slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 119 Three Conditions

Ji Zhenzhen looked up coldly at Rong Zijun, who had just experienced **, and asked sarcastically, "President Rong is done?"

Rong Zijun didn't agree with Ji Zhenzhen's sarcasm, but showed a charming smile, "Aren't you already seen it? That woman just now is the daughter of a group. Now I'm talking about a partnership project with their group. Naturally, I have to greet their daughter well!"

Ji Zhenzhen snorted coldly and almost shouted at Rong Zijun, "I didn't expect that the president of Rong also needed to rely on sleeping with women to talk about business!" Ji Zhenzhen's words are no different from scolding Rong Zijun, but Rong Zijun's angry expression did not show at all.

"But I'm just dealing with them. How can I do my best for you!" Rong Zijun said with a smile and took a meaningful look at Ji Zhenzhen.

"Stop it!" Ji Zhenzhen immediately interrupted Rong Zijun with a black face. She really didn't want Rong Zijun to continue talking. At this time, Ji Zhenzhen suddenly felt that Rong Zijun was very disgusting. The thought that she had had so many relationships with this disgusting man made Ji Zhenzhen feel sick.

Ji Zhenzhen came out of the cabinet, sat directly on the chair opposite Rong Zijun's desk, and asked Rong Zijun coldly, "Where is Xiaojun? If you don't hand over Xiaojun, I will call the police!"

Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen with a serious face, but his face was not slow. "Xiaojun is also my son. Even if you call the police, it's useless!"

Ji Zhenzhen suddenly regretted saying these words. She must have been overwhelmed by the scene of Rong Zijun's intimacy with the sexy girl just now, which made Rong Zijun so mean. At the thought of Ji Zhenzhen's attitude immediately eased a lot.

"So what do you think I'm going to do before you want to return Xiaojun to me?" Ji Zhenzhen immediately turned into a begging look and looked at Rong Zijun. How she hoped that Rong Zijun could let herself go for her pitiful sake and return Xiaojun to herself.

"I said that Xiaojun is my son, and I have the right to compete for Xiaojun's custody!" Rong Zijun did not give in at all.

"But why do you raise Xiaojun? You don't have a wife. How can a single man raise Xiaojun? Besides, Xiaojun is by your side more than to prevent you from fooling around with those beautiful women. Ah, no, it is to prevent you from falling in love with those beautiful women!" Ji Zhenzhen said a lot of words in one breath, and she hoped that she could persuade Rongzi to be soft-hearted.

Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen comforting herself so bitterly, but looked at Ji Zhenzhen with a faint smile. After seeing Ji Zhenzhen finally finished speaking, she handed Ji Zhenzhen a cup of tea. "I've said so much and dried up. Drink some tea!"

Ji Zhenzhen had no choice but to take over the teacup. It seemed that Rong Zijun was determined to compete with Xiaojun, and Ji Zhenzhen's heart was getting colder little by little.

"It's not impossible for me to compete for Xiaojun!" Rong Zijun suddenly said.

"What do you think?" Ji Zhenzhen seemed to see hope and immediately asked with surprise.

"Unless you promise me three conditions!" Rong Zijun smiled more deeply.

Ji Zhenzhen looked at Rong Zijun's smile and immediately felt that something bad was going to happen, but Ji Zhenzhen could no longer care so much. She immediately nodded and said, "I promise you everything!"

"Really promise me everything?" Rong Zijun asked rhetorically, and his eyes narrowed into a crack.

Ji Zhenzhen immediately regretted it and was hesitating whether to really agree to Rong Zijun.

"It's okay to see that you are reluctant!" Rong Zijun leaned against the back of the chair and pretended to be relaxed.

"I can't count it! I promise you, no matter what you ask me to do, I promise you!" Ji Zhenzhen said solemnly to Rong Zijun that she had already thought about everything in her heart. Ji Zhenzhen felt that if she lost Xiaojun, she would be in pain. At that time, she certainly didn't want to live, so no matter what Rong Zijun asked Ji Zhenzhen to do, Ji Zhenzhen would not refuse.

"First condition, I want you to be my lover!" Rong Zijun finally said the request and did not forget to add, "It's the underground kind!"

Ji Zhenzhen had long expected such a result. She gritted her teeth and nodded without hesitation, "Okay, I promise you!" In fact, Ji Zhenzhen wants to agree first and then find a way. This is called a delaying strategy.

Rong Zijun was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect Ji Zhenzhen, who had always been stubborn, to agree so happily. Although Rong Zijun also doubted Ji Zhenzhen's words, he continued: "The second condition is that I want you to never marry Guan Qingyu!"

"No problem!" Ji Zhenzhen nodded. Anyway, Ji Zhenzhen did not intend to really agree to Rong Zijun, so there was no pressure in her heart.

"The third condition is that I want you to move out of Guan Qingyu's villa immediately. I will send you a large manor. You can plant flowers and plants in the manor in the future. Don't go out if you have nothing to do." Rong Zijun said seriously, and he really thought so. Five years ago, Rong Zijun planned to settle down with Ji Zhenzhen in the French manor, but it was not realized at that time.

"President, do you want to take care of me?" Ji Zhenzhen asked.

"What you think, as long as I like it!" The expression on Rong Zijun's face was very serious, which made Ji Zhenzhen seem to see the Rong Zijun she fell in love with five years ago.

"What about Xiaojun?" Ji Zhenzhen asked quickly.

"Xiaojun, I will arrange professionals to take care of him, and you can spend a day together every Sunday!" Rong Zijun frowned a little.

Ji Zhenzhen's heart sank. In the end, she did not become the person who played with Rong Zijun's palm, and she still couldn't get Xiaojun's custody.

"This is unfair to me!" Ji Zhenzhen was a little unhappy.

"I ordered this game, and it's unfair that only I have the final say!" The chill on Rong Zijun's face deepened.

"Is it too late for me to regret now?" Ji Zhenzhen asked tentatively.

"You can regret it, so that you won't see Xiaojun again in your life!" Rong Zijun said with a black face.

"You've gone too much!" Ji Zhenzhen stood up angrily and stretched out her finger to Rong Zijun, "You haven't taken care of Xiaojun for so many years. Now you are going to break up our mother and son. Are you really cruel?"

"You left me without even saying hello five years ago. Were you cruel at that time?" Rong Zijun suddenly shouted at Ji Zhenzhen. Ji Zhenzhen could see that Rong Zijun was very angry, and the blue veins on his face loomed.

Ji Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment and immediately understood, "So you are retaliating against me!" I see, I understand everything!"

"Ji Zhenzhen, don't you think you owe me an explanation?" Rong Zijun's voice was cold and piercing.

"I have nothing to say, just think I'm sorry for you!" Ji Zhenzhen has been very painful since she learned that her father Ji Kai was killed by Rong Shichang. She didn't want Rong Zijun to suffer as much as herself.

"Very good, I knew you wouldn't explain!" Rong Zijun's eyes were full of desolation, but turned into a thick cold light. "Since Miss Ji and I haven't talked, let's meet in court!" For the three conditions I just put forward, if Miss Ji can come to me at any time, we can talk about it in detail at that time!"

"Hmm!" Ji Zhenzhen snorted coldly and walked out of Rong Zijun's office.

When Ji Zhenzhen returned to Guan Qingyu's villa and faced the empty villa, there were some faint regrets in her heart. The days without Xiaojun made Ji Zhenzhen painful. Every corner of the villa was full of memories of Ji Zhenzhen and Xiaojun, but now Ji Zhenzhen doesn't even have Xiaojun anywhere. Knowing that Ji Zhenzhen became more and more sad, she finally covered her face and cried sadly.

Rong Zijun felt that everything he did on this day was absent-minded. His mind kept recalling the resentful eyes that Ji Zhenzhen looked at him just before he left. Now he still makes Rong Zijun feel a chill on his back.

"Does she really hate me?" Rong Zijun kept asking himself, "Have I gone too much?"

But why didn't she tell me what happened five years ago? Is it so difficult to tell me the truth? Is it so difficult to explain to me? Didn't I even have the right to know the truth when I was dumped by you five years ago? Rong Zijun thought and grabbed his hand into his hair in pain. For the past five years, he has always wanted to tell the truth of his departure from Ji Zhenzhen. Rong Zijun has been waiting for this truth for five years.

"Ji Zhenzhen, do you have to be a stranger to me before you give up?" Rong Zijun said to himself, "We were so sweet five years ago, but why did you leave me without saying a word?"

"Since you have decided to leave me, why did you give birth to my son? Why did you appear in front of me with your son? Are you sure I won't forget you? Are you sure you want to eat me? Rong Zijun kept asking himself. In the end, Rong Zijun only felt that there were two lines of tears on his face.

"Why do you still cry?" Rong Zijun wiped the tears on her face with a tissue and laughed self-deprecatingly, "I don't want to see you anymore. What else are you doing to shed tears for them? You will only make people more disgusted!"

Rong Zijun sat in the office for a long time until the sky darkened. Then he sighed and picked up the car key and went to the underground parking lot of the Twin Building and got on his own Lamborghini.

Rong Zijun stepped on the accelerator and went straight to a high-end apartment in the city, which was the place where his son Xiaojun was placed.

As soon as Rong Zijun entered the apartment, he was stopped by the oncoming staff, who was a woman in her 30s and was specially hired by Rong Zijun to take care of Xiaojun's diet and living.

"President, Xiaojun said today that he wanted to eat ice cream, and he ran away while I took him to buy ice cream and was caught by the security guards!" The woman reported respectfully.

"Run away? Why did you run away? Did you bully him? Rong Zijun's face became very gloomy, and his eyes were enough to kill a cow.

"No, we are all very good to Master Xiaojun, but he always wants to escape, and then he refuses to say why!" The woman looks ashamed.

"Og, let me talk to him!" Rong Zijun said and went straight to the second floor of the apartment and went straight to Xiaojun's room.

Rong Zijun opened the door and saw Xiaojun sitting on the ground of the room concentrating on a puzzle. He ignored Rong Zijun's entry.

"Xiaojun, are you jigsaw puzzles?" Rong Zijun immediately turned into a gentle voice when facing Xiaojun. He really couldn't be fierce to his son.

Xiaojun ignored Rong Zijun, but continued the puzzle without raising his head.

"Why doesn't Xiaojun talk?" Rong Zijun sat on the ground opposite Xiaojun and faced his own flesh and blood in front of him. Rong Zijun apologized more.

"You are a bad person, Xiaojun doesn't talk to bad people!" Xiaojun curled his lips and looked at Rong Zijun angrily.

"So aren't you talking to me now?" Rong Zijun smiled, and his smile was full of friendliness.

Xiaojun was immediately speechless. He thought for a long time and finally said, "Uncle, why didn't you let Xiaojun see Mommy? Xiaojun misss Mommy very much!"

Looking at Xiaojun's aggrieved appearance, Rong Zijun suddenly felt very distressed. He quickly picked up Xiaojun and put him on his lap, stroked Xiaojun's hair and said, "Xiaojun, Mommy will be with us soon, soon!"