100 mu of land to be called a landlord. He is just a broken land with dozens of acres of crops."

When Zhao Daliang heard that the girl was interested in Shen Zi'an, he quickly attacked her, and he still felt that it was more oily to marry those real big landlords.

Zhao Xiaohua pouted and said, "What can I do if I have a daughter-in-law? Brother, don't you always talk about the scenery of those landlord's concubines? They are all concubines, and it's good to be concubines for Brother Zi'an. I believe that Brother Zi'an can buy thousands of mu of fertile land in the future. He may do it, and there are also holy beasts. It's okay to ask those officials to give him silver at that time.

As soon as Zhao Daliang heard that his sister really had that heart for Shen Zi'an, he was a little anxious, but when he heard the last words and heard that the holy beast could make money, he also felt that it was reasonable. He thought it was this reason. Shen Zi'an has no money now, but he will be rich in the future. Moreover, Shen Zi'an is a farmer. Although it is difficult to master, it is better to deal with than those landlords. It's the best way to give him a girl.

Zhao Daliang calculated that he wanted to take a look at Shen Zi'an's house when he had time to see how he was doing, and then went to the county to explore other people's views on the holy beast. If it was true, he would find a way to do his sister's wishes!

Zhao Xiaohua accompanied Zhao Daliang to Zhao Dazhu's house. Dazhu's daughter-in-law cried to Zhao Daliang again, and finally got a taels of silver from Zhao Daliang's hand, so she stopped crying.

Zhao Daliang will be a person. Although he is greedy for money, he gives up a small amount of money. He uses this two pieces of silver to make his brother's family think he is good. He thinks it's worth it. They all say that he will be his own brother. Zhao Dazhu has no brain, and he dares to do bad And his sister-in-law has a strong mouth, and he needs such a mouth and such a shrew. In his heart, such a woman is above ten big men.

Dazhu's daughter-in-law scolded Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi again, saying that they were rich but mean to them. Obviously, as long as they leaked some money from their fingers, they could cure their iron eggs, but they didn't go out and made them lose people. He said that Shen Zi'an and his colleagues were rich and unkind.

When Zhao Daliang heard their description of Shen Zi'an's family, he was more curious about the situation of Shen Zi'an's family. When he heard the spirituality of the holy beast, he felt that Shen Zi'an's family had a greater chance of fortune in the future.

Zhao Xiaohua was unhappy when she heard Dazhu's daughter-in-law say that Shen Zi'an was not good, and said, "Sister-in-law, Brother Zi'an is still very good, but his daughter-in-law is not good. You can scold Su Zhi. Don't scold Brother Zi'an."

"Oh, it's still called Brother Zi'an, so affectionate, and I'm not afraid that the dead woman will call the wolf to bite you!"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law said, then turned her eyes and said, "Of course, if you also become the hostess of the holy beast, then you may not know who the holy beast will bite."

Zhao Xiaohua blushed, took a bite of Dazhu's daughter-in-law, went to play with Tiedan, grabbed a piece of Tiedan's snack, and had fun while eating. Tiedan screamed.

When Zhao Daliang saw Zhao Xiaohua and a little baby grabbing food, he felt that she had no brain, and she felt that a family like Shen Zi'an was suitable for her. When Dazhu's daughter-in-law saw Zhao Xiaohua robbing her son's snacks, she couldn't scold her. She also wanted to let her be It's! ( To be continued) RQ