Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 297 I want to give you a baby

"Moon, I really wronged you. I'm glad that you save it for me, but I can still let you live a good life. You don't have to save it for me. As long as there are flowers, there must be some for you. I will let you live a good life."

Zhang Baozhu said gently to Jia Yueer, looking at Jia Yueer looking at his eyes gently and looking at her with gentle eyes. He couldn't help thinking of the scene of seeing her for the first time. It was really a day he would never forget, and his Yue'er really didn't let him down, not only on the day of the first meeting It's so beautiful. After so many days, it's also so beautiful, and it's getting better and better day by day. I can't help loving her without him.

"Sir, you are so kind to me."

Aunt Yue reached out and hugged Zhang Baozhu's neck and gave him a kiss.

Zhang Baozhu also kissed her back. His subordinate was Jia Yueer's smooth skin. How could he be patient? He suddenly picked up Jia Yueer, hurriedly carried her into the bedroom, put her in **, and began to take off his clothes in a hurry. The bed hung down and covered the spring light inside.

It took about half an hour before it calmed down.

"Sir, you are so kind."

Aunt Yue snuggled up in Zhang Baozhu's arms, looking lazy and delicate after the rain, and her voice was hoarse.

Zhang Baozhu hugged Jia Yueer and said, "It's not good for you. Who is it good for? I promised you to be good to you. You are in this world without relatives and no reason. You can only rely on me alone. You married me. If I don't treat you well, I will have no conscience. Therefore, I must be good for you. You want the moon in the sky, and I will look for you.

Aunt Yue was moved to Zhang Baozhu's arms more. But she was proud to think that this man had been fascinated by herself. There was only a little chance that she could kick the Shang family out of the main room, and then she could become a serious young lady of the Zhang family. In the future, the tens of millions of money in this family will be all hers, and she will no longer be a concubine who is despised!

Zhang Baozhu listened to Aunt Yue's beautiful words in his arms and smelled the fragrance of her. I feel as if I'm walking on the clouds, and my heart is happy.

"Yue'er, your body seems to be much better recently. It seems that those foods are very good for your appetite. By the way, the wife of the Shen family, who can cook, made a new food. It's very suitable for this kind of hot day. She said she would sell it to the restaurant, and then ask the restaurant to bring it to you. You must love it.

Zhang Baozhu is always worried about Jia Yueer's food, clothing, housing and transportation. It can be said that he really loves this woman. He is almost thirty years old, but he still hangs his lover in his heart like a young man and is willing to find all kinds of good things for her. In order to make her happy, he is still happy.

"Really? Thank you very much. I really want to know what's delicious.

Jia Yueer thanked Zhang Baozhu happily. Her mind suddenly flashed, thinking about the Shen family's wife who could make delicious food. Isn't she from Riverside Village? And didn't Zhang Dafu and his party go to Riverside Village with Xinhezhi County? Today, Li, Shang's cousin, came to Shang. So secretly speaking, there is a word "village" in it, which makes Shang so excited. Wouldn't it be so coincidental that they are talking about the village character of Riverside Village?

That Li's father-in-law seems to be the catcher in the county government!

The more Jia Yueer thought about it, the more likely it was, and the wife of the Shen family was a very unusual woman. If it's her reason, it's very possible for Shang to drop the tea bowl!

Jia Yueer's heart beat faster and bit her red lips tightly in a place where Zhang Baozhu couldn't see. If she was really that woman in her heart, what was going on? She doesn't want the wife of the Shen family to get to know and get to know the Shang family. She is very afraid of the wife of the Shen family. She hopes that the farther her life is from that woman, the better!

"Master, the lord and the county magistrate went to Riverside Village. Is there anything interesting there? Is the Shen couple really that good?"

Jia Yueer asked curiously. She just wanted to inquire. If possible, she also wanted to meet the woman in person. Although she had met her and the two had talked to each other, it was not a very pleasant meeting.

That time when she met Su Zhi in Baise Xiuzhuang, Jia Yueer looked at Su Zhi, who was dressed decently as a peasant woman but not worse than the women in the town. There was a suppressing idea in her heart, so although she was very polite on the surface, she used money to suppress Su Zhi and showed that she was very sincere in buying Su Zhi's Luozi showed a rich appearance when bidding for money. He hoped to use money to press Su Zhi's head, hoping that Su Zhi would open his eyes when he saw the money.

Unfortunately, Su Zhi did not fall behind at all. Although she finally bought Su Zhi's Luozi, she was knocked by Su Zhi and paid 80 taels of silver to buy the Luozi, which was completely beyond all the silver money in her hand at that time, which made her feel very worthless, but she still gritted her teeth to buy it. It's coming down. Looking at Su Zhi's smiling and plain face, she knew at that time that she had not suppressed Su Zhi at all, but was knocked by Su Zhi.

That time, she lost. On the surface, she didn't lose. In private, she lost completely.

Jia Yueer knew that Su Zhi was not a good bully. She was angry at that time, but when she came back, she put it down because she had to deal with too many things. She just didn't expect that it would take so long before she was going to face the woman again. At the thought of the woman standing in front of her dignifiedly, accompanied by a handsome man, she felt a little depressed in her heart, which seemed to have a sour taste.

Jia Yueer felt that Su Zhi really shouldn't have lived so well. Why did she have to be a concubine for others, but that woman was extremely comfortable as a peasant woman?

Maybe it's time to meet her.

Jia Yueer doesn't need to look at it, she knows that the wife of the Shen family must be doing well now, but she wants to know how well she is. Only when she sees it with her own eyes will she know whether she is living a better life than herself.

Zhang Baozhu listened to Jia Yueer ask about Shen Zi'an's family, thought of everything he saw, thought of the lush and green Fuyuan, thought of the holy beast, thought of the water eye, thought of the delicious food cooked by the Shen family's wife, thought of the three cute little dolls in their family, and nodded.

"Although the couple is a rural couple, they are unusual. It's really Ganoderma lucidum growing in the grass. I think my family was born like that in those years. I can't say that these two couples will be very rich in the future. They all know this official, and there are holy beasts around them. It's really not allowed to be underestimated.

Zhang Baozhu told Aunt Yue again that he saw everything. After he came back, he didn't have a chance to say this to her, so he talked a lot.

Aunt Yue listened to the happy life of the Shen family and the family under Zhang Baozhu's mouth, and the sourness in her heart was even heavier. She bit her lip, so that she didn't think too much, and told herself that her current life was the best life and the life she wanted. Even if the wife of the Shen family is amazing, she doesn't have a good life.

"Listen to what you said, I think Nafuyuan is really a good place. I also want to meet you." After all, Jia Yueer said something and looked at Zhang Baozhu at her. She quickly acted coquettishly, "I just want to have a look! Have I ever told you that the wife of the Shen family and I already know each other. The Luozi I gave you was bought from her! I just want to think that Fuyuan is so good. If I go to get some light, will it be good for my health? Maybe I can give you a baby. I really want a doll for you and me.


Zhang Baozhu listened to Jia Yueer's words and hugged her tightly. If other women talked about the child in front of him, he might be ashamed, because although Lang Zhong said that he was not sick, he could not let fifteen women get pregnant, which made everyone know that this was his problem. But Jia Yueer is different. This is the woman he loves. If she dares to presuppose the child in front of him, she will not look down on him. She wants to be with his child. He is happy, and at the same time, he is a little uncomfortable, because he can't let her have children. He suddenly felt a little guilty to her.

"Jue'er, if you want to go, just take it as a distraction."

Zhang Baozhu agreed to Jia Yueer's request. He thought that he could not give Jia Yueer a child, but he could give her everything else. He had to make her happy.

Jia Yueer was immediately happy when she heard it. She hugged him and said, "I'll go there for a walk. Maybe I can be blessed, and then I can give you a baby." Our doll must be very cute.

Zhang Baozhu listened to Jia Yueer keep talking about their children, and he also had expectations in his heart. He thought that Lang Zhong said that he was fine. Maybe the time did not come, or God wanted him to have children with the woman he loved, and other women did not deserve to have children for him. So, maybe if he works hard, he will have his child. Thinking of this, he suddenly came to his spirits and leaned over to plug Jia Yueer's mouth as she was talking.

There is boundless spring in the tent.

Several people of the Zhang family are so staring at the Shen family and Su Zhi, but Su Zhi doesn't know that she is still living her little life.

Su Zhi saw that it was time to buy the things at home again, and thought that she had promised to visit Zhang Dafu in the town. When she saw the day of the market, she got into the ox cart with Shen Zi'an again. The three children also made trouble to go, and finally took them with them. The little sun and the stars wore green, and the moon wore red. They were all white and clean, which made people want to kiss each other.

Li Shi also entered the city, but Liu Siniang didn't go and saw them go.

Su Zhi looked at Li Shi and kept looking at Liu Siniang's figure. She thought that Liu Siniang was doing well now. Looking at this woman who was somewhat similar to her previous life, she felt comfortable. RQ