slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 161 Almost Hit someone

After packing up her belongings, Ji Zhenzhen came to the first floor of the villa and found that there was no one in the villa. Even Hu Shuixin and Rong Shichang, who had just arrived, had left, and there was no sign of Rong Zijun.

"He may leave first!" Ji Zhenzhen sighed softly and opened the door of the villa.

Ji Zhenzhen wanted to step out of the door of the villa, but she couldn't stop. Ji Zhenzhen knew that she would not have a chance to come back after leaving this time. Thinking of this, Ji Zhenzhen looked back at the villa and looked at the place where she had happened for the first time.

Ji Zhenzhen's heart, who closed the villa, also closed. She stepped on her red Porsche in a trance and stepped on the accelerator and left Rong Zijun's villa.

Ji Zhenzhen drove Porsche on the street aimlessly. Even she didn't know where she wanted to go, and maybe even Ji Zhenzhen didn't know what she was doing.

Suddenly, Ji Zhenzhen saw a figure in front of the car. Ji Zhenzhen was scared into a cold sweat, hurriedly stepped on the brakes, and finally stopped.

"Jinzhen?" In front of the car was Rong Zihong. He originally wanted to go to the supermarket across the road to buy some food, but he didn't want to be almost hit by a red light car, and the person driving the car was Ji Zhenzhen.

"Zihong?" Ji Zhenzhen also looked surprised. She recovered from the trance just now. Fortunately, she had just stepped on the brakes, otherwise she would die. Ji Zhenzhen was full of self-blame for her carelessness in driving.

Rong Zihong circled from the front of the car to the door and bent down to look at Ji Zhenzhen in the car.

Ji Zhenzhen pressed down the glass of the car door, "Zihong, are you all right just now?"

"It's okay, Jane, are you all right? I don't think you look well!" Rong Zihong asked with concern.

"I have nothing." Ji Zhenzhen was perfunctory.

"How can you run a red light?" Rong Zihong asked with a smile.

"Did I run a red light?" Ji Zhenzhen blushed a little. She was really too careless just now.

"Why don't you go and have a drink?" Rong Zihong suggested that he could see that Ji Zhenzhen didn't seem to want to go home.

"Well, all right!" Ji Zhenzhen nodded. Her mood was indeed very depressed, and she also needed to relieve her mood.

Rong Zihong got on Ji Zhenzhen's red Porsche, and the two drove to a high-end cafe in H city. The people who usually come to this cafe are not rich or noble.

Following Rong Zihong into the cafe, Ji Zhenzhen was also treated as a VIP. Seeing those service staff greeting Rong Zihong, Ji Zhenzhen also guessed that Rong Zihong was a regular customer of this cafe.

"Mr. Rong is still the same, isn't he?" The service staff politely asked Rong Zihong.

"Yes, give this lady another cup of hot milk tea!" Rong Zihong said with a smile.

After the service staff wrote down what the two ordered, they retreated, leaving a wonderful two-person world for Rong Zihong and Ji Zhenzhen.

"J Jane, tell me what happened to you?" Rong Zihong looked at Ji Zhenzhen with a smile on his face.

"Nothing happened, really!" Ji Zhenzhen said casually, and did not forget to emphasize that in fact, she could not tell what was on her mind, especially to the Rong family.

"Since you have nothing to do, I'll tell you about me!" Rong Zihong laughed.

"Okay, how are you doing?" Ji Zhenzhen nodded.

"I'm going back to the United States in a few days!" Rong Zihong suddenly said, with some dimness in his eyes.

"Why is it so sudden?" Ji Zhenzhen was also shocked.

"It's not sudden. The American company has called me several times to urge me to go back. I originally wanted to stay here for a while, but now I don't think it's interesting for me to stay here. I'd better go back. The work there has also been delayed a lot. I'm afraid I will be too busy to return to China within two years. Rong Zihong said and looked deeply into Ji Zhenzhen's eyes.

"Why is it meaningless here? There are your family and friends here, and... And Xiaojun..." Ji Zhenzhen almost said "and me" and later thought that it was easy for Rong Zihong to misunderstand and stop her words.

"I know I have my family here, but I don't come back mainly to see my family. Don't you know the purpose of my coming back?" Rong Zihong looked at Ji Zhenzhen meaningfully.

Ji Zhenzhen suddenly felt a little guilty, so she blushed and lowered her head, pretending to play with the corners of her clothes.

"J Jane, you don't have to do this. I'm not trying to embarrass you." Rong Zihong said again.

"Oh." Ji Zhenzhen answered.

"I have to go back to the United States sooner or later, but it's a pity that I didn't succeed this time." Rong Zihong smiled with a lot of helplessness.

"Zihong, in fact, you have been very successful. You see, you are an international superstar now. With so many fans, even Xiaojun admires you very much. Ji Zhenzhen searched in her heart for all the words that could comfort Rong Zihong.

"Jingzhen, you don't have to comfort me. I know that emotional things can't be forced." Rong Zihong smiled indifferently, "Actually, I have thought about it for a long time. I think you should be worthy of someone better than me to love you!"

"Zihong, don't laugh at me. You also know my situation. I don't feel anything now." Ji Zhenzhen said helplessly.

"That's because you don't give yourself a chance or give others a chance. There are two good men around you. How can you say that you don't feel it?" Rong Zihong asked.

"Do you mean Qingyu and Rong Zijun?" Ji Zhenzhen asked.

"Yes, both of them really love you!" Rong Zihong nodded.

"I'm also planning to marry Qingyu!" Ji Zhenzhen smiled faintly, but her eyes were a little sad.

Rong Zihong looked deeply at Ji Zhenzhen's eyes, as if he wanted to see something in Ji Zhenzhen's eyes. "Zhen, in fact, you don't love Qingyu. You still love your eldest brother, don't you?"

Ji Zhenzhen was shocked and quickly covered up and said, "What's the matter? Zihong, don't talk nonsense."

"Jinzhen, we have known each other for five years. How can I not know what you are thinking?" Rong Zihong said helplessly, "Jinzhen, I don't know if you believe it or not. When you like a person, you will pay attention to everything about her, and even like to observe and guess her thoughts. I have liked you for so many years, and naturally I know you very well. Let's put it this way, I can guess what your eyes mean.

"Really?" Ji Zhenzhen looked at Rong Zihong with some surprise. She never regarded Rong Zihong's feelings for herself as a big deal, and she never thought that Rong Zihong would pay such attention to herself.

"Of course it's true, but I know you have never paid attention to me." Rong Zihong said sadly.

"I..." Ji Zhenzhen is a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, Zhenzhen, I've let go. I said this to tell you that I know you very well and know your heart very well. You love your eldest brother, which can't escape my eyes. Rong Zihong said confidently.

Ji Zhenzhen lowered her head and didn't say anything. In fact, she didn't know what to say. She did love Rong Zijun, and Rong Zihong was not wrong.

"Then why can't you give yourself and your eldest brother a chance?" Rong Zihong asked.

"The matter here is very complicated, and it can't be understood in one or two sentences." Ji Zhenzhen sighed helplessly.

"What makes it more difficult for you to say than to refuse the person you love?" Rong Zihong asked seriously that Ji Zhenzhen had never seen Rong Zihong look so serious.

"Zihong, don't worry about it. You will go back to the United States in a few days. I wish you a good journey!" Ji Zhenzhen cleverly changed the topic and smiled at Rong Zihong.

Looking at Ji Zhenzhen's unwillingness to mention the matter between himself and Rong Zijun, Rong Zihong nodded helplessly, "Well, I believe you will have your own ideas."