Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 65 Registration for Preliminaries

Lin Muyang left the Jinlong Inn, pulled off the mask on his face and punched a big tree held by two people.

The tree trembled violently and never moved again.

It's just that the water transported from the root to the top completely stopped below that punch.

"Master!" Several masked men knelt on the ground tremblingly. I don't know why the master was still very happy when he rushed to the Golden Dragon Inn. As soon as he came out, he was so angry.

"It's okay. Let's go!" Lin Muyang turned around coldly and walked slowly towards his mansion in the capital.

Xiang Xiang, do I really make you so annoying?

Back home, Xiang Zixi suddenly hugged Jin Haoxuan, buried his head deep in his chest, and said sullenly, "Haoxuan, did you really give up something with me?"

Jin Haoxuan's body trembled gently and then said, "Don't talk nonsense! Don't listen to that man's nonsense! I didn't give up anything. On the contrary, I got what I wanted.

"Real?" Xiang Zixi said softly, "If you have a reason to leave me one day, then you must tell me not to let me be in the dark, okay?"

"What nonsense!" Jin Haoxuan gently stroked the top of Zixi's head: "Fool, don't think about it. Go to bed early!"

Since this incident, it seems that everything has calmed down, as if it has never happened.

The life of the three people has gradually returned to normal. Every day, Xiang Zixi will study dishes in the kitchen and experiment with various practices of potatoes. Jin Haoxuan and Xin Zeyang have become experimental products, being rabbits every day, eating potatoes and all kinds of potatoes every day.

Finally, one day, Xin Zeyang couldn't stand it. He lay on the table and said, "My good sister, no matter how delicious it is, you will get tired of eating it every day!"

Xiang Zixi was buried in making French fries and said without raising her head, "No! Must eat! Today is the day to register for the preliminary competition! Today, we have to study a menu suitable for the competition!"

"Oh, my God! It's so unreasonable!" Xin Zeyang said feebly, "If you eat it, I won't eat it!" I'm going out to eat lion's head!"

"Alle! Eat the lion's head after eating French fries! I really won't enjoy it! In the past, there were so many French fries, but it would cost a lot of money in McDonald's! I'll give you free food now. What else do you care about?" Xiang Zixi said without raising her head while repeatedly experimenting with the time and effect of frying.

In order to ensure that there are enough dishes, Xiang Zixi has already experimented with two large baskets of potatoes! That's 200 catties of potatoes! Who can't get tired of eating!

Jin Haoxuan blinked at Xin Zeyang. When the two didn't pay attention to Zixi, the cat put on their waists and slipped away! When Xiang Zixi asked them to try it, she found that the two people ran away without knowing anything!

Xiang Zixi can't laugh or cry. Sure enough, tasting is not a good job!

Xiang Zixi picked up one and put it in his mouth, tasted it for a long time and said, "It's still a little worse, it's almost that taste!" But what's wrong?"

"Forget it, let's sign up first." Xiang Zixi untied his apron, took his relevant documents and procedures with the recommendation letter of the county government, and walked to the registration point temporarily set up by the Ministry of Household in the capital.

Today's Xiang Zixi is not as gorgeous as usual at a dinner party, but wearing a very simple lavender dress and a pink tulle coat. From a distance, she looks like a morning glory.

Because today is the first day of registration, there are a lot of pedestrians on the street. It is not only full of people in the country, but also in the competition from three other countries. Of course, there are also famous families who have the money and leisure to visit the capital.

Xiang Zixi was mixed in the crowd and walked towards the registration point. When I got to the registration point, someone came over and issued a number plate to call whose number to sign up. Seeing such an effective management method, he nodded secretly to Zixi. This parent officer in charge of the peace of the capital really has some ability!

Xiang Zixi came early, so she got the number 99. Compared with tens of thousands of numbers, this is really a very good position.

There is a kind of people in the mighty dynasty who make a living from number plates. This kind of person is called scalpers.

What Xiang Zixi didn't expect was that there were also scalpers in Yaoguo!

When she pinched her number and was about to queue up to sign up, a mysterious man gently pulled the corners of her clothes and said mysteriously, "This girl, I have a deal. I don't know if you are interested?"

He gently swept Zixi's eyes, immediately glanced over the other numbers held in the man's hand, and suddenly smiled clearly: " scalpers! What's the matter?"

"I am willing to pay a large price to buy the number in the girl's hand. The girl is absolutely assured that the price I gave you is absolutely fair! And you only need to wait a moment to get the number again. Such a business is a waste of money!" The scalper looked like I was doing it for your own good. He stretched out three fingers to Zixi: "How about I give you this number?"

"Thirty taels?" Xiang Zixi's eyes slanted: "Gold?"

The scalper brothers almost suffoated, and their eyes were bigger than copper bells: "My young lady? Are you crazy about money? Thirty taels of gold? That's enough for 30 ordinary families to live for a year, okay? How about three taels of silver? Do you want to do it?"

"I'm not interested!" Xiang Zixi curled her lips and smiled treacherously: "If you give me 30 taels of gold, I will consider it. How about it? Bull brothers?!"

"Hey! I'm not a scalper!" The other party was immediately dissatisfied: "Are you pasting me?"

"Since you can't afford this money, don't disturb me! My time is also precious!" Xiang Zixi frowned and raised the number in his hand and said with a smile, "Now there are 50 people who have signed up. Seeing that my number is about to be called, it is getting more and more expensive and valuable! Wait another quarter of an hour, it's not thirty taels of gold, but fifty taels of gold!"

"Hey! How can you, a woman, do business better than me! Five taels of silver, okay!" The scalper gritted its teeth and said, "It really can't be higher!" No matter how high it is, I will lose money!"

"No sale!——" Xiang Zixi raised the number in her hand and looked narrowly at the scalper.

Suddenly, a voice came from above her head: "Okay, fifty taels of gold, I bought it!"

The smile on Zixi's face restrained. Looking back, a proud young woman got off the sedan chair, walked behind Xiang Zixi, and reached out to grab the number in Zixi's hand. Unexpectedly, Xiang Zixi shook her wrist and suddenly dodged.

He said lightly to Zixi, "Sorry, I won't sell it to you."

The woman was obviously surprised by the scalper. The woman asked, "Why? I'll give you fifty taels of gold! Give me your number!"

"No!" Xiang Zixi has always disliked all arrogant women, and she has always hated them! That's why she hates Jin Fengting and likes Shen Zhuangmeng. This is her nature, an unchangeable nature.

"You!——Bold bitch! Do you know who I am?" The woman shouted fiercely to Zixi: "You have offended me, but there is nothing to end up!"

"I don't know if there will be an end. Anyway, I won't sell it to you! Go crazy with whoever you like to find! I don't bother to talk to you!" Xiang Zixi twisted herself, turned around and left.

Suddenly, four family dins appeared in front of him and surrounded Xiang Zixi and blocked Xiang Zixi's way.

"Oh? Here comes another set! Last time it was Wang Xi, but now it's a different woman? Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I will beat men and women!" Xiang Zixi stuffed the number in her hand into her arms and looked at the woman with provocative eyes: "I don't care who you are. Come and grab me if you have the ability!" Ah, remember the rules and only allow you to rob me. If you ask your family to participate, then you will lose! As long as you win, I don't want any money to you, but if you lose, then call your sister to listen!"

That woman began to tremble all over! This bitch actually let her be a daughter, grabbing things from her like a shrew! This woman must not want to live!

And when people around saw this scene, they immediately began to coax: "Okay! Fair competition, no one will suffer!"

"What? Don't you dare?" Xiang Zixi reached out and patted her chest gently: "What if you are a daughter? Leaving your slave, aren't you the same as a loser?"

The last sentence of Xiang Zixi finally completely angered Xiang Zixi, and the woman rushed towards Xiang Zixi: "Okay! You found it yourself!"

--The woman suddenly trembled from her sleeve, pulled out a horse whip, and threw it fiercely in the direction of Zixi.

Flashed gently to Zixi, gently under her feet, dodged flexibly, and said with a sarcastic smile, "Ah, it turned out to be a little girl who likes to whip people! So I like **, but I don't know if you are S or M!"

Xiang Zixi made a mistake under his feet, suddenly stepped on the woman's whip, jumped lightly, rushed to the woman, stretched out his finger and gently hooked the woman's chin, whistled, retreated with a happy smile, came to one side, held his right elbow in his left hand, put his right index finger on his lips, and said in a low voice: " So it's M!"

"You! You unscrupulous bitch! What Ace, what admiration! The ghost knows what you're talking about!" When the woman saw that she was bullied to death by the other party, she was immediately anxious, and the whip in her hand rushed to Zixi faster!

He twisted Zixi's waist, quickly rotated to avoid it, and suddenly appeared behind the woman when the other party was weak, and pushed the other party with his buttocks: "S is the attack, M is the sufferer!" If you don't know yet, find a man to teach you!"

"Hahahaha——————" burst into laughter in the crowd! This girl is so interesting!

The woman's already angry face is about to bleed: "You shameless bitch!"

"Faceless, pardon?" The smile on Xiang Zixi's face quickly disappeared: "Are you nobles qualified to be superior? Are we ordinary people the damn bitches?"