Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 285 Tongren's Words, Killing

The people in Riverside Village are not fools. At first, they didn't want these people to live in the village, and now it's even more impossible. These people are still making concessions. The villagers in Riverside Village are also uncomfortable, thinking that they are too in an inch. If they are allowed to live in, maybe what will happen.

"We said before that our village can't agree to accept you. When you come back, Dahei is yours, but now Dahei doesn't recognize the former master at all, and you have no reason to stay.

Li Zheng said rudely that he had been Li Zheng for so many years and had never been so entangled by others. He was also bored. Thinking about the idea of these people fighting holy beasts, his unhappiness on his face was a little more, thinking that he must not let them enter the village.

Chen Er and others can't help it when they hear it. Dahei doesn't recognize Liu Xiaosi, and they can't force its head to recognize its owner. There are holy beasts around it. They don't want to be bitten to death.

"You'd better let us live. If Dahei suddenly recognize Xiao Si one day, you won't let us live in. What if it is in a hurry?"

Chen Er's tone eased a little.

Su Zhi thought to herself that this man was really good at making excuses. She listened to the sarcasm of the villagers about Chen Er. While thinking about the idea, she had to let Chen Er give up the idea of reusing Dahei.

"Liu Xiaosi, do you think Dahei was originally raised by your family?"

Su Zhi asked Liu Xiaosi. Today, she was wearing her light blue jacket and wore a skirt. Her hair was simply rolled up. A silver hairpin looked refreshing. A pair of clear eyes looked at Liu Xiaosi, and Liu Xiaosi, who had just grown up, blushed a little.

"Yes. Heizi was raised by my family since I was a child, and later lost it. I didn't expect it to be alive and live very well... It's really thanks to my sister-in-law taking care of it.

Su Zhi nodded. He said, "You said that Dahei is your family, but it's useless for you to say it, and it's useless for me to say it. It's useless for everyone to say it. It has to admit it to be useful! Now I'll ask it. If it says it's not yours, it's yours. Don't come to it in the future. If you come up with any more ideas, be careful that the holy beast bites you!"

Su Zhi said this as soon as he said this. The people in Riverside Village were a little surprised, but they were just a little surprised. They had long been used to some of Su Zhi's behaviors, as if Su Zhi was very smart and could do whatever she wanted. And she often does some unusual things and things, and the villagers are not surprised. And those refugees have never seen Su Zhi's behavior. Hearing what she said, they all felt that Su Zhi was talking in her sleep. No matter how clever the dog is, he can't understand people's words, can he? If you say some simple commands, such as sitting and jumping, it may be okay, if it's deeper. That definitely won't work. So when they heard Su Zhi say that she wanted Dahei to answer her question, they all felt that she was going to play tricks.

The older man said this possibility, and many people behind him were attached.

Su Zhi said, "I'm asking here. Look at it. Don't forget that Dahei is the daughter-in-law of the holy beast. It's so smart that it knows everything I say. Now I'm starting to ask, it screams, that is to deny, to shout twice, that is to affirm. So what do I ask it? It's all yes or no, so it's very clear, right?"

With that, Su Zhi bent down slightly and began to ask slang.

"Big Black, do you know this person?"

Dahei shouted twice. Although both of them were very small, they were still heard, and the refugees were very happy.

"Big Black, do you hate this man?"

Dahei shouted twice again, and these two shouted loudly.

Liu Xiaosi's face suddenly turned white. He didn't expect that this dog could really understand people's words. If it goes on like this, won't he get any benefits from Dahei?

Su Zhi sneered in her heart and began to ask again, "Dahei, has this man, or this man's family, done something particularly bad to you?"

Dahei shouted twice. Now, the white wolf howled aside, with anger, not to mention those refugees, even the people in the riverside village were a little weak, and they all felt that the holy beast was angry. The white wolf is really angry. Since he drank too much of Su Zhi's spiritual spring, and then Su Zhi ate the lotus pollen red. Its already good intelligence has suddenly improved. Now in addition to not being able to speak, it can understand people's words. This seems to be amazing, but the truth is that it happened.

The white wolf is close to Su Zhi because Su Zhi has given it a new entry, and Su Zhi is also a good person who can make his family live a good life. What it cares about most is its partner and the cub. Now it actually hears that the black dog has been hurt. Naturally, it is furious. Looking at Liu Xiaosi and others, their eyes are like knives, like cutting them up.

Su Zhi looked at the white wolf's angry and didn't stop it. She thought that she should let the white wolf scare these people. Is it really such a threat to the holy beast? If so, the holy beast will not be a holy beast!

"This lady, please stop the holy beast."

As Chen Er said, his voice trembled. Now he is really shocked, afraid and angry. What's surprising is that the holy beast and the partner of the holy beast can actually understand people's words. What he is afraid that the holy beast is angry now. What if he eats them? It was Liu Xiaosi who was angry. He said that the black dog was his family, but it was his family, but he said that he had lost the black dog, but he didn't say that he had offended the black dog! Now that the holy beast is angry, Liu Xiaosi really killed him!

Su Zhi sneered in her heart and said, "I can't call the holy beast. It is angry for Dahei now. That's its companion. If you bully Dahei, it will naturally vent its anger on Dahei."

"We didn't bully Dahei. It was Liu Xiaosi who bullied Dahei! If you want to find him, just look for him. We thought he had a good relationship with the companion of the holy beast, so we came here! It's none of our business."

Chen Er opened his mouth and pushed Liu Xiaosi out.

Liu Xiaosi was angry. He pushed him when he came, and now pushed him out. They were afraid that the holy beast would bite them to death, so they gave him up!

"Brother Chen, it's obvious that you asked me to come! At that time, I didn't know that Dahei was my black man. You said that whether it was or not, as long as he was bitten to death, it would be my black man. You just want to get something to eat here. Now this is really the black man of my family, but the black man is angry with me. You are afraid of the holy beast, so you push me out. Are you still a human?! At least we are also from the same village, and you also watched me grow up!"

Liu Xiaosi said loudly. Chen Er's face was extremely ugly. Looking at the mocking faces and comments of the villagers by the river, he regretted pushing Liu Xiaosi away. He thought that the holy beast would be angry and would not bite in front of so many people, right? How could he push Liu Xiaosi out in fear? Now Liu Xiaosi is in a hurry, but he has poked out his own plan. Now it is impossible to take advantage of the riverside village!

Li said to Chen Er with a straight face, "Okay, it turns out that you have such an idea. Fortunately, we gave you the food. You actually plotted against us like this. It's really a good intention to repay us! Unexpectedly, I still want to abduct the holy beast. I want to report to the official and let the government arrest you, and you will have a prison meal!"

As soon as Li was talking, he raised his hand and asked someone to ride a horse and report to the official.

A young man answered, turned around and ran to pull the horse.

When Chen Er's group of people heard that Li was about to report to the official, they were afraid. They hurriedly begged Li Zheng, and Chen Er kept saluting.

Although Li Zheng was angry, he just wanted to scare these people. They were also forced to make a living. That's why he came up with this method. He did not commit big crimes. As the same household, Li Zheng didn't want to embarrass these people who had suffered from drought.

So Li Zheng stopped the young man who led the horse to report to the official, so that the refugees kept thanking him.

As soon as Chen Er saw that Li Zheng had forgiven them, he immediately said good words and ran away with a group of refugees. He thought that he could not stay here anymore. He saw the power of the holy beast, and the people in the riverside village were extremely unhappy with them. And Liu Xiaosi, who knew the holy beast partner, he also off And at the same time, they also tore their faces, so there is no need to be with Liu Xiaosi anymore. Chen Er didn't care about Liu Xiaosi and left in a hurry.

Liu Xiaosi didn't go with Chen Er and others. He didn't want to be with them. Originally, he fled together just to have enough to eat. Unexpectedly, he was betrayed at the critical moment. He also felt bored. When those people left, he didn't follow him. In fact, there was a holy beast staring at him, and he didn't dare to move. His eyes still fell on Dahei's body, which was a little complicated. This was really the black man he knew. He didn't expect that he was so smart now that he could understand people's words and give birth to a baby with the holy beast.

The white wolf was still staring at Liu Xiaosi. He was angry with the person who dared to hurt Dahei and wanted to tear him to pieces.

Su Zhi comforted the white wolf and asked Liu Xiaosi, "How did you hurt Dahei in the first place?"

Su Zhi thought that when Da Hei saw her for the first time, although she was gentle, she looked a little scared, and when she went out of the mountain later, she didn't want to see anyone. She ran away as soon as she saw her, and it didn't get better for a long time. She felt that it must have been hurt, so she was a little afraid of people. She wants to make it clear.

Liu Xiaosi said, "It's not the black man I hurt, it's my father. The family was so poor that he wanted to kill the black man. Later, the black man disappeared.

Su Zhi thought it turned out to be like this. Dahei was killed by his master. Maybe he escaped from under the knife and stick, so he did not have a good impression on Liu Xiaosi. However, Dahei also shows that Liu Xiaosi was not the one who hurt him at the beginning. Although he didn't like it, it was only because the person who killed him had something to do with Liu Xiaosi. RQ