Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 237 Losing Money

Shen Zhang suddenly said this. She looked at Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi with a smile on her face, as if she was very happy, let alone a little too excited.

Everyone in the Shen family looked at Shen Zhang, but looking at her happy and excited look, although she was a little surprised because she opened her mouth and asked Shen Zi'an for money, she figured it out in an instant, thinking that she was too happy. Yes, Shen Ziju has been a scholar. Their Shen family can finally take another step forward from the agriculture of Shi Nong Industry and Commerce and become a scholar. Now Shen Ziju has just become a scholar and has been favored by so many people. This shows that there is more hope to make progress in the future. That's a greater honor. At this time, Shen Zhang It's reckless.

You should know that Shen Zhang used to take good care of Shen Zi'an in order to make an image of a kind stepmother in front of the people in the village. Of course, the money earned by Shen Zi'an at that time was also attributed to the public, and she would not come forward because she asked Shen Zi'an for money.

Later, Shen Zi'an divided his family. Even if she asked for money, it was Shen Youfu who came forward. She had always been the woman standing behind Shen Youfu. Sometimes someone said that Shen Youfu told Shen Youfu not to treat Shen Zi'an badly.

All this has made Shen Zhang's impression that Shen Zi'an, who is not his own son, takes good care of Shen Zi'an, in the eyes of everyone in the riverside village. Not only those outsiders, but also some people in the Shen family will feel that Shen Zhang's family is really good to Shen Zi'an. Because of this, they just looked at Shen Zhang's family and were a little surprised because she asked Shen Zi'an for money. Looking at her happy and selfless look, they naturally thought that she was too happy, so they didn't care that Shen Zi'an was not her own son, and left their face to ask Shen Zi'an for money.

Su Zhi looked at Shen Zhang's expression, and then at the expression of the Shen family beside her. The surprise in her heart also dissipated, and she was a little impressed by her. She thought that if Shen Zhang was acting, she was really a smart person. Even the autumn wind is so natural. It doesn't make people think she's too much.

When the brother in the family, the scholar wants to drink and treat him. When his brother has money in his hand, he can't take it out, and this has always been proposed by his mother's mother.

At this time, if Shen Zi'an doesn't take the money out, it will really attract resentment in the hearts of the Shen family. Even if Shen Zi'an doesn't pay all the money alone, it's not wrong to let his brothers share it equally. Others will also think that he is stingy, because this is a big happy event. At this time, he is still thinking about the share of expenses, as if he is too ungryly. What's more, the person who made this request was always like Shen Zhang's 'mother' to Shen Zi'an.

"Do you want to set up wine? That's right! With great joy, you must drink wine! You should not only set up the wine, but also set up a few more tables! Fourth sister-in-law, you are good at cooking. Then you can come and take charge of it in person!"

Sun said with a smile that she also understood at this time that this was an opportunity to make Shen Zi'an and his family bleed heavily.

"Fourth brother. You see, this fifth brother is a scholar, but he is very happy. But as you know, our Shen family has done a lot of things in the past few days, and the family has run out of money. There was nothing I could do, so I opened my mouth to you and asked for this money. How good my mother is to you at ordinary times. There is nothing unclear about the whole riverside village. I just want to give the fifth brother a good scenery, so don't refute my mother's face. Let's pay this money!"

Sun said. She put on a pitiful look. She thought that if she set up the table, it would be a big expense. The money could not be paid by her family. She didn't know how much money the old couple still had, but she only knew that whether they still had money in their hands or borrowed it, it would be counted as public at that time. Shen Ziju Before that, all the expenses could only be spread on them. That's a big expense. It's enough for them to live a hard time!

It hasn't rained since this year. Maybe it's a disaster year. If you spend all your money at home again, or borrow money, how can you spend this life?

The Sun family is not going to suffer. She thinks that Shen Zi'an's family is so rich. If they happen, nothing will happen? So as soon as she heard Shen Zhang's words, whether Shen Zhang said it intentionally or unintentionally, she said that she wanted money first, and she was not afraid that Shen Zi'an could no longer say the money!

Shen Zhangshi seemed to have come to his senses at this time. He opened his eyes wide and said, "Zi'an, Zi'an's daughter-in-law, I was so happy just now that's why I said that. Don't care... But your third sister-in-law is also right. There is no money at home now. Can you pay some money first?

Su Zhi thought: Well, it's up to ask them for money.

Shen Zi'an didn't say anything. There was no expression on his face. He was a man and didn't know much about some things. Before marrying a wife, he handed over all the money he earned. He earned more than the family, and he never felt that it was unfair, because men didn't care much about this aspect, although at that time, he would still leave some money to collect by himself, which was just to feed himself, not in the Shen family. I was starving in the seven-minute full meal. Later, he got married. Because of Su Zhi's illness, he began to care about the money, and finally he didn't have to pay the money.

After the separation came out, all the money in the family was handed over to Su Zhi. If others wanted to take the money from his hand, they had to go through Su Zhi's pass, and he loved his daughter-in-law to the point that as long as he gave the silver to his daughter-in-law, he didn't want to come back And he also believes that Su Zhi will spend the money she should spend, and will not lose the money of his parents' filial piety to his brothers.

In this way, Shen Zi'an almost became a money-making person, and the person in charge of the money was Su Zhi.

Now Shen Zhang asked him for silver. Although he knew that this silver should not be spent by him alone, he was not particularly unhappy to think that this was a wedding drink for Shen Zi to be a scholar. Thinking that as long as his daughter-in-law pays this money, he will not object. If his daughter-in-law does not pay, he will also support it.

Shen Zi'anjue's daughter-in-law is so reasonable in everything she does, so it must be reasonable if she doesn't pay for it.

Su Zhi was satisfied to see that Shen Zi'an didn't say anything, because she once told Shen Zi'an that as long as the Shen family mentioned things like borrowing money and asking for money, he could not open his mouth and give it over to her. And Shen Zi'an has always been like this. He will stand in front of her with everything. Only when this happens, will he stand quietly and watch her play. Su Zhijue really married a good marriage that is difficult to find in ancient and modern times.

Su Zhi was just about to speak. Haven't opened yet. Someone stopped in front and opened his mouth again.

This time it's the person with three rooms again. It was Shen Ziping who came forward in person.

Shen Ziping actually had a good mouth. He said, "Fourth brother, fourth brother-in-law, you have pity on us. Put this silver on first!" You also know it. This house has been full of things recently. Your third sister-in-law and I are not in good health. Dad was not in good health a few days ago, let alone Pearl. The fifth brother went to Fucheng again with a sum of money. This family has been eating porridge for the past few days, and it's not as good as the usual meal!"

"That's right, that's right. Only porridge can take care of people!"

Silang interrupted. He liked it the most. As soon as he heard people talking about the meal, he was very talkative, especially when he heard that he wanted to set up the table. He was the most supportive. He also knew that the fourth aunt's cooking was delicious, and that the banquet set at the fourth aunt's house was the first in the village. Every time he ate, he could come out with a round belly and then lie at home for a long time!

"Fourth aunt, I want to eat your cooking!"

"A foodie!"

Chuncao shaved her face and was ashamed of Silang. She hated Silang the most. She always humiliated him for his love to eat. At this time, she did not forget to hit him, although she also wanted to eat the food cooked by Su Zhi.

Silang stared back. He said, "You don't like to eat. Don't eat when you put on the table!"

When Chunyue saw Silang scolding her sister, she stared and said, "You can eat this useless rice bucket. Why can't my sister eat it?" Take it cool down!"

"Well, a group of money-losing people are not qualified to go to dinner. They are still so sharp-mouthed. Be careful not to get married in the future! No one will support you at that time!"

Sanlang said aside. As soon as he said this, he made all the little girl present angry, and even Chunlan Chunyue stared at him. Dalang Erlang saw him scolding his sisters. He also stared at him, and several people opened their mouths to scold Sanlang. As a result, he was stopped by Wang Shi, who was beside him.

On such a happy day, Wang didn't want the children at home to make trouble. She had already seen Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang's face unhappy.

Li's face is very bad. She only has three daughters in her family. Compared with those who can have sons and daughters, they still can't see their daughters being scolded as a loser. She took a look at Shen Zigui, and her eyes were red. Shen Zigui didn't look good either. He didn't have a son until now, but his daughter also loved him. At the beginning, he finally separated because his daughter was scolded for losing money. He couldn't stand it anymore. In such a good day now, Sanlang actually didn't remember what happened at the beginning, and said such words, which made him very disgusted his nephew, and even more disgusted with the people in the second room. If they hadn't said so all day, how could Sanlang say these three words?!

Su Zhi looked at the ugly face of the second room and sighed in her heart. She thought that this son preference is really harmful. Fortunately, the three of them have a pair of parents who love them in the spring moon. If they meet the people in the third room, it will be as pitiful as a spring flower. She looks at the spring flower and now I can't even see my face clearly.

Yueyue pulled Shen Zi'an's clothes aside and pouted and said, "Dad, Dad, Yueyue is not losing money... Yueyue will make a lot of money in the future, and Yueyue is not losing money..."

Xiao Ri and Xing'er immediately went to take Yueyue's hand. Both of them stared at Sanlang. Yueyue was their sister, which was their baby. Now she was scolded by him, and her eyes turned red.

Su Zhi was unhappy because Sanlang scolded his daughter's family there. She wanted to say a few words about him. Now when she saw her baby daughter, she was sad, and she immediately said what she said.

"Month month, how can you lose money? You are not a loser. You are the apple of your parents' eye. Don't listen to your brother Sanlang's nonsense. Our Shen's daughters are all babies. How can we lose money? If you don't believe it, ask your little aunt if she is losing money?

Su Zhi said to Yue Yue with a smile that she is not afraid of offending Shen Zhu. Shen Zhu always goes to her. She is bored to death. She doesn't want the intimacy of such people. It's also good to be able to respond to her now. In the end, when she is angry, she will go to her less, and she will be quiet. Moreover, she was also very unhappy with Shen Zhu's attitude just now. Sanlang scolded Chunyue for losing money. She stood there and didn't change her face. At a glance, she knew that she never regarded herself as the same person as Chunyue in her heart. Are some or more girls in her heart just losing money? Only she is the father. What about the pearl in the mother's palm? Because of this, she can watch Chunyue being scolded, but she is still smiling there, which really makes her uncomfortable!

As soon as Shen Zhu heard Su Zhi's words, the smile on her face immediately froze, and then disappeared suddenly. She was really like Su Zhi's idea. It was not the first time she heard the word losing money, but she never felt so unpleasant. She always thought that she was definitely not a loser. Now she was asked by Su Zhi, The family looked at her and even saw the smile she hadn't had just come and gone, and the good mood was gone.

"Auntie, are you losing money?"

Yueyue is a baby after all, no matter how smart she is, but at this time, she was worried that she was disliked by her parents because she was losing money, and it was also Su Zhi who asked her to ask what she asked.

Shen Zhu was suddenly angry. Thinking about this dead girl, how could she ask like this?!

"Sanlang, why are you scolding again! It's their business that other people value boys over girls. We don't have that in our family. This daughter's family is also a baby! You scold your sister for losing money, do you also call me for losing money?! Don't eat that meal then! Do you really think you are a man and become a baby? You won't pay attention to me anymore!"

Shen Zhu sprinkled all her anger on Sanlang's body. She felt angry and turned her head and stared at Shen Ziping and Sun.

"Third brother, third sister-in-law, what do you think of teaching Sanlang to lose money every day?! Look at the spring flowers, which are as timid as a mouse! If you are like this, won't you make jokes on your brother in the future? If it's like this again, it's better to separate now!"

"You son of a dead man! Look at your little aunt! In the future, our family will become an official, so how can there be money loss in the family?! Those girls are all young ladies! A daughter! Why don't you say a few nice words to your little aunt?!"

Shen Ziping slapped Sanlang on the back and asked him to apologize with a straight face. RQ