Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 527 Storm End

Looking at Sanlang standing there and being tied up, Sun Shi immediately howled and rushed to Sanlang, but was stopped by two tall men. Looking at the two shiny knives in front of him, Sun did not dare to move forward. He sat on the ground and began to pat his thighs and howl.

"What does it look like! Go home and howls!"

Li Zheng was also standing aside at this time. Although Zhao Daliang and Zhang Qingniang had moved out of the riverside village, they were still from the riverside village, and Sanlang lived in the riverside village. Even the Shen family was first of all from the riverside village. Now because of such a scum in the riverside village, he actually cheated the villagers and poisoned so many people. He felt that his face was pale and angry. As soon as he saw the Sun splashing here, he immediately sprinkled fire on her.

"Shen Ziping! Pull your daughter-in-law up! What does it look like! If you don't want to stay here, go back! Shame on you!"

Li Zheng is also angry, otherwise he would not have scolded the Shen family like this. After all, the people of the Shen family are great now, either rich or powerful.

Shen Ziping was not afraid of Li Zheng, but when he saw Mu Chengzhi's cold face, he hurried to pull the Sun family.

Sun pushed Shen Ziping away and scolded, "Why are you pulling me? Your son has been wronged by your good brother! This is to cut off our children and grandchildren! That's so cruel! Isn't it just that I offended them when I was in the capital? Not only can we not watch our younger brothers and sisters get married, but now we will also harm our Sanlang! This is a loss of conscience! It's true that if you have a mother's family, you have to cheat your mother-in-law's family! God, take a look! This is the person you bless!"

"If you can't get up again, go to prison with your son. I will fulfill your love!"

Mu Chengzhi said coldly that he was extremely disgusted with the Sun family. He thought that his sister was wronged under such a shrew, and he dared to act so much in front of himself. You can imagine how hateful it was in the past. He even made up his mind to remove Sanlang and clean up the three rooms, although because they were It can cut the grass and eradicate it, but it can be suppressed!

When Sun heard these cold words, she was so scared that she stopped howling. She didn't want to go to prison.

As soon as the villagers saw this scene, someone laughed. They thought that they really couldn't recognize the situation. They thought that this was a relative. The second room of the Shen family was treated with respect. Their third room was like this. They didn't ask for it for it. It's outrageous to think that these three rooms would be too much

When Sun heard the laughter, he turned around and scolded, "Why are you laughing! If you believe it or not, I will believe it to the capital and let my fifth brother send someone to deal with you!"

Wang Xiuyun was standing in front of the crowd at this time. Hearing this, he sneered and said, "Shen Sanjia's! Don't talk big here. Be careful that you will ruin the reputation of your fifth brother. At that time, the people sent by Master Hanlin will not clean us up, but yours!"

The flower lady said with a smile, "Don't let Master Hanlin come. I think I can clean you up today!" Look at the son you raised, he was poisoned, but he still poisoned so many people! If those people know, they won't break your bones!"

People don't let go of the Sun family.

Sun Shiqi trembled all over, and he was also afraid.

Shen Ziping pulled her and said, "Don't make trouble. Now is not the time to be tough. It's better to be soft and wait for him to disperse, and then beg the fourth brother to let Sanlang go."

Sun didn't say anything when he heard it.

Shen Ziping thought that Shen Zi'an was their fourth brother. No matter how much he hated them, he would protect his own nephew, but he didn't know that Shen Zi'an would not care about it. Not to mention that Sanlang's things had harmed many people, and he also wanted to harm him and his daughter-in-law. Just now, Sun also scolded and talked about the child in Su Zhi's stomach, which he couldn't tolerate.

The people in the third room stopped shouting, and the people who were looking at him were almost there, so he shouted loudly that the imperial envoy had solved the case. Now in order to reassure the people in the village, I would tell the story here. It was a public trial of these people, and also let the people in the riverside village know that . Then he asked Mu Chengzhi to speak.

Mu Chengzhi spoke concisely and easily explained the matter clearly, and then asked Zhao Daliang and others to plead guilty.

After a lot of pressure and interrogation, Zhao Daliang and others did not dare to tell lies again, and all of them honestly told the crime.

As soon as the people in the village heard this, they all spit on the three people. If it hadn't been for the fact that these three people were very close to the imperial envoy, someone would have thrown things at these three people.

The atmosphere of Riverside Village has always been very good. Previously, Zhao Xiaohua's things have made the people of Riverside Village feel ashamed. Unexpectedly, it is even more embarrassing to come out now. Zhao Xiaohua is just a personal reputation, and now it is related to human life! Thinking that the families of those aggressive poisoned people would run to their riverside village to fight, and all the people in the village stood upright.

Sun listened to the villagers's scolding of Sanlang. She was dumbfounded for a while and quickly asked Sanlang if he was beaten and scolded to confess. Everyone who listened rolled their eyes. If Sanlang was really beaten and scolded, would he not scream if there were so many people here now? And this matter is not only known to the fourth room of the Shen family, but also known to the second room of the big house. Will they all harm Sanlang and a baby?

Sanlang knew that it was useless to say anything, but just cried and asked Sun to save him.

As soon as Sun heard Sanlang's words, she knew that the son really did this, and she fainted all of a sudden.

Waiting for Sun to wake up, Sanlang and others had long been taken away and sent to the county government.

Sun and Shen Ziping ran to find Shen Zi'an and others to plead, but they couldn't even enter the door, and they came to force the three children to plead, especially to let Chunhua go.

Chunhua covered her waist, which was severely twisted by the Sun family, and went to Fuyuan, but she didn't go to plead for mercy at all. She just went there to hide. If the Sun family treated her like this, she would not plead for mercy.

"Chunhua, do you want us to bring you over to your parents in a few days?"

Su Zhi looked at Chunhua covering her waist all the time, looked at her painful temple jumping, and panicked for her. Thinking that she had promised Chunhua, she would be picked up quickly.

Su Zhi has already thought about it. After Chunhua came over, she raised Chunhua. When she was old, she would marry her and prepare a rich dowry for her, which was also the best to be an uncle and aunt.

Chunhua felt a pain in her back. She really wanted to nod. As long as she nodded, she could immediately live a good life and would be as comfortable as Chunlan and Chunyue's life. But when she thought of Shiro Goro, she thought that her parents must be tossing around for Sanlang these days and Both of them, is she their sister, or do they have to take care of them?

Chunhua told his thoughts to Su Zhi.

Su Zhi thought that Chunhua still thought of his hands and feet. That Sanlang was really unpopular, so she asked Chunhua to sell him, but she really wanted to thank Sanlang for his unpopularity. Otherwise, the case could be solved, and it would take a lot of time. How could it be so easy.

Chunhua went back again. Because she didn't do anything, she was naturally twisted by the Sun family several times. Silang said that Wulang called her sister, so she was saved. Chunhua finally didn't want to stay for the two brothers in vain.

In the following days, Sun Shi and Shen Ziping really began to go out early and return late for Sanlang. Chunhua had a better relationship with her two younger brothers.

Shen Ziping and Sun naturally did not have the ability to save Sanlang, and they couldn't even visit the prison. Finally, they waited for the magistrate to judge the case.

Zhao Daliang and Zhang Qingniang were all sentenced to beheading, while Sanlang was exiled to the border and served hard labor and was never released.

The Sun family cried. Sanlang was her eldest son, and because he was usually the most ambitious, he was also the most liked by the Sun family. Even if Sanlang almost hurt Goro, he didn't do him. Now when she heard that she was going to be exiled to the border gate for a lifetime, she thought about the difference between this and death, and naturally cried.

Shen Ziping advised her again, saying that as long as she didn't die, she could beg someone to save Sanlang. Shen Zi'an disagreed, and Shen Ziju! If it really doesn't work, there is still Shen Zhu!

Sun didn't cry again. The two discussed that if they couldn't do it, they would go to Beijing again. If Shen Ziju doesn't save the people, they will stay in the capital.

Those poisoned people hated all these three people to the bone. They almost rushed to the court and tore them up. In the end, it was the county magistrate who said that he wanted to compensate them, so they calmed down.

When Shen Ziping and Sun heard that they still had to pay for it, they were all stunned. They wanted to leave but couldn't leave. They stood in front and were blocked by the people behind them and stared at them. They were hit several times just now, but now they dare not run. Finally, listening to the county magistrate fined them a hundred taels of silver, and Sun fainted again.

The county magistrate looked at the chaos below and thought that even if the little marquis didn't ask for it, he would have to be punished. This time it really annoyed him. Fortunately, it was this case. Otherwise, even if the little marquis kept it, his political achievements would be affected! Thinking about this, I really feel that the punishment of one hundred taels is too small.

All the property of Zhao Daliang and Zhang Qingniang's family was sold and then used to compensate the victims, which made Zhao Dazhu and his wife very unhappy. They also thought that Zhao Daliang's death and this large amount of property was theirs, but they didn't expect that it was all confiscated. But they didn't dare to make trouble, so they could only watch the white silver run away.

Hebian Village has not been troubled, and the reputation of the Shen family has not suffered much. Thanks to Su Zhi, she has cured a lot of pills, so that those who have been poisoned can get a pill. As long as she eats it, nothing will be done, and she also takes out a lot of money and distributes it to those victims. However, this was done with the Zhang family and the Qian family, which also won the reputation for the restaurant.

Su Zhi saw that the disturbance finally calmed down slowly. She was finally relieved. Looking at her stomach, she thought it was really a little bigger. RS