Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 400 Divided

Wang insisted on separation, and Shen Zifu had the same attitude. The two of them were cruel this time. No matter how angry Shen Youfu was, how Shen Zhang advised, and how Shen Zhu cried and apologized, they just didn't let go.

Dalang Erlang took the medicine back from Su Zhi. Before he could use it for Chunlan, he heard the news that their big house was going to be separated. The two were surprised and happy. They had wanted to separate for a long time. Seeing that the second uncle and fourth uncle lived such a good and comfortable life, they were envious, but their parents didn I didn't expect to look forward to this day. What a surprise.

Wang took the medicine from Dalang's hand and saw that it was a small porcelain bottle, only as long as a finger. She wondered how much medicine there could be in it.

Erlang said, "There is a potion in it. The fourth aunt said, pour it gently into your ear. Don't pour too much, just a few drops, and it is said to use it every two hours. She said that if this medicine doesn't work, she can't do anything about it.

Su Zhi added more lotus pollen than usual for Chunlan's ears this time. She didn't want to let Chunlan's ears delay treatment because she was too careful, which would ruin the life of a flower-like girl.

Wang asked, "Your fourth aunt can't come. We use this medicine ourselves. Won't we use it wrong?"

Dalang said, "The fourth aunt said that this medicine was used directly, and she also used it to drip into her ears. She made it for us, and we could do it."

Erlang said again, "The fourth aunt wanted to come, but Yueyue was playing outside and was bitten by a snake. Although she was fine with the medicine, she was scared. The fourth aunt was accompanying her. So she didn't come. She said she would ask the fourth uncle to come over later, and she would come when she was free.

Wang was a little ashamed when she heard this. She was just wondering if Su Zhi still cared about Shen Zi'an's words that she would not enter the old house before finding out the truth of the aunt's death, so she didn't come to send medicine in person. Now that she knows how much she thinks, the fourth brother and sister-in-law are really concerned about them. She also thought that the fourth sister-in-law had helped them so much today, and she was even more grateful to her. The little thought in the past was almost withdrawn.

"Master, go and see Yueyue. By the way, I told the old people of Lizheng Village that we were going to separate the family. This family should be separated early. I don't want our son and daughter to be beaten like this again. Chunlan won't have nightmares when she sees your girl in the future? Your sister's reputation is not good, and it will also affect the marriage of our daughter and son. Good morning. Anyway, I won't point to your little brother's light.

Chunxiang said aside, "Mom, you should have figured it out. We have our hands and feet, and we will definitely live a good life. Look how good the second uncle and the fourth uncle are! Let's not talk about the fourth uncle, even the second uncle, now he is also living a melon. Also, as soon as they left here, the second aunt's stomach was happy. As soon as Brother Dashan was dismissed from the marriage by his little aunt, he became an official! If you ask me, if we split up, we will definitely have good luck!"

Dalang smiled and said, "Chunxiang is right. There will definitely be good luck in the separation. Mother, we should have separated a long time. You see how well the fourth uncle is. He doesn't rely on his uncle. He lives well with his own ability. He will definitely not be worse than his uncle in the future.

We are the same."

Erlang also said, "No, even if there is an uncle, so what? He is an official. Shall we give him a person? Even if he eats delicious food and drinks spicy food, it will lower his head. If he can do it on his own, how can he control us? If you take ten thousand steps back, even if you can't rely on the little uncle, you can still rely on the fourth uncle! I think the fourth uncle is much more reliable than the little brother!"

Wang Shi and Shen Zifu listened. The more they listened, the more they felt that what the children said was reasonable. The children had also told them before, but at that time, one of them was filial, and the other was determined that Shen Ziju, so they were not separated. Now they are forced to do it. I really feel that the separation is

"The child's father, go and talk to Li Zheng. Don't go back on your word after a while. This family must be divided. Our face has been torn, so let's tear it up completely! Let me tell you, you can't go back on your word again!"

Wang warned Shen Zifu.

Shen Zifu nodded under the gaze of his daughter-in-law and the four children, and then went out. He also thought that it would be better to separate the family. Since he wanted to separate the family, he had to find help. The second brother and fourth brother must be notified, and Li Zheng and the village elders must also be invited.

Li didn't say anything about Shen Zifu's proposal to separate the family. He just sighed. He also knew about Chunlan. He thought that the Shen family was really in chaos now. Since he wanted to separate the family, let's split up. He also saw that it's better to divide the family than not to separate. Isn't Shen Zigui and Shen Zi'an very popular? You can't let Shen Zifu's family be bullied and stay in the Shen family's old house. Besides, this is someone else's business. He is only responsible for listening to it and helping to host it.

He talked to Li Zheng, and then went to tell the village elders that Shen Zifu wanted to find Shen Zi'an and Shen Zigui. As a result, he met them halfway, and the two came together. They also knew that Chunlan was deafening when she was beaten by Shen Zhu. Come and have a look. Both of them are holding things in their hands. Shen Zi'an is a newly beaten pheasant, and Shen Zigui is an egg saved at home. Shen Zifu did not refuse. He took it and remembered their good in his heart.

Shen Zi'an and Shen Zigui were surprised when they heard the eldest brother that they wanted to separate. The eldest brother and sister-in-law did not want to separate before. When Shen Zigui separated, they also had the opportunity to propose, but they did not separate, but now they took the initiative to propose. However, both of them can also understand that Chunlan has been deaf, and even an individual can't stand it, especially Shen Zigui. He was also in a hurry at the beginning, so he mentioned the separation.

Both brothers support the eldest brother's separation. It is said that if he separates the family, even if he has no house and no money, they can borrow his money first. Shen Zi'an also said that he could let them live in his Fuyuan first, and then move there when the house was built. Shen Zifu is very grateful.

Shen Zhu was deafening Chunlan. Fortunately, she was cured by Su Zhi. Now the Shen family's big house is making trouble to separate. This is not a secret. The people in the riverside village soon knew it all, and the Shen family has once again become people's talk after dinner. This time, almost everyone is looking at Shen Zifu. Everyone has children. How can the child be beaten deaf? And he was not beaten by his grandfather and grandmother, but by his aunt.

For a moment, Shen Zhu's name was one point away. The villagers said that they didn't expect Shen Zhu, who was usually so delicate, not only shamelessly retreated twice, but also so cruel that even her niece had such a heavy hand.

Shen Zhu really dares not go out now. She hates her eldest brother, sister-in-law and Chunlan very much in her heart. She thinks that they don't want her to let others know about this. She can only hope that Shen Ziju will come back soon. Thinking that he is back, she will definitely love her and take her away. At that time, she will have a new life and never meet these people who make her angry again!

Shen Zhang went to persuade Shen Zifu and Wang again. He couldn't persuade him, and Shen was very blessed. He told Shen Zhang that they would let them go if they wanted to share, and said that there were many such sons.

When Shen Zifu heard this, he was still a little guilty, but when he heard this, he was not so guilty. He thought yes, he might be an obedient long-term worker for his father, and only his younger brother was the son he valued. In this case, let's split it. Anyway, he will be filial and won't cause trouble to his parents.

The next day, Shen Zifu separated under the witness of the elders of Lizheng Village. Shen Zi'an and Shen Zigui also came, and they helped Shen Zifu move.

Shen Youfu looked at the three sons whose wings were hard and flew. He turned back to the house angrily and smoked bag by bag. After enduring for a long time, he did not smoke the cigarette bag to the edge of the kang again.

Shen Zifu first lived in Fuyuan. The family did not live in the four-box courtyard at the invitation of Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi. They only let the two girls of Chunlan Chunxiang live there, living in the house where Liu Siniang once lived. And the couple still live in the vermicelli workshop in Dalang Erlang, where there is also an empty room, and it is very similar to clean up. It is no worse than the house in the old house, but sleeps not on the bed, but on the bed.

As soon as the Shen family finished, the Zhao family made trouble again. After the funeral of Mrs. Li, the two brothers quarreled over the property.

Zhao Dazhu and his wife said that Zhao Daliang was not the blood of the Zhao family, and naturally he did not deserve to occupy the property of the Zhao family. The land where they live now had to be returned. And the Zhao family raised him so big, and he let the Zhao family lose so much face. The house on the land is regarded as compensation for the Zhao family. So Zhao Dazhu and his wife asked Zhao Daliang and Zhang Qingniang to move out of the house, and their family wanted to live in it.

Zhao Daliang naturally dissued. He said that Zhao Daliang was full of nonsense, and there was no evidence that he was not the son of the Zhao family, and there was no way to get a house.

In the end, the Mao family shamelessly participated in and secretly asked Zhao Daliang to admit his marriage, saying that he would not make trouble for him unless he gave him money. He went up to accuse Zhao Dazhu of nonsense and Shen Zhang for ruining their family's reputation. Then the two brothers of the Zhao family also blamed Shen Zhang together.

So if you sue me and I sue you, the matter is very chaotic. When it comes to Lizheng, Lizheng is so annoying that he doesn't care about it. He just says that if they don't solve it in private, they will be driven out of the riverside village or fined a family of one hundred taels of silver. As soon as this was said, several families were all settled.

In the end, the whole family was entangled, and no one was convinced, but they showed a good play to the people of Riverside Village.

Just as the good show continued, there was news that Qian Guang, the son of the Qian family, his lame leg, all right! RS