Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 447 Eyes, Entering the Palace

Mrs. Ye was really surprised and happy to hear that Su Zhi was so sure to 'cure' the second prince. Even her weak body, which was a little sad because of sadness, seemed to have strength. She stood up and saluted Su Zhi again, but as soon as the big gift went down, her body shook.

Su Zhi quickly asked the maid brought by Mrs. Ye to support her, and then she took out a small bottle from the purse she had brought with her and poured out a turquoise pill the size of soybeans.

This pill was specially brought by Su Zhi for emergency use. Originally, she wanted to send medicine to Mrs. Ye later. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Ye's body was so weak that she took it out in front of her face. As soon as the pill was taken out, a faint fragrance floated up in the room. It was so light, but it made people smell it very clearly. And the more I smelled it, the more I wanted to smell it. I just smelled it, and I felt as if I was refreshed.

"Sister-in-law, this is the medicine I brought, which is good for my health. Look at my long journey, even if I am pregnant with a baby, I rely on this pill to support it! You should also take a pill. You must feel good after eating it.

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

Mrs. Ye knew how good the medicine was as soon as she smelled the fragrance. She had been cured by taking such a pill before. The rest of the medicine was put away by the couple like a treasure, but in the end, because of saving the second prince, it was all gone, otherwise she would not be so weak. She is not sick, but worried about sadness, and taking medicine doesn't work. However, Su Zhi's medicine must work. Mrs. Ye has now believed what Su Zhi said. The second prince is pretending to be sick, and the elixir is still a elixir. Su Zhi also said that Xing'er must be fine. She was in a good mood and thought that she would be fine as soon as she took this medicine!

Mrs. Ye immediately took the medicine. As soon as the medicine entered her throat, her whole body was cool, as if all her internal organs had been flowed by water, as if she had been cleaned up, as if her body was clean. The body is light and the brain is clear.

"My sister-in-law's medicine is still so effective. I feel much better."

Mrs. Ye really doesn't feel as weak as just now. She thinks that this medicine is really effective. Her younger sister-in-law said that her medicine can cure all diseases. The second prince's disease should also be cured, but she is still pretending to be sick. It's really hateful! At the same time, he was even more grateful to Su Zhi. He wanted to help them save Xing'er from the abductor's hand and raised him for so many years. Now he should not only continue to worry about Xing'er, but also worry about the royal theory, but also worry about her body. He is really a kind person.

Su Zhi said with a smile, "My sister-in-law is in good health. Xing'er won't blame himself for making you worry about him when she comes back. The child is very filial and sensible."

Mrs. Ye also showed a comforting smile on her face and said, "What my sister-in-law said is that Xing'er is smart and sensible, which is still your upbringing. Since Xing'er-in-law and I lost, I have never thought that we could not only find him, but also find such a clever and My sister-in-law is really virtuous to our Ye family.

Su Zhi naturally praised Xing'er. As they spoke, they talked about Xing'er's growth. When Mrs. Ye heard Su Zhi's words about Xing'er, she was very distracted. At first, she was sad, but later she was full of relief and smiles.

As the two were talking, they heard Yueyue's voice calling her mother, and Aunt Lan's voice telling her to run slowly and not to fall.

"Just talking about the little sun and the moon, these two little guys came."

Su Zhi said to Mrs. Ye with a smile.

Mrs. Ye is also very interested in Xiao Ri and Yue Yue. She has been listening to Xing'er talk about them. They are brothers and sisters who grew up with Xing'er. In her heart, she thought that if the two children were good, she would have to treat them as her own children. Just like Su Zhi, didn't she also treat Xing'er as her own children?

"Mother, we have finished watching the garden in the back! There is also a pool there! But there is no one in our house..."

Yueyue ran in while shouting. When she saw Mrs. Ye and the maid beside her, she stopped screaming. She smiled with some embarrassment, took a look at Su Zhi, and then saluted Mrs. Ye.

"Hin, madam."

Yueyue is still young, and there are no rules in the countryside. Just shout when you see someone, but Su Zhi still taught her a few rules, because sometimes she will meet some people like Zhou County Magistrate, and it is always more popular to know etiquette. So Yueyue was not afraid to see Mrs. Ye at all. It was very natural to salute and say hello.

Xiao Ri also followed up at this time and saluted and said hello. He was just like a little adult.

Aunt Lan also came in and nodded to Mrs. Ye. She is now Su Zhi's godmother. Naturally, she will not salute Mrs. Ye, even if she is the prime minister's wife. She doesn't want to lose face to Su Zhi. Aunt Lan walked to Su Zhi and asked her with concern if she was in good health. She had been worried about Su Zhi all the way.

Su Zhi said with a smile, "I'm fine. Why didn't the godmother take a break? Are you tired of running with these two little guys?"

"I'm not tired. It's not that you don't know how tough I am."

Su Zhi introduced Aunt Lan to Mrs. Ye.

Mrs. Ye stood up and saluted and said, "Since she is my sister-in-law's mother-in-law, she is also my elder, so I will call her Aunt Blue."

Seeing that there was no reluctance in Mrs. Ye's eyes, Su Zhi nodded in her heart, thinking that Xing'er's biological parents were all good, and there was no difference between high and low. That's good. Although Xing'er returned to her biological parents and will definitely not suffer, she still hopes that he can follow the people who are good for his growth, and it's better not to grow up. Now it seems that you can rest assured.

Aunt Lan said a few words and said goodbye.

Mrs. Ye looked at Xiao Ri and Yueyue. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. She thought that Su Zhi was really good at raising children. Not only did she raise her star so well, but the two dolls were also raised so well, just like a golden girl!

"This is the small sun and the moon, right? I'm Xing'er's mother. You can call me Auntie.

Mrs. Ye began to regret that as soon as she knew that Su Zhi was coming, she rushed over. She didn't bring a gift to the two children. She thought about it all over her body, and finally took the jade pendant she wore and a gold bracelet inlaid with jade on her wrist, one to Xiao Ri and the other to Yueyue.

Xiao Ri and Yue Yue took a look at Su Zhi. Seeing that she did not object, they accepted it and thanked her obediently.

Mrs. Ye stayed here for a while and then got up to leave. She listened to Su Zhi say that she could see the second prince at any time and left at ease.

"Mother, come to Xing'er to save it. I just went to his garden to see it. There is also a pond with a lot of lotus in it. Let him come back and pick it with us."

Yueyue told Su Zhi that she didn't finish her words, because Su Zhi said that Xing'er would be fine, and in order not to make them sad, she said that Xing'er would not be wronged, but she was locked up. So Yueyue now only thinks that it's enough to save the stars, and she won't cry as easily as before.

Su Zhi nodded and said, "Mother will go to save the star tomorrow. I will definitely bring the star back."

Xiao Ri and Xing'er always trusted Su Zhi's words, because Su Zhi never told lies to them. Hearing what she said, both of them smiled.

Su Zhi listened to Xiao Ri and Yue Yue for a while, and then she was a little tired and let them go to play.

In the evening, Ye Wenru and his wife arranged a sumptuous meal for Shen Zi'an's family, and discussed to meet the second prince tomorrow.

After returning to the yard, Su Zhi took a bath and added spring water lotus powder to it. The soaking look was refreshing, and naturally Shen Zi'an got the same treatment. The couple lay comfortably in ** and chatted together.

Shen Zi'an had long known what Su Zhi planned to do, so he knew that Xing'er would definitely return safely this time. There was a holy beast beside him, and no one must have embarrassed them. He just heard that the second prince and his mother, the noble concubine, were careful, and he didn't know if he would hate them. Naturally, he is not afraid, but the open gun is easy to hide, and the hidden arrow is difficult to prevent. His daughter-in-law is still pregnant with a doll, and he is still worried.

Su Zhi said with a smile, "I'm a blessed person. Don't worry. Maybe there are other good things waiting for us when we come to the capital this time.

Shen Zi'an thought that his daughter-in-law had always been lucky and relaxed.

The couple fell asleep. The next day, they got up and put on the best clothes they had. Then they had breakfast, and then went to see Ye Wenru.

Xiaobai Xiaohei followed Xiao Ri and Yueyue. Both of them were very regular, but the people who still saw them were all in cold sweat. If it hadn't been for Shen Zi'an and others, they would have experienced a shock as early as yesterday, and now a few of them would have to scream and faint or turn around and run away like yesterday.

Ye Wenru has come back from the early morning, sitting and waiting with Mrs. Ye.

At this time, Mrs. Ye saw Xiaohei and Xiaobai, who were following Shen Zi'an. Although she had heard from the maids for a long time, she was still afraid to see them and wanted to pull Xiao Ri and Yueyue over. When she saw that these two just looked at her and didn't mean to hurt people, she relaxed a little and saw Xiaohei looking at her with a pair of eyes and tilted her head slightly. She didn't know why she still liked it in her heart.

Yueyue said, "Unnie, your eyes are very similar to your mother's. Xiaohei has been staring at you. It must like you too.

Mrs. Ye smiled as soon as she heard it. She thought it was like this. Xing'er also said that her eyes were the same as Su Zhi's. She once didn't believe it, because she had never seen the second person who looked like her eyes since she was born, only one of her distant aunt and her eyes. She has always thought that her eyes are the most beautiful eyes in the world. With these eyes, no matter how ordinary she looks, she will not feel disappointed. Now Su Zhi's eyes look like hers, and she feels very kind. It's like God gave her a sister.

Su Zhi also felt that Mrs. Ye's eyes were very similar to hers. She thought that these eyes made such a lovely son as Xing'er. She should really be grateful for these eyes.

Because of Yueyue's words, the group of people who were going to treat the second prince's injury were relaxed.

I can't bring too many people to go this time, so I left Liu Jin and Liu Yin at home. Aunt Lan didn't follow, but only took Dad Lan with me. After all, Dad Lan is good at it. If there is really any accident, it's best to take him with him.

Xiaori and Yueyue also wanted to go, but they were children, and it was inconvenient to take them there, so they didn't want to go, but Yueyue's poor little face made Su Zhi feel a little distressed.

Yueyue pulled the corner of Su Zhi's clothes and said, "Mom, I won't make trouble if I go. I want to come back with Xing'er."

As soon as Mrs. Ye heard this, she looked at Yueyue with emotion and thought that the child was really sensible. If it hadn't been for the palace where they were going, she really wanted to take them there.

Xiaori also said at this time and said, "Mother, take us there. We will definitely be obedient and won't talk nonsense."

Su Zhi looked at Xiao Ri. The child was stable and never made a request. Today, he proposed to go. She really couldn't bear to refuse him. In fact, she knew that it was not dangerous to go today. At most, she was a little angry at the beginning. After 'curing' the prince, she would be remembered by the noble concu However, whether they bring the sun and the moon or not, if someone really calculates them, the situation of their family will definitely not be hidden. So it's okay to take two children with you.

Su Zhi looked at Ye Wenru and said, "Brother Ye, I don't know if I can take my son and daughter with me."

Ye Wenru said, "Since they are willing to follow, let's do it together. It's just that in the palace, be careful when you speak and don't get lost.

Yueyue smiled as soon as she heard it. She was very curious about the palace. She wondered if it was like the castle in her mother's story? But the one who lives in the castle is a bad prince. It's so annoying!

The group got into the carriage and set out for the palace.

Su Zhi sat in the carriage, lifted the curtain of the carriage, and looked at the hustle and bustle outside. She wanted to come to this world, dressed as a peasant woman, and once thought of coming to the capital to play, but she never thought that she would have such an involvement with the Prime Minister, and she had to go into the palace to walk Life.

Shen Zi'an also looked at the street scene outside and thought that it was really prosperous here. If the daughter-in-law's home was really in this place, it was the daughter-in-law in those big houses in this place. I don't know if she would like her son-in-law. He just looked at his daughter-in-law and found that she was also looking at him gently. His heart was soft, thinking that as long as his daughter-in-law had been caring about him, her family didn't like him, as long as he didn't take her away from him.

In Yueyue and Xiaori, you pointed to a store, and he said in the voice of a stall, it seemed that he would arrive at the place soon.

Su Zhi sat in the carriage and looked at the closer and closer palace. Although this palace is not the Forbidden City, it is also very magnificent. Sure enough, every emperor likes to do things in their own residence. RS