Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 248 Falling into the water one after another, rumors

Although Su Zhi didn't like cow flowers, she looked at a man falling into the water in front of her eyes. She was also in a hurry to save people, so she couldn't care about anything. She only remembered that she could swim and wanted to go down to save people. As a result, she was pulled from behind, and then she saw a man in I rushed over.

The man in a cyan shirt was Shen Ziju. Su Zhi could see at a glance that she thought about how Shen Ziju came here. Shouldn't he accompany his future father-in-law's family at home now? However, the idea just flashed, and she was anxious to see the following situation again.

The reason why Shen Ziju is here is that he is bored at home, because he is not satisfied with the marriage of the Xiao family, so when he is with the Xiao family, his heart seems to have grass in his heart, and there is always a feeling of impatience. No matter how good his cultivation is, he is still polite on his face, but he I'm talking.

Finally, Shen Ziju found an excuse and came out. He just wanted to relax, and he usually would always relax by the river, but he didn't expect to see this thrilling scene today.

Shen Ziju was shocked when he saw the cow flowers falling into the river. When he saw that Su Zhi actually wanted to rush down, he hurried over and grabbed her.

Shen Ziju didn't want to go down to save cattle and flowers at all. It was really an accident. He was just too strong when he pulled Su Zhi. After pulling Su Zhi, he didn't stop. He took a few steps forward. Below was the river slope. If he wanted to stop again, he couldn't stop, so he pricked

'Ah, Shen Ziju is really a bold man!'

Su Zhi watched Shen Zi raise and rushed down the river. Thinking to herself, she had always thought that Shen Ziju was a scholar who could only read, and she felt that although this person was not very bad, he was sometimes willing to show his good side. But there was some little selfishness in his bones. Su Zhi felt that when this kind of thing was life-threatening, Shen Ziju would jump. He may love his little life more, but he didn't expect that she was wrong, and Shen Ziju actually jumped down!

Su Zhi thought that maybe she really misunderstood Shen Ziju? She thought maybe, even if Shen Ziju was a little selfish, it was normal. Who didn't think much of himself? Just like when she is at a critical moment, she will think more about herself. Think about it. She changed her outlook on Shen Ziju a little. But she didn't expect that Shen Ziju had to rush into the river because he couldn't stop...

"What?! What's going on?!

When Su Zhi was thinking that Shen Ziju was a bold man, he saw that Shen Ziju, who saved people, not only did not pick up the cattle and flowers, but also began to sink down!

Shen Ziju fluttered in the river a few times and began to sink, sinking faster than cows and flowers...

"Cousin! Brother Shen!"

A frightened voice sounded. A thin figure rushed over Su Zhi's side and began to run down the river slope, jumping down with a flutter.

Skinny and small body, light green clothes, this is Xiao Ping'er!

Su Zhi was a little dumbfounded. She felt that she was not as intelligent as usual today. Obviously, she should be the first person to jump down to save people, but why did one person after another jumped into the water in front of her? This made her feel a little ashamed. Why did others react faster than her? She thought it would be better to go down and save people quickly. Xiao Ping'er can't save two people alone.

"Zi'an sister-in-law, stop! I'll go down!"

Su Zhi was about to rush down, as if she had just been pulled by Shen Zi, she was pulled again. This time, she was another man. When she saw it, it was Song Dashan!

Song Dashan is Shen Zhu's fiance's son-in-law. He is not from Riverside Village. He also came to Riverside Village today, and Shen Zhu is still standing beside him.

Song Dashan jumped into the river and pulled Shen Ziju, who was closest to the river, a few times. At this time, Shen Ziju was about to sink. He was pulled by Song Dashan and exposed his head from the water.

Su Zhi couldn't take care of Shen Zhu, who was scared beside her. She ran down quickly and helped to drag Shen Zi to the shore.

"Go and help Ping'er!"

As soon as Su Zhi looked up, she saw that Xiao Ping'er was about to be pulled into the water by the fluttering cattle and flowers, and quickly asked Song Dashan to help. Hearing this, Song Dashan hurried to save Xiao Ping'er and Niu Huahua. He helped Xiao Ping'er knock out the Niu Hua and pulled Niu Hua to the shore. Seeing that Xiao Ping'er was almost out of strength, he pulled her up again.

Shen Zhu ran to Shen Ziju's side and shouted at him loudly. She looked at Shen Zi's face turned white, and her face turned white. She thought that Shen Ziju could not have an accident. If something happened to him, she would have a backer in the future! She kept shaking Shen Zi, but Shen Zi didn't move.

Song Dashan went over and turned Shen Zi over, knocked him hard on the back, and asked Shen Zi to spit out the water. Finally, he heard Shen Ziju's moan.

Su Zhi also saved the cow flowers, and Xiaoping just swallowed a few mouthfuls of water, which was no big deal.

"Alas! Girl, why did you fall into the river?! Is everything all right?"

Sister-in-law Li ran over and saw that several of them were kneeling on the river slope. Several of them were soaked and said anxiously.

"Mother! Mother!! Are you all right?!"

Yueyue rushed to Su Zhi's side and saw that her mother was dry, so she was not afraid. She knew that this man would die if he fell into the water.

Xiao Ri and Xing'er also came over. Seeing that Su Zhi was fine, they were relieved and said that they had called Sister-in-law Li. Su Zhi touched the heads of the three children and thought that it was both a good thing and a bad thing for them to see this scary scene this time. The bad thing was that they were frightened. The good thing was that they would stay away from the river in the future.

"Okay, babies, my mother is fine. It's just that your little uncle and little aunt fell into the water, but they are all fine. Don't be afraid.

Shen Zhu cried in her voice and said, "What do you mean it's okay?! Look at my brother, he almost drowned! Look at his face! Like a piece of paper! He was not in good health and jumped into the river. What if he caught a cold? He is a scholar! I will be a senior official in the future!"

Su Zhi rolled her eyes in her heart. She really didn't know how to say Shen Zhu. It was right to say that she loved her brother, but it would be better if she could take the last few words. In addition to the last sentence, she felt that she felt sorry for her brother because she was going to be a senior official in the future. And even if he is a senior official, so what? What's the use of yelling at her here? Didn't she push him down? Why does it sound like you are resenting her?

Su Zhi said she was upset.

"Okay, okay, take people to my house first, Chunyue, you go home and report a letter and bring some clothes back. Although it's hot, you can't wear wet clothes."

When Sister-in-law Li saw Shen Zhu crying there and shouting at Su Zhi, she also felt that Shen Zhu was right to be sad, but she said that was quite awkward, so she quickly opened her words.

Sister-in-law Li went to help up the cattle and flowers, while Su Zhi helped up Xiao Ping'er. Song Dashan helped to lift Shen Zi up, and Shen Zhu helped him on the other side.

The group went to sister-in-law Li's house, which was very close to her house and soon arrived at her house. Sister-in-law Li let several women into their husband and wife's room, and let Shen Zi lift them into Huzi's room.

Chunyue hurriedly ran home. As soon as she said that Shen Zi had fallen into the river, the Shen family and the Xiao family jumped up in fear. Hearing that there was no danger, they were relieved, packed up a few clothes, and came to the Li family. However, Shen Zhang heard that Shen Ziju fell down with two girls. She didn't hear what was going on and how she felt awkward. Except for the Xiao family, she only let Li and Wang follow her family, and no one else allowed her to follow.

When they arrived at Li's house, the Xiao family went to see Xiao Ping'er and Niu Huahua, while the Shen family went to see Shen Ziju. When people on both sides saw that they were fine, they were really relieved.

After changing his dry clothes, Shen Youfu asked them all to go home.

When they came, although Shen Zhang had asked fewer people to come, there were still a lot of people, and they were in a hurry, which also attracted a lot of local viewers. The lively one followed, and I also found out what was going on. As soon as I heard that the two girls of Shen Ziju's begoed family fell into the river, Shen Ziju also went down, and finally even Shen Zhu's begoto was also going down. Everyone began to talk about it.

The four people who fell down, two men and two women, are all unmarried men and women, and they all have some relationships. As soon as they are said by these idle people who like to chew their tongues, various versions have come out.

Some people said that Shen Ziju and Xiao Ping'er were found together, and they fell into the river.

Some people said that Shen Ziju and Niu Hua were found together, and they fell into the river.

Some people said that Shen Zhu and Song Dashan were together, but they fell into the river.

Some people said that Xiao Ping'er and Song Dashan were together, but they fell into the river.

Some people said that Niu Huahua and Song Dashan were together, but they fell into the river.


In a word, no matter what, it is inseparable from a man and a woman talking by the river, and then being found by others. In panic or pulling, they fell into the river collectively.

This Shen Zi won the scholar. It is the time when the Shen family is beautiful. People envy their family, and they are also jealous of their family. It was okay when they were calm before. Now this kind of thing has happened, just like sending water to the hungry and thirsty person, which makes them excited all of a sudden. The more guess, the more It's score.

Along the way, the Shen family and the Xiao family looked at others and listened to other people's greetings. They felt very strange in their hearts. They thought that these people seemed to have other meaning in their eyes, and those words, as if there were also words in the words.

When Shen Youfu and others heard the rumors, they almost lifted the table angrily. RS