Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 365 Shen Ziju's Attitude

Shen Ziju was really shocked this time. He didn't know a few times like Qian Guang. He was just a weak scholar. This time, he was the robber's knife and bachelor. He was running on the horse and was thrown. At that time, he thought he would die several times, but he came back to life. How could he not feel A sense of joy was full of heart, but when he saw Su Zhi, he was also a little disappointed.

When he was in danger, when Shen Ziju was in such a panic, he also thought a lot in a hurry. He thought that if he died, his parents' expectations for him would be disappointed. Thinking of how the people in ten miles and eight townships rated him, the most promising talent who died after the thief at the last moment, their mouths I feel sorry for him. In fact, I will say that he doesn't have such a life, right? At that time, he didn't know why he thought so much, and then he thought of Su Zhi.

Su Zhi has always been a regret in Shen Ziju's heart, but it is also beautiful. Thinking of the faint lotus fragrance on her body, he thought that maybe she is the lotus in his heart. He can't touch her in his life, so he can only watch.

Shen Ziju thought that he would die with this trace of love that had not been revealed to anyone. As a result, he did not die. After waking up, he immediately saw Su Zhi. How could he not be happy?

Su Zhi naturally paid attention to Shen Zi's lifting. Seeing that he looked at her eyes with obvious joy, she was stunned for a moment and nodded to him.

Shen Ziju felt that he was a little reckless. He quickly stopped looking at Su Zhi. He was a person who wanted to go to the capital for scientific examination, and he could not let people find this kind of ridiculous feeling.

Shen Zhang's eyesight was very good. She felt that something was wrong with her son, but she didn't say anything. At this time, Shen Youfu had already come over.

"Zi Ju, are you all right? Does your body hurt? Does your head hurt? You are about to go to Beijing. You can't have any accidents. Our Shen family is counting on you to show off your ancestors.

Shen Youfu asked worriedly. He didn't believe Lang Zhong's words, so he had to ask Shen Ziju in person.

"Dad, I'm fine. Relax."

Shen Ziju said gently, and he sighed slightly in his heart. He thought that his father's words in front of him were quite heartwarming, but at the second half of the sentence, it made people feel a little cold. He also knew that Shen Youfu loved him, but that kind of love, which was completely different from his brothers, seemed to be based on the basis of his ability to become an official. Although he did not disgust him, it also made him feel faintly uncomfortable. Especially after seeing Su Zhi's treatment of Shen Zi'an, the discomfort gradually expanded.

In Shen Ziju's heart, his fourth brother is just a more powerful country farmer, but Su Zhi regards him as a treasure, which makes Shen Ziju very envious. If he doesn't have this smart mind and is just an ordinary country man, what would his status at home be? Isn't it so good to him at all? He thought it must be like this. The brothers in the family are all the same, but he is special.

With this idea, Shen Ziju is more envious of Shen Zi'an, more yearning for Su Zhi, and even more disappointed in his parents.

Shen Youfu is a farmer with a rough personality. How could he think that his son, who can be an official at home, would be so picky to him and respect him as much as he thought? He was still talking, but he was still mainly based on the words of entering Beijing. He didn't know that Shen Ziju's faint smile had become more and more distant from home.

After a long time, when Shen Ziju committed a great sin because of Shen Youfu, when he meditated and regretted alone, he wondered if his feelings for his father began to change from this time? It's all because of the comparison with Su Zhi, but can that be Su Zhi's fault? No. At that time, Shen Ziju was only regretful in his heart, but he was not in the first place.

"Okay, Ziju just woke up. Don't say these words to him all the time. Look at his face still so pale."

Shen Zhang interrupted Shen Youfu's words. Although those words also demonstrated to the Qian family, they said to them that their family was not easy to mess with, and there was also a master who would be an official in the future. But if you say too much, it seems to have become vulgar, which Shen Zhangshi can't accept.

"Zi Ju, are you all right? It happened that my parents were about to ask you something, and Mr. Qian and Mrs. Qian were also here. Your words are the most credible. I want you to say it.

"Mom, what's the matter, you can ask."

"Zi Ju, let me ask you, what's going on with Guang'er and Miss Shen falling into the water? Now Miss Shen said that she was given by my child... to see places that should not be seen. Is this true?

Qian Dahu asked Shen Ziju, and he still believed Shen Ziju's words, because Shen Ziju's usual performance was extremely correct and polite. At first glance, he was a person of high conduct. In addition, his love for scholars, Qian Dahu valued Shen Ziju very much. It can be said that he thought that his son did not help him It will be inferior to Shen Ziju.

Shen Zhu wanted to marry Qian Guang. He didn't object much before, or because of Shen Ziju. In fact, as his wife said, Qian Guang can actually be a better woman. If he had a daughter, he would definitely marry her to Shen Ziju, and he would not consider Shen Zhu's matter. At the beginning, he also considered telling Liang Fu to him, but unfortunately, Liang Fu ran out for the sake of marriage. Even her father dared to disobey. Naturally, he could not control him as an uncle.

Shen Ziju looked embarrassed when he heard this. He looked at all the people in the room looking at him, and his lips moved a few times, but it was still difficult to speak.

In fact, he was clear about this matter. When he was on the stone platform, he saw that Pearl pushed Qian Guang down, and then she jumped down. What happened later, how could he, the man who climbed out of his mother's womb with Shen Zhu, not figure out what Shen Zhu was going to do?

When he was in the temple, he questioned Shen Zhu, but Shen Zhu asked him not to tell the truth, saying that the whole family was happy to marry Qian Guang. Now she is just fighting for it, and she can succeed soon. Let him help and don't destroy her plan.

"Brother, you promised me that you would let me live a beautiful life and help me marry a good family. Now Qian Guang is the person I chose. You must help me. In addition, it is also good for you for our family and the Qian family to become in-laws.

That's what Shen Zhu said at that time. It was not easy for Shen Ziju to scold her at that time, because Shen Zhu had to marry Song Dashan because of him. Later, although she withdrew from the marriage, the woman withdrew from the marriage. Although she took the initiative, if it was taken out by a person with intention, it would not be He was really sorry for this sister, and he also agreed that she would let her live a good life. Moreover, it is indeed a good thing to be in-laws with the Qian family.

Shen Ziju is just not satisfied with Shen Zhu's approach. After all, this practice is too unorthodox. He and Qian Guang have been friends for many years. He has no such thoughts about his sister. He also knew it. Originally, he wanted to give them more time to cultivate their feelings. Perhaps with his friendship, he may not be rejected after proposing marriage. But he didn't expect Shen Zhu to do such a thing, which made him feel too insidious and hateful.

"What's wrong with you? Even if Qian Guang has no intention of you, when I become an official, are you still afraid that the marriage proposal will not come to your door? There will definitely be people who are as good as Qian Guang. Now you are so calculating against him. If he finds out, how can he treat you well? Aren't you looking for your own trouble?"

Shen Ziju advised Shen Zhu to turn around. He thought that although it was good for Qian Guang to be his brother-in-law, if it was a pair of resentment, it would be better to be a friend. However, Shen Zhu did not listen to the advice. She seemed to have recognized Qian Guang. She had to marry, which made Shen Ziju very helpless. She could only let her do so and promised that she would definitely help her.

Shen Zhu insisted so much, or because of Qian Guang's feelings for Su Zhi, she was jealous of Su Zhi in her heart, thinking that she must let Qian Guang change and like her, so that she could breathe. So no matter how good the future Shen Zi promised her, she would not marry another man.

Now Shen Ziju was really asked about what happened at that time in front of everyone. Shen Ziju recalled Shen Zhu's pitiful but persistent face at that time, and thought that he could only go against his will once.

"It's true. My little sister is very ashamed."

Shen Ziju said that he wanted to say this to himself. He didn't know what would happen to Qian Guang and his sister in the future. He hoped that Qian Guang could accept his fate and treat his sister well from now on. Speaking of which, his sister is both talented and beautiful, and does not humiliate him without Qian Guang. Shen Ziju thought about things in a good way.

The Shen family was relieved when they heard Shen Ziju's words. Looking at the extremely ugly face of the Qian family, they showed a proud expression.

"What else do you have to say now? My son can't tell lies. He is a dignified master! In the future, he will be an important minister in the court! Let your son marry my daughter, that's because you took advantage of it.

Shen Youfu said proudly that the Qian family was angry when he said this, and it was also extremely embarrassing to say that the Shen family was also extremely embarrassed. Thinking that this was really too much, he said when he was forcing others to marry his own girl. It was really shameless.

Mrs. Qian snorted and said, "Your son is a master, and my son is not Bai Ding. We won't believe it until he wakes up and admit it himself!"

Su Zhi thought that Qian Guang was also an open person. If he really saw it, he would definitely admit it, and Shen Ziju would not tell lies because of this kind of thing, so the situation at that time was not true as they said, so it seemed that Qian Guang was really caught this time. He is not really going to marry Shen Zhu, is he? She suddenly sympathized with him in her heart. RS