Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 450 Punishment, See the Stars

The emperor looked at Su Zhi's eyes. The woman's eyes were clear and bright, shining with firm confidence. He always looked at people's eyes, thinking that the woman did not lie. In fact, he also suspected that his son was pretending to be ill, but he could not prove it.

"Since you say that the second prince is pretending to be sick, how to prove it?"

"Your Majesty!"

As soon as the noble concubine heard that the emperor actually asked Su Zhi how to prove it, she heard that he called his son the second prince, not the emperor or tomorrow. She thought that he was angry. Only when the emperor was angry would it be like this. She was a little anxious and wanted him not to believe a village woman, but she was scared by the emperor's cold eyes and didn't dare to say anything.

The second prince was still there humming and saying that he had a headache, but his ears also stood up. After all, he was still a small child. As soon as he heard that his father proved that he did not have a headache, he was a little nervous. Who dared to say that he was not sick? Naturally, there was no proof that he was not sick. Now Su Zhi suddenly appeared and said that he was not sick, and his father seemed to believe it. Naturally, he was afraid.

Su Zhi said, "Of course I have a way to prove it. The medical skills of women are only average, but they have the ability to cure drugs. They usually make those medicine to save people, but they also get the same interesting medicine. This medicine can prove that the second prince is not sick. I just don't know whether the second prince will take it or not. As long as he is willing to take it, it can naturally prove that what I said is right. He is not sick.

As soon as the emperor heard this, he felt interested and asked, "What's so interesting about this medicine?" Can you prove that you are not sick after taking the medicine? I'd like to hear what kind of interesting medicine it is.

Su Zhi said to Father Lan, "Godfather, take out the bottle with a red silk thread from my medicine box."

Daddy Blue opened the medicine box and took out the medicine from it.

Su Zhi took the medicine in her hand and said, "As long as you take the medicine in this, you can prove whether the second prince is sick."

"My emperor won't take your medicine! Your strange medicine, God knows if you will take it? My emperor won't take your strange medicine!"

The noble concubine said loudly that she thought it was a trap. If she believed it, her son's headache would really be exposed.

Shen Zi'an frowned and said, "My wife's medicine is very effective. As long as you have taken her medicine, there is nothing bad. There is no exception. After the injury, the second prince took the medicine made by my wife, and there was more than one. Even if he only had one breath left at that time, one medicine could make him feel better. How could he have such a headache like now? You are simply insulting my wife's level of medicine. Spirit and non-spirit, you know it yourself!"

"Bold! You are a sloppy, how dare you talk to me like this, don't you want a head?!

The noble concubine was a little flustered by Shen Zi'an's words. In fact, her son was really fine after taking the medicine brought by Ye Wenru. As I said tomorrow, he was very comfortable at that time. It seemed that he didn't even have some minor problems in the past. He even ate again, as if his eyes and ears were more sensitive than usual! That's really a panacea!

The elixir was made by Mrs. Shen, so she has real ability. Now she says that she has a medicine that can prove that the emperor has no headache, and maybe it's true!

The noble concubine was panicked, so she shouted at Shen Zi'an. If she wanted to make the emperor angry, it was better to send them off. Don't give the emperor that kind of strange medicine.

"Shut up!" The emperor frowned at the noble concubine and said, the more she did this, the more he believed that his emperor was really well, and now he was lying to everyone, including him, which made him very angry. If so, it is the crime of deceiving the king. Originally, it was just a small friction between dolls, but it caused so much trouble. If it finally came out that the prince was pretending to have a headache, where is the dignity of the royal family? How can he face his subordinates?!

The emperor also guessed the reason why the noble concubine supported the second prince to do so, and his face was even worse. No emperor would like the concubine to fight for his son's interests but hit his own important minister, which he could not tolerate!

The emperor asked Su Zhi, "How do you prove that the second prince is pretending to be ill? Let's talk about it in detail. If it works, let the second prince eat it!"

Naturally, the emperor is not afraid that Su Zhi will take the medicine to harm the second prince. Just give the medicine to someone else to try before that.

Su Zhi said, "My medicine is a panacea for people who are really in pain. If you take one pill, it will definitely not be painful again, and painless people will feel so much pain when they take it, and they can't wait to roll all over the ground. If the second prince doesn't have a headache, he will definitely hurt a lot if he eats it, which proves that he is pretending to be ill.

"Your Majesty! Don't listen to her nonsense! Her medicine must have been poison, and she wanted to harm the emperor! Isn't the poison so painful after eating it? Even if it's not poison, the emperor is already in great pain now. Can it prove that the emperor is pretending? She is deceiving the emperor!"

As soon as the noble concubine heard Su Zhi talk about the magic of this medicine, she was also shocked, but she still found a reason to refuse.

Unexpectedly, the emperor said, "You can find someone to test the medicine before that, and let a few people who hurt and a few people who don't hurt to try it. Don't you know if the medicine is so effective?"

Su Zhi said with a faint smile, "The emperor is very thoughtful."

Ye Wenru and Mrs. Ye believed in Su Zhi's medicine very much, and the emperor also agreed. They were very happy. They waited for the emperor to take some pills given by Su Zhi to try the medicine. They really hoped that the effect of the medicine would come out quickly, and then give it to the second prince. It was better to let him really hurt Pretend to have a headache!

Soon someone came back and reported that the medicine was very effective. People who were uncomfortable immediately felt comfortable after taking the medicine, but people without pain felt terrible pain. After taking the other medicine given by Su Zhi, the pain soon stopped.

"It's really a panacea."

The emperor looked at Su Zhi and thought that such a village woman had such a ability. No wonder the holy beast returned. No wonder it could move the rain to the drought area. No wonder there was a dry pond in her home during the drought. This woman is a virtuous and talented person. Not only she, but also her family is very good. The emperor looked at Uncle Lan, Shen Zi'an and Xiao Sun and Yueyue. He thought that the men and women in this family were old and young. Although they were all from the countryside, they were not afraid of him. It was really rare!

After hearing the effect of the medicine, the noble concubine had long been useless. She looked at her son and found that his son was looking at her anxiously, but there was nothing she could do.

"Come on, give this medicine to the second prince."

The emperor ordered, and the people around him immediately sent the medicine and respectfully asked the second prince to take the medicine.

"I don't want to take that medicine! No!"

The second prince knew that the medicine would be uncomfortable to roll all over the ground. Naturally, he would not eat it. Looking at the pill was like watching the flood beast.

The emperor was furious and said, "Ming! Eat it! Don't you have a headache? If you eat it, your head won't hurt! Or is it that your head doesn't hurt at all, you're just pretending?!"

The second prince looked at the medicine, then at the frowning father, and the powerless mother concubine, and cried out.

"Father, I'm wrong. I don't have a headache. I don't want to take that medicine!"

After all, the second prince was a little child. He was afraid of taking medicine and pain, so he finally told the truth under pressure.

As soon as the noble concubine heard her son's move, she immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, please don't blame the emperor. He is also ignorant. He is still young and injured again, so don't punish him."

The emperor shook his sleeve angrily and said angrily, "As a prince, you have done such a small belly and chicken intestines. You are really good at doing such a thing! Very good! You will be fined for a year without salary! Face the wall for two months! Move out of here tomorrow and think about it in the Autumn Hall! Don't plead any more, or send him to the queen!"

As soon as the noble concubine heard the last sentence, she did not dare to plead again, so she could only swallow the bitter fruit. Her mother's family has money. She doesn't care about the flowers in the palace for the concubine, but she cares that her son is far away from her. The Luoqiu Palace is far away from her, and it is not a good palace in the palace. This must be a bad reputation for the only prince in the palace!

In a short time, there will be a rumor about the second prince pretending to be ill. Maybe someone will say that it was taught by the noble concubine, which is a big blow to the reputation of their mother and son!

This time, I really lost my wife and lost my soldiers!

The noble concubine originally wanted Ye Wenru to be controlled by her, but she didn't expect that she was punished in the end.

As soon as this happened, the emperor left here and took Ye Wenru and his party away.

The emperor also knew that Ye Wenru and his party were in a hurry to see Xing'er, so he let them go, saying that Xing'er would be sent to meet them, and then left. Before leaving, he told Shen Zi'an and his wife that they would live in the capital for a while, and they would declare that they would enter the palace again.

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi wondered if the emperor was interested in the holy beast, or the elixir in Su Zhi's hand, but they were not too worried. Moreover, Su Zhi thought that it would be good to enter the palace again. If something happened to the emperor, she could tell him about the conditions and let him protect their safety and not let the noble concubine disturb them. She saw the resentful eyes of the noble concubine. That woman won't let them go.

Su Zhi thought so. Until she saw Xing'er and saw her running towards her, she immediately smiled, but her eyes were a little sore.


As soon as Xing'er saw Su Zhi, she rushed over and hugged her and didn't let go, which made the Ye couple a little jealous. However, this time it was Su Zhi who rescued Xing'er. Even Mrs. Ye had no dissatisfaction with Xing'er's closeness to Su Zhi. They looked at Xing'er running over and thought that he didn't seem to be hurt. That's good. RS