Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 355 Lotus Powder

Shen Zhu scolded the Zhao family angrily. As she spoke, her eyes turned red and tears flowed out drop by drop, like a lily with rain, which was very pitiful.

Li Zheng and others looked at Shen Zhu and all sympathized with her. This Shen Zhu was a talented and beautiful girl in the riverside village. She was elected Yu Niang. Unexpectedly, she was cheated when the matter came to an end, because she had that rash, which made people laugh. Later, when there was a drought, many people said that I have suffered a lot of grievances. If it weren't for that, maybe God would really rain, and then she would become famous and eventually increase the advantage of marrying a good family.

Aunt Jinhua went to persuade Shen Zhu and stared at Zhao Xiaohua.

Shen Ziju also comforted his sister, and he was also annoyed. Just because of his sister's affairs, he was also affected. There was a sister who could not afford to be Yu Niang, but it also made him laugh a few words by some classmates.

"Zheng, you must investigate this matter well. This rain lady can't be disrespectful. No wonder there will be a big drought this year. It's so disrespectful that it's understandable if it doesn't rain!"

Li Sheng hurriedly said to Li Zheng, "Dad, what Ziju said is reasonable. This is simply disrespectful to Empress Yu. It must be severely punished!"

Mrs. Li was very anxious and hurriedly said, "Don't listen to this little bitch's nonsense!" Where do we have that kind of medicine that makes people sick! She's talking nonsense!"

Li Zheng said, "Can this kind of thing be nonsense?! At the beginning, I suspected that it was Mao Laoliu who did the trouble, but now someone has proved it. Don't think about it!"

Zhang Qingniang stood up at this time and said, "Mr. Li Zheng, you can't believe all the happy words. It may also be that she wanted to leave our house, so she had thought about it for a long time. It happened today that this matter, and she said it together. Although this little girl is young, you can also see that she wants to flatt with Mr. Qian in order to leave. She can say anything. After all, she is a slave, not from our riverside village, but we are from the riverside village. Everyone should distinguish between inside and outside and not be deceived by her.

Joy said, "Madam, I swear to God, I didn't tell a lie. If I did, I would starve to death, I would be trampled to death by a horse and bitten to death by a wild dog!"

This poisonous oath is also quite fierce, much more than the five thunderbolts on that day.

Zhang Qingniang took a look at the joy. When she bought this little girl, she didn't see how clever the little girl was, but now she has become a key figure in their family. It's really unpredictable. She also knows that there is no way to make the Zhao family innocent in today's matter. If they continue to be entangled, maybe more will be pulled out and the consequences will be more serious. It's better to end now, lose a Zhao Xiaohua and save the Zhao family.

"Who said it now seems to be true, but whose words are not so credible. Why don't we end this matter? We don't say that it's the medicine made by Mr. Qian. Don't pester you to say that the Shen family's sister's illness is the medicine we gave. Is it good?"

Zhao Daliang also said, "This is very good. Think about it. This is something that can't be found out. If we continue to talk about it, not only our families will be humiliated, but also the whole riverside village will be humiliated together."

Shen Zhu was unwilling to hear this and said, "Let go of your family like this, then who will give me another explanation!"

Zhao Daliang said, "If you don't want to give up, you can find out the evidence. At that time, you can sue the government, and we will continue."

Shen Zhu was choked. Where can she find the evidence? If the evidence is happy, but as long as Mao Laoliu doesn't admit it, it's useless for her to sue the government.

Zhao Xiaohua knew that her plan today was a complete failure. If she was entangled again, she would only lose face. She wanted to say anything more, but she was stopped by Zhao Daliang's eyes. She was not stupid yet. She knew that she could only rely on this brother now. If even he was angry, she would have no good fruit I ate it.

Mrs. Li didn't say anything. She loved her daughter more, but she loved her son more. Now Zhao Daliang doesn't want to make trouble any more, so she can only stop.

In the end, Qian Guang took away the joy, and Zhao Xiaohua cried angrily. How she hoped that the one who was taken away was her. She knew that when Qian Guang left, it might be another scene for her to meet him again in the future.

Shen Zhu also left with red eyes accompanied by Shen Ziju. She vowed in her heart that she would be at peace with the Zhao family in the future.

Shen Zi'an and others also left.

Lizheng's family stayed and counted the Zhao family again, because the incident of their family had a very bad impact on the village. Let them solve Zhao Xiaohua's lifelong event as soon as possible, either leaving the riverside village or marrying Mao Laizi!

In the end, I don't know how the Zhao family and the Mao family discussed it. The Zhao family still wanted to give Zhao Xiao's bride to Mao Laizi. Zhao Xiaohua didn't want to, but it was settled.

The reputation of the Zhao family is even worse because of this disturbance.

Zhang Qingniang began to suspect that the feng shui here was not good at all, wondering if she was going to move.

Su Zhijue thought that after she came to this world, she just wanted to live the most ordinary and leisurely rural life, but she could always encounter so many vigorous things. She didn't know if such things would continue to happen in the future. She only hoped that these things would not happen in her home, don't It harmed her family.

Zhao Xiaohua's affairs have been talked about lively for more than half a month, which restored the peace of the riverside village.

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi are still busy with their affairs. Su Zhi occasionally has to go to Li Shi and Liu Siniang to sit down and give them some chicken soup and fish soup, which are full of lotus pollen. She wants them to be stronger, and then she can give birth to a white and fat doll.

Qian Guang never came to Riverside Village again. Shen Ziju discussed knowledge with him again and went to the town. Shen Zhu was in a very bad mood because she knew the truth of her failure at the beginning. In order to make her happy, Shen Ziju also took her out. Of course, she wanted her to get closer to Qian Guangduo. Shen Zhu thought about the honor she lost, Zhao Xiaohua's obsession with Qian Guang, Su Zhi's honor after accidentally got involved with the heavy rain, and Qian Guang's feelings for Su Zhi, she vowed even more that she wanted to marry Qian Guang, so these days she always dressed extremely dignifiedly and beautifully and went to see Shen Ziju. Qian Guang, I hope Qian Guang can fall in love with her.

Qian Guang is very polite to Shen Zhu, because she is the sister of Shen Zi'an and Shen Ziju, but she is so polite that Shen Zhu can't feel his love for herself at all, which makes her very annoyed.

Shen Zhu thought of Qian Guang's love for Su Zhi. She couldn't figure out why this man liked Qian Guang, so she went to Fuyuan more times these days.

Su Zhi chatted with Shen Zhu. While chatting, she made a pair of small shoes for Yueyue, embroidered the last few flowers on it, embroidered. She raised her head and found Shen Zhu staring straight at her. She thought it was no wonder that someone was staring at her just now.

"Pearl, is there anything dirty on my face? You always stare at me."

Shen Zhu shook her head and said, "No, the fourth sister-in-law's face is very clean. I just feel that the fourth sister-in-law's skin is very white. The fourth sister-in-law always says that there is no way to make your skin white and tender. Is it true? If so, please tell your sister that I also want to be as white as you.

Su Zhi smiled and said, "I really don't have a special way. Maybe I was born white. Pearl, you are also very white. Don't envy me anymore."

Shen Zhu smiled when she heard this, but she was very unhappy. She thought that Su Zhi was hiding with herself. She could make so many medicine that even the scars could be removed, and she could definitely make the medicine that could make the skin white and tender. She refused to give herself, but she was afraid that she would look better than her!

"Can the fourth sister-in-law give me some of the powder you use?"

"Yes, you can wait a minute."

Su Zhi thought about what happened to Shen Zhu today. After asking her if she had any medicine to whiten her skin, she was going to use powder again, and the way she stared at herself today was full of strangeness. But it's just powder, just give it to her. In fact, she doesn't usually use fragrant powder. This fragrant powder is also sent by Shang Shi, which is the most advanced fragrant powder. I heard that it was brought back from the capital, which is better than the most expensive powder sold in the fat powder shop in the county. The most expensive box of powder in the county costs ten taels of silver, and the Shang family must I'm afraid there are twenty taels. A banker may not be able to earn twenty taels of silver in a year.

"Pearl, here you are. There are osmanthus fragrance, jasmine fragrance, and rose fragrance. Here are all for you."

Su Zhi said generously that for Shen Zi'an's brothers and sisters, as long as they are kind, Su Zhi is willing to coexist peacefully, and she is also willing to give these external things, and she will not feel heartache at all.

Shen Zhu looked at the three exquisite small boxes, frowned and said, "Fourth sister-in-law, I want the lotus flavor."


Su Zhi was stunned, and then realized that Shen Zhu smelled the fragrance on her body and knew that it was the fragrance of lotus.

"Pearl, I only have half a box of that one. I only use the one I'm used to. These are all good. I'll give them all to you. I'll give it to you when I have the fragrance of lotus again.

Su Zhi wants to pick some lotus flowers to make some fragrant powder this summer, otherwise she can't round up even if she is careless. There is really almost no powder selling lotus fragrance in this powder shop!

"Fourth sister-in-law, can you give me that half a box? I don't want these boxes.

Shen Zhu insisted that if she applied the powder, maybe Qian Guang would have a sense of intimacy with her. Although this seemed to imitate Su Zhi, she thought that it was because Su Zhi applied the powder to attract Qian Guang. As long as she used it, she must be stronger than Su Zhi, so today she That's why I asked for it so shamelessly. RS