Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 331 Return to the door

Su Zhi was held in Shen Zi'an's arms. She clung to his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat, and his warm breath was next to her ears. She calmed down because of her life. She felt that there was such a father-in-law around her, and no matter what happened to her, she could laugh it.

"Fool, I'm your daughter-in-law. Of course I won't leave you."

Su Zhi looked up and kissed Shen Zi'an, buried his face in his arms, and closed his eyes.

When Shen Zi'an heard Su Zhi's words, he stopped talking. In fact, his heart was also very uneasy because of this matter. Su Zhi was not the daughter of the Zhao family, not Zhao Xiaomei. Although he did not have to deal with the Zhao family with many problems, and there was much less trouble, he was also worried that Su Zhi' Will it affect their lives and take Su Zhi away?

Shen Zi'an had some great skills to his daughter-in-law. He thought that his daughter-in-law could write and draw, that she could cook and embroider. Thinking of her elegant temperament like a lady in the city, he always felt that his daughter-in-law might really be the daughter of which one she said. If so, would her Take it away? He can't help worrying. Although he is sure that he won't let him go and his daughter-in-law won't leave, he doesn't want his daughter-in-law to be embarrassed at that time.

You must become stronger, and you must be better to your daughter-in-law.

Shen Zixin said to himself that he was about to say something to Su Zhi again. He looked down and saw that Su Zhi had closed his eyes and made a slight breath. Obviously, he fell asleep.

Shen Zi'an smiled at the corners of his mouth and didn't move. He clung to Su Zhi and fell asleep.

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi decided not to pretend to be the Zhao family anymore. They wanted to have a showdown with them. Before they went to the Zhao family, the Zhao family came to them again.

The people who came this time are still the old couple of the Zhao family, as well as the lotus flower.

The Zhao family asked Su Zhi to help in front of Aunt Yue. Su Zhi did not help and was reprimanded by Zhao Yang. As a result, Shen Zi'an took him away. Naturally, the Zhao family was unwilling. This rest came again.

"You damn girl! Are you still angry with your mother? We're here, and you don't give us a cup of tea. What are you talking about? People who don't know think that you don't pay attention to your parents if you have money.

Zhao Yang sat down. Seeing that Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an did not go to pour tea, she sat down and frowned. She did not dare to scold Shen Zi'an, so she said Su Zhi.

Lotus also pretended to wipe his face with a veil and complained, "We've been all the way here. We're so thirsty. I want to drink the chrysanthemum tea. Go and make me a cup! I also want to eat snacks, or the kind that is not sweet.

Zhao Daxi didn't say anything and sat with his head down. He came here to follow the momentum. In fact, he had no confidence at all. Now my own daughter has been found. They wanted to force Su Zhi to do things for his own daughter. He felt guilty, but he had no choice but to stop talking and let nature take its course.

Shen Zi'an said, "You are not qualified to scold my daughter-in-law, nor are you qualified to call my daughter-in-law, because she is not Zhao Xiaomei at all, and you are not her parents."

As soon as the three of the Zhao family heard this, they all stayed there. Zhao Yang's face was originally angry, but now he panicked, and the two expressions were mixed together, which was ridiculous. Zhao Daxi also raised his face and twitched his face. Lotus's eyes also widened. They looked at each other and knew that they had heard it correctly.

Zhao Yang laughed dryly and said, "Shen's son-in-law, what are you talking about?"

Lotus also quickly said, "Bro-in-law, are you still angry about what happened last time? Even if you are angry, you can't say such a thing? My mother is soft-mouthed. She just talks about her sister and usually says that about me. You can't just say that my sister is not my mother's daughter. It's really wrong for you to do this! Sister, talk to me. Doesn't your brother-in-law usually listen to you the most? Are you also angry with your mother?

Su Zhi said lightly, "Zi'an is right. He is not joking or angry. I'm really not Zhao Xiaomei, and you are not my parents. I think you know this fact better than I do.

Now the Zhao family has understood. Shen Zi'an just said that, not because he was angry that he didn't want Su Zhi to recognize them, but that they really knew that they were not Su Zhi's family!

"Su, Su Zhi... you... alas!"

Zhao Daxi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it after all. He knew there would be such a day, but he didn't expect it to come so soon. He is still very satisfied with Su Zhi, the fake daughter. Su Zhixiao is filial. Since she gave help to her family, the Zhao family has lived a much better life. He also wanted to wait for Su Zhi to avoid trouble in the future, so he just regarded her as a married girl. I just didn't expect it to be exposed.

Su Zhi looked at Zhao Daxi. This old man was the most conscientious person in the Zhao family, but he was also a person who dared not say anything. She was really disappointed in the family. Even if they love her a little like her daughter, she will pretend to go on.

"Don't think about telling lies anymore. I already know, and I also know. The real little sister Zhao is Aunt Yue of the Zhang family. It was because she was your own daughter that you forced me to help her. Right?

"Do you know everything?"

When Lianhua heard Su Zhi say this, she couldn't help but admit it and was stared at by Zhao Yangshi.

Su Zhi didn't care about their expressions and continued, "Since you have found your own daughter, it has nothing to do with me in the future. I won't ask you to marry me when I'm sick and have lost my memory, and you don't come to me again. Our bridge returns to the bridge, and the road returns to the road.

Zhao Daxi said, "Su Zhi, we still regard you as a daughter..."

Shen Zi'an snorted and said, "Do you think of my daughter-in-law as your daughter? You know it well. Don't come to her again, or don't blame me.

Zhao Daxi immediately withdrew. He thought that he and the Shen family could not leave, which was a pity.

The lotus said, "You can't say that. You got married, but you took up my sister's good marriage. Why don't you live such a good life? You have to repay the great kindness of our family! At the beginning, you were about to die in the wilderness. If our family hadn't saved you, if you hadn't fed the wolf, it would have turned into earth. You owe our family!"

Zhao Yangshi also said, "No, you owe our family, you owe our little sister, you have to pay us back, you have to help your little sister. At least let her give birth to a son.

Why is Su Zhijue's Zhao family so shameless? She felt that they were the best before, but she thought that this was Zhao Xiaomei's family and thought that she had used Zhao Xiaomei's identity. She couldn't look at them anymore. She also put up with it, and she thought that they still loved Zhao Xiaomei. She was The Shen family. Now it seems that they love Zhao Xiaomei, but they don't love her, because she is not Zhao Xiaomei. It also revealed their shamelessness.

"I didn't ask you to marry me? It's because you don't want the Shen family to trouble you and return the Shen family's bride price, that's why you married me, right? I don't owe you anything. Don't try to blame me. At worst, let's tell everyone about this matter and see who takes advantage of whom.

"You dead girl!"

As soon as Zhao Yang heard Su Zhi's words, she scolded again angrily, but when Shen Zi'an saw it, she didn't dare to scold her again.

"You are not allowed to tell others about Aunt Yue!"

"Why can't I say it? Just because she is now the concubine of the Zhang family? I really don't understand. Are you afraid that someone will know your identity? Su Zhi smiled and said, "That day, you and Lianhua met Aunt Yue in the episode. It was the first time you knew that Aunt Yue was Zhao Xiaomei, right?"

Seeing the expressions of Zhao Yangshi and Lianhua, Su Zhi knew that she had guessed right, and there was a trace of laughter on her face.

"If it hadn't been for the chance encounter, your baby daughter, baby sister, maybe I wouldn't have remembered you, right? The two girls who went to your house in a carriage, she took the maid, right? If she hadn't asked you to ask me to help her, she might not want to see you, right? You are still hiding her identity, so aren't you afraid that she will never recognize you? If you don't recognize her, you will never want to be the in-laws of the rich man of the Zhang family.

Su Zhi said so, thinking that it would be better for the Zhao family to find the Zhang family to open their identity, and then it will be lively.

When the Zhao family heard it, they felt uncomfortable. Su Zhi was absolutely right. They also understood that Jia Yueer might not want to see them, so they didn't look for them. Although Jia Yueer said that it was inconvenient to see them, she said she wanted to find a good time. But they didn't believe her very much.

"You don't have to worry about this. You are not allowed to tell the identity of Aunt Yue to people outside! As long as you don't say it, we won't bother you in the future! If you dare to say it to the outside, you don't want to live a good life. At that time, I will say that you lied to us that you were our daughter and married into the Shen family. At that time, you will be cheating! If you don't want to have a bad reputation, don't think about telling your little sister!"

Zhao Yang said to Su Zhi that she wanted to stabilize Su Zhi's place first. After all, they can't take advantage of Su Zhi's place in the future, and they can't offend their little sister anymore.

Su Zhi snorted and said, "Who do you think will believe what you said?"

The lotus interrupted and said, "Whoever will believe it? Anyway, if you say too much, someone will believe it! You said you lost your memory. I don't think you have lost your memory. You know so much. Do you understand so much about amnesia?

Shen Zi'an said, "Don't bother my daughter-in-law in the future. We are too lazy to pay attention to the matter of Aunt Yue and your family. You guys go!"