Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 6 The flirting incident of Yue Lao Temple!

Miss Jin said to Jin Haoxuan: "I have met Mr. Jin, your and my surname is very close. I think it's really fate!"

The fate of shit! Xiang Zixi snorted coldly and slowly squatted down and picked up all the incense candles scattered on the ground: "Haoxuan, let's go."

For meaningless people, there is no need to waste time at all! This has always been Qiao Qiao's purpose. It used to be, but now it has turned into Xiang Zixi, and it is still!

A trace of appreciation flashed in Jin Haoxuan's eyes! It's not that he hasn't inquired about Miss Xiang's previous style, but she seems to have completely changed a person after losing her memory! It is undeniable that the changed Miss Xiang is indeed like an appearance, and she is getting more and more pleasing!

Mrs Xiang smiled apologetically at Miss Jin and said to Zixi as she walked: "What's wrong with your child today? Miss Jin's father is a great figure. Didn't you like Miss Jin before? Why have you become so cold now?

That was before, okay?

Xiang Zixi couldn't explain to his wife, so she had to say, "Mom, I lost my memory. It's natural that I don't remember her!" Let's go to the incense! There will be more people in a minute!"

Only then did Mrs. Xiang remember her purpose and quickly trotted towards the main hall with incense candles.

At this time, another unknown person came over: "Oh, my God, are you really Miss Xiang? When I heard you talk to Miss Jin from afar just now, I couldn't believe it!"

Xiang Zixi frowned: "Who are you again? Do we know each other?"

Jin Haoxuan seemed to have found something, nodded to Zixi and strode away. The man next to him was still chattering, "Sure enough, the rumors are true. They all say that you have lost your memory. At first, I didn't believe it. It turns out that this is all true! Not only did you lose your memory, but you also became so beautiful!"

"Aunuch, who the hell are you?" Xiang Zixi said impatiently, "I really have no impression of you!"

"Ah! How can you forget me? You forgot that ten days ago, you entrusted me to go to Zhang Xiucai's house to propose marriage like Zhang Xiucai!" The aunt looked surprised, as if she couldn't believe it.

Dizzy, it turned out to be a matchmaker!

Xiang Zixi was about to find an excuse to get rid of the matchmaker when suddenly a frivolous voice suddenly came from behind: "Oh! Where did this beauty come from? Come and have fun with me!"

As soon as a man who spoke wildly said that sentence, the matchmaker who held Xiang Zixi actually stung and slipped away! Well, this time I have to ask who the other party is again!

A fool, obviously doesn't know which rich second generation or official second generation, but it's a pity that the valuable silk clothes on his body are so loosely hung on his body.

The four dog-legged family behind them bowed their heads and bowed their heads and smiled.

Xiang Zixi's mouth tilted. She really doesn't want to be rough in this world. She really doesn't want to hit people in this world she has just crossed over! But why do you have to force yourself to do it? Huh? Why do you have to force yourself to beat people? Why is that?

"Beauty, where did you come from? Why have I never seen you before?" A man who didn't know whether it was a rich second generation or an official whose face was pale and didn't know that he had been squeezed dry by several women stood in front of Xiang Zixi and greedily linger on Xiang Zixi's body.

"Who I am is none of your business!" Xiang Zixi rolled his eyes and said, "Get out of here! A good dog is not in the way!"

"Hey! Do you know who you are talking to? This is the son of the county magistrate! My son is flattering you!" Dog Leg No. 1 finally opened his mouth in time. The county magistrate stood there proudly and kept shaking his legs, expecting the other party to show a panicked and frightened expression.

As a result, the other party just nodded gently, then gave a soft oh and continued, "Get out of here!"

What? What? What did she say? How could she get herself out of here? Didn't she hear what the family said?

Dog Leg No. 2 then said, "Hey! Did you hear it clearly? This is the son of the county magistrate! How dare you talk to the prince like that! You don't want to live, do you?"

Xiang Zixi frowned: "I really don't understand people's words!"

Dog Leg No. 3 was finally angry for the county magistrate. He came forward to grab Xiang Zixi's wrist and make a bully.

He instinctively stepped back to Zixi, raised his right leg high, kicked the dog's leg No. 3 chest fiercely, and stepped on his foot under his feet. With his feet wearing light casual shoes, the dog's leg No. 3 immediately wailed loudly.

The county magistrate looked at Xiang Zixi in surprise, and never thought that the beauty he looked at today would still do a few times!

"Get out of here." Xiang Zixi repeatedly reminded herself to calm down and calm down. She is a thief, not a gangster!

Dog Leg No. 4 helped up Dog Leg No. 3 and winced with Dog Leg No. 1 Dog Leg No. 2 in an instant. Several people lay in the ears of the county magistrate's ears like this. As soon as the county magistrate heard it, he was overjoyed. He reluctantly looked at the back of Zixi and secretly licked it secretly. Lick your lips.

Entering the main hall of the Yuelao Temple and finding Mrs. Xiang's position, Xiang Zixi could only kneel down on a futon like others. But she is the least religious among all the incense, isn't she? Humph, if it weren't for him, how could he be so miserable!

After the incense is finished, it is still drawing lots.

Mrs. Xiang took the signature to find the signatory. The person who unsigned asked Mrs. with a smile, "This madam, do you want to ask about financial fortune or marriage?"

Mrs. Xiang pushed Xiang Zixi forward: "Show my lady's marriage."

Xiang Zixi smiled helplessly at the person who untied the signature. After the person read the signature in his hand again, his face changed greatly!

"Girl, can you show me your palm?" The person who released the contract said solemnly to Xiang Zixi, "It's offensive!"

He stretched out his right hand to Zixi and handed it to the person who understood. After looking at it tremblingly, he actually stepped back a few steps. After a long time, he stood firmly and said with his lips trembling, "It's so weird! I can't understand the girl's hand! If I guess correctly, Miss should be————————”

pointed to Zixi's statue of the old moon on the main hall with a smile and said, "The secrets of heaven cannot be leaked!"

The person who unsigned was shocked, and after a long time, Nuo said, "Yes, yes, Miss taught me a lesson! But if there is a word, you must report it to the young lady!"

"Well, you say,"

"If there is a man in the world who is willing to give blood for you, then please cherish this man!" The person who unsigned unexpectedly made a long bow to Zixi and sighed: "The master has warned me more than once that there are people outside. At this moment, someone finally understood! Hahahahaha——————”

The scraving person actually left the table and chair and went away laughing so wildly!

Xiang looked at his wife and looked at Zixi, and didn't know what the mystery was.

sighed to his wife: "Zixi, I don't understand now. My daughter is obviously my own, but why does she feel like a different person?

Mrs. Xiang was just an unintentional sentence, but it changed in Xiang Zixi's ears. It is true that he has invaded the body of the other party's daughter. Even if the other party's daughter is looking for death, he still can't change the fact that the dove occupies the magpie's nest!

Xiang Zixi's expression was stunned, but Mrs. Xiang sighed, "I have an old friend here, Zixi, would you like to go with me?"

"No, mother, you are old friends. You must have a lot to say, so I won't bother you! I'll just wait for you here." Xiang Zixi gently hugged her from behind Xiang's back and put her head on Xiang's shoulder. Her voice could not be softer: "Mom, no matter how I change, I was raised by you, didn't I? No matter what happens in the future, Zixi will always be your daughter!"

Mr. Xiang's body suddenly shook, reached out and patted Zixi's head gently, and her voice was slightly choked: "Okay, my Zixi, finally grown up!"

I saw his wife leave, and Xiang Zixi's expression began to be gloomy. I suddenly had an inexplicable sense of belonging to the world. Maybe it's because of the husband and wife, maybe it's because of the long-lost freedom!

In my previous life, it may be beautiful in the eyes of others. The number one international wanted woman thief who offered a reward for arrest is a good taste. How can others know? It was also in response that sentence that I only saw the thief eating meat, but I didn't see the thief being beaten!

And here, I don't have to run for three meals. I have a nominal parent, but I get real love. Here, you don't have to worry about being hunted down, and you don't have to try your best to steal the goods designated by the customer. You can breathe and enjoy freedom!

Hu—————— Gently exhale, it feels so good to be free!

Just as Xiang Zixi stepped out of the temple gate and was about to go somewhere else, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the disgusting face of the county magistrate. The comfort just now dissipated in an instant, frowned and turned around to leave.

Suddenly, the county magistrate's son found Xiang Zixi at a glance, so he ran towards the temple gate with more people. This is a public place. Xiang Zixi didn't want to do it in front of so many people, so she turned around and ran to the back mountain.

Soon, Xiang Zixi led the county magistrate and his party to the sparsely populated back mountain. Xiang Zixi slowly stopped and looked back at the county magistrate, "I said, are you also here to enjoy the scenery?"

The county magistrate smiled and said, "Yes, I'm here to see your wonderful scenery!"