Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 517 Mrs. Mu's Punishment, Leave

Sanlang is very angry and scared in his heart now. He wondered why he didn't work harder. If he worked harder, if Goro died, his plan would have succeeded. But now Goro not only didn't die, but also told what he had done with Silang. He was very scared.

Sun Shi beats Sanlang, and Sanlang is not afraid. This is his mother after all. He knows that he is the most useful of his parents' three sons. He is the eldest son and the smartest. Compared with the dull and greedy Shiro and the weak and sick Goro since he was a child, he is the one most valued by his parents. If he dies, his parents won't do anything to him.

Sanlang is now afraid of his fourth uncle and fourth aunt. The look at him makes him afraid.

The people of the big room looked at Sanlang, and they were all shocked by the cruelty of the child. It was his own brother. He actually did it. They would rather believe that he was careless, but the words of Silang and Goro proved that he was not careless. He did it on purpose. They are all pure-hearted countrymen, and they still don't want to think of their own nephew at the worst. They just think that he may just want to make Goro dizzy and don't want to let him die!

It's just that this idea is like duckweed on the water. Because it has no roots, it floats around and doesn't even believe it at all.

What's wrong with Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi? They are deeply disgusted with Sanlang. The child has really grown up.

"Shen Sanlang! You have too much! Did you actually take your brother's life toss around, just thinking of threatening our grandfather and wife at that time?! What a conscience! Master, madam! Tell the marquis, let the marquis send him to prison!"

Liu Yin said loudly and stared at Sanlang fiercely.

Liu Jin also said, "Master, madam, this kind of person can't stay! This is a wolf, thinking about biting people at any time!"

"What are you two servants talking about? How can it be your turn to interrupt the master's affairs?! I really owe it! Get out of here! If I dare to say this, I will tear your mouths!"

Shen Zhang scolded Liu Jin and Liu Yin. She didn't want her son to be sent to prison. After scolding Liu Jin and Liu Yin, she immediately turned her head and pleaded with Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi.

"Fourth brother, fourth brother and sister, you can't send Sanlang to prison. It's just a small matter! Sanlang just accidentally bored Goro, and Goro was fine. What kind of prison should I send? It's not good to say it, you say it! Forget it! Let's forget it! Speaking of which, if you hadn't let us in, you wouldn't have come!"

Wang rolled his eyes and thought that the Sun family would not change his death. What he said before was still like words, and the last sentence was really looking for death. You have done your own sins and blame others!

Shen Zifu scolded the Sun family and said, "If you hadn't scolded the children, would Goro have cried?" Can't you get enough? You can wake up Goro by pinching someone. But you didn't save him in order to enter this marquis's house! Sanlang was even more bored with him, which made Goro almost die! If the fourth sister-in-law hadn't been drugged and asked Dalang to save him, Goro would have died! You still have the face to blame the fourth brother. Do you still want to have face?! I must tell my parents about this and let them deal with you well! It's so humiliating!"

Shen Zifu is usually very honest, which is really angry. The fourth brother and fourth brother-in-law can be said to have a great kindness to them. The third brother's family still cheated them like this. It's simply not human!

Ogero Erlang is also talking about the three rooms.

Wang didn't say anything. She is really a little afraid of Sanlang now. Such a child is so cruel. What if it is not good for their family? However, she also thought to let this Sanlang learn a lesson. If he had a promising place, it would not be a good thing.

As soon as Shen Ziping heard that his eldest brother was going to tell his parents about this matter, he was terrible. If his parents knew about this matter, they would not want to stay in the capital. He immediately begged Shen Zifu not to tell his parents. He nodded and bowed to Shen Zifu repeatedly, and almost knelt down.

Sun Shi also went to persuade him, saying that his parents were not in good health, and that Shen Zi raised Shen Zhu and was about to get married. It was a happy event. It can't be said that it was such a failure. Anyway, there is a big basket of good words.

Wang didn't want to offend Sanfang on the surface. He was mainly afraid that they would use a negative trick, so he pulled her husband's son and signaled them not to pay attention to it first.

Shen Zifu also thought that if his parents, brothers and sisters knew about this, they would be very angry. It was not a good thing for his parents' health and sister-in-law's marriage, so he hesitated to say it. Dalang Erlang stared fiercely at Sanlang and thought that he must tell this matter. They didn't want such

Sanlang was pulled by the Sun family and also went to beg for mercy from the people in the big house, so that they should not talk about it.

"Don't ask for it! This must be said!"

A loud voice sounded from outside the door, and then a man and a woman came in. It was Mu Yongnian and Mrs. Mu. Both of them didn't look good. They took a look at the people in the big room and the third room, and then went to see Su Zhi. They were relieved to see that she had nothing to do. Just now, they received the message from the maid, and immediately rushed here. Before they came, they asked the Shen family to come, and even Shen Ziju wanted to come.

The Mu family is still satisfied with their daughter's marriage to Shen Zi'an. Although this uncle does not have Meng Jinliang's family background and Meng Jinliang's talent, he is affectionate and righteous, and his martial arts are strong. The most important thing is that his daughter is in love with him. The husband and wife are happy, and the parents However, they are too dissatisfied with their daughter's mother-in-law's family, not because they are ordinary people, but because they have made their daughter and son-in-law suffer too much. If they are honest in the future, it will be fine, but how long will it take? If they are still in the capital, they will dare to come to bully Su Zhi. They simply don't pay attention to them. If they don't teach them a lesson, they don't know what Zhongyi Houfu is!

When the people in the big room and the third room saw the marquis and his wife, they were all too scared to squeak. The marquis was very majestic, and the marquis's wife was very noble. The two just looked at them with such a straight face, and they dared not go out.

Su Zhi introduced it to her parents.

Mu Yongnian softened his face to the people in the big room and talked to them, saying that he thanked them for taking care of his daughter over the years, so that they could come often in the future. Mrs. Mu is also very kind. As long as she is a good person to Su Zhi, she is grateful.

The people in the big room answered repeatedly, and even the most talkative Wang didn't know what to say. He was just full of joy. He thought the marquis was really polite to them.

What the big room accepts is sunshine, rain and dew, and what the third room accepts is lightning and thunder. Mu Yongnian's word is like a knife and a sword. Shen Ziping and others can't stand, and they can't help shivering all over. Shiro Goro didn't even dare to cry, and shrank behind Shen Zi'an.

Shen Youfu, Shen Zhangshi and Shen Ziju will come soon. They thought about the big house and three rooms before they went to the marquis. The marquis asked someone to invite them. Isn't there something wrong? When they think of people with three bedrooms, they all have an ominous foreboding. When they saw the scene in the room, they knew that the premonition had come true. They all regretted why they didn't stop the third room from coming?

The family saluted, but they didn't hear the voice of the marquis asking him to sit down. Their hearts trembled even more. Thinking that the marquis was really angry this time. What happened?

Su Zhi asked Liu Jin to tell what had happened.

Although Liu Jinren was small, he spoke clearly and fluently, and told the story concisely and in detail. In particular, he said that Sanlang's move was to rely on Shen Zi'an and his wife, and to rely on the Hou family. For the sake of selfish desire, he even ignored his own brother's life. He also emphasized that Goro had no breath at that time. If it hadn't been for Su Zhi's rescue, he would have really died in Houfu.

"Son of a bitch! Get on your knees!"

After listening to Liu Jin's words, Shen Youfu roared angrily. This roar scared Shen Ziping, Sun and Sanlang to kneel down. Shen Youfu originally intended to make Sanlang kneel down, but as soon as he saw the three knees, he was even more angry. It's really a shame to think about it!

Shen Ziping and Sun all pleaded for Sanlang, saying that he was young and ignorant.

Sanlang also kept his head, saying that he just wanted to see the fourth uncle and others too much, but watched the uncle and the others come in. He was so angry that he wanted to come in, so his subordinates lost their weight. I didn't want to kill my brother.

Shen Youfu scolded them, and then pleaded with Mu Yongnian, saying that Sanlang was just young and ignorant. He did not have the courage to rely on the Hou family at all. He begged him to let Sanlang go this time for the sake of their in-laws.

Shen Zhang also pleaded for mercy.

Shen Ziju felt really ashamed. He didn't open his mouth to plead. If he pleaded, he might leave a bad impression in the marquis's heart. He didn't want to do so. And he thought that there was this matter in his heart. The third brother's family doesn't want to stay in the capital, which is a good thing for him. He really doesn't want this family to be a troublemaker, which is a stumbling block to his future.

The people in the big room stood aside and didn't say anything. This time it was the fault of the third room. If they came out to help them, the fourth brother and fourth brother-in-law must be unhappy. The marquis and others were also watching. They still didn't say anything. Just come forward with their parents.

Mu Yongnian looked at Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang, who was begging for mercy. Looking at the three people kneeling on the ground, he had the intention to clean up the third room of the Shen family, but this was from his daughter's mother-in-law's family. Although the discord between his daughter and her mother-in-law His behavior hurt his daughter's life, so he looked at Su Zhi and wanted to see her decision.

Mrs. Mu said aside, "These three-bedroom people will go around when they see my daughter's family in the future. They are not allowed to go to my daughter's house. From then on, this family will be broken. As long as they are at the family banquet, my daughter's son-in-law does not have to attend! If I find that I dare to trick my daughter's son-in-law again, I will throw him directly into prison!"

The old couple of the Shen family and the people in the third room were all relieved. Before that, the fourth room had no contact with the third room. What Mrs. Mu said was just a little stronger, at least it didn't die!

Su Zhi thought to herself that her mother didn't know that she had been broken off from Sanfang for a long time, but it's good to mention it again this time, otherwise their unyed nature would definitely be entangled. With such a threat from their mother, they would also be afraid. After all, her mother is the wife of the marquis

When everyone in the Shen family left, Mrs. Mu said to Su Zhi, "Zher, don't you blame your mother for punishing them not hard enough? I'm also thinking about your life.

This daughter is married. No matter how powerful her mother-in-law's family is, she is still from her mother-in-law's family. Mrs. Mu is a gentle woman, and she still thinks about her daughter's life in her mother-in-law's family. However, she also has another way to deal with things, that is, not to come from the dark. She has thought about it. Doesn't the third wife just want to make a fortune? She won't let them get rich, especially the Sanlang. At a young age, she was so cruel for the sake of his future, so she let him hit a wall everywhere. When she completely lost that fierceness and ambition, she withdrew the punishment against him, and at that time she His whole life will be ruined!

Su Zhi later listened to Mrs. Mu's whispers to her, and she really looked at this woman differently in her heart. She thought that she really couldn't underestimate the woman in the deep house. Even the gentle woman was angry and fierce, and it was more thorough. Compared with the temporary blow, the blow of that life was even more severe. People!!

Su Zhi is not pitiful to Sanlang at all. He should have such an end.

Shen Zi'an is also not idle. He thought that he would find an opportunity to clean up the third brother's family well. It's simply too bullying. Is he really dead?!

Besides, the Shen family, as soon as he got home, Shen Youfu asked the people in the third room to kneel down except for Silang and Goro, scolded them, so that they didn't have to attend the wedding banquet and left immediately. He didn't want these couple to be angry with him here, and the marquis said that as long as the people in the third room were, Shen Zi'an and others would not come. If the marquis doesn't come when his son and daughter get married, it's really a joke. In fact, it's okay if the people in the third room don't leave. It's okay not to show up. It's just that Shen Youfu doesn't want to keep them. He is afraid that they will cause trouble for Shen Ziju again. He just wants them to leave quickly.

Shen Ziping's family naturally doesn't want to leave, but they can't go if they don't. They also know that if they stay in the capital again, maybe the Hou family will secretly come to settle accounts with them. Finally, they shamelessly asked Shen Youfu for money. When Shen Youfu promised to give them three hundred taels of silver, they agreed to leave.

After this uproar, all of them were not close to Sanlang, and even his parents were far away. Only two people were close to each other, like two nervous animals.

Shen Ziju and Shen Zhu are very happy that the people in the third room are leaving. This is a nest of trouble.

Sanlang now hates almost all the people who can stay in the capital, my grandfather and grandmother, the people in the big room, the fourth uncle and fourth aunt, and the uncle and sister-in-law. He thought that as long as he was given a chance, he would definitely let them know the end of abandoning him! RS