Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 381 Shen Zi'an's cruel words

Su Zhi held Shen Zi'an's hand tightly and wanted to give him some strength. Shen Zi'an held her tightly, which made her very painful, but she didn't say anything. She knew that Shen Zi'an was very sad now. No matter who was so big, she knew that her mother who had died was not a normal death, but was killed It will be difficult to accept, not to mention that this suspected person is still a woman who has always replaced her mother's position!

People in Riverside Village were talking about it one after another. At this time, they suddenly calmed down together, wondering if Shen Zi'an would believe it and how would he treat Shen Zhang?

The weather was very good. A gust of wind blew over and a piece of dust rose on the ground. A large group of people stood there, and the atmosphere was a little strange.

"Zi'an, don't trust that crazy woman! She's really crazy!"

Shen Youfu finally spoke. He was also stunned when he heard what Mrs. Li said just now. Shen Zi'an's mother really likes to drink that green grass. In those years, her family was not rich, and Shen Zi'an's mother would save her life. She didn't like to drink white water, and she didn't have to buy tea, so she drank that green grass. Not only the people of the Shen family know this, but also the people in the whole riverside village know it, because she always picks green grass.

As for the detailed sand, Shen Zhangshi did buy it, and he bought it behind his back. He accidentally found it. He also asked her at that time. She said that she had an upset stomach, but how could the people who lived together not be clear about her health at that time? But he didn't ask what she said. But now that Mrs. Li said this, he suddenly remembered it all, and his heart felt cold for a while.

Shen Zhu also said, "Fourth brother, how could my mother know that it would be bad to eat those two things together? It's definitely not like what the old lady of the Li family said! Don't recognize her! My mother is very kind to you! Think about it, if my mother really did that to my aunt, how could she not do anything to you? So that's impossible at all!"

Shen Zi'an looked at Shen Zhang, this woman. Because of his mother, he has always done his son's duty, but he also knows that this man is a scheming person. He just thinks that the scheming is used on him, and he just takes advantage of her own children. He can ignore it. That's what mothers in the world He even thought that if his mother lived, he would fight for him. He really doesn't care. But if this scheming is used on his mother and still kills his mother, he can't help but care!

Shen Zi'an thought that his gentle and kind mother could not end well, so he couldn't calm down and shouted not to let the murderer go.

"Is it you?!"

Shen Zi placed a place to ask Shen Zhang, and his voice was suppressed. It seemed that he was going to roar and cry. His throat was dry and he could hardly speak.

"Zi'an, it's really not me. You can't listen to the crazy Li Shi and believe you! I have raised you for more than ten years. You can't believe me!"

Seeing that Shen Zi'an looked at her like that, her eyes were cold with a good knife. She said sadly while wiping tears with a veil.

"Is it you? I'll know sooner or later, but until this matter is clear, I won't call you mother again!"

Shen Zi'an pulled Su Zhi away, and those villagers who were watching the bustle quickly made way for them. Now Shen Zi'an is really scary.

Shen Zi'an knows how he asks now, and Shen Zhang won't admit it. Even if he kills her, she won't admit it. And there is no evidence for Mrs. Li's words at all. He can't really ask.

How to find out what happened many years ago? It was found out that Shen Zhang really bought the fine sand. As long as she said it was used to treat the disease, she couldn't do anything to her at all. The cause of his mother's death will only be thought to be in poor health to die early!

Although Shen Zi'an was angry and sad, his mind was not confused. He thought clearly, so he pulled Su Zhi away. He was afraid that he would not help hurting people if he stayed there again.

"Dad, mom, what do you think the fourth brother looks like! If it's just a crazy woman, he won't recognize his mother!" Sun shouted, "I think he just wants to take this opportunity and doesn't want to be filial!" I really don't know how to be grateful. If it's my own mother, he can only kill him. How can he not be like now? If you don't admit it, you won't admit it! It's not as good as an outsider! White-eyed wolf!"

Shen Ziping also said aside, "The fourth brother is really outrageous. How can he do such a thing! It really changes when you have money! I have to say that he will go! Li Zheng, you have to talk about him. He is so outrageous!"

Li Zheng's mouth twitched. I think your own father can't control him. I can't control it. Besides, in the current situation, no one can control it!

"You all shut up! I don't think it's messy enough! Go home!"

Shen Youfu was also angry with Shen Zi'an's words just now, but when he thought of Shen Zhang, he was also very confused. Hearing that his son's daughter-in-law was still talking nonsense here, he scolded.

Shen Zhu supported Shen Zhang, who was crying, and walked back. Along the way, Shen Zhang put on a pitiful look in the gaze of everyone, which also made some people who originally suspected her sympathize with her. They thought that she was also pitiful and raised Shen Zi'an so big, and ended up like this.

Shen Youfu said to Sanlang and asked him to go to Fuyuan to call back all the other people in the family, even the people in the second room. Sanlang answered and ran away quickly.

Good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. This matter will be known to the whole village in a moment. The people who just chased Zhao Xiaohua's carriage and left. Later, when they heard that the people who stayed there said these things, they all regretted not staying at that time. This is much more interesting than watching Zhao Xiaohua's carriage leave the village!

As soon as Shen Zhang arrived in the room, he lay on the kang, put a handkerchief on his head, and began to say that he had a headache. Shen Zhu took care of her. While taking care of her, she persuaded her, saying that the fourth brother would definitely figure it out. At that time, he would come back to her side to do filial piety and apologize to her. Shen Zhang cried while listening.

After a while, all the people in the big room and the second room came back. They were working in Fuyuan, and they didn't know anything about what was going on outside. Sanlang told them along the way, but they didn't make it clear. When they returned to the old house and listened to Shen Youfu's words, they were all stunned. How could such a big thing happen in half a long time? The matter of the Zhao family has nothing to do with them, but Shen Zi'an and his family are a family. How can they become enemies?

"Mother! You didn't really do that, did you?"

Shen Zifu asked in a hurry and was slapped by Wang. He thought about what his man was saying. How could he say that?

Sure enough, Shen Zhang cried again as soon as he heard it.

Sun took this opportunity to ridicule Shen Zifu, saying that he did not believe in his mother and suspected that his mother was a villain.

Shen Zi'an hurriedly apologized to Shen Zhang, and Wang also helped him, saying that he was stupid, but worried about her, not suspicious. Then the couple stood aside silently and became the background. At this time, say more wrong, say less and make fewer mistakes!

Shen Zigui said, "We can't persuade our fourth brother about this matter. He won't listen to anyone now, but will only believe what he found out. We said that it would only make him unhappy. Mother, if you really didn't do it, don't worry. The fourth brother won't wrong you. If you haven't done it, he will apologize to you!"

Shen Ziping said, "Second brother, what you said is light! I think the fourth brother wants to take this opportunity to ignore his parents this time! You see, since they were rich, they have been stingy and only give their parents a little money. If it were someone else, I would have let my parents live the life of the landlord and the landlady. Our brothers can also live in a big house and eat fine rice! Looking at it now, his family is going to start building a house again, and it's better to repair a garden than the official! But you have to work for him to earn that little money, and you don't arrange any work for me! He has despised us for a long time! I definitely want to take this opportunity to break up with us!"

Sanlang and others also echoed.

"Don't talk nonsense! The fourth uncle is not that kind of person!" Dalang said unhappily and looked at the man in the third room with disgust, thinking how could he have such a cousin?

Erlang also said, "You are greedy, and the fourth uncle doesn't give you work because he hates you!" He does the work and has a salary to take. What a good thing it is. Why does it change in your mouth? You just want to eat and drink for free! Isn't it better for you to live in Fuyuan to be uncles, and then you will be satisfied? Which one in this village doesn't say that my fourth uncle and fourth aunt are good, only you are special, and you are still brothers!"

Chunlan Chunxiang listened and nodded.

"You little ones go out."

Shen Youfu said that Dalang and other juniors could only go out. They were very worried about what happened today. They didn't want their grandmother to become such a person, and they didn't want to be estranged from their fourth uncle. For Mrs. Li, several people hate it to the bone. If you want to see them in the future, you have to scold them once.

Shen Youfu only said a few words to his son and daughter-in-law, that is, to persuade Shen Zi'an not to listen to Mrs. Li. Then let them disperse. Even Shen Zhu was sent out. When there was only him and Shen Zhangshi in the room, he sat next to Shen Zhangshi and looked at her. Shen Zhangshi closed his eyes and felt that Shen Youfu was sitting aside, waiting for him to make a sound, but she couldn't hear it. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw him looking at herself, which was shocked.

"Did you do it? Tell me the truth!"

Shen Youfu's voice was so low that he didn't want to be heard by others.

Shen Zhang said, "What nonsense are you talking about?! How could I do that kind of thing!"

"You did it, and I can't do anything to you." Shen Youfu's shoulder suddenly fell down a little and sighed, "Old husband and wife, I can't give you up for such a long time. It's just Zi'an's place. You should be careful in the future.

"I didn't do it."

Shen Zhangshi bit to death and didn't admit it. Shen Youfu didn't ask her. She just took off her shoes, went to the kang, sat on the kang and smoked dry cigarettes. The room was full of cigarettes. Usually, Shen Zhangshi would say a few words, but today she didn't say a word, and Shen Youfu To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to ianawr to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my greatest motivation. PS: It doesn't seem to be particularly cruel... Zhao Xiaohua will end up like that, and it won't have a good end for the old bad guys, for sure. RS