Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 471 Shen Zhu's Dream

The chrysanthemum waterside became lively because of the arrival of the loyal and righteous marquis and the little marquis. Everyone saluted the two of them one after another. All the men came over, and the women did not quarrel because of suspicion and looked over. Some looked directly boldly, some looked quietly, and most of their eyes fell on The older woman looked at him as if she were looking at the junior women in her family, while the girls looked at each other for themselves.

This chrysanthemum lantern fair has been held for many years. In addition to increasing the popularity of the Mu family and gaining popularity, the greatest credit is to lead the red line for those princes and ladies in the capital.

This is a public blind date event. Although no one says so, everyone is tacit and happy to see it.

Because of this, most of the princes and ladies who come here are holding their favorite objects, and the young marquis of the Mu family is young and promising and has not married yet. How can they not attract the attention of these boudoirs who are looking for their favorite wives?

Mu Chengzhi is very tall and not very burly, but he is upright. He has the same sword eyebrows as Zhongyihou. Although he is a general, his face is not black and not particularly white. It is that kind of healthy wheat color, very masculine, and there is no smile on his face, but it does not look terrible.

Such a young marquis and general suddenly attracted a lot of hearts, thinking that if he could marry him, it would be a good marriage.

Mu Chengzhi is a general and very keen. Naturally, he did not ignore the bright eyes of those women and the smile of Han Chun, and he was not very happy in his heart. He was not disgusted with the chrysanthemum lantern party at home, nor did he disgust that others regard this place as a favorite object, but if others look at I'm a little unhappy.

"If it was a sister, she would definitely not look at the man so blatantly and smile so blatantly."

Mu Chengzhi suddenly thought that the gentle sister came to his mind. There was a burst of sadness in his heart. He thought that if his sister was still alive, she would be married now a woman and sit here with the man she likes to enjoy chrysanthemums and lanterns. It's all his fault. It's not that he didn There will be nothing wrong.

Mu Chengzhi has passed the year of weakness. Other men have married, but he hasn't. It's all because he has always had a knot in his heart.

Mu Chengzhi has a sister who was born to his mother. He has spoiled this sister very much since he was a child. He has never asked her in his life, that is, he did not accompany her to offer incense. That day, he was going to visit a master of martial arts, so he was accompanied by his family's servants. As a result, It was already a cold corpse. He always thought it was his own fault. He lost his soul and went to the border gate. He wanted to die there. As a result, he did not die and became the youngest general. Under his father's persuasion, he survived, but his heart fell a shadow and had no intention of marrying a wife at all.

"Brother, when I go to the temple, I will ask for a good marriage for you, and I will ask for a good sister-in-law. Just wait for me to come back to see you with the sign."

The gentle and timid sister smiled at him and said to him at that time that it was rare to be lively and lovely, but she didn't bring him back to sign it, and she didn't even bring it back. Her words became his wound, and he even thought that if his sister hadn't asked him for that sign at that time, maybe nothing would have happened.

Mu Chengzhi began to reject his marriage. His parents knew his heart knot, and it was not easy to urge him. After several years, he and his sister's fiance became the famous unmarried prince in the capital, which made their already good reputation better and attracted more. Heart, but he would rather let himself become a person rejected by everyone, as long as his sister is still alive.

Mu Chengzhi greeted the crowd with a blank face but not rudely, and others didn't care. Everyone knew that this little marquis became a general at a young age, and it was inevitable to be calmer. They all felt that he was very good.

Shen Ziju was just pulled away from Ye Wenru and others by Shen Zhu. He happened to sit here. As soon as he saw Mu Yongnian and his son come in, he also stood up, looked at Mu Chengzhi's expressionless face, and looked at him being complimented by so many people, thinking that this person was born in a good family, if Born in a farm, you may not be as promising as yourself.

Shen Zhu looked at Mu Chengzhi and thought that this young man was good-looking and noble, but it was a pity that he didn't seem to laugh. Why did the posture look a little like the fourth brother? I'm a little dissatisfied, but when I think of the fourth brother's indifference to others, he is very affectionate to Su Zhi. This little marquis may also be the same. If he becomes his wife, he must be very spoiled, right?

Shen Zhu thought that the little marquis's sister almost married the national uncle, and the national uncle has not been married yet.

Both of them are for a woman who doesn't marry at such an old age. How can that woman be? No wonder he died so early. It's also a good thing, Shen Zhu thought. I think that woman will not die, otherwise how could she have a chance to marry her uncle? Even if you marry this little marquis, it's very annoying to have such a little sister-in-law to grab your father-in-law's love!

Shen Zhu had a beautiful dream. After having a good impression on Meng Jinliang, she thought about Mu Chengzhi again, thinking that she would always catch one of the two!

Mu Chengzhi was listening to Shen Ziju's words. Shen Ziju said that he came with his sister. He looked along Shen Ziju's sight and happened to see the flash of smile on Shen Zhu's face. At this time, the light of the lantern was just sprinkled on Shen Zhu's face, and the fiercely calculating expression was seen by Mu Chengzhi, and he immediately disliked the woman.

Shen Zhu found that the marquis and his son looked at her with a dignified smile on his face, but such a smile made Mu Chengzhi think that this woman was too good at acting.

At this time, Ye Wenru also came over. When Mu Yongnian saw Ye Wenru, he hurriedly took two steps forward and greeted Ye Wenru with a smile. He and Ye Wenru can be said to be one sentence and one martial arts, but they get along very well. Both of them are the kind of people who are loyal to the country and the people

Mu Yong has shown his face at this chrysanthemum lantern party. Most of the reason is to meet these colleagues who may come to enjoy chrysanthemum. Those junior men and women just nodded and said a few words. Just when he saw Ye Wenru, he felt that he didn't show his face in vain this time.

The two said a few words with a smile. Mu Yongnian sat at his table at the invitation of Ye Wenru. When he saw the three little dolls, he naturally praised them again.

"Brother, let's go to Brother Ye's place!"

As soon as Shen Zhu saw that the marquis and his son were invited away by Ye Wenru, she immediately said to Shen Ziju that she wanted to get closer to Mu Chengzhi. And even without Mu Chengzhi, just looking at the envious eyes of the people around her, she also wanted to sit with her. Her proposal was just in line with Shen Ziju's wishes, and he naturally wanted to be closer to the marquis's father and son. So the brother and sister went back brazenly again. Ye Wenru couldn't sit down at the table, so they sat down with Xiao Ri and squeezed the maid and Liu Yin.

Liu Yin was not angry and wanted to stand. He was now happy to see the marquis's father and son. He thought that he was just a child in the countryside and almost starved to death. Later, he met his master and wife. He could live in a good place like Fuyuan and be with the holy beast every day Now I have come to the capital and entered the palace. I have even seen the emperor, and now I have seen the marquis and the general. This vision is very open. When I return to the riverside village, as soon as I say it, I will definitely envy a large number of people!

Liu Yin looked outside the waterside and thought, why didn't my grandfather and wife come back? This is the marquis and the general. It's always good to get to know each other. This is what my wife often talks about!

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi are now walking on the path by the lake, smelling the faint bitter fragrance of **. Looking at the flashing light, they snuggled up to each other, and the atmosphere was very warm.

"Zi'an, do you think there is something like our lucky garden here? It's just that there are not so many lanterns in Fuyuan. It's not all kind of**."

When Su Zhi walked here, she felt very relaxed. Looking at everything in front of her, she thought of Fuyuan.

Shen Zi'an nodded and said, "It's a little similar. If my wife likes it, we will also hang so many lanterns and plant so many **s."

"I still don't want it. It's interesting to see so many lanterns occasionally, and it's not interesting to watch too much. The flowers in our garden are also very beautiful, and there is no need to plant them all **. Our lucky garden doesn't have to study anywhere else, just like our home. I'm really homesick."

Su Zhi thought that she was really not ambitious. When she arrived in such a prosperous place as the capital, in the middle of the Hou Mansion, she actually thought of her home in the countryside. It seemed that God dressed her as a peasant woman, and she really knew her too well.

Shen Zi'an was a little happy to hear Su Zhi say this. What he experienced these days made him feel like he was in a dream. Although he was very calm, he was also worried that such a great person as his daughter-in-law would like such a life and would no longer like Riverside Village. He can accompany her to live in the place she likes, but now he is still very happy to hear that his daughter-in-law is thinking about their home in the scenery of Houfu.

"When the matter is done, we will go back."

"Well, our children will be born at the foot of Daqing Mountain, which is our home."

The husband and wife spoke softly, and finally the topic went around the child. Shen Zi'an put his hand on Su Zhi's stomach and just felt the fetal movement. The two smiled together, thinking that the child was really healthy and could always give a response when someone touched him.

"This little thing, if you don't go to bed so late, it's also very lively."

Su Zhi smiled, with a kind smile on her face.

The atmosphere was very warm. Shen Zi'an was about to say something when he suddenly closed the smile on his face, wrapped around Su Zhi's waist, pulled Su Zhi aside, and steadily let her fall into his arms. RS