Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 277 Refugees

Wang Xiuyun said, her mouth was sharp, and she immediately made it clear what had happened, and she was still worried while talking.

Su Zhi frowned. She didn't expect that there would be refugees to come here. It was reasonable to say that although the weather was dry, there was wheat before, so there would be no food to eat. How could these fugitives leave home? And there were still many people coming out together. It's not that only a family had no food to Yes.

Su Zhi followed several people and said the doubts in her heart.

Wang Xiuyun said, "I found out that these people are from other counties, and they grow wheat there, but I didn't expect that the weather was too hot. As a result, I didn't know which one killed them. They actually set a fire. Those wheats were all connected together, and they were all burned out all of a sudden! The wheat was gone, and the rice was all dead again. There was really no way to escape.

As soon as several people heard Wang Xiuyun's words, they all felt sympathy for these people. It was too unlucky to think that these people were too unlucky. They didn't expect that the wheat would be burned. This is simply heartbreaking! I really don't know how these people have been these days.

Su Zhi was still a little puzzled and said, "It's just a village if the wheat is burned, isn't it? They are from another county, and only their village is out of food. If you find a county official, you can always help some, and you still have to escape? Even if you want to escape, you have to find someone close to you. Why did you escape to us?

Li's sister-in-law was also curious and asked Wang Xiuyun again.

Wang Xiuyun blinked, and now he had nothing to say. Finally, he said, "I only heard this. Who knows why they came so far? Yes, even if you want to eat, just go to their county. Why did you come here? This is a little strange. Let's go and have a look!"

Several people looked at each other and didn't find the result, so they had to speed up and move forward together.

Shugen's sister-in-law said, "It's not us who are cruel. These people should let them go quickly! I heard from others that one year of disaster, a village went to escape from the famine. As a result, he was robbed by those people and injured many people. Just like a mountain thief, he almost robbed his children. It's like cannibals. Our village can't suffer from this scourge. You have to beware!"

Sister-in-law Li said aside, "No, I've heard about this. My cousin married in that village. She was scared back then, and her family was also robbed. In the end, I went to my house to borrow food so that I didn't starve to death!"

When the two of them said this, everyone's footsteps walked faster.

Su Zhi was not shocked. She was a person who had read countless TV series and novels. She also thought of this kind of thing, but she was not afraid to think that there were sacred beasts in her family. However, if the people in this village were harmed, they could not do it. Most people in this village are simple and kind these days. Because she often goes to her house to get water, she is also familiar with them. She can see that those people are polite to her not just because they give them water, but because they are honest people themselves. When she looks at the honest people suffering, she will also feel uncomfortable, especially this matter may cause death and injury!

This matter has obviously spread. Many people ran towards the village, and many people were still holding guys in their hands. They were scolded by some old people, and then they put them down. However, some people still ran over with them. It can be seen at a glance that the villagers were also worried that they would be robbed here.

Su Zhi thought to herself that the ancients were simple but also heartfelt.

I met the people of the Shen family on the road. All the brothers of the Shen family ran out, and even the teenagers of Dalang followed. As for Chunlan and others, they did not follow. They only stood in front of the door. They saw Su Zhi and immediately stopped him.

"Fourth aunt, do you want to see it too?"

Chunlan asked, in fact, she also wanted to go, but was stopped by her mother, saying that she was a girl's house and didn't go to that kind of place. But she feels that she is not young. Mother and others have gone, and she also wants to go. Chunxiang also wanted to go. She stood next to Chunlan, and her eyes were brighter than usual.

Su Zhi nodded and said, "I'll go and have a look. Are your grandfather and grandma at home? Didn't you disturb them?"

Chunxiang said, "My grandfather and grandmother didn't go. They were at home. My sister and I stayed at home. At the third uncle's house, Chunhua and Goro were at home. Everyone else went out to see it. Fourth aunt, we also want to go, but my mother won't let us go. Can you take us there?

Su Zhi nodded her forehead and said, "Your mother asked you to stay at home, and you stay. Your mother is also for your own good. I'm afraid that you will be scared. Those people have escaped from the famine. They must be very pitiful. She is afraid that you will feel uncomfortable. You'd better take your mother's kindness. Don't think about going out. I won't take you there."

Chunxiang squeezed her lower lip and thought that she shouldn't have let the fourth aunt take her there, or she might blame the fourth aunt.

Su Zhi gave them the baskets of herself and Liu Siniang, asked them to put them back to the house, and then pulled Liu Siniang forward together.

Chunxiang and Chunlan could only walk into the house with baskets. However, after sitting in the room for a while, they couldn't sit still. They looked at each other and ran out.

Su Zhi followed the people to the west of the village, and soon arrived at the head of the village. Looking at the group of people in front of him, it seemed that half of the people in the village had come. She thinks that the people in the riverside village are really well prepared for these refugees. She followed Wang Xiuyun and others forward, and finally walked to the front.

The head of the riverside village is an open space and a grain field in the village, so it is very flat. There are a few big trees on both sides. In this weather, the leaves are dry, and the tree is not dead. It is all thanks to several families in the village. The water that has been used several times usually watered on the tree is Yes.

Now there are many people standing under the big tree, and many people are standing under the sun without shade. One by one, they are very listless.

Among these people, there are men and women, old and young. They all wear rags. At first glance, they have not been washed for many days. Because of the long journey, their bodies seem to be gray, even their faces are gray, not to mention their hair. Let people know at a glance that this is a refuge, which is not much better than Hanako who specializes in begging for rice.

Li Zheng is now talking to several of these people.

Su Zhi's ears are very good, which may be because she is nourished by Lingquan. Her ears are smart and her eyes are light. Although she is not too close to Li Zheng and others, she not only clearly sees those people clearly, but also hears what they are saying. Hearing this, she Understand what's going on.

It turned out that these people were not neighboring counties, but neighboring counties. They were hundreds of miles away from here. The drought in their county was particularly serious. Because of a fire, the wheat was gone, the harvest was lost, the rice was all dried up, and the sweet potatoes were confiscated. There were no mountains there, and they wanted to find It's impossible. Go to the county to ask the county official for food. The county official didn't give it to him, and he didn't let them go there to make trouble. In the end, they had to go out together to escape the famine. They wanted to spend the year and then go home. This is also a way to live.

In this countryside, sometimes some people don't have a good harvest and can't eat, they will take a family out to ask for food, and wait until it's time to farm before going home.

These people have also taken this road.

"Lord Li Zheng, most of our village have come out. Not only us, but also people from other villages. Many people from our village came out. Maybe it's across the mountain. The drought here is better than ours. Let's take a break here! Everyone is a countryman, and they are not easy people. You can do it well.

One of the leaders, a 20-year-old man, said that he was thin and small, but he could still say it with one mouth. Although he stood there was asking for help, his attitude was not like asking for help.

Li Zheng frowned slightly. He didn't want these people to stay. It's not that he was cruel, but that he had this kind of lesson. He left the refugees behind. As a result, they got into trouble. Those refugees would steal things from the homes of the villagers, which was a disaster. As Li Zheng, he will not agree.

"This little brother, all the villagers, it's not that I don't keep you. Our village is also affected by the disaster now, and there is no surplus food for you at all. You don't have enough to eat here, so you might as well go to the county or town. There are a lot of rich people there. As long as they leak their fingers, you will have enough to eat. You should go there. I'm pointing you the way. You'd better go."

As soon as the villagers next to

heard it, they all said it one by one.

As soon as those refugees from outside heard this, their faces became darker one by one. It was not easy for them to come here. It seemed to be quiet here, thinking that they could settle down here. I didn't expect to be chased out by others, but these days, they are also used to being chased, so they didn't hear it. They just pointed to the person who negotiated in front of them. These days, they all listen to those people, or they don't know what to do.

The person who talked to Li Zheng still didn't give up and continued to say to Li Zheng, "We also want to go to the town, but we went there and were kicked out. You can do it. Let's rest here. Why don't this man really die at the entrance of your village? Can you feel at peace of mind?

An older half-old man next to him waved his hand to the back and said loudly, "You say something, please Lord Lizheng to give us a way to live!"

All of a sudden, those who hadn't moved just now suddenly made a sound, shouting in a mess, but it could also be heard that they were begging, and even some people begging and began to cry. The crowd moved, as if they were going to rush forward at any time. RQ