Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 211 Don't mention drugs in the future

Su Zhi mourned for Zhao Xiaohua in her heart. Thinking that she wanted to be Yu Niangniang so much, she originally wanted to be a beauty, but now she has made a fool of himself. In case this year's God doesn't give face, and there is really a big drought, she will be really in trouble. Such a Yu Niang

A few years ago, the girl who pretended to be the Rain Lady accidentally went out of the bad pool. As a result, she happened to catch up with a lot of heavy rains and reduced crop production. The girl was pointed out. Not only did she not get any glory, but she was also blamed. In the end, even the family who booked the marriage withdrew

Yu Niangniang is naturally beautiful. Some Yu Niang Niang will be favored because of this identity. In her mother-in-law's family, it is good in the eyes of all outsiders. This is their blessing, the blessing that every girl wants. However, if there is any difference in the middle of this ceremony, it will be blamed. Because this situation is rare, people will not be afraid of these things. Moreover, people are like this. They will always think that they will not be so unlucky and think that they should be blessed. Naturally, there are still too many people who want to be Yu Niangniang.

Zhao Xiaohua is like this. Unfortunately, her life is not good. She became Yu Niang with twists and turns, and in the end, she ended up the same as that girl.

Su Zhi thought that there hasn't been a rain since this year. People are afraid that there will be a drought, but Zhao Xiaohua came out of this gap at this time. It seems that she is really going to die.

"Is she all right?"

Su Zhi asked, she definitely didn't care in her heart, and she also carried some small disasters and joys. The Zhao family hated her so much, especially Zhao Xiaohua's proud appearance after becoming Yu Niang. It's really sympathetic. However, this is related to the request for rain. If something really happens to Zhao Xiaohua, it is not a good thing that the ceremony of worshipping the Empress Yu can't continue. Su Zhi also hopes it will rain.

Shen Zi'an shook his head and said, "I think it's okay. I want to take the dolls out. Look at them without hesitation, and there are many crowded people next to her.

"Please send the boy and girl back. It's time to continue!"

Several people came over and said to Shen Zi'an that they were all wearing the same clothes. They were the people walking in front of the float. They looked at the big dog standing next to Su Zhi. He stared, raised the stick in his hand and hit it over. They really hate the dog for ruining the ceremony.

The dog barked twice, turned around and ran away.

Su Zhi thought to herself that the dog had looked at her just now. It seemed that she was reluctant to bear the smell of the spiritual spring on her body. She didn't hate this big dog in her heart. Think about it and don't let people catch it.

Those people chased after a while and stopped chasing.

On the rainy day, it is not fun to kill. Although the dog ruined the ceremony, it did not bite anyone. They don't want to continue to delay for the dog.

Shen Zi'an put down Yueyue and let her go back to the flower cart with Xiao Ri Xinger.

The three dolls ran towards the wagon hand in hand.

"Brother, is this dog yours?"

The man asked Shen Zi'an just now. He saw that the dog was too affectionate to Su Zhi. Thinking that if this is their dog, when someone asks for sin, he can also push out some responsibility. He can't do anything to the dog. Can't he do anything to people? If this dog is a wild dog, forget it, if it is a domestic dog. Then after today, I will catch it back and destroy the ceremony. The dog should be slaughtered.

Shen Zi'an said, "This is not my dog. There are many people from our village. You can ask."

Some villagers in the riverside village next to them immediately said that this was not Shen Zi'an's dog. Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi were very popular in the village now, and they were willing to help talk.

At this time, I saw Zhao Xiaohua being helped into the florgage again, and the florgage moved forward again.

When I arrived at the riverside village, I saw many villagers standing at the top of the village. They stayed there for a while. After a lively time, they set off again.

Although it didn't stay for a long time, the people in Riverside Village soon knew that something had happened on the road just now. One by one, they all knew that Zhao Xiaohua had fallen from the car, and the villagers's faces were not good-looking. They could only silently pray to heaven not to bring disaster, and that that year's rain The natural disaster is just a coincidence.

Because they were going to the altar soon, the people in the riverside village also followed the floats. On the way, people whispered in groups, but in the end they didn't say anything. The more they said, the more uncertain they became.

When he arrived at the altar, Su Zhi looked at the process of that set and felt that people now really attached great importance to the Rain Festival. Look at how big this platform is built. It is not much smaller than the table on TV that is more than the dance and marriage. There is also an incense burner on it, with rich offerings. Men and women in Above the position, Yu Niangniang was burning incense and bowing, and behind a group of white and tender boys and girls, sometimes accompanied by gongs and drums.

Su Zhi didn't expect that the lively people on the scene would also kneel down, and in the end, they could only bow together.

It's also very tiring to survive, but those people can't eat, because there are still a few villages to go behind. After that, the ceremony is completed.

Su Zhi thought of her little steamed buns, and naturally wanted to move forward together, but at this time, there were fewer people behind her, all of them were tired, and some of them ran back to eat.

Su Zhi thought it was okay. She secretly stuffed the dried meat in the dolls' clothes, or she would starve them. This boy and girl was really hard to do.

After the end, the wagon had to rush back to the Tianshengyuan in the town, and then people changed their clothes there, received a reward, and had a rich meal prepared for them, so that they could go home. It was the same everywhere, and it was the same this year.

When it arrived at the Tiansheng Academy, it was already the application time in the afternoon. A group of people were tired like dehydrated vegetables, listless.

Su Zhi hugged Yueyue, who was coquettish in her arms, sadly. Although the little girl didn't have to walk, she was also tired. Those pieces of dried meat didn't seem to be enough for her to eat. She quickly took out another candy for her to eat, saying that she would have a meal soon. Look at Xiao Ri and Xing'er, it's the same, but the boy naturally won't be so coquettish. She also stuffed sugar into their mouths, thinking that she shouldn't let her child be this boy and girl in the future. This honor should be given to others.

Zhang Dafu, a big cashier, came. Although their faces were still mild, they lost the joy of the morning. From the way they looked at Zhao Xiaohua, they knew that they had known that Zhao Xiaohua had fallen into the carriage. However, they didn't say anything. This kind of thing is not glorious. If they say too much, it will only make the people panic, and it will also show that they did not choose Yu Niangniang's candidate, so this can only be exposed like this.

Zhao Xiaohua also tried her best to shrink herself up and was no longer as arrogant as in the morning.

Like in previous years, the food has been prepared, and everyone will be seated together. After eating and receiving the reward, they can disperse.

Qian Dahu and Zhang Dafu finished talking and left.

Su Zhi asked the people who stayed in Tianshengyuan. Knowing that Shen Zhu had been sent away, she sat with Shen Zi'an and the three dolls and ate happily, but they were all hungry.

Zhao Xiaohua's family left immediately after Shen Dahu and Zhang Dafu left. It seemed that they also knew that they had caused trouble this time and didn't want to be pointed out here.

Su Zhi heard that no one said about Zhao Xiaohua falling off the carriage. They were all talking about other things. I think people would not discuss this matter loudly. Just as she thought so, Sun Shi, who was sitting next to her, began to tell her about it. Although her voice was quite low, the people next to her could also hear it.

Sun kept counting how her Goro was pulled out of the carriage by Zhao Xiaohua. He said that he must not let her go back, at least let her pay some money. The reason was that her Goro was shocked. When he fell from the wagon, he must have less luck. He also persuaded Su Zhi to go with her, saying that Xiao Ri and others were also in the car.

Su Zhi was tired of hearing it and whispered a word in her ear. She immediately shut up and began to eat fiercely.

Su Zhi said that Wulang hit the dog. She didn't help Zhao Xiaohua, nor was she afraid that the Sun family would be humiliated, but she went to ask the Zhao family for money, and the Zhao family had to settle accounts with Wulang. At that time, if you really care about it, it will be better for Goro's fault. Wu Lang's fault is the fault of the Shen family. Shen Zi'an's family is also the Shen family. If there is a severe drought this year, maybe someone will blame the reason for the accident on this Rain Festival. She didn't want the Shen family to be involved.

Zhao Xiaohua sat in the carriage with a sad face and said aggrievedly, "Second sister-in-law, why am I so unlucky! Why did you fall off the florget? Now other people's eyes are wrong with me. You didn't see that Mr. Qian and Mr. Zhang's faces turned pale. You know, I don't want to be this Yu Niangniang. Let that Shen Zhu be gone. It's a waste of effort to let people drug her. If she is the one who fell out of the car, it would be better than letting me be Yu Niang!"

"Sister! Don't talk about the medicine in the future!"

Zhang Qingniang said hurriedly, took Zhao Xiaohua's hand and said, "If people know that we gave Shen Zhu the medicine, it will be troublesome. From now on, this matter will be rotten in your stomach. Don't mention it again.

Zhao Xiaohua said, "I just said it in front of our family, and I won't say it in front of outsiders. Sister-in-law, don't worry, although the matter is broken this time, I still thank you. Thank you for taking out that medicine. I looked at Shen Zhu's red envelope on her face and was very happy.

Zhang Qingniang said, "Thank you. You are Daliang's sister, my sister. We are a family." RQ