Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 259 Another way to make money

Su Zhi and Liang Fu walked in the garden, because the cooperation between the two had begun, and Liang Fu said the secret in her heart. Su Zhi did not suspect that she was her own hidden rival. Now they are getting along better than before and left the maid behind. The two talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was very good.

At this cheerful time, both people who make people unhappy came, that is, Shen Zhu.

"Sister Zhao, you are a real person, so I won't be dumb when I talk to you. I think your sister-in-law seems to be very high-minded. Does that mean that to my cousin?

Liang Fu and Su Zhi could see the pavilion where they were walking. They saw a bright pink between the three men, which was Shen Zhu.

Su Zhi said, "Since you are outspoken, I will also be outspoken. It seems that it means that."

Su Zhi felt that Shen Zhu fell in love with Mr. Qian, but she didn't really like that person, but the property of the Qian family. If it was someone else, she was the same age as her and had a lot of family property. Shen Zhu would still marry. Su Zhi is sure that that kind of girl just wants to marry a rich man and live a good life.

"What? Do you think she doesn't deserve it? In addition to being poor, the Shen family is not un worthy of Shen Zhu's cousin. She is knowledgeable and reasonable, and the most important thing is that her mother's brother has an unlimited future. Shen Ziju is very caring about this girl. If he became an official in the future, Shen Zhu would be the official lady. It's not difficult to marry a good person at that time.

Su Zhi said that she was not a media for Shen Zhu. Just tell the truth.

Liang Fu nodded and said, "You're right, but it depends on whether Brother Shen will be on the golden list next year. If you can't, then it's really a little suspenseful.

"Yes. Your cousin is not young. Why hasn't he married?

Su Zhi didn't care about these things before. That's all. I just remembered this question. In this era, men and women get married very early. Unless for special reasons, they usually get married before the age of 18, and some get married at the age of 15, and become parents at the age of 18. Qian Guang is almost 20 years old, isn't he? I'm not married yet. This is really unreasonable. Their family should not be a family that can't marry a daughter-in-law.

Liang Fu said, "Someone told my cousin's fortune-telling, saying that he should get married later."

Su Zhi nodded, thinking that Qian Guang would not get married earlier. If he had got married earlier. It also saves Zhao Xiaohua and Shen Zhu to worry about it. She could see that Zhao Xiaohua also vowed to win Qian Guang. These two wives are more careful than the other, and they don't know who can get what they want in the end, but no matter which one gets married, Su Zhi feels that it is Qian Guang's trouble. In contrast, she hopes that it will be Shen Zhu. After all, this is still the Shen family. As for Shen Zhu's marriage contract, she really never thought that Shen Zhu would marry Song Dashan.

Su Zhi didn't want to talk to Shen Zhu. And she also believed that Shen Zhu was sitting in the pavilion, and she didn't want them to go back to disturb her red state in the green there. Liang Fu obviously didn't want to go there. The two continued to walk all the way to the bamboo forest and came back.

When I went back, I saw Shen Zhu leaving in a hurry. Under the pavilion, Zhao Xiaohua stood there, showing a proud and mocking face in the place where the three men could not see.

Su Zhi frowned and wondered how the man came into the garden. He waited to say to Father Lan that the Zhao family could not be allowed in easily.

Well, looking at this situation, you can guess that nine out of ten were two tricks in front of Qian Guang. As a result, Shen Zhu lost a game this time.

Shen Zhu actually lost, but she was still in their home. Even if Su Zhi didn't like her, she would be angry, because she didn't like Zhao Xiaohua even more.

As soon as Liang Fu and Su Zhi walked over, Zhao Xiaohua saluted them and was very intimate with Liang Fu.

"Cousin, it's not too short to come out. Go home."

Liang Fu is a very dignified person. She doesn't get angry with people easily, but she doesn't get close to people very easily. To Zhao Xiaohua's closeness, she just answered a few words with a gentle smile, as if to an ordinary passer-by, and then ignored her, turned to Qian Guang and said goodbye.

Su Zhi looked at Zhao Xiaohua's red and white face and smiled in her heart. She thought that Zhao Xiaohua was flashed so lightly, which made you proud. It was really so easy to be called a sister. For a person like the Qian family and the Liang family, it is your honor to ignore you. If you ignore you, you can only suffer. Who makes a big family, a lady of an official, and you are just a family? This is the class gap of this era.

Su Zhi understood this early on, so she is neither humble nor arrogant to everyone, and she has enough capital in her hands to make people like the Qian family and the Zhang family look at her differently. Naturally, she is not afraid of their face, and so far, she has indeed not been made a face.

Zhao Xiaohua doesn't understand. It's even more difficult for her to climb up to Qian Guang. She and Shen Zhu are two levels of people, and Shen Zhu also has a Shen Ziju as a bargaining chip!

Qian Guang was just disturbed by the two girls, and he also felt unsiped. Looking at Su Zhi standing there and looking at Zhao Xiaohua, there was no usual shallow smile on his face. She was also angry, right? So I thought it was better to go first, so I took Liang Fu's words and said goodbye to Shen Zi'an.

Qian Guang and Liang Fu said goodbye, and Shen Ziju also said goodbye together. When Zhao Xiaohua saw her, she was embarrassed to stay again. To be honest, there was a holy beast in this family. If it hadn't been for her too much to see Qian Guang, she really didn't want to venture in. Now that the person she wants to see has left, she will naturally leave. She also knows that since the incident of Liu Siniang, Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi owe even a smiling face to the Zhao family. She is also a rich lady now, so don't put your face on their cold buttocks here!

When everyone left, Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an walked back hand in hand.

"How did Pearl go in a hurry just now? Shouldn't she be gentle in front of the Mr. Qian family? Why did you look a little embarrassed just now? Like running for your life? Did that girl from the Zhao family do something?

Su Zhi thought of Shen Zhu's somewhat flustered footsteps and the smile on Zhao Xiaohua's face. She felt that there was something wrong with it.

Shen Zi'an said, "It's nothing. It's just that the girl from the Zhao family said that the color of Pearl's clothes was not good, and Pearl felt a little embarrassed."

Su Zhi was speechless, thinking that's what it was? She thought that what Shen Zi'an said was simple. Maybe the scene would be more wonderful at that time. Zhao Xiaohua's mouth was also very mean, and she also had some tricks to hide needles, which must have made Shen Zhujue feel ashamed. It's just that Shen Zhu is not easy to mess with. She was humiliated by Zhao Xiaohua, which will definitely make Zhao Xiaohua lose face and find her face back, right? She really didn't believe that Shen Zhu was defeated so easily.

"Is there anything else you didn't say?"

Su Zhi asked, she felt that the Qian family was also a big family. If Zhao Xiaohua really succeeded in taking down Qian Guang. With the relationship between the Zhao family and them, there may be trouble in the future. She thought that no matter whether Shen Zhu married or Qian Guang, Zhao Xiaohua could let her destroy it, so she destroyed it for her. So you have to investigate things seriously at this time. Su Zhi asked Shen Zi'an with a spirit of pursuing gossip.

Shen Zi'an saw the little daughter-in-law looking at him with a pair of watery eyes, smiled at her and said, "There is a bowl of unfinished mung bean soup on the table, which was spilled by Zhao Xiaohua. As a result, it was spilled on Pearl's clothes. Pearl's clothes have faded.

Su Zhi thought that no wonder Shen Zhu ran away. She was found wearing faded clothes in front of Qian Guang, which was really a big blow to Shen Zhu, who was dressed up and came to see Qian Guang. This Zhao Xiaohua is really full of bad water. Not far away, her luck or eyesight is really good. She knows that Shen Zhu's clothes are actually faded.

"Pearl's clothes are new, right? Otherwise, how can it fade so easily? She didn't even wash the clothes and put them on again.

Su Zhi said that she always washes new clothes and wears them again and again. This is a habit. If she doesn't feel that it's not clean, she can know in advance that the cloth will not fade.

Shen Zi'an nodded. At first glance, the clothes were new. He could also see that Shen Zhu was specially dressed to see Qian Guang. He was very dissatisfied with the idea of this sister, because she was the person who had made an order.

It is really the same in any era when the cloth fades. This kind of thing happened in the previous life. In this era of low dyeing skills, of course, it is even more common. And the color is not particularly bright, and it always feels like a layer of darkness. If this kind of cloth is placed in modern times, it can only be regarded as inferior cloth. But at this time, this is the best color.

Wait, the color of the cloth...

These words suddenly flashed in Su Zhi's mind, and she seemed to have caught something very important.

The color of the cloth is not good now. If you can dye a brighter cloth, can you make money? This must be another good way to make money!

Food and clothing is the easiest way to make money. The spiritual spring in Su Zhi's hand, she has earned the first bucket of gold in her life by selling vegetable prescriptions. If it is reused to wear it, it will be even better.

When Su Zhi thought of this, she wanted to do the experiment quickly. She had an intuition in her heart that Lingquan would definitely surprise her again!

"Daughter-in-law, why do you seem to be very happy?"

Shen Zi'an saw the smile on Su Zhi's face, which was a little strange. She thought that even if Shen Zhu was not pleasing, she would not be ashamed to make her daughter-in-law happy, right?

Su Zhi quickly put away the smile on her face and said, "I just thought of a joke. Do you want to listen to it? It's a joke about snakes and turtles.

Although Shen Zi'an wondered how his daughter-in-law suddenly thought of the joke, but looking at her happy smile, he didn't think about anything else, and nodded with a smile and listened to her jokes. RS