Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 299 Contract

Zhang Dafu was very happy to see them coming. He asked the housekeeper to take the three children to play. He talked about business with Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi.

Shen Zi'an knows that Su Zhi's business is not a little better than him, and this seasoning is also made by Su Zhi. He has always supported Su Zhi to preside over the overall situation, and he just needs to escort behind her. To be honest, Shen Zi'an likes to see his daughter-in-law talking about business, that kind of colorful It's really attractive.

Su Zhi knew that Shen Zi'an was not a big man. She asked him to come forward before, but she just wanted him to be happy. Now that he is willing to watch her talk about business, she does not refuse. In fact, she also thinks that she is more neat to talk about business than Shen Zi'an. Her father-in-law is the It's the kung fu on the mouth, such as archery, such as practicing martial arts, such as light kung fu, and even farming and driving a car are extremely handsome. His indifferent appearance and gentle smile are the most charming.

So Su Zhi talked about business with Zhang Dafu very generously.

Zhang Dafu naturally saw that if he wanted to talk about this business, he had to talk to Su Zhi. The wife of the Shen family's father-in-law was only here to show his support. He had been in business for many years, and naturally he had also done business with women. He would not despise Su Zhi because she was a woman, and soon

"I'm very interested in that seasoning, but I don't know what it is. Please tell me more about it."

Zhang Dafu said that because there were too many people that day, it was not easy for him to ask in detail, because if he asked carefully, he was afraid that others would get mixed up when they heard it. At that time, he would make less money. That's why he quietly invited Shen Zi'an and his wife to find another time to talk about it in detail, and didn't even ask the name of the seasoning.

Su Zhi said, "I made this seasoning with more than a dozen plants. It's powdery, which can be added to the dish, as long as it's a little smaller. Just put it in the dish, which can make the dish taste more delicious. Mr. Zhang, you also ate vegetables at my house that day. It was just the most common vegetable, but it was just added with the seasoning. It can be said to be very delicious, right? This is the use of seasonings. I gave my seasoning a name, 'It's delicious'.

The name Wei Duoxiang can be said to be a random name given by Su Zhi. She didn't choose to call it Shisanxiang. The main reason is that she doesn't want people to guess that it's made of thirteen things at once. Of course, her seasoning is really not made of thirteen things, but it's even more strange to call it Shisanxiang and fifteenxiang. So in the end, after thinking about it, she called the most popular 'taste and fragrance'. She believes that as long as things are good, she is not afraid of vulgar names.

Zhang Dafu heard the name and read it several times. Although the name is ordinary, it is really relevant, isn't it? As long as you use this thing, it will taste more fragrant. What he cares about is that this kind of seasoning can make the dish delicious with only a little bit. And it's such a simple usage.

"Powdered, is it easy to save? Just like salt?"

"Yes, as long as it is not damp, it can be stored for a long time, and it is extremely convenient to carry."

Su Zhi thinks that Zhang Dafu is really a businessman, although he only asked the most common question. But it came to the point.

Zhang Dafu asked again, "How fragrant it is. Is it difficult to make it? If you sell it, can you make it in large quantities? This is a good thing. I believe it will sell as good as salt. I'm afraid it's difficult for you to make it.

Su Zhi said: "This seasoning is very easy to make, and its raw materials are not uncommon. It can be said that we can all grow it, and the method is simple, but the formula is difficult. As long as there are raw materials, I can easily make as much as I want.

When Zhang Dafu heard Su Zhi's words, he was very happy. He thought that the seasoning was easy to make. He could imagine that if this thing was sold, it would definitely be sold everywhere. At that time, every family had to use it, and they would definitely use it again when they ran out. At that time, he would not make money, or He believes that no one can eat dishes that have not been added before after eating dishes with seasonings, unless the dishes that have not been added are made by famous chefs! He smiled at the thought that the seasoning kept selling, and the silver kept flying in.

It's just that the recipe is from the Shen family. It seems that it can't be over. Not to mention that the Shen family is no longer an ordinary farmer now, or an ordinary farmer. These two couples are not easy to be bullied.

What Zhang Dafu wants is cooperation. If he wants to cooperate, let's not mention selling seasonings, it's his restaurant. With this seasoning, it can be opened all over the country!

It's just that Zhang Dafu still wants to take a look at the seasoning first.

"I don't know if you brought that seasoning?"

As soon as Su Zhi heard it, she knew that Zhang Dafu wanted to try this seasoning. Thinking about it, did she believe that they had a seasoning just because she ate their food that day and felt it was delicious? If Zhang Dafu really believed it so easily and didn't ask to see this seasoning, she would doubt this person's ability.

This seasoning was naturally brought. Su Zhi took out a small bottle from the small basket he brought and gave it to Zhang Dafu.

"This is that kind of seasoning. Master Zhang can ask his cook at home to stir-fry a light dish at will, add a small spoon when the dish is about to be cooked, and then bring it to Master Zhang to taste it and you will know if it is as delicious as the dish we ate that day."

Zhang Dafu thought that the wife of the Shen family was knowledgeable. He picked up the small bottle, then called the close servants to come in, asked him to take the small bottle to the kitchen, asked him to watch the cook stir-fry a light green vegetables, and then served the dishes. The man went down. Zhang Dafu accompanied the two of them to continue to talk.

"Brother Shen, Mrs. Shen, I am very interested in this seasoning in your hands. I don't know if we can cooperate and sell this seasoning to Quanliangguo. No, you can also sell it to neighboring countries. At that time, you will definitely make a lot of money! I'm not slandering you. What do you think?"

Zhang Dafu continued to talk about cooperation. In fact, he believed that the couple would not lie to him, especially after Su Zhi took out the seasoning. He believed them even more. Therefore, this cooperation should be stepped up. He can't waste time here. He doesn't want to hurry up. These two people don't cooperate with him, which is a big loss.

Su Zhi said, "Since Mr. Zhang, you don't talk in secret, let's talk openly!" We are also interested in cooperating with Mr. Zhang. Otherwise, I won't come to see you at all, and I won't tell you about the seasoning when you ask us why the dish is so delicious.

When Zhang Dafu heard this, he was satisfied. It turned out that in the eyes of this couple, I was a cooperative person, which was great! He also heard it vaguely. Qian Dahu and the county magistrate have other cooperation with the Shen family. They can let Qian Dahu and the county magistrate participate in the cooperation. It must be a big money. It's a pity that he failed to participate in it. And now he can finally get a way to make money from the Shen family, and he finally balances a little.

"I don't know about this cooperation, Mrs. Shen, do you have any other partners?"

Zhang Dafu means that he doesn't want Su Zhi to find another partner. It's like a snack. The more he divides, the less he gets. Zhang Dafu takes a fancy to the size of this snack, and he doesn't want to give it to others.

Su Zhi recognized Zhang Dafu's meaning. She didn't want to find another partner, so she said to Zhang Dafu, "I don't think of other partners for the time being. Because I cooperate with people, I have never made a prescription, but I can't contribute. If Master Zhang, you think you have the ability to do this, then I don't have to find anyone else. Mr. Zhang, can you pick it up?"

Zhang Dafu immediately said, "Of course!"

Zhang Dafu wants to pick it up even if he can't pick it up. This is a profitable business. It happens that his son is not young. Over the years, he has also learned to take care of the business, but it's just these businesses he has handled. There is no big challenge. Now that the business of seasoning is coming, let Zhang Baozhu also experience some big things! Naturally, he won't give it to him, but let him learn it. When the business is started, I guess his son can also support the family business!

Su Zhi smiled and said, "Since Mr. Zhang, you are interested in this cooperation, let's talk about how to cooperate!" I will make a prescription for this cooperation, and you can contribute. I'm six, you're four."

Zhang Dafu thought to himself that although the wife of the Shen family is a woman, although she is a rural peasant woman, she is really not soft at all when talking about business. Think about it, this is an unusual peasant woman. She is too smart, has too many things to protect in her hand, and can also do business with officials. Naturally, she is not timid at all to talk about business with herself. Listen, 'I'm six, you', how natural it is. Although he also feels that this division is reasonable, it's just proposed by a peasant woman, and it's still strange.

"That's it."

Zhang Dafu didn't talk about any more terms. He felt that this was reasonable. The most important thing for this seasoning is not to work hard, but to make a prescription, because there are many people who work hard, but the recipe is only in the hands of the Shen family. If he negotiates, he may not be qualified to do so. At that time, don't talk about four, and he won't get it at all! Zhang Dafu feels that he should be satisfied. He had a strange intuition that if he had a condition, he would definitely not be able to negotiate, and maybe he would be refused by Su Zhi. He doesn't want to take that risk.

"This peasant woman is not simple!"

Zhang Dafu looked at Su Zhi's confident appearance from beginning to end, and couldn't see through Su Zhi. He looked at Shen Zi'an next to Su Zhi again. Seeing that although he had never spoken, he was stable there. He felt that the young man was also good. These two couples were really not ordinary villagers. The village woman is comparable, which reminds him of his youth. At that time, he did not have this momentum, and now he is already a huge rich man, and this young couple may not take so many years to become a rich man of a country soon!

This cooperation was easily negotiated. Su Zhi took advantage of the hot iron and talked with Zhang Dafu to provide a recipe to share the restaurant.

"I have a lot of dishes in my hand. Even if these dishes are sent to the emperor to eat, they will not be on the table. You can open a restaurant to the whole country, or even to other countries. With the help of Wei Duoxiang, are you afraid that the business will be bad? At that time, won't the money also roll in? I use these recipe to share the share. I don't want much, as long as it's a good achievement. Does Master Zhang think it's feasible? If I don't think it's possible, I'll find another partner."

As soon as Zhang Dafu heard Su Zhi's words, his mind began to turn at that time. He had already seen Su Zhi's recipe. If it hadn't been for those dishes, his restaurant wouldn't have been so popular. He heard Su Zhi say that there were better dishes. Even if he could give it to the emperor, his heart immediately moved. He believed that Su Zhi would not lie to him. The dish must be excellent. Now what he is considering is whether the proposal is reasonable or not.

Zhang Dafu actually didn't think much about it, but when he heard Su Zhi's last words, he agreed.

Just kidding, if Su Zhi wants to cooperate with others. At that time, it must be provided with a lot of delicious food. You can imagine that the variety of dishes, coupled with the delicious taste, it must be a lot of money. He also opened a restaurant, and he once thought that the more restaurants as possible. Now that there is such an opportunity in front of him, how can he give it to others?!

"One degree, one degree is one degree!"

Zhang Dafu wants the dividend of the restaurant, which is really not much. This wife of the Shen family is not a greedy person, and he agreed.

Su Zhi also feels that she is no longer a greedy person, because if she waits until she earns money from these businesses. At that time, she will invest in the restaurant and become her own boss. The money she earns is ten yuan, but ten yuan. It's just that she still likes to find someone to partner. She wants to live a relaxed life and live a leisurely life with Shen Zi'an and the dolls. Then, some money can be distributed to others, and the work will naturally be done by others!

At this time, the vegetables were also stir-fried. Before the dish came in, the fragrance floated in first.

Zhang Dafu smelled the fragrance of the dish and knew that there was no problem with the seasoning, but he still picked up his chopsticks and tasted it. He felt that it was really comparable to the taste of that day. He believed that this was really the function of the seasoning, not because of human craftsmanship.

Zhang Dafu verified the function of the seasoning, and had great confidence in the flavor. Because he was afraid of the long night dreaming, he immediately wrote a contract. He wrote two copies of the seasoning and the restaurant, signed both of them, and pressed the fingerprints, which is considered to be a cooperative relationship.

As soon as the contract was written, Zhang Dafu was more enthusiastic about the husband and wife of the Shen family. From now on, they will be in a cooperative relationship. At that time, the couple will earn no less money than him, and maybe more than him, because they also have business with the county magistrate. What! Zhang Dafu was naturally very polite to them. He did not regard them as country people at all, but as ordinary people.

"It's almost noon, so let's stay for dinner! It's a celebration that we will be partners in the future!"

Zhang Dafu invited enthusiastically.

Shen Zi'an took a look at Su Zhi and saw from Su Zhi's eyes that she didn't want to stay here for dinner, so he said, "Mr. Zhang, you're welcome. I won't leave food today. We still have something to do. If there is a chance another day, I will definitely invite Mr. Zhang.

Seeing that they didn't want to stay and didn't force them to stay, Zhang Dafu sent them out.

The housekeeper came back with Xiaori's three dolls. Each of them had a lotus flower in his hand and a lotus leaf on his head. It looked really cute.

"Mother, look! Let's go pick flowers!"

Yueyue ran over happily and showed the lotus flower in her hand to Su Zhi.

Su Zhi looked at the lotus, which were all pink, all open and very delicate. She thought to wait for her family to plant such a lotus flower, but she had to wait for the drought to pass.

"It's so beautiful. Where did you pick it? Did you tell the owner of the flower? It wouldn't be good if I hadn't told it.

"This was picked up by the young lady herself. The young lady likes the three young ladies very much and gets along well with them!" The housekeeper said with a smile, and then looked back and said, "My young lady is also here. She really likes these three young masters and ladies."

Su Zhi looked up. Sure enough, a young woman came out behind the Moon Gate Cave, with two maids behind her. The young woman was dignified and plump. She was the young lady of the Zhang family she had seen before. For this young lady, she has only seen two from afar. He didn't say anything. At that time, she just felt that the young lady was very pitiful, because her husband had married so many concubines and had not yet given birth to a child. As the main room, she must be under a lot of pressure. Now when I look closely, I find that she is suitable for being a wife in charge of the house from her appearance. She has the momentum of being a lady in charge, but she is not lacking in gentleness. At least she looks at Yueyue and their eyes are very gentle. It seems that she also loves children.

Su Zhi has a good impression of this young lady.

"Thank you, Madam, for taking care of my three little preserved eggs. They didn't disturb you, did they?"

Su Zhi said to Shang Shi with a smile, saying that the three children are little preserved eggs, but she used a doting tone.

Shang wanted to find Su Zhi, but she didn't expect her to come to the house. When she heard that she was coming, she was very happy, but she didn't know how to meet her. When she saw the three children, she suddenly thought of the idea of knowing the three children first and then the baby girl. But she also loved these three children very much, thinking that if she had a child, she would be as cute as theirs.

Because she liked these three children so much, Shang didn't even care about her favorite jar of lotus flowers. She picked lotus leaves and lotus flowers for them to play with. She didn't feel sad at all, and she thought they looked good on them.

Now when she sees Su Zhi, Shang wants to teach such a cute doll woman, which must be excellent. Sure enough, what she sees from Su Zhi's eyes is clear. The woman who wants to have such a pair of clear and calm eyes must be extremely kind. If she asks her for help, she will definitely help herself.

"No, the little sun, the stars and the moon are very cute. I like them very much."

Shang Shi hurriedly said that she was telling the truth. As she spoke, she looked at the three little children. She wanted to hear that all these three children had been abducted, and then were rescued and then adopted by the Shen family. If only she had adopted them at that time, how nice it would have been. Although she also knew that the Zhang family would not let her adopt a child, and even if she was raised around her, it could not be her own child, she still couldn't help thinking so. Thinking that she may never be able to hold her own child in her life, her eyes are a little red.

"Young lady, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Shang's eyes suddenly turned red, Su Zhi asked with concern, but when she saw the eyes that Shang took back from Yueyue, she understood that this young lady thought of her own difficulties. Thinking of this, she really sympathized with this young lady. Because in her previous life, she finally divorced because she couldn't have children. Speaking of which, this young lady is the same as her. They feel sorry for each other.

Shang quickly wiped the corners of his eyes with a veil and said with a smile, "It's okay. I was just suddenly fascinated by the wind."

Su Zhi didn't expose her lies. She didn't want to say such a thing. How could she care about it? This is someone else's scar. They are just strangers they just met, and it's not convenient to say these things.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law and Su Zhi were very speculative, Zhang Dafu nodded in his heart and thought that this daughter-in-law was quite good. Although his son spoiled the concubine Jia Yueer more, he valued this daughter-in-law more. In his opinion, the aunt Yue was too delicate. A man can spoil such a woman, but he can't spoil her enough to straighten her up, then the family will be in chaos. Alas, he can't stop him. That's his only son. He has relied on him since he was a child, and now he has to rely on him. Especially now he wants his son to open up branches and leaves for the Zhang family. His son has even married fifteen women and can't have children. Lang Zhong said that his son is not sick. Zhang Bao The woman I like gives birth to a child in Aunt Yue's room every day. It's not convenient for him to stop him, because he also wants his son to have a son soon, even if he is a concubine.

But in the final analysis, Zhang Dafu hopes that Shang's serious daughter-in-law can give birth to his grandson.

Thinking of this, Zhang Dafu suddenly thought that the wife of the Shen family was a blessed person. Even the holy beasts liked her. Her family had unusual water eyes, and even the air in the garden was better than the outside. This is a blessing. Maybe if the daughter-in-law is close to her, she can also be blessed. That must be

Thinking of this, Zhang Dafu suddenly thought that the wife of the Shen family was a blessed person. Even the holy beasts liked her. Her family had unusual water eyes, and even the air in the garden was better than the outside. This is a blessing. Maybe the daughter-in-law can be blessed by how close her daughter-in-law is to her, so it must be RQ