Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 273 Some people are happy and others are sad

"If this happened, it can't be regarded as if it didn't happen. Let's talk about the children's marriage.

Shen Youfu lowered his head and said this. When he said this, there were also some people from the Song family of the Xiao family who didn't want to face to face. Both of them were very kind to the Shen family. Now he has calculated the two families at the same time. He was ashamed, but for the sake of his son's future, in Against the youngest son, he was out of his conscience. Thinking that this matter had been done, he couldn't go back!

Shen Zhang was relieved when he heard this. The people in the third room looked at the Xiao family and the Song family with a contemptuous face, while Shen Zifu and Shen Zigui all frowned.

They don't know what's going on. Although Song Dashan and Xiao Ping'er are not the kind of shameless people, they were indeed found in the woods, and now they can't prove their innocence. It's not easy for them to talk for them. They can't let the fifth brother marry an unclear girl. Let's not talk about what Xiao Ping'er and the two went to the woods to do. Song Dashan sucked the poisonous blood on Xiao Ping'er's shoulder and touched her body. This is a matter of certainty. Such two people are not suitable to marry the Shen family again.

Aunt Xiao said loudly, "Brother Shen! You can't do this! My Ping'er has never done anything bad! If you ruin the marriage like this, you are going to ruin her reputation! You can't do that!"

Aunt Song also said, "Brother Shen! I was in charge of my family and saved your girl's life, and my family saved your son's life a few days ago! Don't you know what kind of person he is?"

Shen Youfu was already ashamed and was said so. He lowered his head there, pulled out the dry smoke that had not been lit, lit the fire, and smoked the dry smoke fiercely. He choked himself, but he didn't say anything. He said it out of his mouth today. He didn't plan to turn back. Thinking of his youngest son's future, he made up his mind.

Shen Zhang winned at Sun. At this time, she would not come forward. She rarely did things that offended people. She always did good people, and now she did bad things. She also wants to pretend to be the one who comes out to make a round, so that people can't hate her, and it's better to be grateful to her.

Sun immediately said, "This is two things! If the two of them are fine, then our Shen family will naturally remember the great kindness and marry our Shen girl. Let's let the Shen family marry your girl after the birth of the eldest master. And that's still joy without a trace of dissatisfaction. This can be seen from the fact that we eat together happily during the day. But your own girl is disappointing! Don't want such a good marriage, but you have to get together in private! This is simply a hit in the face of our Shen family!"

Shen Ziping said aside, "No, our Shen family is just kind-hearted. Remember your kindness, so I think about withdrawing in private. I can't soak the two of them in the pig cage!"

Sun continued: "The two of them are so unclear now, and they still want to continue to be involved with our Shen family. It's simply in vain. They don't understand the shame. You are old enough to be parents. It's time to understand!"

Aunt Song and Aunt Xiao all shivered when they heard this, and they didn't know whether they were angry or ashamed. They also knew that their children did not occupy the words now. They were said so, except that they said that Song Dashan and Xiao Pinger were by no means going to do anything shameful. Everyone will doubt the forest.

"Mother! What did you say to them? They don't want their sister anymore!" Xiao Dalu went over to help Aunt Xiao. He stared at Sun and said, "Shen Wuge has been a scholar. They have long felt that their sister is not worthy of him. Now they just take a handle to return his sister's marriage?! It's useless for you to say anything more! Instead, let them ruin their sister even more!"

Su Zhi listened, thinking that although Xiao Dalu was young, playful and a little impulsive, but one sentence came to the point.

Shen Youfu coughed and said, "It's not us who ruined the Xiao family. Now that this has happened to her, who doesn't tell her?" It's okay if she can prove her innocence, but she can't prove it. The two of them keep saying that they don't remember. What do we think? Our Shen family can't have such a daughter-in-law. Well, we can't have such a son-in-law.

Shen Zhangshi said, "That's the reason, brother and sister of the Xiao family. Now this matter is not bad for us. Think about it, if you mess up with this matter, would you still want your family to marry such a daughter-in-law? You saved my son at the beginning. We remember your feelings, but now your daughter hit our Shen family in the face. She also ruined our Pearl's marriage!"

Uncle Xiao and Aunt Xiao were speechless. They said they didn't believe that their daughter would do that kind of thing, but now everything is wrong with Song Dashan and their daughter. They are about to believe that their daughter went to the woods with Song Dashan.

Aunt Song listened and was speechless. Her son and Xiao Ping'er had that kind of thing. She thought that she had no face to marry Shen Zhu again. Shen Zhu was originally their family, and now it is even more impossible. She could only go back and beat her son twice, and she didn't know whether to blame him or feel sorry for him. Song Dashan sat like that, and his strength gradually came back, but when he heard that his marriage with Shen Zhu was blown up, he felt uncomfortable.

Xiao Ping'er also sat there crying silently. She had given up. Although she didn't remember what had happened at all, she knew that she was wronged, but she couldn't prove her innocence. And someone else was right. She was touched by Song Dashan. Although she touched it because of her life, she only touched her shoulder, but it was really unclear. Shen Ziju is such a promising person, it is impossible for him to have her.

"Mom, let's go back for this marriage."

Xiao Ping'er bit her lip and finally said this sentence.

"Ping'er! What are you talking about?!

Aunt Xiao looked at her daughter. She didn't expect that the best person to say this was her, a well-behaved daughter who usually doesn't like to talk. She thought that if the marriage was ruined, it would be difficult for her daughter to marry. In her heart, she still didn't want the marriage to be gone. The Shen family said that her daughter was unclear, but she firmly believed that her daughter had been misunderstood. As long as the misunderstanding was clear in the future, the Shen family would treat her daughter well. As long as she survived this period of time, everything would be fine.

Uncle Xiao also looked at Xiao Pinger. He was not as good as Aunt Xiao thought. He knew that the Shen family was resolutely withdrawing today. If it were him, he would also withdraw. But now Xiao Ping'er is his daughter. Looking at his daughter saying this, he is also distressed, but after all, she did something wrong. If she end up like this, he can't help her.

Song Dashan listened to Xiao Ping'er's words. He thought that Shen Zhu didn't like him either. Although he liked to marry a daughter-in-law like Shen Zhu, it seems that it doesn't work now. He doesn't know what's going on with him and Xiao Ping'er, but Xiao Ping'er has been dismissed now. He is a man, and he can't be shameless here.

"Mom, I'm sorry that my father ordered it for me. Let's return this dear!"

Aunt Song's lips moved, but she didn't say anything after all. She has always listened to the men in her family.

Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang were all happy, thinking that the marriage was a refund!

At this point, the Song family and the Xiao family couldn't stay here. They agreed to cancel the marriage and asked Huang Langzhong to help them. They said that it was nothing serious, so they went home separately. Shen Zi'an said that they drove the ox cart to see them off. Song Dashan refused, while the Xiao family just asked for Shen Zi Go back.

Xiao Ri Xinger and Yue Yue have been sitting in the room of the big room, and the three girls in the second room are also sitting there, staying with Chunlan.

They are children, and it is not convenient to listen to those things.

Now that things are over, they look at the faces of their parents, uncles and aunts, and they dare not ask.

Shen Zigui and Li greeted Chunyue Chuncao and Chunyun. Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi called Xiao Rixinger and Yueyue. They left the Shen family together and went back to their home on the east side of the river.

Along the way, there were many people enjoying the cool outside. Seeing that some of them only said hello but did not ask the Song and Xiao families how they were doing. Some were curious and thick-skinned, they came to inquire about Xiao Ping'er's injury.

Shen Zigui and Shen Zi'an just said that it was okay, and then hurried over. This kind of thing is not a good thing, and they don't want to say more.

"I don't think the Dashan brothers and the girl of the Xiao family are that kind of people." Li opened his mouth first, and it was very clear in the night.

"They don't look like that kind of people."

Su Zhiying made peace, and she felt that there was something wrong with it.

Shen Zi'an said, "Second brother, second sister-in-law, don't worry about this matter. Dad and others have already had success in their hearts. If you say too much, we won't do it well."

Su Zhi thought that her father-in-law also knew it well.

Shen Zigui and Li both hummed.

Li sighed and said, "That Ping'er is also pitiful. She won't have a good reputation in the future. That's a good girl. Maybe she just wanted to thank the mountain, but why did she go to the woods? This is really hard to figure out. To be honest, I have some idea whether the two of them have that mind for each other because of falling into the water.

"Don't think too much about it if you have nothing to do." Shen Zigui said to Li, "No matter what they do there now. The two of them met the snake in the pit, which is absolutely true.

Li didn't say anything. She knew that Shen Zigui said that Xiao Ping'er was touched on the shoulder by Song Dashan. There was really nothing she could do about this. If she changed her family, she would not want to marry such a girl.

The two families separated, went home separately, and talked about it separately. Not only they, but also the Shen family was talking about it, and even the people in Riverside Village were talking about it.

This night, the riverside village is destined to be a lively night, with some people happy and some sad. RQ