Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 441 Public Anger, Broken Love

After the people of Riverside Village knew that the embarrassed person tied to the ground was the old immortal at the beginning, they were really angry. They were fooled. Immediately, the angry man went to kick the man. You kicked me one by one, and the person who kicked really screamed.

Shen Zi'an looked at Shen Ziping and the Sun family. Seeing that the two of them were pale, he thought that when he saw them like this, he knew that he would not wrong them.

Shen Zhang also saw it. She also knew that it had something to do with her third son and third daughter-in-law. Looking at the angry look of the villagers, she thought that if this matter was known by the villagers, not to mention that Shen Ziping's reputation was over, even if they were parents, they had to be told. At the beginning, It was divided. At that time, it could be said that it was a last resort. The whole village understood that now the truth of the matter has come out, and they are taking advantage of people's danger. The villagers must say that they are wrong!

Shen Zhangshi quickly said to Shen Youfu, and Shen Youfu stared at Shen Ziping and others.

"Zi'an, this man is so hateful, but don't beat him to death here. Send him to the government and let the government sentence him!"

Shen Youfu said.

Shen Zhang also said, "Yes, didn't you just say that he also lied to the Zhang family? As soon as he entered the prison this time, there must be no good day to return. Let's send him to the government soon! Now the villagers all know that Su Zhi is not a broom star, so you don't bring it to everyone, and the villagers also believe in Su Zhi. You'd better take him away quickly. Look at the beating. If you die in our village, it's not a good thing.

Shen Zi'an took a look at Shen Zhang's family and thought that she didn't want to say that Shen Ziping and others would come, but this time he had to say no. Only in this way can he really break off the relationship with Shen Ziping and others. Not only will he not let them come to their door in the future, but he will

Shen Zi'an thinks that his third brother's family is a troublemaker, and he always finds trouble for them. He must cut off this family. In order not to let his daughter-in-law and their children be talked about by the villagers in the future, he wants to do this matter so that others have nothing to say.

Now this fake old-fashioned is a good opportunity. Even in his anger, Shen Zi'an thought of this. He was really worried that his daughter-in-law and children would be hurt.

Li Zheng and Aunt Jinhua had stopped those villagers at this time. Finally, they didn't let the swindler on the ground kick to death, but they also kicked the black and swollen footprints.

Li Zheng is also afraid that more people will come in a while, and more people will be angry. At that time, he will really beat this man to death. The reputation of their village is really bad. He persuaded Shen Zi'an to send him to the government quickly.

Aunt Jinhua asked, "Zi'an, if you bring this man, is there anything else to do besides show it to the villagers?"

Shen Zi'an said, "Of course there is something to do. I just called my third brother and third sister-in-law to confront this fake Taoist priest. This fake Taoist priest told me that my third brother and third sister-in-law gave him silver to ruin my daughter-in-law's reputation! Third brother, third sister-in-law, what do you have to say?

As soon as the villagers heard this, they talked about it one after another. This matter is a big deal. They also thought that even if the old Taoist priest wanted to come to their village to cheat money, how could he know that the Shen family had such a patient as Su Zhi? Coupled with Sanlang's behavior at that time, the more they felt that it had something to do with the third wife of the Shen family. Everyone looked at Shen Ziping's eyes and his wife changed. They all knew what the nature of the couple was, and they could really do such a thing!

As soon as Shen Ziping heard it, he immediately said, "Fourth brother! You can't listen to this man's nonsense! Where can I find him with any money? Besides, you are my fourth brother, how can I do that kind of thing?"

Sun Shi also said, "That's right, this man must be nonsense! He is afraid of you, so he blames us! You have to settle accounts with him. Don't believe him. We are your brother and sister-in-law!"

Shen Zi'an asked the fake Taoist priest on the ground: "They don't admit it. Tell me about it."

Shen Zi'an stopped for a while on the road to clean up the fake Taoist priest and warned him not to tell lies. He tore off the whip in his hand in front of the man. It was cheated by cowhide. It was very strong. It was just broken. It was so strong. This fake Taoist priest is naturally too scared to tell a lie. What's more, it's not good for him to tell lies now. If one more person shares the blame for him, he will suffer less!

"They are looking for me. I didn't lie."

"Nonsense! You said we came to you, that's us? You are a liar. Who will believe what you say?

Sun Shi took a bite of the man and thought to himself why the man died and came back. He thought he had run away. He still dared to cheat Zhang's house. No wonder he was caught. It's really cowardly!

The fake Taoist priest said, "You called me here. In order to make the people in your village believe me, you deliberately did something first, and then asked me to help the people in the village pretend to figure it out. In this way, people will believe me. Just like the silver banket found under the willow tree. The man whose head was broken. You told me everything! The Sanlang in your family has been ready to find me for a long time, and then I will say those words to him, and finally say that there is a broom star in your house. I'm telling the truth."

"What! The loss of my daughter-in-law's silver bank is related to them?!"

A man shouted loudly, his face was red and his neck was thick. At the beginning, he praised that this old-fashioned calculation was accurate. He was grateful to him. Later, Su Zhi was said to be a lucky star. It was said that the old-fashioned calculation was not accurate. It might be a liar, and he didn't believe it. Now it It's no less angry than Shen Zi'an.

The man whose head was broken also shouted and pointed to Shen Ziping and asked, "Is my head broken by those guys in your family?! Just to let this swindler figure out that I have a bloody disaster?! Okay, we are villagers! You can do this kind of poison!"

"Well, even brothers can calculate, and who else can't calculate!"

At this time, I don't know who said a word, which made everyone despise Shen Ziping.

No one listened to Shen Ziping and his wife no matter how they explained it. The swindler said everything.

Shen Youfu's face is red and his neck is thick. He thought it hasn't been long since he came back. Why did this shameful thing come out one after another? Blame Shen Ziping is not competitive? Or do you blame Shen Zi'an for not giving mercy? He stared at his two sons and wanted to curse, but he thought that he was also the father of a senior official now. He was an old man. He was laughing at and couldn't breathe.

Shen Zhangshi was very embarrassed. She thought that the most failure in her life was to give birth to this third son, and the most failure was to let the third son marry this Sun!

Shen Ziping's explanation was useless, and finally asked Shen Youfu for help.

"Dad, please tell my fourth brother that I really didn't do this!"

"Say it yourself!"

Shen Youfu shook his sleeve and left. He didn't want to be embarrassed here anymore. Now Shen Zi'an is beating the third son to death, and he doesn't want to care about it.

"Zi'an, if it's really what your third brother did, it's him who's sorry for you. You can do whatever you want. As long as you keep him alive, it's not for him, but for you. Your daughter-in-law still has a baby in her stomach. Just take it as a blessing for the baby

Shen Zhang took a look at Shen Ziping, said this to Shen Zi'an, and followed Shen Youfu with a sad expression. She also felt ashamed. She dares to leave, and because she knows that Shen Zi'an will not beat Shen Ziping to death, and he won't do the words she put down on her!

As soon as Shen Ziping and Sun saw their parents leaving, they were so anxious that they wanted to leave, but they couldn't. When they looked at Shen Zi'an, they only said that this matter really had nothing to do with them. Whether others believed it or not, they bit the answer to death.

Li Zheng said, "Zi'an, what are you going to do?"

Shen Zi'an naturally won't kill Shen Ziping. Although he really wants to kill them, they are not guilty. Even if they are sent to the government, they will be released, because they are not the liars, but just let the swindlers help deceive people. There are no casualties and no casualties. If you are a family, you will not be severely punished at all. Shen Zi'an thought that from now on, he would break up with them clearly and not let the villagers talk.

" Li Zheng, villagers, everyone also saw that in order to separate me from my daughter-in-law, my third brother actually came up with such a sinister way to deceive the whole village and made my daughter-in-law a broom star. I can't help but avenge this. Before that, I didn't allow them to go to my house. Before that, they almost hurt my daughter-in-law. I have nothing to do with them now. Now in front of everyone, I broke off this family relationship with him. In the future, we will not contact each other. If anything happens to each other, we will no longer have anything to do with each other!"

As soon as Shen Zi'an said, the people in the riverside village were quiet, and even Shen Ziping and Sun's family were quiet.

Li Zheng said, "Shen Ziping's thing is really not authentic. Zi'an, it makes sense for you to say so. Since you said so, we all heard it."

The people in the village also began to speak, all towards Shen Zi'an.

Shen Ziping and Sun were relieved to know that Shen Zi'an would not beat them, but they were relieved to think of Shen Zi'an's property in the future. They hurt like a knife, but there was nothing they could do. Now everyone is staring at them.

Sanlang hid aside and listened to Shen Zi'an's ruthless words, and then listened to all the villagers saying that their three rooms were not good. He hated Shen Zi'an even more. He thought it was all because he said it in public, otherwise no one would know.

Li is asking Shen Zi'an to send the swindler to the government quickly. Don't stay here anymore. If it really attracts more people and beat this fake Taoist priest, it will really kill him.

Shen Zi'an picked up and the man was going to throw it into the car. The man refused to leave. All he knew was that if he left, he would go to prison. At that time, he would be guilty. RS