Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 155 Abduction

"Fourth brother, fourth sister-in-law, you are here! I'm making it easy for you!"

Shen Zhu came over as she spoke. She was still followed by the man in white just now. Seeing that she blushed, she thought she must have had a good time before coming here.

Su Zhi thought that this sister-in-law had not met her family for such a long time, and she still swayed with such a man, and her face was still so beautiful. It seemed that she like this man very much. She didn't know who this man was. Did she know him before, or by chance at this lantern party.

Shen Zi'an looked at Shen Zhu and didn't look good. He said, "As soon as there were too many people just now, it was chaotic again. Haven't you seen your fifth brother after so long? Do you know this man?

As soon as Su Zhi heard Shen Zi'an's words, she thought that it was not Shen Zi'an who gave Shen Zhu to this man to take care of, and Shen Zi'an didn't know this person. Then Shen Zhu could still talk to this person with such a blush. She really admired Shen Zhu in her heart. She thought that she was Don't be afraid. It's really great. It seems that she wants to fish for a golden turtle son-in-law. If she meets such a thing, it's still a good thing!

The smile on Shen Zhu's face finally put away and said, "I've been looking for you, but I didn't find it. I'm also very anxious. Fortunately, this gentleman has been with me all the time. He helped me deal with those bad people before. He is really a good man. Although I don't know him, he just knows who I am as soon as I say where I live. It turns out that he knows my brother.

"Cousin, why are you here?"

The man in white originally wanted to introduce himself, but he saw Liang Fu standing inside. Liang Fu just stood in the back and didn't see the man in white. Now when he saw him, he also smiled.

"Cousin, of course I'm here to watch the lanterns. I also met the father-in-law who saved me and my mother on the day I told you about. This is Brother Shen.

Liang Fu said to the man in white pointing to Shen Zi'an.

The man in white quickly arched his hand to Shen Zi'an and said, "It turned out that you saved my aunt and cousin at that time. Qian Guang is here. Thank you very much."

Su Zhi smiled in her heart and thought that this person was the son of the big money family, called Qian Guang. I don't know if there is anything called Forward. Or another one with more money? However, when she thought about it, she couldn't laugh again. This person knew Shen Ziju, and now he has a relationship with Shen Zhu, so the reputation of her father-in-law can't escape. Anyway, Liang Fu is the cousin of the Qian family.

Shen Zi'an arched his hand and said, "Where is it? Thank you for your help. Didn't you also save my little sister? Even if it's even, don't mention it anymore.

Qian Guang smiled and said, "Brother Shen is really cheerful. I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence today. I not only met Ziju's sister, but also Ziju's fourth brother, and Shen's fourth brother is also the kindness of my cousin. What a coincidence.

Liang Fu also smiled and said, "It's really a coincidence."

Shen Zi'an didn't speak, and Su Zhi didn't. She thought to herself that she had always wanted Shen Zi'an to avoid Miss Liang, but she didn't. This kind of coincidence is really not what she wants to see. She looked at the smiling Qian Guang and Liang Fu in front of her, and the blushing Shen Zhu. She felt that it was not a good thing for Shen Zhu to meet this Qian Guang. When she and Shen Zi'an met Liang Fu, they seemed to have stepped into darkness. I hope it was just a kind of The wild thoughts of life.

Because Shen Zhu is here, Shen Zi'an of course can't leave with Su Zhi. They have to accompany Shen Zhu to find the Shen family before leaving. So several people walked together and looked for Shen Ziju while looking at the lantern. This time, they didn't look for a long time. In less than a quarter of an hour, they met Shen Ziju.

As soon as Shen Ziju saw Shen Zhu and found that she and Shen Zi'an were together, he was immediately relieved.

Qian Guang and Shen Ziju greeted each other. Shen Ziju heard that Qian Guang helped Shen Zhu and thanked Qian Guang. My parents didn't come out this time. It was he who took Shen Zhu out to see the lanterns, if he lost his sister. If she is good or bad, it will be difficult for him to explain.

"Zi Ju, since you have met, please come to my house for a drink. Fourth brother Shen, you and your fourth sister-in-law also go. My aunt has been talking about your life-saving grace these days. If I see you, I will be very happy.

Qian Guang said enthusiastically that he was very heroic, but it was not annoying.

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi didn't want to go, but Qian Guang and Liang Fu were invited, and Shen Ziju and Shen Zhu also helped to persuade. In the end, the two had to say that they had to drive an ox cart and had to take a lot of people back, which excused their repeated invitations.

"Brother Shen, Sister Zhao, since you have something to do today, my mother and I will come to thank you another day."

Liang Fu said that her eyes fell from Shen Zi'an's face to Su Zhi's face. She looked very sincere. Even Su Zhi began to suspect that she was really a villain's heart to save the gentleman's belly. She thought that maybe this young lady was really just a person who knew kindness, so she wanted to repay her kindness and didn't

"My father-in-law, I didn't expect you to save a person who knew Yongquan's reward so much. I was wondering if she would marry you if you hadn't got married yet."

Su Zhi watched Liang Fu and others disappear, took Shen Zi'an's hand, and said to him, look at Shen Zi'an's reaction. Seeing that Shen Zi'an's expression did not change, she smiled happily. She liked the way her father-in-law did not change his face to face other beauties, because he only showed tender This kind of treatment will make her feel that she is very precious, and she will be very happy in her heart.

Shen Zi'an looked at her and said, "Even if I'm not married, I won't like her."

Shen Zi'an told the truth. At the beginning, he married Zhao Xiaomei, only because it was the marriage contract left to him by his mother, so he married. Even if he didn't like it, he would bear the responsibility. But later he fell in love with his daughter-in-law, because Su Zhi really made him feel the feeling of home. He had a feeling that if that person was not Su Zhi, no matter how good a woman, he would not have that feeling of home. He would not just look at a person with a warm feeling. Therefore, even if a daughter wants to marry him, he will not marry him.

Su Zhi nodded. She thought to herself that she was really careless. That Miss Liang is a daughter. This time, she came to the big Qian family. I don't know what's going on. Even if she came to the Qian family, she came from a good background. She was both talented and beautiful. How could she marry a farmer, and she was The farmer of her wife, so she really doesn't have to think too much about it. Because she regards Shen Zi'an as a treasure, she feels that others will come to grab it, but she should also think about this era. Liang Fu and Shen Zi'an are simply impossible.

Thinking of this, Su Zhi's mood immediately recovered.

"My father-in-law, I'm hungry."

Su Zhi said to Shen Zi'an, looking at him with a coquettish tone and shining eyes.

Shen Zi'an liked Su Zhi to call him his father-in-law. As soon as he heard that she was hungry, he immediately took her to find a place to eat.

"There seems to be a restaurant in front of it that makes soup cakes. It's delicious. Let's eat there."

Shen Zi'an took Su Zhi's hand and said as he walked. As he walked through an alley, Su Zhi suddenly saw a man holding a child in his hand. The posture of holding the child was very wrong, and he seemed to hear a very dull sound, as if someone had been covered his mouth. It's making a sound.

"Zi'an, there was a strange man in the alley just now. He was holding a little baby. The man didn't dress well, but the little boy seemed to be wearing silk clothes.

Su Zhi immediately said to Shen Zi'an that she felt as if she had encountered a crutch. She thought so because she had seen the Dream of Red Mansions many times before. Yinglian in it was abducted like this. She was very sympathetic to Yinglian. In addition, when she came, Shen Zi'an also said that she would sometimes lose her baby and even a good-looking woman at the lantern party, so she naturally thought of it all of a sudden. As long as there is this possibility, she will not hide it. She hates this kind of abduction the most, because it changes people's lives!

Shen Zi'an immediately stopped as soon as he heard it. He looked at the alley and wanted to go in, but when he saw Su Zhi, he was in a dilemma. Just now, he just went to help Shen Zhu, so he left Su Zhi, and she was squeezed out. Now this is a more dangerous thing. How can he leave her? How can she go on an adventure with her?

Su Zhi looked at Shen Zi'an and immediately understood what he was thinking. She pulled him to the alley and said, "I'm fine. Let's see if it's important for the baby to be abducted!"

However, before entering the alley, Su Zhi put two lanterns aside, then picked up the two sticks next to the alley and gave Shen Zi'an one, and she took one.

"Zi'an, you have to be careful."

Su Zhi is not worried about herself, but worried about Shen Zi'an. She wants to save people, but she doesn't want to catch up with Shen Zi'an. This kind of psychology is really contradictory. Finally, she wanted to save people first. She had a spring water fairy lotus in her hand, which was estimated to be no danger, and Shen Zi'an could also punch and be strong.

Shen Zi'an nodded and ran in front of him. His voice was very soft, like a cat, and Su Zhi's footsteps were lighter. Following him, the two entered the alley.

The alley was not very long. He walked inside for a while, and then turned to both sides. With his intuition of hunting for many years, Shen Zi'an moved in one direction, and Su Zhi also followed.

After walking for a while, I saw a small door inside, which seemed to be a back door.

Shen Zi'an asked Su Zhi to stop. He put down the original stick and took two steps aside. His feet jumped up, and his hands were already on the wall. Then Shen Zi'an stepped on the wall and slowly walked a few steps forward, so that he could see the scene in the yard. ( To be continued) RQ