Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 308 Wisdom Fight Chen Er to Save the Daughter

Su Zhi watched the angry men rush out of the hospital. Listening to the crying of the women and children, her eyebrows frowned more and more. She didn't expect that there would be another dispute over what had calmed down. In this drought, she had long realized that there would be some conflicts and fights, especially the refugees in their riverside village. After that, it was just that she didn't expect that after a fight, there would soon be another one, and it had developed to the point of hijacking the county magistrate. If this was more serious, it was already a rebellion!

Shen Zi'an held Su Zhi's hand and comforted her, "It's okay. I'm here. Those people are just for food."

Su Zhi nodded. She also knew that those refugees were only hungry that they couldn't stand it, so she was forced. But looking at the situation on the way just now, these people have hurt the lives of ordinary people. How innocent are these people? And threatening the government to release grain is a rebellion. The most ridiculous thing is that these refugees are not from this county at all. They want to open warehouses to release grain and go to their territory!

"I don't know what's going on with the county? Those people have come to this point now. I don't know if they will do something more harmful?

Su Zhi thought of the county magistrate. Although the county magistrate was not an old master of Qingtian, and had no great ability to make the people rich, but he was not a bad official after all, and they had several contacts and even had business contacts, which had to make Su Zhi worry about him. Next, after all, human life is the key.

Shen Zi'an watched three or five groups of men running in the direction of the county government on the street. He squeezed the corners of his lips, shook Su Zhi's hand, and said, "Daughter-in-law, I'll go there to have a look. Wait for me here. Don't go out."

As soon as Su Zhi heard that Shen Zi'an was going, she immediately said she would go.

Shen Zi'an disagreed. Who knows what's going on there now? He doesn't want his daughter-in-law to take a risk.

"I'm going. Maybe there are injured people there. I'm going there to save people! With you by my side, I will be fine.

Su Zhi said so, half of the reason is that she really wants to go there to see if anyone needs her help, and the other reason is to look at Shen Zi'an. Although her men are very good, those refugees can't threaten him even if they have knives and sticks in their hands, but as his daughter-in-law, she still wants to let Take risks. With her around, he will definitely take care of her first and not be so scrupulous.

At the end, Shen Zi'an still followed Su Zhi.

Xiao Dalu finally followed. Originally, his family did not let him come, but his reasons were very sufficient. He wanted to protect Su Zhi, because Su Zhi had just saved his sister. Su Zhi saved Xiao Ping'er twice, and in the embarrassing situation of the Shen family and the Xiao family, this is no longer a great kindness. As soon as Uncle Xiao and Aunt Xiao heard this reason, she didn't stop her. So Xiao Dalu caught up with him.

The people on the street are very chaotic. Some of them run in the direction of the government. These people are usually men with things that can fight in their hands, while those who run in the opposite direction are men, women, old and young. These are people who are afraid of being hurt.

The three of them ran in the direction of the government gate with people. Xiao Dalu picked two thick bamboos on the road and gave Shen Zi'an one. Shen Zi'an took it. In fact, he now has a whip on his body, around his waist, and there are clothes outside, which can't be seen. This has become his habit. But he won't take it out easily, and he will be very smooth with a stick.

There is a sugar warehouse not far from the government office. Now it is full of people and has been fighting.

Su Zhi looked at those people beating their heads and bleeding, and many people had fallen to the ground and kept rolling and howling. This scene made her pale. She has never seen such a large-scale fight scene, and it seems that she is really playing to death!

"Don't fight!"

Su Zhi shouted loudly. She looked at an old man with white hair being knocked to the ground by a young refugee. She saw a woman in dirty clothes being caught by a teenager and slapped in the face. She saw a child standing in the crowd crying. Those who fought didn't care at all. He was hit on the head and was about to be trampled on. Su Zhi finally couldn't control it.

Shen Zi'an's movements were very fast. He quickly went over and pulled the child up. In the place where the child had just fallen, there was already a man standing. It can be imagined that if the child had been pulled away by Shen Zi'an one second later, he had been trampled by the man's big foot, either dead or injured

And this is still happening, and there are constant screams of pain from people who fall to the ground.

Su Zhi is a woman. Her voice can usually be said to be soft and beautiful. Others like to listen to her, but when this kind of person's eyes are red, no one hears her.

Shen Zi'an put the stunned child next to Su Zhi, let her watch, and let Xiao Dalu take good care of Su Zhi, and then he rushed forward.

"Sister-in-law Shen, is it okay for Fourth Brother Shen to go alone?"

Xiao Dalu saw Shen Zi'an rushing through the mixed crowd. The unstoppable posture made him want to rush forward, but if he wanted to protect Su Zhi, he could only stand here and watch, and by the way, he overturned some people who wanted to greet them to the ground. I have to say that although Xiao Dalu is just a teenager, he is much more powerful than those refugees who have not had enough to eat for many days.

Su Zhi said, "He has killed the tiger. It will be all right, but what's going on inside?" Since you kidnapped Lord Zhixian, how can you fight?"

In fact, just before they rushed over, Lord Zhixian had been rescued. It was because there was no blackmail in his hand, and Lord Zhixian was very angry that he wanted to arrest all these refugees. These refugees were afraid of being arrested, so they started to do so. When Shen Zi'an rushed over, he saw that Zhixian was all right. There was a man standing in front of him. It was Song Dashan who he knew. Shen Zi'an didn't expect Song Dashan to be here, but his relationship with Song Dashan was not bad. Although the two families were destined to become strangers because of that embarrassing incident, it did not affect the friendship between the two.

"Don't fight! Stop it all! Stop fighting! Then I'll throw you all into the prison!"

The county magistrate Zhou was shouting loudly, but his cry only made the refugees fight more fiercely. These people regarded his words as a threat. They don't want to wait to go to prison, and they also know that even if they stop now, they will be caught in prison. They don't believe the government. The government has always said that it will give them food, but they haven't seen a grain of food!

Next to Zhixian County, there was a man who was a little old. Shen Zi'an recognized that this person was one of the refugees who had been to Riverside Village. He had been standing in front and talked to him. He took the lead, so Shen Zi'an knew him. He fell to the ground with blood on his head, and he didn't know whether he fainted or died.

"Fourth Brother Shen! You're here!"

Song Dashan saw blood on his arm. When he saw Shen Zi'an coming, he was surprised. He knew Shen Zi'an's ability.

Shen Zi'an nodded. He looked at the Zhou county magistrate, who was still shouting, and looked at the scene not far away, and frowned. Just five or six meters away from him, a man was holding a little girl in his hand. The child was strangled and blushed, and he was almost out of breath. And that man is Chen Er, the man who once went to their riverside village to stay in their riverside village. Unexpectedly, he is now on the road of intimidating the government.

When Chen Er saw Shen Zi'an, there was a smile on his face, which was calm and crazy.

"Shen Zi'an from Riverside Village?! I didn't expect to see you at this time! Didn't your blessed daughter-in-law come with you? Didn't the holy beast come with you?"

Chen Er shouted loudly. Although he had only seen Shen Zi'an a few times, he remembered him. On the one hand, Shen Zi'an was good-looking, and on the other hand, he was very jealous of Shen Zi'an. Shen Zi'an was also a villager, but he was favored by God, married a good daughter-in- Respect, even in the face of drought, he can have a dry pond, and he doesn't have any of these.

"You let go of that little girl, she will be strangled by you."

Shen Zi'an saw that the little girl was about the same age as Yueyue, and his eyebrows frowned deeper. Not only Su Zhi was a woman who loved children, but he was also a man who loved children.

Chen Er looked down at the little girl, but his hand did not loosen, but worked harder. He smiled cruelly and said, "Ha, why should I be lighter? Do you know who this little girl is? She is the little daughter of this official! Do you think this official is so worried now? He loves his daughter so much! I just want to make him feel sad. Only when he is distressed can he give us food! This young lady is a human being, and we are not human beings?! Lord Zhou! Hurry up! Open a warehouse to release grain, and don't catch us. If you catch us, I will kill your daughter!"

Chen Er shouted loudly. At this time, he felt that he was very majestic. He had never been so majestic in his life. He was afraid before, but now he is not afraid at all!

Zhou County Magistrate was anxious. The little girl was his youngest daughter. She can be said to be a middle-aged girl. She was very spoiled. Seeing his daughter suffer, he couldn't wait to open a warehouse to release grain immediately, but that was a big crime! He was so anxious that he couldn't even speak.

"Chen Er, let go of this little girl. This is a daughter. Her father is a magistrate. Her status is valuable. Not to mention the granary, even gold, silver and jewelry can be given to you."

Shen Zi'an added an accent to the four words 'gold, silver and jewelry'. He thought to himself that Chen Er is an ambitious villain. This kind of person may be greedy for money. In this case, he is betting that Chen Er will give up the idea of giving everyone's food and choose personal interests.

Chen Er's eyes really flashed. He was just a countryman. Gold and silver were very attractive to him. He brought everyone to intimidate the government. In fact, it was not his idea, but someone else's idea. He just wanted to find some benefits in the chaos, but he didn't expect to be I was forced to do this. In this case, no matter whether he can force the county to open a warehouse to release grain, he knows that he will not have a good end. Anyone can escape punishment. He can't. Who let him kidnap the magistrate and his daughter?

If he can run away with gold and silver, then he still has hope to live, and he will live a very comfortable life!

When the county magistrate of Zhou heard Shen Zi'an's words, he immediately said that he would give all the gold and silver in the family to Chen Er, begging him to let his daughter go.

Chen Er looked at those who were still fighting and saw that no one was watching him. He lowered his voice and said, "Give me gold and silver, and I'll go!" You have wrapped the gold, silver and jewelry for me, and prepare a horse for me. See you at the gate!"

Chen Er took the little girl back. After thinking that it was safe, he turned around and ran, but before he ran a few steps, he felt a gust of wind blowing behind him. Then he felt a burst of pain in his arms. His hands involuntarily loosened, and the little girl in his hand fell to the ground.

Shen Zi'an unloaded Chen Er's arm, then kicked him to the ground and stepped on him with his feet.

Zhou County Magistrate ran over and threw himself to the little girl who fell to the ground and was coughing and crying. He held her tightly in his arms and kept coaxing her. After coaxing, he stared at Chen Er fiercely and shouted loudly, "Come on, tie up this thief!"

Two officials ran up and tied up Chen Er with their hands and feet.

Chen Er's arm was like two broken branches, shaking there, and he screamed in pain. Shen Zi'an pushed him back to his original position. He looked at Shen Zi'an and kept scolding. He was beaten several times by the official. Finally, he was directly knocked unconscious and picked up.

Song Dashan said to Shen Zi'an, "Shen Si Ge, awesome! I admire it!"

Shen Zi'an shook his hand. He just saw Chen Er's thoughts, so that he could sneak up on him when he was unprepared and not hurt the little girl in his hand.

"Lord Zhou, is your daughter all right?"

Shen Zi'an asked, although he can't treat the disease, he still knows a lot about the trauma because he has been hunting all year round. He looked at the little girl's neck and found that there was a red mark, but the little girl's crying voice was quite loud, and it seemed that there was nothing. He breathed a sigh of relief.

The Lord of Zhixian County thanked Shen Zi'an repeatedly. He thought that it was really a blessing for him to know the Shen Zi'an couple. Su Zhi asked him to make money, and Shen Zi'an saved their family from danger. Sure enough, the people favored by the holy beasts are amazing! He has to be closer to them in the future!

Seeing that it was all right here, Shen Zi'an waved his hand and ran out quickly. He didn't know if there was any fight outside. He was going to see his daughter-in-law.

At this time, a dull sound suddenly sounded in the air, which made Shen Zi'an stop. He looked up and found that the sky was still very clear just now, but now there were a lot of clouds. The sun had been covered for a long time, and the clouds were dark.

"Hight, it's thundering!" ( To be continued.