Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 290 Poison, fox civet essence

Because Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi mentioned the story of planting sweet potatoes, the whole village has abandoned rice and planted sweet potatoes. And because there was water to water wheat and harvested grain before, there has never been anything about starving to death in every family. Whether they eat more or less, it is There is something to eat, and the same is true of the flower lady's house. She can eat thin food in the morning, but she only eats thin food.

I only ate corn porridge in the morning. How could I have a bad stomach and hurt like this, just like poisoning?

Su Zhi was surprised. If it hadn't been for her pressing a few times on the flower woman's stomach and confirming that the position was wrong, she would have thought that she had acute appendicitis, but thinking that her face was not right, she always felt that the flower woman's face was a little like that of Song Dashan and Xiao Ping'er The two are serious, but it is also a symptom, like poisoning.

Su Zhi only thought so, and the flower lady's words confirmed it to her.

"I didn't just drink a bowl of corn porridge. I also ate something else, which was poisoned!"

As the flower woman said, her voice was a little weak, but she still shouted loudly as if she had exhausted all her strength. This sentence surprised all the people standing outside the door watching the bustle.

This poisoning is not a big deal. In the countryside, it is not that no one has been poisoned. People in the countryside sometimes eat some game. Whether it is plants or animals, sometimes they will be poisoned. Although it is not a common situation, it is not that it has never happened. Moreover, poisonous snakes and poisoning are more likely to occur here. Although everyone talks about poisonous color change, they will not be as surprised as this time, because the flower woman said that she was poisoned by people!

This is accidentally poisoned and poisoned by others, which are two natures!

The person who listened to Mrs. Hua said this suddenly began to think about who the suspect was. Naturally, their eyes followed the fierce eyes of the old woman and saw Wang Huazhi standing aside, looking at Wang Huazhi's face whiter. I don't think the poisoner said by the flower woman is Wang Huazhi, right?!

Su Zhi naturally saw it and was very surprised. What's going on?

Wang Huazhi stood there with a bad face. But his waist was straight and he said, "Aunture Hua, you can't talk nonsense. It has nothing to do with us!"

"Do you dare to say that it has nothing to do with you?! You fox, you have to die. Do you think if you kill me, my son will marry you?! Let me tell you. Even if I'm dead, you don't want to enter our cow's house! You Kefu's woman, don't want to hurt my son!"

The flower woman scolded loudly, but her face looked even worse. She hugged her stomach and shouted, and almost rolled down from the lounge chair.

Niu Dabao was originally shy and angry, but now he is anxious and shocked. He quickly hugged the flower lady and said loudly, "Mom, don't make any more noise. It's important to cure the disease!"

Those who watched the hustle and bustle were even more excited when they heard Mrs. Hua's words. They thought that they had heard more lively things now. Unexpectedly, Widow Wang in the village had such a relationship with Niu Dabao! At the beginning, someone said their gossip, but they still didn't recognize it. Now the flower lady has said so. Let's see how they deny it! It seems that the village is going to be lively again!

In the countryside these days, there is not much entertainment. East and West are the best entertainment, especially this kind of romantic thing. It's even more commentable.

Su Zhi usually doesn't go far from Wang Huazhi. She also has a good impression on this woman, and she doesn't think it's wrong for the widow to remarry, so she won't be excited to hear this kind of thing and hear the noise outside. But she also knew that this matter was a big deal in this era. She was very worried about Wang Huazhi. She thought that now she was involved in the two things of poisoning and remarriage.

For a woman, these two things are both big things, and I don't know if Wang Huazhi can withstand it.

Su Zhi took a look at Wang Huazhi and found that although her face was pale, she still straightened her waist under the guidance of so many people. At the same time, she was relieved. At the same time, she also nodded secretly and praised. Wang Huazhi was stronger than Liu Siniang. Who said that the women in the ancient countryside were either weak or Isn't it also strong and self-respecting?

The iron head has been held by Wang Huazhi, and he was also scared. When he heard that his mother was scolded, he was also angry. He looked up at Su Zhizheng. Thinking that his mother would be hated by his fourth aunt, whom he had always liked, he was immediately anxious.

"My mother is not a bad person! You old lady is the bad guy! You speak ill of my mother, you are a bad person!"

Tietou was well educated by Wang Huazhi. These days, he has learned very well with Xiao Ri and others. He was so angry that he didn't say anything dirty. He just said the bad guy loudly. After staring at the flower woman, he looked at Su Zhi with tearful eyes, which was like asking Su Zhi to admit that he was right.

Su Zhi has always loved the little doll, especially the kind of obedient and sensible person. When she saw Tie Tou like this, she was also distressed. She thought that this baby was really suffering.

"Aunkey Hua, don't worry, you have nothing to do. I'll give you a pair of medicine, and you'll be fine."

Su Zhi thought that no matter what happened, it was important to save people first. Although it seemed that Mrs. Hua's life would not be in danger for a while, she still had to be cured early and relieved. In order not to let Wang Huazhi take the charge of poisoning and killing, she also had to cure Mrs. Hua.

As soon as the flower lady heard this, she immediately stared at Wang Huazhi. She turned her head and looked at Su Zhi excitedly and said, "Daughter-in-law, treat me quickly. I don't want to hurt anymore!" You healed me, and you will be my aunt's benefactor from now on!"

Niu Dabao is also saying good words. He won't say good things, but will only keep thanking him.

Su Zhi shook her head in her heart. It was a miracle that such a mother would raise such a son.

Su Zhi took out a small bottle from her arms, poured out a pill, handed it over, and said, "This is my new pill. You can eat one. It's probably in charge."

This pill was made by Su Zhi. She thought that there was a poisonous snake here, so she used it as a antidote pill, so that she would not be able to deal with it. She could not take out the Lingquan Xianlian immediately. If you encounter an urgent injury, it is troublesome to make soup medicine now. The pills are in hand, which is the simplest. She has always put only three pills on her body, so that she will not be asked for like rice grains. The more precious things are, the more people will be regarded as treasures.

As soon as the flower lady heard this, she immediately reached out and grabbed the pill in Su Zhi's hand. She hurriedly sent it to her mouth and almost choked. She asked Niu Dabao to pat her back twice, and then swallowed it.

Su Zhi completely believes in this pill, and no one can give her the power of this pill.

Everyone inside and outside the house looked at the flower lady, hoping that she would get better soon.

The flower lady also lived up to expectations. As soon as she swallowed the pill, she immediately felt as if she was cool all over, and then there was a burst of warmth in her stomach. There was a severe pain just now, as if it disappeared in an instant, except that she seemed to have no strength, as if she had not experienced the pain.

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt anymore! Ouch! Zi'an's daughter-in-law, you are really a magic doctor!"

The flower woman grabbed Su Zhi's hand happily and shook it up and down. She felt that she had pulled down her face to make friends with Su Zhi at the beginning. That was simply the right thing to do. Even if Su Zhi didn't have money in her family, she only had the ability to get rid of the disease, it was worth it to make friends

As soon as the people watching the scene outside heard the words of Mrs. Hua, they immediately began to talk about Su Zhi's ability. They thought that the Shen family was really blessed to marry such a capable daughter-in-law, a woman, and her brain was so smart that people wanted to see how she looked and how she could do everything! It is worthy of being a person who can attract holy beasts!

The people in the room were also very excited. If Niu Dabao hadn't cared about being a man, he would have grabbed Su Zhi and thanked him. Wang Huazhi was also relieved, and his eyes were red with his son in his arms.

"Su Zhi, thank you. If it weren't for you, I really don't know how to do it.

Wang Huazhi thanked Su Zhi. If something really happens to Mrs. Hua today, she is really in trouble. No matter what Mrs. Hua said is true or not, others will doubt her. Then she is really reasonable and can't explain. She definitely can't live in this riverside village, so their mother and son may die. Because she has no mother's family to rely on. If she leaves the riverside village, she has nowhere to go, and if she leaves her son, she will die of grief.

Su Zhi held Wang Huazhi and said, "You're welcome."

Tietou raised his head and said to Su Zhi, "Fourth aunt, this has nothing to do with my mother. It's Grandma Hua who wronged my mother!"

The flower lady didn't hurt at this time, and she came to her energy again. She crossed her waist and stared and said, "Little boy! You said I wronged your mother?! Then let me ask you, why did your mother come to my house with you and I became like this? Your mother must have poisoned my meal while I wasn't paying attention! It must be! Let me tell you, what your mother did this time is a crime! I can sue her! It happens that the county magistrate is here today, and I'm going to complain!"

The flower woman has to go out.

Tietou looked at Wang Huazhi in horror. Seeing that his mother's face was ugly, he looked at the flower woman again and said, "My mother didn't do anything!" She just stood in your yard, and I was by her side! She didn't do anything! You wronged my mother!"

When the flower woman saw the iron head in front of her, she pulled him aside. As a result, she pulled the iron head to the ground.

The iron head sat on the ground and his eyes turned red.

"Iron head! You didn't break it, did you?"

As soon as Wang Huazhi saw that her son was thrown, she hurried to help him. She was very distressed. This was her only son. For a widow, her son was expecting. She looked up at the flower lady with a bad face. RQ