Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 520 Edict

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi, Xiao Ri Xing'er and Yue Yue Yi said goodbye. Xiao Ri and Xing'er have found their parents. Naturally, they can't go with Shen Zi'an and others, and Yue Yue Yue also stayed in the capital. Because this time they go back in a hurry, they will speed up on the road. I'm The moon stayed down.

Yueyue wanted to go with her parents with tears of tears, but she was still left, saying that she would come back soon. If she didn't come back, she would let someone pick her up, and left Father Lan and Aunt Lan to accompany her. Xiao Ri Xinger was also coaxed, so she agreed to stay.

"Mother, you can't forget Yueyue."

Yueyue took Su Zhi's hand and said reluctantly with a small face.

Su Zhi touched her head and nodded repeatedly, and hooked with her again, saying that she would never forget Yueyue. How could she forget her? This is your own beloved baby.

Xiaori and Xing'er also pulled Su Zhi and was reluctant to give up with her. Finally, they hooked up with Su Zhi, which made Su Zhi get into the carriage and talk to Su Zhi outside the carriage.

Mu Yongnian went to court. Mrs. Mu was supported by Pearl to see off her daughter here. She took her hand and asked her to be careful, saying that if she felt uncomfortable, she would rest in the riverside village and not force herself. She will go to see her then. Su Zhi nodded. She has now fully accepted Mrs. Mu. This woman is a kind mother, much stronger than her unresponsible father and mother in her previous life. It makes her feel very warm that she has not been so eager for her father's love and mother's love for a long time. She thinks that she will definitely treat them well for the original Su Zhi We will be happy and healthy for the rest of our lives.

Mrs. Mu took Shen Zi'an and Mu Chengzhi to give a good advice, and then let them go.

Xiao Ri Xing'er and Yue Yue saw that the pair of people and horses disappeared, and they were all in tears. Mrs. Mu also wiped her tears all the time and was persuaded by the maids to return home. Father Lan and Aunt Lan also coaxed the three children to go back.

The carriages and horses prepared by the Mu family were all good, so the road was fast and stable. Su Zhi didn't feel how hard it was to sit in the carriage.

Shen Zi'an and Mu Chengzhi were all relieved.

The group of people along the way are very eye-catching. There are several luxury carriages, more than a dozen tall horses, and the horses are all young people with strong spirit, wearing weapons on their bodies, which is not easy to mess with at a glance. Therefore, those who were far away dodged, but they didn't even have to drive the road. They walked very smoothly. In addition, they were speeding up their time to hurry, which was two days shorter than when they came.

When they arrived at the county, Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi looked at the familiar scenery and were all a little excited. Sure enough, it was difficult to leave their hometown. Not only Shen Zi'an, but also Su Zhi, who arrived halfway, had a deep affection for this place, and felt that even the air here was fresher than that in the capital.

Mu Chengzhi looked at the smile on his sister's face and thought to himself that his sister still seemed to like it more here. This doesn't work. He still has to turn his sister back to the capital. It's almost done and kidnap her back!

"Zhi'er, when you see Nazhixian, you can take out your gold medal, bail out the second brother first, and then take a rest. Just leave the investigation to your brother.

"Then please, brother."

Su Zhi smiled at Mu Chengzhi and said that she didn't have a brother in her last life. She also felt very happy to have such a brother who almost regarded her sister as the apple of her eyes. She accepted this love very smoothly, and she didn't stop him from doing things for herself. She knew that if she didn't have to do it with

When Mu Chengzhi looked at his sister's smiling face, he felt as if he had been blown by the spring breeze. He seemed to be as happy as if he had blossomed. He said, "Don't worry, I will definitely do this for you."

While talking, the group of people went to the county government office. Because Shen Zi'an and others had also come to the county government office before, the government official recognized them. As soon as they saw them coming, they all greeted them politely, and soon someone went to call Song Dashan. In this spare time, they looked at Mu Chengzhi and others, thinking that these people were not ordinary people at first sight, and the little black little white who followed them made the official dare not be rude. Although Shen Zi'an and others have caused a big lawsuit now, they are still very enthusiastic.

"Fourth Brother Shen, Fourth Sister-in-law Shen, you are back!"

Song Dashan quickly came out and was very excited to see Shen Zi'an. These days, he was very busy with the case of the Shen family. He lost a few pounds of meat, but nothing was found out. His mouth bubbled in a hurry. Now that he sees Shen Zi'an and others coming back, he is happy and worried. He is happy that Shen Zi'an's brains are good and they are very lucky to solve this case. What I'm worried about is that they are back this time. If the families of the victims come to make trouble, I'm afraid they will suffer some trouble.

Shen Zi'an patted Song Dashan on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work. My second brother, are they all right now?"

Song Dashan said, "Shen Erge is fine. He and Mr. Zhang and Mr. Qian are all locked up now, but they are not locked in the prison. They are locked in the room behind the county government. Everything is fine except for no freedom."

Shen Zi was relieved and thought it would be good. He was really afraid that the second brother would suffer because of them. He was so sorry for him.

At this time, Wang Shi had helped Su Zhi down, and Song Dashan hurriedly saluted Su Zhi again. He looked at Su Zhi's stomach and thought that it was really tormenting her. He hurriedly invited them in, saying that the Lord Zhixian said that they would let them see him as soon as they came back.

Mu Chengzhi asked the attendants to stay outside, and he followed in.

Song Dashan looked at Mu Chengzhi and thought that the young man was really good-looking, and his identity was unusual. He looked at the dress and the ten attendants, like the prince from the capital. When he heard Su Zhi say that this was her brother, and said that she had found her own parents in the capital, Song Dashan immediately said to Su Zhi. He thought that Su Zhi was not an ordinary peasant woman. Sure enough, it was really good. Looking at this brother, he was like a big man!

Zhixian County knew that Shen Zi'an and others were back and had been waiting. These days, his life was not easy. It was a big case of poisoning hundreds of people. It's useless for the Shen family to have holy beasts, it's useless for the Zhang family to have money, and it's useless to have a person in the Qian family This time it really aroused public indignation. A black veil on his head that can't be handled well is about to be taken off! However, he has to do his best to protect these families. Not to mention that they usually have a good relationship and interests, it is said that Shen Zi'an is kind to their families. He also knows that Mrs. Shen's ability must have been framed by someone!

In fact, as long as you understand it, everyone knows that this seasoning has been sold for so long and has never happened. Why is it just a problem? Are there just so many restaurants? The Qian family said that the wife of the Shen family went to the capital because of something, and she suddenly gave all the goods, and there was nothing to do with the seasonings left in their hands. No one was poisoned by other restaurants sent out at the same time as these restaurants. These were poisoned. It must have been framed by someone.

But now the man is poisoned, and the seasoning is indeed found to be poisonous. Before it is found out who framed them, all the blame must be borne by the person selling the seasoning!

The magistrate can only drag this case. While investigating the real murderer, he asked the Shen family and his wife to come back quickly. Like Song Dashan, he all thought that the Shen family and his wife were blessed, and they would definitely solve this matter. Before that, they just dragged this case and let Shen Zigui and others not be wronged.

Now that Shen Zi'an and others have finally come back, the county feels relaxed.

When Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi came in, Zhixian immediately got up to greet each other, asked them to sit down, asked people to give tea, and greeted Shen Zifu's family, and then saw Mu Chengzhi. He raised his eyebrows and thought to himself that this prince was not a mortal at first glance. This full-body style is either after a rich family or a senior official! Seeing that he is still proud of himself, it must be the latter! His attitude immediately became more peaceful.

"I don't know what this man is called?"

"I'm Mu Chengzhi, the elder brother of Mrs. Shen."

"Shen Niangzi's brother?"

The county magistrate looked at Su Zhi. He knew the enmity between Su Zhi and the Zhao family, and he also knew that she was an orphan girl who was exiled. The prince said that he was her brother. Did he recognize her relatives or relatives?

Su Zhi smiled and said, "Lord Zhou, this is my biological brother. I have found my family."

The smile on Zhou County Magistrate's face immediately thickened, clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Oh! This is a big happy event! Congratulations!! Mr. Mu, your sister is very virtuous and virtuous. She is accompanied by holy beasts, and she is extremely intelligent. It's really lucky to have such a sister. I don't know how she was exiled, but you should take good care of her in the future! It's not easy for her to be a woman!"

Zhou County Magistrate has a good impression on Shen Zi'an and his wife, especially Su Zhi. This is a blessed beast, a non-dry pond. As soon as he begged for rain, it rains. He can come up with so many things that others can't think of, and let him make money together. Now he has found his biological That family must be extraordinary, but he has to flatt the better.

"It must be like this."

Mu Chengzhi arched his hand and said, looking at his sister, thinking that he would not hurt her again this time. Thinking of this, she was even more angry with the person who framed her.

"Zhou Zhixian, please tell me about this case. Make it clear so that I can start the investigation."

As Mu Chengzhi said, he took something out of the bag behind him. It was a long box, held in his hands, and then read it out. It turned out to be an imperial edict. Mu Yongnian went to the palace and told the emperor about this matter. He asked the emperor to give Mu Chengzhi full authority to investigate the case. Naturally, the emperor doesn't believe that a magic doctor like Su Zhi can make poisonous seasonings. Speaking of which, he still eats that seasoning every day. The imperial doctor said that there is no material in it that can be turned into poison, which is obviously someone harming Su Zhi.

Su Zhi saved the eldest prince with meritorious service, and she was also such a magical woman, the daughter of a loyal and righteous marquis. The emperor naturally defended her very much. Mu Yongnian asked for an order, and he immediately wrote an imperial edict to let Mu Chengzhi have full authority to deal with the case. Before the No one is allowed to harm anyone involved in the case.

"I get the order!"

As soon as the county magistrate heard that this was the imperial edict, he immediately knelt on the ground in fear. After listening to it, he trembled and took the imperial edict. He hurriedly glanced to see that it was indeed the imperial edict. He thought that Mrs. Shen's face was so big that even the emperor was This time, I'm in the right position!

"Lord Mu, please sit down. The officer will tell you the story in detail, and then bring the case to you to have a look."

The Zhou County magistrate said that he asked someone to bring the case, and Song Dashan immediately left. He was also very shocked. He thought that the fourth brother Shen and others were so desperate that even the emperor was shocked. But then I was happy, thinking that this matter will definitely pass easily!

Zhou County magistrate told Mu Chengzhi and others in detail about the story, and there was nothing wrong with Li Shi.

Mu Chengzhi asked the Zhou county magistrate to release all Shen Zigui. The Zhou county magistrate was a little hesitant. He thought that if it was released, he would let the families of the victims know and make trouble again. Why don't you smash his county government? The imperial edict didn't say that everyone would be released.

Mu Chengzhi took out a gold medal and said, "This is a special death-free gold medal given by the emperor. It's okay to let a few people go. If someone comes to make trouble, you can show them this and the imperial edict."

The gold medal is still Su Zhi's. Su Zhi didn't want to be too public, so she gave the gold medal to Mu Chengzhi.

"Yes, the officer will let people go!"

As soon as the Zhou County magistrate saw the gold medal, he immediately knew that this man must be released today. He also wanted to let him go. When these people were locked up, they were all delicious and could take a walk in the yard. Let them go home for a walk this time!

As soon as Shen Zifu and others heard that they could let Shen Zigui and others out, their faces were full of smiles. They thought that they would be relieved first. Even if Zhixian won't hurt them again, this person is still in his own hands!

Song Dashan hurried to let people go, and then brought Shen Zigui and the other three here.

"Big brother and sister-in-law, fourth brother, fourth brother and sister! You're all back!"

As soon as Shen Zigui came in, he saw his family. He had been holding it for many days. Just now, Dashan was with him. Now when he saw someone, he felt that he was really fine. He has never been in the county government for so long in his life. Even if it is delicious, he doesn't beat or scold, he is also worried that he has lost weight.

Zhang Baozhu and Qian Guang also saluted to everyone. When they knew that they could go home, and even the emperor ordered to find out the case, they were very happy and thought that even the emperor knew it. Then the case must be all right, and their family's business would certainly not be greatly affected, as long as it was found out. Chu, you can continue to drive after that. They are also clear about Mu Chengzhi's identity and are very polite to him. RS