Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 165 Sun's idea

Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an looked at each other and thought that there was really no mistake in guessing. Shen Zhu really wanted to choose Yu Niang, but if she wanted to go, she would go. What did she do with them?

Shen Zi'an asked, "Second brother, did you hear it? What did your parents ask us to do?"

Shen Zigui said, "I didn't hear this. I also heard the third daughter-in-law talking about Yu Niangniang, so I thought that it might be for this. I really don't know anything else."

Shen Zi'an nodded and said to Su Zhi, "Daughter-in-law, let's go and have a look."

Su Zhi said to the white wolf, then led Yueyue's hand, called Xiao Ri and Xing'er, and went out with Shen Zi'an.

Before she arrived at Shen's house, she saw Dazhu's daughter-in-law. She saw Shen Zi'an and others. She came over with a smile, blocked the way of several people, and said loudly, "Brother Zi'an, sister, I heard that the three children of your family were selected by Li to be boys and girls for the Congratulations to you. This is a great thing. It's a good thing to raise face and have money. It's a pity that my iron egg is too old, or I can be a boy. Yueyue, come here and let the aunt touch it. Look at how watery this little face is. Why didn't I have the luck to pick up such a beautiful little girl? If you pick it up, you can be my iron egg as my daughter-in-law. Yueyue, do you think my iron egg is good? Will you be his daughter-in-law?

Yueyue took a step back and didn't let Dazhu's daughter-in-law touch her face. She blinked and said, "Iron egg is holding my hair. I don't want to be his daughter-in-law!"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law laughed and laughed more than a thousand ducks. She narrowed her eyes and said, "My iron egg likes you, so he picks your hair. If he doesn't like you, he won't even pay attention to you. I won't ask him to take your hair. Let him help you beat those little boys who take your hair in the future. If you treat him as your daughter-in-law and aunt gives you delicious food, you can be my daughter-in-law. All right?"

Shen Zi'an and others frowned when they heard this. Thinking that the daughter-in-law of Dazhu coaxed a little girl in front of them, what is this going to do? Although Yueyue is still young, if she shouts out that Yueyue wants to be his daughter-in-law, it's not good.

Su Zhi picked up Yueyue and said, "Sister-in-law, my Yueyue is still young. Don't tell her this, and she doesn't understand. If your son is in a hurry to get a daughter-in-law, please find a matchmaker.

When Dazhu's daughter-in-law saw Su Zhi's stiff face, she thought she was angry. I can only put down my heart first and say, "I'm just watching Yueyue's love and teasing her. Girl, don't be stiff-faced."

Su Zhi snorted and said, "My Yueyue can't be so funny. If you play with her like this again, don't talk to her in the future. Don't talk to us anymore. We are not used to teasing.

Dazhu's daughter-in-law was speechless and laughed there. She just looked at the water spirit of this month. Her son liked it very much. She was adopted by Su Zhi. Although she was not Su Zhi's biological daughter, she also loved it. Thinking that if I could get over, wouldn't I have a kiss with Shen Zi'an? It's a pity that Su Zhi is tough now, and she doesn't pay attention to her at all. She doesn't want to steal chickens and lose rice.

"Iron Egg Girl. What are you doing outside? Come back, Tiedan wants to get up from the kang again!"

Zhao Dazhu shouted when he was in the yard.

"It's coming, it's coming! This baby, it's still windy outside. What are you running for? If he gets sick again, his family will have no money to give him medicine!"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law shouted at the yard, turned around and said to Su Zhi, "Girl, if your three children are selected, you should remember to send wedding candy. This is a big happy event!"

Su Zhi watched Dazhu's daughter-in-law fly back to the yard. I thought to myself that even if my child became a boy and girl, there would be no need to send wedding candy. This Dazhu's daughter-in-law really doesn't care about other people's families. In this way, I still want to let other people's families make some money. It's really annoying to see each other.

Yueyue asked, "Mother, why can't the iron egg lay the kang?"

"Because Tiedan is not in good health and it's windy outside, if he comes out to run around, he will get sick."

Su Zhi said patiently to Yueyue, thinking that this iron egg has been fished up since it fell into the ice hole in winter. Although he picked up his life, his body bone was not good. At that time, if Dazhu's daughter-in-law hadn't wanted to rely on their house, she wouldn't mind using some lotus pollen for Tiedan, but because of that, she had never used lotus pollen for Tiedan one more time. That child is not a bad boy. Although he is still naughty now, he is very intimate when he sees them.

Su Zhi thought that if the iron egg's body is always not well recuptated, he will treat him when he has the opportunity. If the adult is wrong, he can't always let the child be hurt, not to mention a good child.

"Fourth brother, fourth brother and sister, you are here, come in!"

Wang stood in front of the door and waved to Shen Zi'an and his wife. Just standing in the yard, she heard the voice of Dazhu's daughter-in-law and came out and saw Dazhu's daughter-in-law go in.

"Today, Mrs. Li came to their house. It was about the boy and girl that Mrs. Li told them. I also heard her say that she would let her little flower also choose Yu Niang. Her little flower is not as good as our Pearl.

Wang Shi and Su Zhiguan walked in line, saying that now the relationship between Wang Shi and Su Zhi is ordinary, not very intimate, but it is definitely not far away. If it is too close, she will not say it, but she will also find something to say. Like now, she will talk about Mrs. Li. Of course, she said that she also had her selfishness in this matter. She didn't want Zhao Xiaohua to be the Empress Yu. She wanted Shen Zhu to go. If a woman in this person's family becomes Yu Niangniang, not only the girl herself will be praised, but also other women in the girl's family will be praised.

Just like those girls who were selected to be the Empress Yu in the past, those who have a marriage contract will be valued in the past, and those who do not have a marriage contract will be stepped through the threshold by the matchmaker, and those who come to ask for a job are all good people. Even other girls in those girls's family will be favored. Others will think that the family of a girl who can choose Yu Niang must be a good family, and other girls are not bad. If they can't grab the girls who pretend to be Yu Niang, they will choose those sisters, or even nieces.

All the things Wang heard about have married to good families.

Wang thought that if Shen Zhu became the Empress Yu, her two daughters would naturally be able to follow her. Naturally, she didn't want Zhao Xiaohua or others to be elected. And she knew that this time her parents called Shen Zi'an and his wife over for this matter. Of course, she had to talk to Su Zhi and let her know the situation.

Su Zhi had heard about this from Shen Zigui for a long time. Now that she heard Wang's words, she is sure that she came to them for the Rain Festival. I don't know what they are going to do to make them do. Do you still want them to praise Shen Zhu as Yu Niang? They don't have that much ability.

"Sister-in-law is right. Pearl is really good and very suitable to be Yu Niang."

Su Zhi said to Wang that now the Shen family wants Shen Zhu to be Yu Niangniang, and she naturally won't say the opposite. What's more, she thinks that Shen Zhu is still good, good-looking, and literate, and the female worker seems to be good. Compared with those Yu Niangniang who have heard of it, it seems to be the same. She has no idea about Shen Zhu being the Empress Yu. If she is selected, it will naturally be good. If she is not selected, it will not do harm to them. Now she only cares about what Shen Youfu and Shen Zi'an are asking her to do.

Su Zhi's words were heard by Sun Shi, who came out of the side of the room, and said with a smile, "Yo, the fourth sister-in-law is good. Pearl must be the mother of the rain. And I heard that the three little dolls in your family are going to be sent to be boys and girls? This is really a good thing. Fourth sister-in-law, I have something to discuss with you, and please agree.

Su Zhi asked, "What's the matter?"

Sun said, "It's not a big deal, but can you let my family Goro also be that boy?"

Su Zhi raised her eyebrows and said, "Sister-in-law, I don't understand what you said. This boy is not what I said to be whoever I want. If Goro wants to be a boy, he should go to Li Zheng, not me.

Sun Shi hurriedly said, " Li Zheng said that each village can only push six children to be selected for others, and Li Zheng has already chosen good people. I think you went to three as soon as you went. Does it take up a little more people? Why don't you give up a seat and give us Goro!"

Su Zhi thought to herself that it was Sun's idea. What she thought was really easy. Even if she asked one of the little stars not to go and let Goro go, Li Zheng would not agree. Even if Li Zheng agreed, Goro would definitely not be able to choose. Anyone who has seen Goro, who doesn't know that Goro is always sick and always so shrived. How can he be a boy? Sun really regards her son as a golden boy.

Dalang said with a smile, "Sonie, your Goro's little body falls down as soon as the wind blows. You can't be a boy. I'm sure you can't choose it. You'd better not think so."

Sun Shi stared at Dalang and said, "Nonsense, my Goro is good-looking. Why can't I choose it? You don't have anything to say here. Let's go."

Wang snorted and pulled Dalang away. She didn't want to get involved in the trouble of the third and fourth rooms.

Sun said to Shen Zi'an with a smile, "Fourth brother, you have promised the third sister-in-law. Your third brother and third sister-in-law always get sick from time to time. If Wulang can become a boy, maybe it will bring blessings, and our bodies will be better. You are your third brother's brother, don't you expect him to get better? The third sister-in-law knows that you are different from before. Your family is rich and has holy beasts. As long as you say a word, others will give you face. You will definitely let Goro be a boy. You can help the third brother and third sister-in-law!" ( To be continued) RQ