Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 374 The life of the stars

Shen Zi'an clenched Su Zhi's hand, and he also felt something was wrong. They all knew that Xing'er was not their child. He was a child who couldn't find a home. Before Xing'er learned to play the flute, he also said that in his memory, someone would play such a beautiful voice, so he wanted to learn it It was Xing'er who often heard the sound of the flute before he lost it from home, that's why he remembered it. And now that Zhou Zihao asked, both of them were a little nervous.

Su Zhi's heart beat so fast that she seemed to be able to hear her own heartbeat. Because Shen Zi'an held her hand, she felt a little more calm and looked at Xing'er closely.

"I don't remember it. I only remember it as an uncle. He is very tall and likes to touch my head."

Xing'er seemed to recall that there was a little sadness on his face. He didn't tell anyone. Since he learned to play the flute, he would dream of the past. It was very vague, but he could see a man playing the flute. He listened to it. After the man finished blowing, he would touch his head, and there would be a A woman who gives him a warm feeling like his mother. Every time he is very happy, he will wake up from his dream.

Xing'er thought that it might be his former home, which was likely to be his biological parents. He didn't tell Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi, because now they are his father and mother. He doesn't want to leave them, and he doesn't want them to be sad. He once asked them if they would be sad if he left. At that time, his mother must have been sad. So he never talked about his dream.

Zhou Zihao nodded.

"Xiao Ri, Xing'er, Yueyue, we're going to eat soon. Your hands just played are dirty. Go and wash your hands quickly."

Shen Zi'an told the children that he wanted to send the children away first, regardless of whether Zhou Zihao was related to Xinger's past. Feeling Su Zhi's nervousness, he was very distressed. He knew how much Su Zhi loved these three children. He really regarded them as her own children. And so is he. The three children are like his own sons. Thinking that they might leave, his heart was also heavy.

Xiaori is usually very calm and intelligent. He seems to feel that **'s uncle seems to be unusual to Xing'er, and his problem makes his mother nervous. He also wants to take Xing'er out quickly. So he listened to Shen Zi'an's words and immediately answered. He went over and pulled Xing'er and Yueyue out.

Xing'er was just asked by Zhou Zihao. After answering, he realized. Looking at his parents, he thought that his parents would not be unhappy because he remembered the past. He was very happy with them. He didn't think of leaving them, and he didn't think of going to find the person in the dream. Even if he finished that dream, he Receive.

Su Zhi had been looking at Xing'er. Seeing him turn around, her black and bright eyes looked at her like a kitten who was afraid of being abandoned. Her heart was immediately sour and a little relieved, thinking that the child also loved her. She smiled at him and waved at him. Seeing a smile on Xing'er's face again, she walked out, and the smile on her face was put away.

When Zhou Zihao saw that Xing'er went out, he asked directly, "Sister Shen, Sister-in-law Shen, please forgive me, is Xing'er your own son?"

In this question, everyone understood why he asked so. They all knew the origin of Xing'er's three children, but Zhou Zihao came here for the first time. He asked Xing'er so directly whether it was Shen Zi'an's biological child, plus the question he asked Xing'er before. All this shows that he suspects that Xing'er is someone he knows.

The three families of the Qian family and Liang Fu both looked at the Shen couple. Now Xing'er is their child. They have to answer this kind of thing.

Su Zhi thought that she was really afraid of something. After the initial panic and sadness, she calmed down and thought about what was wrong with herself. Didn't she still hope that the three children could find their biological parents and return to their real identities? Why is it selfish now?

"Why do you ask that?"

Shen Zi'an looked at Su Zhi's pale face and asked Zhou Zihao. At this point, it must be impossible to hide it. Xing'er was adopted by them, which everyone knew. What he can do now is to make sure that this person has not mistaken Xing'er, and don't give Xing'er to a family that is not his biological parents.

Zhou Zihao also felt that he had gone too far. This fourth sister-in-law Shen had just saved his life, but as soon as he saw his son, he doubted whether his son was their own. This was really too much. If it was really his own child, then Shen Zi'an came up and beat him now, and he had nothing to He felt that even if it was really like what he thought, Xing'er was really not the biological child of the Shen family. If he asked, he wanted to take his son away and do such a thing to the savior. But when he thinks of his good friend, he can't do without asking.

Zhou Zihao came down from ** and gave a big gift to Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi. His body was still a little weak. As soon as he bent down, he felt a little dizzy and shook his body.

Liang Fu quickly held him and said with concern, "Are you all right? Sit down and talk until **.

Zhou Zihao thanked Liang Fu, and then looked at Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi and said, "Fourth brother Shen, fourth sister-in-law, I know I'm really abrupt to say so. I'm also a little impulsive. Please forgive me. I asked because of one of my best friends whose name is Ye Wenru. This man is upright and has a wide range of friends. He lives in the capital and is a member of the court. There is only one young son in his family, who was lost more than three years ago. I have seen that child who looks very similar to the star, and my good friend also loves to play the flute very much. The look of playing the flute is very similar to this star. That's why I asked each other boldly. Please forgive me."

When Zhou Zihao said this, everyone wanted to see that Xing'er was the child of the official surnamed Ye. They really didn't expect that Zhou Zihao would lead up so many things when he came.

Shen Zi'an shook Su Zhi's hand and looked at her.

Su Zhi said, "Yes, Xing'er is not our biological son. He was adopted by us. At the time of the Shangyuan Festival last year, it was on the lantern festival in this town. He was rescued from the hand of the crutch. We also asked him where he came from, but he was too young to remember, so my father-in-law and I took him home.

Su Zhi thought that Xing'er called her mother as soon as she saw her at that time. At that time, she was surprised and happy. Now that she thinks about it, it is even more uncomfortable, because I'm afraid the child will leave her.

When Zhou Zihao heard that Xing'er was really not the couple's child, he was very surprised and thought that he was his friend's child.

"Is there a red fetal mark under the star's armpit, about the size of copper coins? If so, there is nothing wrong!"

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi listened, and they were sure that they did find the red fetal mark on Xing'er. At the beginning, they wanted him to recognize his parents, but it was easy to recognize them. They didn't expect this moment to come so early.

Shen Zi'an said, "Yes, there is indeed a red trace."

Zhou Zihao smiled and said, "That's true! That's great. My friend has been looking for his son for many years and hasn't found him, but he didn't expect to come so far away. This is really God's help!" After saying that, he found that no one in the room was as happy as him, and he was a little embarrassed. He thought yes, his good friend had found his son, which was a great joy, but the Shen family wanted to send away his son who had been raised for a long time. Although he was not his own, they loved the child very much at first sight, which It's meat!

"Shen Si Ge, Shen Si Si Sister-in-law, I can't stand you anymore."

Zhou Zihao thought that this was his benefactor, but as soon as he came, he took his son away. If he were Shen Zi'an and his wife, he would have been very angry. Maybe he would think that he would take revenge. It's better not to save him than to save him.

Su Zhi forced a smile and said, "What's wrong with us? It's God's will. It's a good thing that Xing'er found her biological parents."

Liang Fu walked to Su Zhi, took her hand and comforted her, "Sister Zhao, don't be sad. Xing'er is your son. Whether he finds his biological parents or not, he is your son. You know best how much Xing'er likes you.

Mrs. Qian really sympathizes with Su Zhi now. She also understands the feeling of a mother being robbed of her precious son. Although Xing'er is not Su Zhi's own child, Xing'er is so cute. Su Zhi is so kind to the child, and she is not bad with her own child. It was said that the child's biological parents had found it, and they were also looking for the child. It must be to take the child away. Can you think about it without being uncomfortable?

Mrs. Qian also went to comfort Su Zhi.

Qian Dahu sympathized with the Shen family and his wife in his heart, thinking that the couple were really lucky to adopt a child, and he was actually the son of a member of the court! If they had left their children behind, I really don't know how many benefits they would have had. It's just too late to think about this now. Let's have a good relationship with the Shen family and Zhou Zihao!

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi asked Zhou Zihao about Xing'er's biological parents. They thought that even if they returned the child, they should understand it clearly. If Xing'er didn't live a good life, they would not let go. Although they are only villager and peasant women in the countryside now, they are not ordinary villager and peasant women. If they make trouble, they will not be afraid of any members of the dynasty, even the relatives of the emperor!

The last thing I learned is that Xing'er's parents are excellent people. They are already haggard because of the loss of their children, and the child's mother is about to cry blind. The old man in the family is also very old. Xing'er is the only child in the family and the baby in the family.

As soon as Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi heard it, they knew that Xing'er really couldn't keep it. RS