Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 362 Wrong Clothes

Qian Dahu, Mrs. Qian and the servants beside her all stared nervously at the old man's movements. Mrs. Qian looked at the ferocious wound on Qian Guang's body, and tears flowed out again. She turned her head and covered her mouth with a veil. She didn't let her crying startle the old man's action of He clenched his fist, but stared at it, as if he was afraid that his son would have a good or bad one.

Su Zhi looked at the wound and panicked for Qian Guang in her heart. The wound was really deep. If it was deeper, she might have to open her stomach. In this way, she could still live. She had to say that his life was too big. Shen Zi'an held Su Zhi in his arms and frowned. He whispered and asked how Shen Ziju and Shen Zhu, the mate standing beside him, were doing.

Qian Guang was so seriously injured that Shen Zi'an couldn't stop worrying about his younger brother and sister, but he thought that Qian Dahu would bring them here first. I guess Shen Ziju and Shen Zhu would not be as serious as Qian Guang if they were injured. His heart is not too heavy.

Su Zhi also looked at the boy.

The boy whispered, "Mr. Shen was not injured. Miss Shen was just slightly injured and fainted. The two of them are now in the side room, and they are all taken care of."

Shen Zi'an was completely relieved, and Su Zhi was also relieved. Although Shen Ziju and Shen Zhu were not very close to them, they were also a family. If something happened to them, the Shen family would really be in chaos, and Shen Zi'an would not feel good. She didn't want her father-in-law to feel uncomfortable.

At this time, the old man had already sprinkled all the powder. He was surprised to find that as soon as the powder was sprinkled on the wound, the blood would not flow!

"What a good medicine!"

Lao Langzhong smelled the fragrance of this medicine and couldn't help marveling. He wanted to have heard that the wife of the Shen family had a particularly magical pharmaceutical ability. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation! He definitely doesn't want this medicine prescription. As a medical professional, he knows too well how precious this good medicine prescription is, but if he can ask for some of this medicine powder from her, it will be very good!

When Mrs. Qian heard Lao Langzhong's words, she turned her head over. She asked Qian Dahu, "Sir, does this medicine work?"

Qian Dahu nodded, but he saw it with his own eyes. Thinking that Su Zhi's medicine is really effective, it seems that it's really right to invite her! Mrs. Qian quickly turned her head to thank Su Zhi.

Su Zhi saw that Qian Guang's wound was bandaged again. She thought that if there was no accident, Qian Guang would not die. She was relieved and said a few polite words to Qian Daqi and Mrs. Qian, and then asked to see Shen Ziju and Shen Zhu. Qian Dahu hurriedly asked his servants to take them with him.

Shen Ziju and Shen Zhu were placed in the room, in different rooms.

At this time, the Shen family had arrived. Shen Youfu and Shen Zhangshi went to see Shen Ziju first. When they saw Shen Ziju lying in **, Shen Zhangshi cried first, and Shen Youfu's eyes turned red. This is the most favored child in their family, and it is the hope of their Shen family. If something happens, it can really kill half of them.

When Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi entered the room, they heard Shen Youfu shouting loudly at a maid and asked Shen Ziju what was wrong. The maid was scared and went straight back.

Wang was persuading him and said, "Dad, don't shout, don't scare your fifth brother."

Shen Zifu went to help Shen Zhang and comfort her not to hurt her body.

Shen Zi'an said, "The fifth brother has nothing to do. He just fainted and will wake up in a moment. Don't worry. Let's take a look at Pearl. I heard that she has some injuries on her arm.

I just met a Langzhong outside and asked Langzhong.

Shen Youfu saw that they came in and shouted at Shen Zi'an, "I'm just dizzy?! What you said is light! That's when you meet a knife! How do you know that this is not a fall? Ziju is the baby of the Shen family! You should be like you with thick skin and thick flesh, so don't you fall? Where did you go just now? Why don't you stay by your fifth brother's side? Are you happy when you expect him to die? You cruel thief!"

Shen Youfu was really dizzy. He scolded Shen Zi'an regardless of it. When he scolded him like this, not only the rest of the Shen family were embarrassed, but also the servants of the Qian family who stood aside frowned. He wondered what was wrong with this old man. Why did he scold people indiscriminately? His son, right? He didn't do anything wrong. Why scold him? This son is really pitiful.

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi didn't look good either. They were scolded as soon as they entered the door, and no one would be happy.

Su Zhi said with a straight face, "Dad, which eye do you see that we are happy? Mr. Qian was seriously injured, and the fifth brother just fainted. He had shown it to him, and there were so many people watching. Let's go to see Mr. Qian first. What's wrong with this? The fifth brother is a baby, and my father-in-law is not a roadside weed! You scolded him for being cruel. I really don't know why you said that about him?"

Shen Youfu stared at Su Zhi and said, "You still talk back!" It's all because he married you that he doesn't take this family seriously as he is now!"

Shen Zi'an said, "Just scold me. Don't scold my daughter-in-law! You always say that I don't take the Shen family seriously, so what is it that I have worked for the Shen family for so many years? When the family went out, they only divided a few pieces of rags and a shabby house. What is it? After the separation of the family, I will give you food, clothes, snacks and money. What is it?! What good things did my daughter-in-law do without giving you a copy? There is no one in the village who doesn't praise her as a filial daughter-in-law. Why does she seem to have become a troublemaker in your mouth? If you are still like this, don't recognize my son or this daughter-in-law in the future. Anyway, if you do a good job, you will be scolded. It's better not to do it well at all, and you won't wrong us!"

Shen Zi'an was angry and scolded him, but he didn't want to scold his daughter-in-law. In front of so many servants in the Qian family, he can't let his daughter-law be scolded like this. The servants' mouth is the best. If he doesn't make things clear, others will really think that

Su Zhi looked at him because of Shen Zi'an's maintenance and held his hand. He wanted to have a husband like this, which was worth his life.

The servants of the Qian family listened to Shen Zi'an's words and thought, as expected, the wife of the Shen family has also come to the Qian family several times. She was not gentle to everyone. At first glance, she was a good person, and she also had a good reputation outside. But he was scolded by this old man here. It turned out that this old man was really unreasonable. At first glance, he loved Shen Ziju Shen Juren too much. He was not satisfied with this son's daughter-in-law, so he scolded him like this. It's really biased!

Shen Zifu and Wang are really embarrassed now. Looking at the eyes of the servants of the Qian family, they are really panicked for Shen Youfu. Shen Zifu thinks that his father is too biased. Although he doesn't care about it, it is really like this. Wang's heart thought that his father-in-law and others still wanted to be in-laws with the Qian family, but now they are so ashamed of the Qian family. Seeing that Pearl will marry into the Qian family in the future, she can't afford to raise her head with such a father.

Shen Zhang also heard it. She scolded the old man in her heart. She thought that the old man was really bad-tempered. How could he open his mouth and curse like this? Isn't this a joke for the Qian family? In particular, the relationship between Shen Zi'an and the Qian family is no farther than that between Shen Ziju and the Qian family. If Pearl marries the Qian family, they can also help support her!

"Old man, don't scold Zi'an and Zi'an's daughter-in-law. How can they not care about their younger brothers and sisters? It's just that Mr. Qian needs more people. Don't you think they also came here? Zi'an, Zi'an's daughter-in-law, your father is also too anxious. Don't blame him.

Shen Zhang said to Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi that their eyes were still red, but they showed a reluctant smile to them. At first glance, they looked like a mother.

The Qian family immediately thought that although the old man of the Shen family was unreasonable, this woman was reasonable, and her temperament was not much worse than that of her wife. She was really not like a country woman. No wonder she could raise children like Shen Juren and Miss Shen Zhu.

Shen Youfu snorted and said to Su Zhi, "What are you still doing? Why don't you go and show it to Ziju and take out all your good medicine!"

Su Zhi thought to herself that I owe you. Lang Zhong said that Shen Ziju was not hurt at all. He just fell off the horse and fainted because he was shocked and tired. Where can he take medicine? On the contrary, Shen Zhu heard that she was injured. Why didn't she see the old couple worried for her daughter? It seems that this man and woman are really different. No matter how much they usually love Shen Zhu, they still care more about Shen Ziju at critical times.

"I heard that Pearl's arm was injured, so I'll go to see her."

Su Zhi just thought she didn't hear Shen Youfu's words, turned to the cubicle, opened the bead curtain, and saw Shen Zhu lying inside.

The maid beside her was saying to Shen Zhu, "Miss Shen, are you awake? Don't move. Your arm is hurt."

Shen Zhujue's arm was so painful that she couldn't help crying. When she saw Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi coming in, her eyes lit up and tears flowed at them.

"Fourth brother, fourth sister-in-law, you are here."

Su Zhi walked over and said, "We're coming. Don't move. Lang Zhong said that there is nothing wrong with your arm. I'll change some medicine for you, and there will be no scars if you apply the medicine."

Shen Zhu nodded quickly. Shen Zi'an helped untie the cloth on Shen Zhu's arm. It was a not-so-deep wound, but a little long. Su Zhi sprinkled the medicine, thinking that she would get well soon.

At this time, Shen Zhangshi also came in early. He watched and comforted Shen Zhu while watching.

"Alas! Pearl, why aren't your clothes the one you wear from home? Is it also injured? Let your fourth sister-in-law show it to you!"

Shen Zhang found that something was wrong with Shen Zhu's clothes, and quickly asked Su Zhi to show her.

When Shen Zhu heard Shen Zhang's words, her pale face suddenly turned red, and then turned white again. She pulled up the quilt and covered her face with her unwoundated arm. RS