Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 557 Go Back and Again

The visit of Kuroki Country has been successfully completed, and it is time to go back. At this time, it has become a difficult problem whether Yueyue should go back with her biological parents.

Yueyue is now quite close to her biological parents, but she still doesn't want to leave Su Zhi.

The couple of the Lan family were very happy to see their daughter, but they were also reluctant to give up Su Zhi. For them, Fuyuan is still the place where they want to retire. They ran around for their daughter. It was not until they stayed in Fuyuan that they settled down, and it was already their home.

Lanlan was reluctant to give up her daughter and her parents. Her spirit suddenly withered and her heart was distressed. However, in the end, she let the Lan family stay, and even Yueyue asked to stay.

"Su Zhi, my parents and Yueyue still have to ask you to take more care of them. Now the situation in Kuroki is not particularly stable in China. Uncle Wang is not very easy. My parents and Yueyue will go back with us. Maybe it will be dangerous. It's better to stay here with you."

Lan Lan held Su Zhi's hand and said, thinking about it and said, "But I'm also worried that Uncle Wang will let people come here to be detrimental to Yueyue and my parents, which may also be dangerous to you, so if possible, let them stay in the palace. After all, there are many guards here."

Su Zhi patted Lan Lan's hand and said, "Don't worry, we will protect them well, but you should be careful."

Su Zhi took a small bottle and handed it to Lan Lan's hand and said, "This is the medicine I made. It is very effective. You take it with you. I hope you will never use this medicine."

Lan took the medicine bottle and put it in her purse.

Aunt Lan and Dad Lan finally decided to go with their daughter. After all, they still couldn't let go of their daughter. Especially after knowing the situation of their daughter, they thought that their daughter could keep Yueyue, which must have realized the danger. They couldn't watch their daughter step into the uncertain danger, but they stayed This is a safe place.

"Zhner, when Lan'er is settled, we will go back to Fuyuan. At that time, we will continue to look at the gate. You can't drive us away."

Aunt Lan said with a smile that she was really reluctant to give up Su Zhi. Over the years, she has no less feelings for Su Zhi than Lan Lan. If Lan hadn't been in danger, they would have been more willing to live with Su Zhi.

Su Zhi nodded quickly and said, "Madam, I'm waiting for you to come back. At that time, I will cook your favorite food for you every day and show good filial piety to you."

"Let me drink enough wine made from wild grapes. Remember to keep it for me. Don't drink it all."

After talking to Shen Zi'an, Father Lan said to Su Zhi that he also liked the life in the riverside village.

Su Zhi said with a smile, "Yes, godfather, I will keep it all for you, and we will drink together then."

Aunt Lan smiled and said anguishly, "I always think about Zhier's wine, that is, Zhier's wine will not hurt your body, or you, who love to drink, will drink it sooner or later. Zhier, just leave two jars for him.

"You old lady, you can listen to everything else, but this wine can't, just understand me. Besides, you don't want to drink it? Keep a little more, and you can drink more.

Daddy Lan said that he and his wife have always had a good relationship, and he also wanted to say what he wanted to say in front of the children.

Aunt Lan smiled and stopped talking. In fact, she also likes to drink the wine brewed by Su Zhi.

Lanlan looked at her parents and thought that they really prefer to live with Su Zhi. It was all because of themselves that they had to give up that kind of life. They were really unfilial, which made them worry for so many years, and now they are still in danger with themselves. She advised them to stay, but Father Lan was determined.

In the end, Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi said goodbye to the Blackwood King and others, and they were very reluctant to give up.

It was sent out of the city for several miles, but finally stopped and watched them go away.

Su Zhi thought to herself that the most uncomfortable thing in the world was life and death. This time, it was still a dangerous farewell. Her heart also hung up with the departure of the group, holding the tearful Yueyue in her arms tightly and comforting her.

Shen Zi'an comforted them and brought them back to the capital under the guard of many people.

Su Zhi thought that there would be a period of separation this time, at least a few people in her family this Spring Festival, and she would miss them, but she guessed wrong.

Just half a month later, the person Su Zhi personally sent away came back again, but when he left, the flag fluttered, the carriages and horses were in groups, escorted by countless elite soldiers, but when he came back, there were only dozens of people. Many people were injured, but they were forced to hold on, and the black wood king and blue Dad and Aunt Lan were fine, but they also lost a lot of weight. When the group appeared in front of Su Zhi, Su Zhi immediately knew what had happened.

The people of Kuroki Kingdom have been attacked.

Su Zhi was not surprised. The situation in Heimu is complicated. Uncle Wang of Muyuan has been staring at the throne. The former Muyuan was injured, but he did not die, which prevented Uncle Wang from using the army against the Liang Kingdom. He must be Uncle Wang's eyes and must have wanted to get rid of him. Especially after the King of Kuroki and the good country reached a settlement, Uncle Wang will not let Mu Yuan return to the country. It is the best time to kill him on the way. At this time, there are the fewest people to protect Muyuan, and at that time, the blame can be blamed on the good country. It is logical to attack the good country.

Not only did Su Zhi think of this, but many people thought that the emperor sent a large number of elite soldiers and generals to escort him. Finally, in order to hide his ears, when he was about to reach the Blackwood Kingdom, he let the Blackwood King and others quietly leave the team. Let people pretend to pretend to be them and continue to move forward, I found it and sneaked it up!

There is a traitor!

All plans are arranged secretly. Unless someone informs them, the Blackwood King and Queen will be able to return home safely.

Fortunately, the Kuroki King and his wife were only injured and did not die, otherwise it would really cause a war between the two countries.

The emperor asked them to have a good rest and discuss the matter of returning to China. If they didn't expect it, there would be a surge in Kuroki's country.

When Lan Lan saw Su Zhi, she took her hand and thanked her gratefully. She said, "Su Zhi, thank you. If it weren't for your medicine, Mu Yuan and I might have died this time. Your medicine is really effective. It's simply a panacea!" You not only saved my parents and my daughter, but also saved me and Muyuan. You are really the benefactor of our family. I don't know how to repay you! You will be my own sister from now on!"

"I thought you had regarded me as your own sister for a long time. It turned out that it was only now. It's really sad."

Su Zhi said something to complain, but there was a smile on her face.

Lan Lan smiled and said, "Su Zhi, you are still teasing me at this time!"

When Father Lan and Aunt Lan saw them laughing, they were also very happy and happy. If they hadn't accompanied them back this time, their daughter and son-in-law would really have said goodbye to them. Thanks to Su Zhi's medicine, or the poison in the injury of the two of them, no matter how good they are, they can't recover!

Yueyue said, "Mom, it's great that you and Dad are fine, and you can spend the Spring Festival with me! After the Spring Festival, I beg the emperor's uncle to let him help you fight the bad guys! If you dare to hurt you, you must knock him down! The emperor's uncle will definitely agree!"

Lanlan said, "Yueyue, don't worry, my parents will knock down the bad guys."

The Blackwood King and Shen Zi'an said thank you. At this time, they also came and touched the head of the moon. He was very gratified to have such a daughter. He thought that he must calm down the turmoil in the Blackwood country, give his daughter a stable life, and make her a happy little princess.

When the injury of the Blackwood King and Lanlan was completely healed, the emperor uploaded the Blackwood King into the palace.

"Mu Qing is the opposite."

Mu Qing is Uncle Wang of Mu Yuan.

The emperor looked at Mu Qing and said, "Mu Qing said that he had found the body of you and your queen in your country. After finishing your funeral, he will ascend to the throne, and then he will avenge you, right? After the Spring Festival, when the weather is a little warmer, he will attack a good country!"

The emperor used affirmative sentences, not interrogative sentences.

"You are obviously still alive. How dare he say that you are dead? I will ask people to go to Kuroki to spread rumors that you are still alive.

"Your Majesty, we did this. At that time, there were heavy casualties. Xiao Wang's father-in-law and mother-in-law were proficient in the art of transfgibility, so they put makeup on a dead man and a woman, which became our face. Only in this way can we escape from danger smoothly. And Mu Qing's rebellion is also in our thinking, so that we can expose his wolf ambition. If we die, no one can say that he ascends to the throne, but if we are still alive, he is a rebellion!"

The Blackwood King said, he had already thought that Uncle Wang must eradicate it. This is an opportunity.

The emperor looked at Mu Yuan and said, "You will look for an opportunity, so my country must help you."

King Kuroki smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you will definitely help my Kuroki Kingdom. Even if it is not for the peace of the two countries, it will be for the great prince."

"You are still as cunning as before."

The emperor smiled and thought that he would help the king of Kuroki. Only when the king of Kuroki is the monarch can he guarantee that he will not threaten the border of the good country. Moreover, they are also friends and cherish each other. Coupled with the friendship between the sun and the moon, they must help each other.

It's finally the Spring Festival. The capital is full of joy, and there is no less joy because of the events of the Blackwood Kingdom. I feel very drunk today.

Shen Ziju was not in a sense of joy at all. His parents left his family, but his brother and sister-in-law came. Shen Ziping and Sun stayed in the capital and stirred up the house. RS