Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 203 Sweet potatoes can also make money all over the world

The breath of spring is getting thicker and thicker. The green has been piece by piece. The light green on the willows on both sides of the river in the riverside village has begun to become deeper. From small buds to small tender leaves, the ice in the river has long melted. The river is slowly flowing, showing full of vitality, and Small wild vegetables, as well as some small wildflowers, purple and white, are just sporadic, but they also make people happy to see them.

Today is the second day of Liu Siniang's marriage. It was not until almost noon that Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an took the three children to Li Shi's house.

Liu Siniang opened the door. In Su Zhi's house these days, Su Zhi did not deliberately use Lingquan Xianlian for her. She just let her eat and sleep normally, and let her wash her face with rice washing water every day. Finally, Liu Siniang's dry and irritable face regained some good color. Now although she looks thin But it looks much better than before. Seeing Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an, there was a smile on her face. The smile with some shame and joy made her face more vivid.

Su Zhi looked at Liu Siniang's smile and wanted to see that she was very happy now.

"Su Zhi, brother Zi'an, come in quickly."

Liu Siniang said hello and reached out to pull three dolls. These days, she lives in the Shen family. She has a very good relationship with these three dolls, thinking about when to give birth to such a baby.

Li Shi was chopping firewood in the yard. When he saw them coming in, he looked up and smiled and said, "You sit down for a while. I'll finish my work. We'll have dinner in a minute."

This is what Li Shi agreed. The day after the marriage, he asked Shen Zi'an and his family to come home for lunch. Thank them for taking care of Liu Siniang these days, and thank them for helping them get married. Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi were naturally rude, so they came with the dolls.

Shen Zi'an was talking with Li Shi, and the three children were playing around in the yard. Liu Siniang pulled Su Zhi into the room.

Li Shi's house has not been built for a long time, but because he just wanted to have a place to live, and the money was not too much. It's not well built. The house is very short. After Su Zhi entered, she saw that the house was cleaned up. It's really different from before. It's better to have a woman at home. Liu Siniang is capable, and Li Shi is a person who loves people. The two of them will live together, and it will get better and better.

Su Zhi asked something about Liu Siniang after she got married, but she was not the kind of person who likes to tease people. She asked some thoughtful words, and Liu Siniang answered generously. Su Zhi nodded when she saw that she had adapted well. Marrying Li Shi was Liu Siniang's own choice, but she helped her. She hoped that the two would be happy, not to find it inappropriate to get married. Su Zhi thought that she was really not suitable to be a matchmaker.

"Aunt Liu, Aunt Liu, Uncle Stone said that you are going to build a big house. Is it true? I'll help you then. My mother's picture is beautiful. I can also draw. I will draw a beautiful big house for Aunt Liu.

Yueyue ran in and said to Liu Siniang.

Liu Siniang picked up Yueyue with a smile and said, "Okay, Yueyue drew a big house for Aunt Liu."

Su Zhi asked Xiao Ri and Xing'er to sit on the edge of the kang and asked Liu Siniang, "Speaking of this house. Our family also needs to repair the garden, and we will find someone at that time. It's better to help you build the house first, and then we will do our work. I'm here to help you. It's very tiring to build a house.

"Brother Stone said that he didn't want to take care of the meal. Just like you did last year, he paid for the salary, and the meal was included. At that time, he would find the people in the village to go back to eat, or bring the meal here. It's very convenient."

"That's also good. I don't have to be tired of cooking, and I don't know who has a lot of food and who has a small amount of food, so I don't have to cook too much or leftovers."

The two women in the room were talking. Outside, Shen Zi'an and Li Shi also talked about the house. Li Shi said that they would start work after the Rain Festival. Shen Zi'an asked if there was enough money to get some from him.

"Enough, I originally had a few taels of silver in my hand. Later, I sold tigers with you and did business together. The current silver money in my hand is enough to build a big house. Just stamp it according to the drawing drawn by my sister-in-law last time. These houses will not be demolished, and then they will be like you, as a place to raise cattle and pigs.

Li Shi said that it turned out that he was not so enthusiastic about building a big house, because he didn't care so much about getting married. It's enough to have a place to live alone, but now that he has married a wife, he is the person he cares about very much, and he wants her to live a good life. Especially in the original life of Liu Siniang, he wanted her to be able to raise her head and walk in this village. So having money and having a big house is the first priority.

Shen Zi'an said, "Brother Stone, just think about it. At that time, ask Brother Li Qing and Brother Shugen to build a house and make furniture for you. The two of them are better now."

"I told them, and they all answered. By the way, the Zhao family also wanted to build a house, and also found the tree root brother, but the tree root did not respond.

Li Shi said that he knew that Shen Shugen pushed Zhao Daliang not only because he wanted to build a house for him, but also because he looked down on Zhao Daliang.

Shen Zi'an naturally knew that Zhao Daliang now had money, and it had something to do with Zhang Qingniang. People in the village spread that Zhang Qingniang had money, which made Zhao Daliang abandon his wife. It's just that since they are so rich, why don't they move to the town or county, but build a house in this riverside village? Zhao Daliang has been doing business outside the past few years. It's easier for him to do business when he goes to a prosperous place, right?

Li Shi put down the axe, stood up, took the firewood into the room, and said, "Who knows, I'm also wondering. If they leave, they won't be bored to see it. But if they don't leave, they won't leave, and we won't be afraid of him. Let them watch us live a good life, which is a venting.

"Brother Stone is right. Let them watch us live a good life."

Shen Zi'an said that since he married his daughter-in-law, life has been getting better and better. Now even Brother Stone has married his daughter-in-law and wants to build a big house, which is really reassuring.

At noon, Su Zhi occupied the Li family's kitchen. She cooked and only let Liu Siniang fight aside. It was not that she thought her cooking was delicious. She just wanted Liu Siniang to have more rest. This wedding night was too stingy. She felt that Liu Siniang seemed to be weak. She stared at Liu Siniang so much. Liu Siniang was embarrassed and refused to rest, so she could only let her do it.

Yesterday, the dishes at the banquet were brought home by the good people who came to the banquet. Even if Su Zhi and others didn't mind eating leftovers, they didn't have any. I can only make a new one. Fortunately, there are still some materials.

Finally, I made a small pot of stewed potatoes with meat, a small pot of roasted pork feet with soybeans, a plate of fried cabbage, and a plate of bean sprouts. There were still some steamed buns yesterday. It was hot, and four adults and three children ate them lively.

"Unfortunately, there are no vermicelli. If there are vermicelli, the cabbage will be delicious. Pork and cabbage vermicelli are delicious."

"Pink noodles? What is that?"

Li Shi asked, he knew that this sister-in-law would make a lot of delicious food. He was not a greedy person, but he wanted to eat it again every time he ate it. This vermicelli was said to be delicious, and he was interested when he heard it.

When Su Zhi saw several people looking at her, she wanted to say that it was okay. Anyway, she planned to make a fortune by relying on this. At that time, she and Shen Zi'an would definitely be too busy. Li Shi and Liu Siniang are capable and practical people, more reliable than those brothers of the Shen family. Of course, they should Give them a breeze first. Let them have a good expectation for the future.

"When I was in the nunnery, I met a great man. I learned a lot of things from him. This vermicelli is the same thing he taught me. It's made of sweet potatoes or potatoes.

Su Zhi has now begun to call sweet potatoes and potatoes back to her real names. She feels that the name is still kind, and it is said that the master calls it like that, and no one else will say anything.

"The vermicelli is a little hard and slightly transparent. It looks like noodles. It can be put aside for a long time without bad. When you want to eat it, put it in water and it will be soft. It's delicious to cook. In winter, stewed with cabbage can make the cabbage more delicious."

"Mother, mother, I want to eat vermicelli!"

Yueyue's saliva was about to flow out. She really wanted to eat the vermicelli, although there was still a large piece of meat in her bowl.

Shen Zi'an and others have the same idea. They have never seen this kind of thing called vermicelli. Just hearing that the vermicelli can be put for a long time, they think it is very good.

"Can sweet potatoes and potatoes be made? These two things are miscellaneous grains, which are not too expensive. If you make vermicelli, you can make a lot of money.

Li Shi has been out for a few years. As soon as he heard Su Zhi talk about this vermicelli, he thought of making it and selling it.

Su Zhi nodded and said, "It can be stored for a long time, and it is good luck. It can be sold to many places. As long as we have enough manpower, it is no problem to sell it to the whole country. The most important thing is that if you don't say what it is made, no one else can guess, let alone how it is done. It may be a little difficult for others to imitate it.

"That is to say, we are the only one in the world who can make this... vermicelli?"

Liu Siniang's eyes widened and said, "How much money can you make?"

Su Zhi smiled and said, "Of course, it's making money all over the world. However, as the saying goes, if this thing makes money, it will definitely attract others, so we will also find a backer at that time.

Shen Zi'an held Su Zhi's hand and said, "Don't worry, there will be a way."

"There will be a way. I'll say this now. We all think about who is better to find as a partner. We must be able to keep this way to make money. Don't be in a hurry. We still have time. After all, it's the best time when sweet potatoes are ripe. RQ