Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 540 Shen Zhang's Lie

Shen Zhu was knocked to the ground, with a red palm print on her snow-white face. She was beaten straight and stunned, and she couldn't even cover her face. Looking at Shen Zhang who hit her, her eyes stared like a bell.

Shen Youfu and Shen Ziju were also panicking because of Xiaolan's death. Seeing Shen Zhang's beating Shen Zhu, they also had no time to react for a while. For a moment, the room was very quiet.

"Mom, why did you hit me? Isn't it just a maid?! A maid with a dead deed will be killed. Just throw it to the graveyard! Anyway, today's servants in the family knew that they had lost something, and it was indeed stolen by Xiaolan! What do you care about? As for hitting me for her?! I'm your daughter!"

Shen Zhu finally reacted, and her face was hot and painful. She covered her face and shouted at Shen Zhang, both wronged and resentful.

Shen Youfu has nothing to say. If he hadn't stolen the box, he wouldn't have led to such a big thing. He also owes a fight.

Shen Zi raised Shen Zhu up and said to Shen Zhang, "Mom, you are dead. Don't blame your sister. She didn't mean it."

Shen Zhangshi trembled all over and pointed to Shen Zhu and said, "It's all you caused it! Do you know that what you have done may cause disaster?! You killed Xiaolan. Where can I find those things?! Do you know how important those things are? If it falls into the hands of people who should not fall, our family can't afford the consequences! At that time, our Shen family will be all over! You're done, and your little brother is finished! I'm even more finished!"

After saying that, Shen Zhang sat in the chair and wiped his tears with a handkerchief in his hand.

Shen Zhang's words made Shen Youfu and the three of them stunned. Thinking that Shen Zhang's words were too serious. Can those jewels affect the survival of their family?!

"What the hell is going on?! How did you get these things?!"

Shen Youfu asked anxiously. Only then did he think that these jewels seemed to be of extraordinary value, and Shen Zhang had hidden them for so many years. Where did she get these treasures? Since she had them, why didn't she take them out over the years? He couldn't even look at them! It must not be good to say such words now. It can make their families suffer disaster. That's not a treasure. It's just a killing knife!

Shen Ziju also asked Shen Zhang. He had an intuition, which had something to do with Shen Zhang's former identity. He had long known that his mother was not an ordinary village woman. She was good-looking and temperamental. She spoke, walked and did things differently from ordinary village women. She was so smart and gentle, and she was also literate. It's not what ordinary country people can know. Although Shen Zhang said that she heard from others, Shen Ziju guessed that it was all Shen Zhang's personal experience.

Shen Ziju once thought to the benefits, thinking that maybe his mother was the daughter of a good family in a ruined family. Later, Su Zhi confessed her. He also thought that his mother might also be a lost lady, or left home for some reasons. As long as he thought about it, he felt that his identity seemed to be higher. It's just that his mother didn't say anything, and he didn't ask.

Those glittering jewelry made Shen Ziju's heart beat violently. He thought that maybe it was really like what he thought, but Shen Zhang's words made his heart cold. If these things could kill their Shen family, he would rather that these things had never appear!

"Mom, what the hell is going on? Why can't these things be seen? Can't anyone see it? Who did you offend?!"

Shen Ziju asked anxiously.

Shen Zhu is also worried. Although she is not satisfied with her life in the Wang family, she doesn't want to go back to her previous life or lose her life.

Shen Zhang looked at Shen Youfu and a pair of children looking into her eyes. After thinking about it, she still didn't dare to tell her identity. She was afraid that they would look down on her. So she told a lie.

"These things were given to me by a dying woman I met in those years. She said that even if she wanted to sell money, she had to sell them far away. Be careful, saying that the owner of these things was looking for them. If she found them, it would definitely be a disaster. I just like these jewelry so much. So I put it away. I just want to watch it and pass it on to my children in the future. At that time, I will pass it down from generation to generation. When I really need money, I will find a way to sell it. At that time, I guess no one will remember these things, and there will be no disaster!"

Shen Zhang sighed and said, "But I didn't expect Pearl to take it away!" And let these things go out! What should I do if this causes scourge?"

The people of the Shen family were surprised to hear it, but they were all relieved.

Shen Youfu said, "It's been 30 years, and the people who have lost things have not remembered these things for a long time, right? What are you afraid of?"

Shen Zhu also said, "Those people don't hide people in every corner. Xiaolan, the dead girl, only took two beads, one jade pendant and one hairpin, which is nothing special. Maybe even if the original owner of this thing sees it, he can't recognize it. Besides, Xiaolan doesn't have a family. This thing is so valuable that she will definitely not give it to anyone else. Maybe she will hide it somewhere. Now that she dies, if we can't find those things, we may never find them. Even if we find them, we either take them back quietly or don't admit that they are ours. Isn't there no disaster?"

Shen Zhu said that she is trying her best to say this matter more lightly now. After all, it is the trouble she caused. Big things turn into small things into small things.

After listening to Shen Zhu's words, Shen Zhangshi originally wanted to say that the owner of those things was in the capital and needed to be careful, but Shen Zhu's words sounded somewhat reasonable. She thought that she might save those things and she would not be found. And no one will worry about the remaining things in your hand, so you can rest assured.

Shen Zhang didn't want her family to feel that she was annoyed, and she was afraid that her status would be affected. So she concealed it, but made the family think it simple. As a result, she was even more caught off guard when the disaster came.

Xiaolan's body was cleaned up. The reason was that Xiaolan stole something and wanted to hurt Shen Zhu, but she was accidentally killed.

Shen Ziju was an official after all. He didn't want this kind of thing to spread, so he told his family not to talk nonsense. The servants in this family were all dead deeds, and naturally they were obedient.

The box returned to Shen Zhang's family, and Shen Zhu returned to the Wang family empty-handed.

Shen Zhu thought that she really lost her parents' favor and the maid this time, and she didn't get the baby she wanted. It's really depressing. RS