Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 269 Bad reputation, snake

Xiao Ping'er is missing, which makes people a little anxious, especially Aunt Xiao. She knows that her daughter is very honest and can't run around alone. Now that she hasn't come back, she is anxious first.

Uncle Xiao said, "What's your hurry?" This is in the village, and nothing will happen? The children in the village can run around. Ping'er is so mature that she can still get lost?

Aunt Xiao looked at him and said, "Ping'er has been out for two hours, and no one knows where she has gone..."

In the middle of the story, Aunt Xiao didn't say anything. She wanted to say that her daughter was not the kind of girl who didn't tell her family where she had gone and then didn't come back for two hours. But what's the use of saying now? Her daughter just didn't tell anyone, and then she left without a trace. Now the Shen family must think that her daughter is a girl who runs around and doesn't know the rules. This is not good. Ping'er hasn't married yet! And what she didn't dare to say was that Ping'er hadn't come back for so long. She was so anxious that the Shen family wouldn't believe that something really happened to Ping'er, would they? If you think about it more, it's really not good.

A girl came to her mother-in-law's house in the future. As a result, she went out without saying hello and didn't come back for two hours. It was really easy for people to think about it.

Aunt Xiao was anxious, but she didn't dare to show it. She thought that the more anxious she was, the more people made a fuss about it.

"Didn't you see Ping'er?"

Shen Zhang asked the people in the family, including the three rooms that had been at home, and the people who had just come back.

The people in the big room and the three rooms shook their heads. They had never seen Xiao Ping'er.

Shen Zhu said, "It's all my fault. If only I wasn't sleepy. Ping'er wouldn't be afraid to disturb me to rest and go out alone. I should have sent her to your uncle and aunt. If I knew she wanted to go out to play, I should go out with her. It's all my fault."

Shen Zhu blamed herself on her face and said to the Xiao family that she was good-looking and looked very guilty when she bit her lips, but she said what she said. It's really hard to blame her. On the contrary, I have to think that she is really kind and sensible. After all, it's not her fault that she is sleepy. Xiao Ping'er is a big girl. She walked a few steps from the next room to the hall, and there is no need for Shen Zhu to send her in person. It's just that Xiao Ping'er ran out of the yard. Shen Zhu now seems to be implicated by Xiao Ping'er's behavior. She felt a little wronged.

Aunt Xiao said, "Pearl, how can I blame you? Ping'er didn't come back to the hall when she came out of you. Has she been called to do something? Otherwise, just a few steps. She won't run out alone without telling me.

When the people in the third room saw Aunt Xiao looking at them, they all looked innocent.

Sun said, "We have been in the house, but we haven't seen Ping'er's sister. We didn't call her, aunt. We really can't help with this. Think about it, is it Ping'er's sister who looks outside for fun? She ran out to have a look first? The little girl in the front yard in front of me chased a puppy to the village. Maybe Ping'er also saw something funny and ran out.

Xiao Dalu stared at Sun and shouted, "My sister is not a few steps! How can you go out to chase a playful puppy and kitten! My sister always says hello when she goes out at home!"

Uncle Xiao and Aunt Xiao are also a little angry with Sun's words. How do you want Sun to say that their daughter is like an idiot who can only play? What if this makes the old couple of the Shen family think too much about it? So when Xiao Dalu said this, they all nodded aside.

Shen Ziping said, "Now it's the girl of the Xiao family who didn't say hello."

The Xiao family listened to it. They were all speechless. Yes, if Xiao Ping'er said hello, would they still be in such a hurry? And Sun added another word to the fire.

"Ping'er's sister must have been in a hurry to go out at that time. Pearl's door was less than ten steps away from the door of the hall, and she didn't say hello. It's really urgent."

Goro said, "I'm in a hurry to go out to play, and I will tell my mother loudly."

"Oh, my son is so good!"

Sun bent down and kissed Goro, thinking that although the little son didn't like to talk. But it's also very good. This hit the face of the Xiao family again. Thinking of a little child, she knew that she had to shout to tell the adults before going out. Xiao Ping'er, a big girl who could get married, actually ran out without saying hello to her mother-in-law in the future. It took two hours as soon as she went out. Can this be sensible? As soon as this matter is said, I guess no one dares to marry such a girl home. You should know that when this daughter-in-law comes to her mother-in-law's house in the future, she should sit next to her parents and pretend to be obedient, instead of running out without a trace. This simply doesn't take the mother-in-law's family seriously.

The Xiao family's face is even worse. They now think that the Shen family must be dissatisfied with their daughter now, but they can't do anything about it. This is really wrong for my daughter now. Let's get our daughter back first and ask what's going on. If it proves that she didn't run out for no reason, and she can still have face in front of the Shen family. If she doesn't let her mother-in-law look down on her in the future, she will suffer.

Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an have been listening. Su Zhi thought that Xiao Ping'er was an honest girl at first sight. How could she go out without saying hello and not come back for two hours? Nothing really happens here, does it? She can't think too much. Others may think that the Shen family will not regret marriage because Shen Zi won the scholar, but she is clear that the Shen family must be dissatisfied with this marriage. She wants Shen Youfu to regard this son as the hope of shining lintel. How can he not want his son to marry the daughter of a rich and powerful family? Therefore, when Xiao Ping'er had a strange movement, she couldn't help but suspect the Shen family.

"What about the third brother and third sister-in-law, Sanlang and Silang? Did the two of them enthusiastically lead the Xiao sister out to play? These two Tao boys don't look at the time as soon as they play.

Su Zhi found that Sanlang Silang was not in the yard, so she said.

"Yes, Sanlang Silang is not here!"

Xiao Dalu glanced around and didn't find the two of them. He thought maybe it was the two boy who called out his sister. He didn't like the two kids and immediately burned his anger on the two of them.

Sun shouted, "The two of them, why do you ask a girl to play when you have nothing to do?! Even if you take her to play, you have to take her to find some Chunlan, right? Ping'er's girl's temper is not a person who can play with my two children. If she wanted to find Chunlan, she would have found them. If you want to come back, come back early! This must have nothing to do with my two kids!"

Shen Zi'an said, "Okay, don't say anything more. Let's find someone first."

Shen Ziping immediately nodded and said, "Yes, yes, find someone first."

With that, he pulled Sun and went outside and ran out to find someone.

"Third brother, third sister-in-law, wait a minute!"

Su Zhi called the two people. She thought that she couldn't let them go to Xiao Ping'er with such a big fanfare. Didn't Xiao Ping'er's reputation be ruined? But her cry was not as fast as those two people, and they had already left the door.

Uncle Xiao, Aunt Xiao looked at Shen Ziju, who had not spoken, and saw that although there was no expression on his face, they could see that he was worried. Both of them thought that the future son-in-law was also dissatisfied with his daughter's behavior. They are all worried that the son-in-law is not a good match for their daughter now. Isn't it more likely that his daughter is not worthy of him? After stamping their feet, the two of them understood slowly than Su Zhi. When they went to Xiao Ping'er in this way, it was estimated that the whole village would know that the Shen family's future daughter-in-law ran out for two hours and would not reply.

Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang saw that things were going well. Everyone began to think about Xiao Ping'er in a bad direction, but they also knew that this was just the beginning, and the next thing was the real beginning of the fun. After that, they could withdraw their marriage, and the absolute reason was full.

In the end, in addition to Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang, there are also the Xiao family and Shen Zhu and Shen Ziju. Everyone else went out to find Xiao Pinger.

Riverside Village is not a small village, but there is still something to do. The whole village will know in a moment.

In just half an hour, everyone in Riverside Village knew that Shen Ziju's future daughter-in-law Xiao Ping'er could not be found. This is really a big deal. People who knew Xin'er helped to find it together. Most of them wanted to see the excitement and wanted to know where Xiao Ping'er had gone.

As a result, I found it for more than an hour, but I still couldn't find it.

Now everyone is anxious, thinking that this person is really lost?

Aunt Xiao's anxious eyes finally flowed out, and Uncle Xiao didn't care about anything else, so he wanted to find his daughter quickly. Shen Zi'an finally helped arrange the people and looked around the village.

Almost half of the people in the riverside village have been mobilized. Everyone is anxious. Many people are wondering that it is very close to the big green mountain. Will there be wolves coming? If they can come out of holy beasts, naturally they can also come out of wolves. I just thought that the wolf could bite people, but it was unlikely to get people into the mountains, right? So the people I was looking for began to look in the grass and ditches, and some people went to places with many trees, wondering if this person would be there.

When the sun began to set, Xiao Ping'er was finally found.

While finding Xiao Ping'er, he also found Song Dashan, and the place where they are is really not a good place.

It was a forest not far from the cemetery of the village. A hole was dug out in the forest, and Xiao Ping'er and Song Dashan fell into the pit.

When I saw both of them, they were unconscious.

The reason why these two people can be found is that Song Dashan was not in a coma at that time. When he heard a sound, he called a few times, but the voice was so weak that he fainted after a few calls. Fortunately, it was also discovered.

"Oh, they were bitten by snakes!"

A man lay on the edge of the pit and saw the situation inside. He also saw a dead snake next to the two people, black with yellow ideas. At first glance, it was a poisonous snake. RQ