Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 479 Little White and Black, Drawings

Shen Zi'an's eyes were into chili noodles, but he closed his eyes in time and did not enter too much. He was calm. He immediately thought of the small bottle Su Zhi put in his purse, which was filled with potion. His daughter-in-law said that the potion could stop the wound immediately, and even scab quickly. He asked Liu Yin to pour the potion into his eyes. As he thought, the potion was very useful.

The potion in this small porcelain bottle is actually a spiritual spring with lotus huā powder.

Su Zhi has been bringing a bottle of spiritual spring and a bottle of pills on Shen Zi'an's body. In the past, he was afraid that he would go to the mountain to hunt and get injured. He entered the capital just in case. It is not necessarily safe at the feet of the emperor, and sometimes it will be more dangerous than the deep mountains and forests This purse was made by Su Zhi, and Shen Zi'an also took it as his beloved thing. After becoming a habit, he carried medicine with him at any time.

This medicine came in handy this time. Shen Zi'an's eyes recovered immediately after being washed by the spirit. There was no more uncomfortable feeling, and his eyes were very cool. However, when he thought of his daughter-in-law being kidnapped, his eyes were very terrible, like a wolf, as if he wanted to tear people to pieces.

"Master, are you all right? Then save your wife! And Xiao Ri is also in the car! I'll go with you too! If I catch that man, I will kill them!"

Liu Yin was also shocked by Shen Zi'an's eyes, but when he thought of Su Zhi and Xiao Ri, he was also angry and immediately pulled Shen Zi'an to save people with him.

Shen Zi'an asked Liu Yin which direction the carriage was going. Liu Yin quickly pointed in one direction. Shen Zi'an asked Liu Yin to stay here and wait for people. At that time, he showed him the way, and he pulled out his feet and ran in the direction of Liu Yin's finger. He used light kung fu and galloped away like a flying swallow. Liu Yin couldn't catch up even if he wanted to catch up. After a few steps, he stopped and ran in the direction of Houfu, thinking of going to save his wife and Xiao Ri with the people who came to help.

Shen Zi'an ran for a while and stood at the intersection and hesitated. He didn't know which direction the carriage was going, and there was no one on the road now. He gritted his teeth tightly and clenched his fist. Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he used his light skills again. He turned around and

When he arrived at the Ye family, Shen Zi'an didn't even go to the gate. He went straight over the wall and went straight to the yard where his family lived. As soon as he entered, he saw Liu Jin.

"Master, you're back."

Liu Jin said hello to Shen Zi'an. When he saw Shen Zi'an's face, he was shocked. What's wrong with me? Why is his face so scary? Before he could ask, he saw Shen Zi'an blowing a whistle. The sound was very loud. He raised his eyebrows and thought something had happened, right? My grandfather came back with such an ugly face. As soon as he came back, he called Xiaobai Xiaohei in such a hurry. My grandfather usually called the holy beast family to whistle like this, but the sound was long, which made it very comfortable to listen to. How could he feel harsh when he was so urgent as today!

Xiaobai Xiaohei ran quickly from the backyard and looked at him in front of Shen Zi'an.

Shen Zi'an said, "Xiao Bai Xiaohei and me go, help me find my daughter-in-law! She and Xiao Ri were taken away!"

Shen Zi'an often hunts. Naturally, he knows that the dog's nose is very smart, and the little black little white has the blood of the wolf, and the nose is even more sensitive. He can't find the trace of his daughter-in-law. Xiaohei Xiaobai must know, so he ran back and called Xiaohei Xiaobai.

Liu Jin's face changed as soon as he heard this, and he said loudly that he would follow him. Su Zhi was his savior. Someone dared to arrest her, and he tried his best to save her.

Shen Zi'an asked Liu Jin to wait at home, and directly took Xiao Bai and Xiao Hei and left.

Liu Jin could only stay at home, but when Mrs. Ye Wenru came back with Xing'er and Yueyue, Ye Wenru said that he would take someone to find someone, and he would immediately follow him, and Ye Wenru also agreed. Ye Wenru found all the family members as long as they could run, rode horses and walked around, and a group of people went out of the house.

Mrs. Ye coaxed Xing'er and Yueyue, worried at home, and wiped tears from the corners of her eyes from time to time.

Mrs. Ye thought that today's incident was too sudden. How could such a thing happen? Originally, because of Xing'er's affairs, she liked Su Zhi. Later, when she saw Su Zhi, she liked it more, especially when she saw that she was as close as her own eyes, she felt close. When she went to the marquis's mansion this time, she also wanted to take Su Zhi to see the marquis's wife.

Mrs. Ye has only one relative in the capital, that is, Mrs. Hou, who is her distant aunt. She also knew that she had such an aunt over the years. Because her aunt lost her daughter and her health was not good, she would also go to see her. Her aunt was still good to her.

Mrs. Ye thought that Su Zhi's eyes were a little like her and her aunt, which was also predestined and about the same age as her deceased cousin. Maybe her aunt would like Su Zhi very much after seeing her. It is not only a good thing for her aunt to share her worries, but also to introduce a big backer to Su Zhi.

But I thought very well, but something happened. My aunt's illness became serious again, and it was inconvenient to meet people. I couldn't let Su Zhi meet my aunt. And Su Zhi had another accident on her way home, which was really a disaster!

Mrs. Ye wanted to know this, so she wouldn't let Shen Zi'an and his wife go with her. Now if something really happens, she will blame herself to death!

Not to mention how Mrs. Ye asked God to worship Buddha and pray for the safety of Su Zhi and the sun, and how Yueyue and Xinger followed to pray for heaven, and the palace was already in chaos.

Eunuch Shen is not young, but he is heading forward at a faster speed than young people. Even the little eunuch behind him can't catch up. He admires Eunuch Shen's old and strong, but he also knows that something big has happened this time, and they are all chasing desperately behind, thinking not to let Eunuch Shen fall, and thinking It's so hard to wait for them.

Gonggong Shen ran back to the queen's palace and saw that the lights were still bright inside. As soon as he saw the emperor and the queen were still there, as soon as he came back, the two supreme people took two steps to him. The eager eyes made him feel tight. He thought how good it would be if he came back with good news, but this The news he brought back is a lot of bad news. The emperor and queen will be furious. He is so careful!

Grandpa Shen knelt on the ground with a thump.

The queen walked forward on both sides, being supported by the maid of honor, and the other hand by the emperor. She asked eagerly, "But did you bring the Shen couple and Xiao Ri?! Why don't you bring it in?"

The emperor immediately ordered the eunuch beside him to announce the people in, and he was also very eager.

Grandpa Shen quickly kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty, the Queen, the Shen couple and his wife and Mr. Xiaori didn't come!"

"Why didn't you come?"

The emperor frowned. He thought he couldn't find anyone, and he shouldn't have invited him. What else can he do? There is only one possibility. This person can't come!

The queen was also disappointed when she heard it, and quickly asked what the reason was.

Grandpa Shen lowered his head and said, "Go back to the emperor, tell the empress, the big thing is not good, someone arrested Mrs. Shen and the young master of Xiaori! When the slave got there, the people of the loyal and righteous mansion were sending people to save people. The slave was in a panic and hurried back to report, and asked the emperor and the queen to send servants to save Mrs. Shen and Xiao Ri. They are a woman and a doll. It's too dangerous for them to fall into the hands of the bad people!"


"Come on, please ask the imperial doctor!"

"Help the Empress lie down quickly!"

As soon as Grandpa Shen's words were spoken, the queen's body softened and she fainted by the news. The maids next to her helped her, called the imperial doctor, and became busy. The emperor was about to pick up the queen, but at this time, the queen opened her eyes again, grabbed the emperor's arm, and stared at him closely. Tears flowed out like a sudden spring.

"Your Majesty, Xiao Ri has been arrested! He was captured! You want to save him! And Mrs. Shen, you also want to save her! Xiao Ri may be our son! You must save them! I can't lose him, I can't!"

"Ap, don't cry. You are pregnant now. Crying like this will hurt your body. I will definitely save Xiao Ri and Mrs. Shen! Don't worry!"

The emperor held the queen's hand and comforted her. The queen was anxious, so why was he not in a hurry? Thinking of Xiao Ri's calm face like a little adult, the more he thought about it, the more he felt like when he was young. It was most likely his own son. Now God has sent him back to him. How can he hurt him a little?!

When the emperor thought that someone wanted to kill the eldest prince he had lost, he was furious and immediately ordered to transfer the most elite wolf guard in the imperial city to find someone.

After the emperor ordered someone, he asked Grandpa Shen to tell the matter in detail, and his face was gloomy. The queen stood aside with red and swollen eyes. Although she was pregnant, she still had no choice but to be anxious.

Grandpa Shen stood aside, feeling the emperor's anger and the queen's anxiety, sweating from his forehead, thinking that he had really had a dream this afternoon. Lord Ye said to him that a pendant on Xiao Ri was lost. Maybe it was lost in the palace and asked him to help find it. It was not difficult. Looking at the drawings of the pendant, he still had some impressions. At the beginning, when he went to the riverside village to pass on the imperial edict, Xiaori dropped the pendant, or the bodyguard he He saw it at that time, and he didn't know why he remembered it so clearly. But I didn't expect that such an ordinary stone pendant was so valuable!

A maid of honor saw the drawing of the pendant and actually said that it was the personal belonging of the eldest prince who had long passed away!

The emperor and the queen also confirmed that they saw him and interrogated him. After knowing that it was Xiao Ri, the queen actually said that Xiao Ri was her son!

The emperor is also a little suspicious. From his expression, it can be seen that he has believed most of it.

Grandpa Shen was sent to Xuan Shen's husband and wife and Xiao Ri immediately entered the palace. As a result, he went to find someone, but he found the news that Mrs. Shen and Xiao Ri were captured by the thief. Grandpa Shen felt that he was really unlucky. This was obviously a job to be rewarded, and it turned into a life that To be continued