Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 320 Shang's Visit

Zhao Dazhu and his wife have become the focus of the whole village talking about Liu Siniang's fetal gas this time, because their husband and wife are not likable, and Li Shi and Liu Siniang are very popular. This time, everyone expressed disgust and contempt for them. Seeing them all looking at them with white eyes, they will also After a few words, some people dodged when they saw them, as if they were a plague.

They also found Zhao Daliang and others, and they were insidated to find out what Shen Zi'an was going to collect a large amount of sweet potatoes, and were kicked out by Zhao Daliang and others.

"If you can find out something useful, come and tell us then. Don't use us as guns!"

Zhao Daliang was in a bad mood because of Liu Siniang's pregnancy, and he was not polite to this disappointing eldest brother and sister-in-law. He thought that anyway, these are all big brothers who have passed away, and they are not promising. These days, he always make trouble for him. He really doesn't want to see them.

Zhang Qingniang didn't say anything. She had been dissatisfied with Zhao Daliang's such a shameless family. She was good to them before because she wanted to have many families in the riverside village, but she didn't expect that the eldest brother and sister-in-law made them have no way to have a good relationship with the people in the river She doesn't want to pay attention to their money.

Mrs. Zhao also felt that Zhao Dazhu was disappointing. When she saw her youngest son driving them out, she didn't stop them. She followed her and told them in front of the gate to ask them to inquire more about what the Shen family was going to do, and said that if they could find out what, she would help them say yes in front of Zhao Dalian Words. After these days, Mrs. Zhao also found that she, the new daughter-in-law, had money in her hand, but she couldn't handle it at will, and she didn't dare to provoke her, so she only hoped that Zhao Dazhu and others could win.

Dazhu's daughter-in-law looked at Mrs. Zhao into the yard and said to Zhao Dazhu angrily, "If we can get Su Zhi's way to do something with those sweet potatoes, we still need to see your brother and the woman's face? You will get rich!"

Zhao Dazhu said, "It's not what you caused today. If it weren't for this, could we have been kicked out?"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law stared at her man and said, "How did I know that the hen that doesn't lay eggs is going to lay eggs!" This is really out of my eyes!"

Zhao Dazhu said, "That Shen Zi'an's daughter-in-law really has two children. Last time, someone said that she would definitely have a baby, and then she was pregnant soon. Immediately after this, Liu Siniang became pregnant. She is really a giver!"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law hummed and said, "What's the gift? I think I'm lucky. Regardless of this matter, if only we really knew what to do with this sweet potato. Zhao Xiaomei's ways to make money are one after another. This time she must make a lot of money by collecting sweet potatoes and potatoes so quietly!"

Zhao Dazhu also nodded aside, but he touched the face injured by Li Shi and felt that the place where the tooth was lost was still painful. He really had no brain to inquire about anything.

"You useless thing." Dazhu's daughter-in-law scolded Zhao Dazhu. She was also a little anxious, thinking that her family had cut off contact with Shen Zi'an's family, and the connection could not be close. What can she know? It seems that I have to ask someone else for help. Who should I ask? Dazhu's daughter-in-law quickly gave the whole village to the whole village in her mind and found that there were really few people she could use. Suddenly, she thought of who she was looking for, and a smile appeared on her face.

The Zhao family are thinking about what to do with those sweet potatoes in Shen Zi'an's family, and have figured out a way to find out. And Shen Zi'an and others don't know that they are happy about Liu Siniang's happy things.

Because Liu Siniang moved the fetal gas, Su Zhi made tonic soup for her to drink. Of course, she added some lotus huāhuā powder to it, not much, but it will definitely make Liu Siniang feel better, and she will definitely give birth to a healthy and watery doll.

Because of the tonic soup and everyone's concern, Liu Siniang was in a very good mood, and her face was also colored. Her face, which was only a few colors, also looked much better.

"Su Zhi, thank you very much. You are so busy and make food for me. Thank you. I took the medicine and soup you gave me and felt better. I can get off the kang, but the stone just won't let me get off the kang. I'm going to sit sore. Please talk to me and let me move."

Liu Siniang said that when she said so, her face was full of happy smiles, because of the child, because of Li Shi's care, and good sisters like Su Zhi.

Su Zhi thought that Liu Siniang had taken the medicine and soup she gave, which must have been made up. She is now two months pregnant. Although the fetus has not sat firmly in less than three months, it is no problem to go from the kang. If she always stays on the kang, she may really have a problem.

"Brother Shitou, I took the pulse of Si Niang, and she is fine. If you don't worry, let Huang Langzhong show it again. I think she can come down and walk around. This pregnant woman can't suffer too much, but she can't stay all the time. It's not good for adults and children.

Su Zhi said to Li Shi beside her that when she saw that Li Shi had been looking at Liu Siniang with concern, her face was full of the joy of her father-to-be, and she was very happy for him. At this time last year, Li Shi was still a bachelor and she didn't know where his daughter-in-law was. But think about it, at that time, he also had the money to marry a daughter-in-law, but he never married. He was really a natural couple with Liu Siniang, as if she and Shen Zi'an were destined to be a couple.

When Li Shi heard Su Zhi say this, he nodded. He trusted Su Zhi very much. This sister-in-law always had something magical beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"Then come down and walk a few steps, but you have to rest when you are tired. You can't carry heavy things. Don't bend over, or you can sit on the kang all the time."

Liu Siniang looked at Li Shi with a red face and said, "I know."

Su Zhi saw their husband and wife's love and didn't want to disturb them here. She thought that Liu Siniang would not be lonely because there was no one to accompany her these days. Li Shi would definitely talk to her beside her and the little beans in her stomach. She got up and said goodbye, and Li Shi sent her out of the house.

Out of the door, Su Zhi walked home, thinking about what delicious food to make for her family at noon. It's autumn now, and she needs to make up for it.

Now the roads have been built in the village. Some places are stone road, and some places are stone road. It is very clean to walk. Su Zhi walked on this stone road, looking at the big green mountain in the distance, exhaling fresh air. She thought that she had been here for almost a year. Time passed so fast, and she also harvested what Everything you want, just go on like this, until the gray hair, until the death.

"The person in front of you, please give way!"

There was a shout from behind, as well as the sound of wheels rolling on the road and the sound of horses. Su Zhili made way to the side of the road and looked back after getting to a safe place. She thought that there were few families in front of her. Recently, there were more carriages going to her house. Wouldn't she come to her

The carriage that came was a horse-drawn carriage, but at first glance, it was a very good carriage. There was a middle-aged coachman in front of the carriage. He came to Su Zhi and stopped the carriage. Then he jumped out of the carriage and picked up the curtain, revealing a dignified face. It was the rich man's daughter-in-law, the young lady Shang.

"Sister Zhao, I came to chat with you. I didn't let you know in advance. You won't be surprised, will you?"

Su Zhi thought to herself that the young lady said that she would come to chat with her at that time. She thought it was just a polite word. Unexpectedly, she really came. The young lady of this rich family was really not so delicate. Or does she have another purpose? Su Zhi thought that her family was really prosperous these days, and she did business in partnership with the Zhang family. Could it be that this young lady came to have a relationship with her? Whatever the reason, if she comes, let's receive it!

"Young lady, it's you. I'm very welcome to come. My house is in front of me."

Su Zhi didn't hate this young lady, thinking that maybe she could become a friend.

Shang said, "Sister, you can also sit in. Why don't I go down and walk with you?"

When Su Zhi saw that Shang Shi stretched out her hand to her, she was not polite. She took the hand and got into the car. She thought that the young lady said that she would get out of the car and accompany her. She only thought it was polite, and she didn't want others to take the car. She walked down there, just to feel what the

Xiao Zi was also in the car and saluted Su Zhi. Su Zhi stretched out her hand, which was very elegant and generous, which made Shang and Xiao Zi think that the Shen family's wife was a village woman. It was really unusual. With that action, it seemed that she had been saluted so much by many people. That look is as if she can handle how big a person can salute her. Shang couldn't help taking a higher look at Su Zhi. Thinking of asking Su Zhi this time, she smiled more affectionately at Su Zhi.

It's not far from Fuyuan. Before the people in the car could say a few words, they arrived in front of Fuyuan.

Shang got out of the carriage and looked at the gate of Fuyuan and the powerful words "Fuyuan" on the gate, thinking that this was the word inscribed by the magistrate. It was really grand.

When Father Lan heard something outside, he opened the door.

Su Zhi asked Father Lan to arrange the carriage and the coachman. She took Shang Shi and Xiao Zi inside.

Along the way, Shang and Xiaozi looked at the scenery in the Fuyuan. Xiaozi's eyes looked around. Shang had a lot of rules, but at a glance, they were also surprised. Thinking that the Fuyuan was really unusual, the trees and grass seemed to be fresher than those outside. Is this the belt of holy beasts? Is it caused by the blessing?

Shang has a greater hope for the purpose of his coming this time. ( To be continued