Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 228 Old lady Li buys land

Liang Fu said, "Shen Si Ge and Sister Zhao are both smart and kind people. Although they are a householder's family, they are worth intersecing with each other, not to mention that there are sacred beasts in their family."

Qian Guang nodded and thought of the holy beast, which can keep the holy beast at home, and the person who can make the holy beast close must be a blessed person.

"Cousin, you can tell your uncle about the holy beast, but don't be too loud."

"I know."

Qian Guang nodded. He thought that today's trip was really a great gain. He could see this holy beast he had heard of. He could imagine that they had holy beasts here, and they could be raised at home and not bite people at will. This was a great thing. He was thinking about how he could be in this matter. Get the biggest benefit.

Shen Zi'an dug a pond in his home and dug out a water eye. Because there were many people nearby at that time, almost everyone in the village knew that evening.

Everyone said this. They all said that Shen Zi'an's family was too lucky to buy a depression that could not be planted, but there was a water eye underneath. Now there is no need to worry about where to get water.

This countryman takes water very seriously and thinks that it is wealth. If there is a well in the family, it is also a family property. At first, people still think that if they farm there, they have to divert water outside, or they have to dig a well, and this well is not easy to dig. Some people are still thinking that they will be in trouble in the future. If they want to water the land, they have to carry water. How can they think that a water eye has been dug out in their homes, not a well. It's a pond!

This is really enviable and enviable.

When Dazhu's daughter-in-law saw Li Zheng, she said that he had sold the land cheaply. She said that such a good piece of land should cost more money. Li Zheng said that if you had money at that time, you would sell so much money to you.

Those who are jealous have nothing to say. Thinking that the land was really worthless at the beginning, Shen Zi'an and his family spent a few taels of silver and an acre of land to buy it, if they were to buy it. They won't buy it, let alone the idea of digging a pond. The depression will still be a depression.

Li Zheng looked at the water eye and felt that the sale of four taels of silver in this land really gave Shen Zi'an's family a big advantage, but he only thought about it and didn't feel that he was losing money. This place was not from his family. He thought that the pond was still dug by Su Zhi. I feel that Su Zhi is a blessed person. That night, she told her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law to get closer to Su Zhi in the future, so that she could get this blessing.

Aunt Jinhua and Zhao Feng naturally agreed. They had a good relationship with Su Zhi, but they were not as close as the tree root sister-in-law. Now that the head of the family says so, both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law think that they should get closer to Su Zhi in the future.

The next day, Aunt Jinhua and Zhao Feng took the son to Shen Zi'an's home.

After digging the spring, more people came to Su Zhi's house. They were all enthusiastically helping to work. Su Zhi really couldn't stop him. He said that he didn't want to pay, but only helped to work.

Of course, Su Zhi couldn't let others do it for nothing, and finally paid the salary. In this way, more people will come.

Shen Zi'an and his wife didn't say anything later. As long as they came to work, they would pay for the salary and cleaned up the garden as soon as possible, so that it was quiet.

Shen Zi'an's family is working hard. The Zhao family is much quieter.

Zhao Daliang's family also turned over the house well this time, and it was expanded on the open space next to and behind, and the built yard was also excellent.

Zhao Xiaohua and Mrs. Li are quite satisfied with this house. They feel that it is no worse than Shen Zi'an's house. It's just that when they think that Shen Zi'an's family has such a big garden, they feel that they can't compare with it. Now when they hear that the pond in the garden actually digs and

"Sister-in-law, can't we also have a big garden at home? At that time, you can also dig a pond, plant lotus flowers in it, and plant osmanthus flowers next to it. At that time, you can enjoy the lotus flowers, and you can also watch the osmanthus while watching the moon. How elegant is that?

Zhao Xiaohua said, thinking about the beautiful scenery of the moonlight and shadow, and her face was intoxicated.

Zhang Qingniang picked up the tea bowl and covered the sarcastic smile at the corners of her mouth with the tea bowl. She thought to herself that this little sister-in-law was really an insatiable master. She spent money to build a big house for the family, and she felt that she was too small. Why didn't she say that all

"Sister, I also want such a garden, but do you think there is any place in our house?"

When Zhang Qingniang put down the tea bowl, the sarcastic smile at the corners of her mouth disappeared, but a very calm face.

To the west of the Zhao family is the river, the front is the family, and the east and the back are also the family. Most importantly, behind them is the road to the bridge to the east of the river, and there is no way to occupy the land here.

"Sister-in-law, why don't you give some money to the family in front of you and let them move out?"

Zhao Xiaohua thought for a moment and came up with an idea. The road behind can't be blocked, and the garden must be bigger in the front and better, so let the people in the front and the east move away, so that they can make room for them to repair the garden? In Zhao Xiaohua's heart, the neighbors in front of her house and in the east are all poor. The house in the house is going to collapse. It's not worth a few taels of silver at all. Give them a few taels of silver and let them move, right?

Zhang Qingniang thought that this sister-in-law wanted to marry a rich family. What she was thinking in her mind was really something that a rich family could do. In her heart, is it so easy to let her move?

Mrs. Li has been listening. At this time, she also interrupted and said, "Qing Niang, your sister said this is a good idea. Let them move, buy their land, and expand the garden. We can't let Shen Zi'an's family be suppressed. You are also dressed in your hometown, and there is a lot of money. Then it should be regarded as the first part of our riverside village. How can it be suppressed by those couple? They are just mud legs, and you have done a big deal outside!"

Zhang Qingniang rolled her eyes in her heart, thinking that this old woman really has no eyes. Are Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi ordinary mud legs? She, who has seen the world outside, doesn't think that the couple are rustic. Not to mention that Shen Zi'an's heroic spirit is not like an ordinary farmer, she said that Su Zhi is white, white and tender, speaks refreshingly, and behaves generously, which is not much worse than some of the ladies and famous nobles she has seen outside, even Wearing a cloth coat, there is also a sense of momentum when you stand there.

Zhang Qingniang wants not to be Liu Siniang's business. She really wants to get close to Su Zhi. Unfortunately, Liu Siniang and Su Zhi are deeply in love. Liu Siniang and Li are still watching by Su Zhi. She is close, and she will be looked at by the white eye if she is not She doesn't look for the uncomfortable one. She just wants to spend some time and maybe find an opportunity to ease the relationship. She has always thought that multiple enemies are not as good as many friends.

"Mom, if you have a way to let the neighbors in front of and next to our house move, I will pay money to expand the garden."

Zhang Qingniang said that although she thought that her mother-in-law and sister-in-law were not distressed to spend her money, and she was very tired of it, she also thought that it was time to expand the garden, especially after hearing that Su Zhi's family had a water eye. The reason why she and Zhao Daliang have money and don't go to the town and county to buy a house to live is because they think this is a feng shui treasure and think that they can make a lot of money by living here. Now Shen Zi'an's family also lives in the east of the river. They have made a lot of money and have dug

Does Zhang Qingniang think it's because their place here is not big enough? In that case, let's expand the garden. Anyway, it's not a loss to have more land.

Zhao Xiaohua immediately smiled like a flower and said, "Sister-in-law, you are so kind. Don't worry, if the garden is expanded, you will be satisfied."

Mrs. Li also looked at Zhang Qingniang and thought that this daughter-in-law was rich and obedient, but she was much better than Liu Siniang. She didn't expect that Liu Siniang was also very obedient at the beginning, and all the work outside the family was done by her.

"I'm going to ask them to buy their land."

Mrs. Li stood up happily and shouted loudly, "Joy! Come with me! Where did you die? If you don't come out, I'll beat you to death and sell you!"

A girl ran in in a panic, was pinched twice by Mrs. Li, shouted twice in pain, and then helped Mrs. Li go out in Mrs. Li's scolding.

Zhao Xiaohua also followed, and she also wanted to help her mother buy those lands. She wanted a big garden.

Zhang Qingniang watched the mother and daughter leave and shook her head. She thought that Zhao Daliang could still take action. His mother and sister were really funny. She married into the Zhao family, built a big house, and bought a subordinate. They adapted quickly, but unfortunately, they were not like the masters of a large family at all. They put on airs every day. It was completely the posture of a local rich man. It was really a disgrace to her. But forget it. Anyway, this is the countryside. If it's vulgar, it's vulgar.

Zhang Qingniang went back to the room, sat in **, looked at **'s pillow embroidered with a boy playing lotus, thinking that it would be good if she had a baby soon. With a baby, her life would be stable.

Old Mrs. Li and Zhao Xiaohua happily went to find someone to buy the land under her house. As a result, before she said the price, she would not sell it.

"Why don't you sell it? We can offer a good price and let you go to the west of the village to build a better house than this! Don't you like it? You don't want the lion to open its mouth, do you? Let me tell you, if that's the case, we won't be fooled. You can continue to live in your shabby house!"

Mrs. Li said, thinking that it was someone who wanted to knock on her money, but the answer she heard surprised her. She never thought it would be like this. ( Welcome to your support, which is my greatest motivation.) RV