Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 353 Happy appearance

Winter goes and spring comes, and it is a new year.

In the past year, the life of Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi has been getting better and better. Fuyuan has become famous for the great drought, because of the awe-inspiring holy beasts and the pond with abundant water. Because of the emperor's reward, the two know almost all the rich and powerful people. They have sufficient connections. Although they are still farmers, their status is already equal to those people. The business is also going well. Dyeing workshops, restaurants, dolls, and vermicelli workshops have all developed well, making more and more money. I received a lot of silver tickets before the Spring Festival.

After the test of time, the relationship between Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi has passed. Not only did they not fade down, but also became more harmonious. People in Riverside Village can often see the two of them walking together. As long as the picture is that there is no problem with their eyes, it can be seen that their husband and wife love has become a role model As soon as the young couple quarrels, they will compare them and say things like 'Look at Shen Zi'an' and 'Look at your daughter-in-law'. When both of them hear it, they can't laugh or cry. However, their relationship is also sweeter.

Xiao Ri Xinger and Yue Yue are one year older. They are much taller, and they are still so cute. Moreover, because they study with Su Zhi and practice martial arts with Shen Zi'an, the three children are very polite and intelligent, and their bodies are also great. Standing there, they don't look like ordinary country children, than the city. The young master and young lady in the house are not bad at all. When Qian Dahu met three children, he really felt that it was right to give these three children to them to raise at the beginning.

The old couple of the Lan family is also getting tougher and tougher. As well as Liu Jin and Liu Yin, they have also regarded Fuyuan as their own home, and after the New Year, they took the initiative to sign the contract for life, but it does not affect their wives and children, but they think that when they get married in the future, they will Serve people all your life.

Everything is going well. If there is something unpleasant, that is, the people of the Zhao family, and the people of the old house.

The people of the Zhao family dare not be like before. Zhao Daliang and Zhang Qingniang still try their best to have a good relationship with them as before, and Mrs. Li and Zhao Dazhu have also changed their previous attitude. When they meet each other, they smile, which makes people sometimes stand upright. Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi can hide from them. The country is easy to change, and their nature is difficult to change. This family is not a fuel-saving lamp. They will never get too close to this family.

And the people in the old house, the people in the big house are still very close to them. Although the people in the third house can say some sour words, they also laugh, but they want to take advantage of it from time to time. And Shen Youfu and Shen Zhangshi, as in the past, Shen Youfu would call Shen Zi'an over, saying that he did not help his brother. Shen Zhangshi seemed to be persuading, but in fact he was helping. At this time, Shen Ziju was usually absent, and Shen Zhu sat aside and didn't talk much. Fortunately, Shen Zi'an stood firm, and Su Zhi was very flexible and could not let them be fooled. At most, he gave the two old people more New Year's gifts and four-season clothes.

The days have passed like this. The New Year is a happy day. It always passes quickly, and it will be February 2 in a blink of an eye.

On February 2 of this year, there will be a grand celebration in the county. This event was decided to be held this year because of last year's drought. This year, the county magistrate wanted to hold such a grand event on the day when the dragon raised his head, in order to ask the Dragon King not to let the weather be as drought as last year. It's a little worrying to ask for the rain. Now I'm even worshipping the Dragon King. I hope it will be smooth this year.

The activity is held from the morning until the evening. In the evening, there will be a lantern festival like the Shangyuan Festival, and there will be one more activity, that is, to set off the dragon lantern.

Pulling dragon lanterns is a habit of Liangguo on February 2. Su Zhi remembered that there was also this custom in some places in her previous life, and this practice always reminds her of releasing river lanterns. She once went to Yunnan to swim and let the lotus river lanterns go.

Su Zhi also put the dragon lantern last year, but it was only put in the river in the riverside village. At that time, many people in the riverside village came to release it. The river was bright, as if the stars in the sky had fallen into the river, which made her remember it all the time and reminded her of the previous life that seemed to be With her side, she will not be sad because she left the world.

This year, the county magistrate of Zhou invited Shen Zi'an and his wife to the county. Su Zhi heard that there would be a dragon dance, and she also wanted to see it. In ancient times, there were too few entertainment activities. Su Zhi hadn't even seen the play a few times. As soon as the Shangyuan Festival has passed, Su Zhi's enthusiasm has not faded, and she is still full of enthusiasm for the grand event on February 2.

On February 2nd, Fuyuan left Father Lan and Aunt Lan to look after the house. They said that they were old and didn't want to join in the fun and stay at home.

In order to be able to go, they began to ask from the day they received the letter from the Zhou County magistrate. They tried their best to make Su Zhi agree to take them there. In order to take care of them and prevent them from being abducted by abducted people like before, they naturally have to take Liu Jin and Liu Yin, which makes the two teenagers very happy. They are still young teenagers, and naturally they join in the fun.

Because of the money, the family had bought a carriage, and the group went in the carriage.

When they arrived in the county, the county magistrate had already arranged a place for them to live. Because he knew that Song Dashan and they knew each other, he asked Song Dashan to send them there. Song Dashan happily took them to a yard, saying that this was a private house of the county magistrate's wife, which was usually only for distinguished guests.

Su Zhi took a look. The yard is two-entry, and there are trees planted in it. At this time, it is not green, but the dense branches also give people a very simple feeling, against the black tile, white wall and blue stone slabs, and the couplet of the Spring Festival, which makes people like it. And the ground is clean, and it is often cleaned at a glance. The county magistrate of Zhou arranged them here, and he knew at a glance that they were very attentive.

Originally, the maid was also sent, but Su Zhi sent her away.

Shen Zi'an put the carriage away, then took his family to the restaurant for dinner, and rested for a while. Song Dashan came over with Xiao Ping'er.

Xiao Ping'er has been married to Song Dashan. Because she is always gossiped in the village, the two families discussed and soon became married and lived in the county.

Xiao Ping'er was also very happy to see Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi. She pulled Su Zhi aside to talk, while Shen Zi'an talked to Song Dashan, and Liu Jin and Liu Yin took Xiao Ri to play.

The dragon dance has been danced once in the morning, and there is still a round in the afternoon. Shen Zi'an and others went to see the dragon dance.

Shen Zi'an and Song Dashan carried Yueyue and Xing'er on their shoulders one by one. Xiao Ri obediently took Su Zhi's hand. He still liked to stay with his mother. In fact, after that inexplicable fainting, Xiao Ri became more stable than before, said less, and was more dependent on Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi. He had already shown filial piety at a young age, which made both of them feel sorry for him and love him.

Su Zhi had seen enough of the dragon dance and wanted to have a rest, but before the few children had seen enough, she went to find a tea stall with Xiao Ping'er and let Shen Zi'an continue to play. After waiting for enough, she just came back to find them.

The two asked for a pot of tea, sat there, rested and chatted, and looked at the bustle next to them. They were in a good mood.

"Come to a pot of tea to make a plate of melon seeds, and then take stock of your heart! Hurry up! I'm so thirsty!"

A man walked into the teahouse and shouted loudly at the tea stall owner. Then he saw Su Zhi at a glance and was stunned there. This person is Zhao Yuanbao.

Su Zhi also saw Zhao Yuanbao. Did she think Zhao Yuanbao also came to see the dragon dance? At a glance, she found that Zhao Yuanbao was a little different from the past. Now Zhao Yuanbao, wearing silk clothes, is much different from the original figure in cloth clothes, which makes people sigh with people's clothes.

"Yuanbao, what are you doing standing here? Go in!" " A voice urged behind, and another figure flashed in. It was Zhang, Zhao Yuanbao's daughter-in-law. Zhang also saw Su Zhi. She is a little uncomfortable. Anyway, their family once cheated Su Zhi. Now they are still a family on the surface, but they are not a family for a long time.

"Brother Zhao and Sister-in-law Zhao."

Xiao Ping'er also knew them, so she said hello. She didn't know that Su Zhi was not the daughter of the Zhao family, or treated them as Su Zhi's eldest brother and sister-in-law. And if she knew that the two girls would work together to deal with her to an old man, she would probably not say hello.

Zhao Yuanbao and Zhang nodded awkwardly. Zhao Yuanbao and Su Zhi said, "Sister, are you here to play?"

Su Zhi nodded faintly and said, "Are you here to play, too? You look good in your clothes. You've been doing well recently.

Zhang said proudly, "That's not true. You see, we are wearing silk clothes. We live in this city now, and we are no longer digging mud legs in the soil. We are from the city!"

Zhao Yuanbao pulled her aside, and Zhang Shut up, as if she had said too much regret.

Su Zhi raised her eyebrows, and their movements were so obvious that she couldn't help but feel a little strange. Speaking of Zhao Yuanbao and Zhang, these two are not very bad people, because Su Zhi was still present when Zhang was in childbirth, and Zhang's attitude towards her was better. Zhao Yuanbao is not a treacherous person. When they meet her, even if they are embarrassed, they won't be afraid to say one more word, right? It seems that it is wrong to say one more word. RS