Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 403 Handle, Xi Xiner

Naturally, the matter of the doll was also told to Shen Zigui and Wang. Dalanglang also listened. When the family heard that Chunlan was beaten because Shen Zhu was doing bad things, they were very angry, and Dalang Erlang was going to ask Chunlan for an explanation.

Shen Zifu is still filial. He said, "Just go to ask for an explanation and look for it in private. Don't make trouble until the whole village knows it."

Wang also said, "Yes, this sister-in-law's reputation is bad enough. If such a thing is added, she will just be a little darker, and our Shen family will marry a girl in the future. With such an aunt, no matter how good the girl is, she has to think about it.

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi also feel that they are reasonable. They just want to talk about this matter and let the people of the old house know that they are not in the dark, and the doll has been put away and can be used as a handle. At that time, if Shen Zhu comes up with any idea to make trouble for them, she will take this doll Threatening her. With so many people who can prove this, it's useless for Shen Zhu not to admit it. The things she has done before make people have to doubt her.

As soon as the people in the big room heard this, they all nodded one after another.

In the end, the two families went to the old house together and took out the doll to talk about this matter. Shen Youfu's face was not angry with the big room and the second room, but Shen Zhu's anger. He wondered how this daughter could even do such a negative thing and let people get the handle. It was really a loser. He lost face in front of his two sons and their daughter-in-law's children. He scolded Shen Zhu, and Shen Zhu kept crying.

Shen Zhu cried and begged Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi to forgive her. She didn't want this reputation to spread again. She divorced and beat the younger generation. These things made her have a bad reputation, but they didn't have a big impact on making rag dolls. Nowadays, people care about these things. What she does this shows that she I'm going to kill my sister-in-law. Who do you dare to kill in the future? Anyone who dares to approach her can drown her.

Shen Zhang listened to Shen Youfu scolding Shen Zhu and did not pull her. After Shen Youfu disappeared, she also scolded Shen Zhu for a few words, and then pleaded with Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi for her daughter.

The reason brought out by Shen Zhang is the same as what Shen Zigui and his wife thought, that is, don't let the people in the village see jokes, and don't affect the reputation of the girls in the family.

The two men, Shen Zifu and Shen Zi'an, stood aside and did not ask their daughter-in-law to come forward and made a series of requests. In fact, in the end, the people of the old house are not allowed to trouble them in the future, especially Shen Zhu. If they have any bad intentions in the future, they will no longer hide Everyone knows what kind of person she is.

Although Shen Youfu was angry that his son and daughter-in-law threatened him so much, there was nothing he could do now. Shen Zhang and Shen Zhu also agreed.

As soon as Shen Zi'an and the others left, Shen Youfu slapped Shen Zhu in the face and immediately cried and ran out.

Shen Zhang persuaded Shen Youfu and worried about Shen Zhu, but it was easy to chase her. She thought that it was really time for her daughter to reflect. If it goes on like this, she will suffer from getting married in the future

Shen Zhu ran back to the room, lay on ** and cried. She felt the hot pain on her face. She hated her eldest brother and fourth brother's family very much. She even hated Shen Youfu. She felt that it was wrong for him to beat himself. At this time, she especially looked forward to the little brother to come back There is a support, and then let him leave the house with him. When she has wealth and power in the future, she will definitely come back, let those who laugh at her see her scenery, and retaliate against those who bully her!

Chunhua knew that her uncle and four uncle's family had come to find Shen Zhu's trouble. She had been hiding in the room and did not come out. When the two families left, she came out. She happened to see Shen Zhu running out of the main room with her face covered and crying. Her heart was happy for a while, and she finally made this For credit, she felt for the first time that she also had a kind of power. She could retaliate against those she hated, and she must make her life smooth!

Spring flowers are like a person who is about to be submerged. After finding the fourth uncle and fourth aunt, it is like catching a driftwood, and I don't want to let go.

Seeing that Shen Youfu was so angry, Shen Zhang persuaded him, but he was also blamed by Shen Youfu.

"Tell me about you two! You have nothing to talk about Mrs. Li and Mao Laoliu, which is now being relied on by the Mao family. Now that Pearl has caused so many things, neither of you, mother or daughter, is worry-free! Pearl's appearance turned out to be up to you, but she learned from you, but you also taught her your tolerable temper! If she could pretend half of you, she wouldn't have such a bad reputation!"

"Is it my fault? That Mrs. Li has nothing to frame my sister, so I'm not allowed to tell her truth? You also said that I can pretend, how can I pretend that I am like this! If it weren't for you, do you think I would have suffered so many grievances? You still blame me!"

Shen Zhang took a handkerchief and began to wipe his eyes. Tears came as soon as he said, looking very aggrieved.

Shen Youfu regretted it as soon as he said it. As soon as he saw her crying, he quickly said, "Okay, am I upset? You also know my temper. After so many years of husband and wife, do you still care about what I say? Stop crying!"

Shen Zhang continued to wipe his tears and said, "I'm just sad. I've been on you all my life. If you say that, I won't be able to live!"

As soon as Shen Youfu heard Shen Zhang's soft words, the rest of his heart was also scattered.

"What a dead life? Our son is going to the capital. Soon there will definitely be a happy letter. We still have a lot of good days to live, and we have to live for a long time!"

Seeing that Shen Youfu's anger had dissipated, Shen Zhang didn't cry. She followed his words and said, "Yes, Ziju will definitely pass the exam this time. At that time, we will be the old lady, so don't worry about Pearl's affairs, and the matter of the Zhao family and Mao family is nothing. My happy letter is coming soon. Look, when the two families dare not say anything, and then our life will be fine.

When Shen Zhang said this, Shen Youfu's heart was much smoother.

Shen Zhang looked at Shen Youfu's face and smiled again, thinking that it was really aggrieved to marry this person in his life.

Shen Zifu and Shen Zi'an finally won their future peaceful life for themselves because they used the handle of rag dolls. They were all relieved and began to think about the future.

The work of Shen Zi'an's family is almost finished, leaving only some small work to do, and those people are ready to build a house for Shen Zifu's family.

All the income and expenditure of the big house over the years have been returned to the public middle school. This time, because Shen Zhu beat Chunlan, in order not to let the people in the village say anything, and the big house has also made great contributions to the family over the years, so Shen Youfu and the Shen Zhang family did not treat them badly, but because Zi took it almost, and they also thought that in case someone came to report the good news in the future, they would have to prepare the wedding money. In the end, they gave ten taels of silver to the big house, and the things in their house were also given to them, and five chickens raised at home, and they also gave them their share of farm tools.

Ten taels of silver is enough to build a house, but it won't be too good. Shen Zifu and Wang Shi look at their grown-up children. Naturally, they want to build a house. They can't compare it with the four-bedroom house, at least like the second house. Their son hasn't been born yet. They all have such

Wang had some private money in her hand. Finally, she discussed it with Shen Zi'an and others, saying that if the outside asked, it was borrowed from them, and they wanted to build a big house.

The place to build the house is also on the east side of the river, in the open space in front of the second room, so that it is close to it.

Now is a good time to build a house. The craftsmen work harder to build the house and expose the house before the rainy season.

Shen Youfu also came to see it several times. Looking at the smiles on the faces of the eldest son's family, he did not feel uncomfortable for the separation at all. He felt sulking in his heart and was stabbed a few times by Shen Ziping and Sun's words, so he didn't come. If he doesn't come, the people in the big room are more relaxed.

On the day when the house was about to be on the beam, Xi Xiner came from the official of the state government, saying that Shen Zi'an had passed the examination and was the second place in the list.

The riverside village suddenly caused a sensation. A scholar in his riverside village was earth-shaking, not to mention a list. In their eyes, it was no worse than the champion. The villagers were very excited and happy. Thinking that Shen Ziju must be an official in the future, the village can also be favored. After all, they are the villagers of the officials!

The people of the Shen family are very happy, especially Shen Youfu. The wrinkles on Le's face have opened, and his dream of sou Zong in his life has finally come true! Shen Zhang's tears of joy fell down. However, the happiest thing was Shen Zhu. Her whole body was radiant, and the gloomy days swept away, revealing the bright posture of the girl.

There were waves of people who came to the Shen family to congratulate each other. Naturally, the villagers did not need to mention that the sentry and celebrities in the city and towns also sent people to give gifts, and the Shen family set up gifts in a room for a while.

As Shen Zhang said, the Mao family and the Zhao family no longer investigated Shen Zhang's previous words. They all came to say that this matter had nothing to do with Shen Zhang in the future and apologized, which made the Shen family very proud. They thought that it was good to be an official. No matter right or wrong, it was right in the end. RS