Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 105 Beast Attack 2

Look at the sky outside to Zixi, and it's almost time to come.

It's not all said that it's midnight when ghosts appear! So that vampire will probably come out at this time?

Xiang Zixi no longer cares, grabs Ji Yan's hand and runs towards the downstairs. Ji Yan was tightly grasped by Xiang Zixi, felt her temperature on her fingers, and the bottom of her heart rippled gently.

Although her current appearance is indeed a little exaggerated, the strange thing is that it does not damage her beauty in the bottom of her heart at all!

Xiang Zixi was dressed in an exaggerated red cloak, braided, his face was full of ghost charms, and then his neck was covered with garlic, holding a cross in one hand and dragging the tall Ji Yan in the other. He rushed out of the inn and kept running out.

At this time, he looked at the bangzi and slowly came over from the corner of the inn. As he walked, he knocked and shouted, "The sky is dry and dry. Be careful of the fire candle. It will arrive in a moment!"

At this time, Xiang Zixi grabbed Ji Yan, who looked happy and couldn't laugh or cry, and just rushed out. He was so desperate that he looked back at the updater, and then smiled at the updater!

Then, it's tragic! Gorgeous tragedy!

The poor beater sat on the ground and looked at Xiang Zixi with a tongue and dragged Ji Yan away from his sight.

Poor beat the man, sitting on the ground with his legs trembling constantly. Soon, his crotch was wet.

The poor guy, almost a quarter of an hour after dragging Ji Yan to disappear, cried and howled: "Ah! Ah! Help! Come and help! The mythical beast has become a man and drags away the living! Come on!"

Good boy, as soon as this voice came out, the lights on the whole street lit up, and everyone ran out in their clothes, quickly asking what had happened.

The poor guy hasn't fully recovered yet. He said tremblingly, "I saw it. I really saw the beast with my own eyes. Ah, no, it's a mythical beast! Her appearance is very terrible, her eyes are like copper bells, a sharp one-horn on her head, her blue fangs, and her body is blood red! Then he dragged a guy from this inn and disappeared! It just disappeared from my sight!"

Speaking of this, the updater cried intermittently and continued to say, "She also turned around and smiled at me and said a word to me!"

"What are you talking about?" Everyone gathered around with concern: "Did she say she was going to arrest someone next?"

The updater has cried and shouted and said, "She seems to have told me that if she doesn't burn incense for her, she will come back and eat one person a day!"

As soon as the word for the update came out, good boy, the whole street boiled in an instant!

The merchants who heard this rumor during the day were even more fighting, with their teeth clenched, and their faces were pale and uninhabited.

"It's true! So it's true! Let's go and see what's missing in the inn!" A slightly older merchant barely had a little thinking and said tremblingly, "Look who is missing among us?"

This suddenly reminded everyone present that they rushed into the inn and took out the list one by one. As a result, after taking stock, I suddenly found that the little girl who heard the story together at noon but disdained about it really disappeared! And the big man with her was also dragged away by the monster!

After everyone recognized this fact, everyone took a deep breath of cold air!

Everyone is thinking that the little girl must have offended the mythical beast if she spoke rudely during the day! Then the mythical beast sneaked in at night and ate her. The big man was too big to eat for a while, so he took it back to the cave and ate it slowly!

Everyone even took the initiative to make up the scene. In this dark night, the girl slept soundly, and a dark shadow slowly covered the whole window. A pair of red blood eyes looked at the sleeping girl so coldly, slowly turned into a human figure, appeared in the room, cruelly killed the poor rude girl, and ate her alive into her stomach. The girl's blood stained the hair on her body, so the one who updated saw the blood all over her body! At that time, when the big man accompanying the girl heard the movement next door and came to find out, he happened to see the scene of the girl being killed and eaten. He was stunned! Then, when the monster found that he was full and could no longer eat the man, he stepped on the clouds and grabbed the big man and quietly left the inn!

After everyone's brains filled the whole scene, everyone couldn't help shivering at the same time.

"It's...too...terrible! It's really...terrible!" A merchant was the first to open his mouth and his body kept shivering: "What a horrible way to kill! What a horrible man-eating beast!"

"Didn't it say that let's contribute sacrifices?" The second merchant said tremblingly, "I would like to produce a pig as a sacrifice!"

"I would like to offer ten chickens as sacrifices!" With the first statement, there was immediately a second person to agree, so the merchants present expressed their willingness to offer sacrifices for the forgiveness of the mythical beast.

The owner of Yuelai Inn is afraid! You know, this man's lawsuit is out of his own store. If it spreads out, will he still do this business?

"I'm willing to ask a highly regarded monk to do French at a high price!" The owner of Yuelai Inn said tremblingly, "Gentlemen, your expenses in the shop are free these days. Please don't spread it out!"

"Natural, this is natural!" When all the merchants heard that it was free to stay in the hotel, they immediately responded: "It's not easy for the boss to encounter such a thing! We all understand that this was originally the will of the Mythical Beast, and we dare not disobey the will of the Mythical Beast!"

So, all the people who traded or lived in the whole street took action, slaughtered sheep and pigs, caught chickens and ducks, and began to be busy preparing to pay tribute to the mythical beasts.

At this time, Xiang Zixi, the originator, has pulled Ji Yan to appear outside the town and carefully walked towards Baisong Village 30 miles away.

Ji Yan grabbed Xiang Zixi: "White Pine Village is 30 miles away from here. Are you going to walk there at dawn?"

Blink your eyes to Zixi: "Yes! Why did I forget to ride a horse? Let's go, let's go back and ride a horse!"

Ji Yan shook his head helplessly, hugged Xiang Zixi, and looked down at the ghost charm on his face: "Forget it, I'll hold you!" Fortunately, you don't have much weight. Thirty miles away, with light kung fu, you can get there in an hour!"

Xiang Zixi was overjoyed to hear the words, hugged Ji Yan's neck, let Ji Yan hold his body, stepped across the branches in the air, and rushed to Baisong Village 30 miles away.

At this time, the unlucky hitter finally returned home. He just changed into new clothes and prepared to go to the yard to catch a chicken as a sacrifice. As a result, I was so immortal. As soon as I looked up, I happened to see two figures flying over my house! Looking at it, under the hazy moonlight, a monster with sharp horns flew over his roof with a tall man in his arms!

The poor beater sat on the ground again, and his new clothes were suddenly wet by himself!

Xiang Zixi never knew how high Ji Yan's martial arts skills were, but he felt so relieved in Ji Yan's arms.

At night, Ji Yan's slightly scattered black hair danced gently in the night wind, and his angular facial features became more and more pleasing to the eye. Feeling the unique temperature of a man and smelling the smell of a wild man, he gently tightened his wrist to Zixi.

Ji Yan looked down at Xiang Zixi. Although she is as funny as she is now, she still can't hide her charm in her heart.

In April night, the night wind is still very cold, especially high in the sky. Xiang Zixi couldn't help sticking her face to Ji Yan's chest to get rid of the cold by exchanging body temperature.

Ji Yan seemed to notice the shrinkage to Zixi, and immediately slowed down, jumped off the branch, and moved forward quickly on the ground.

In less than an hour, two people have appeared on the periphery of Baisong Village.

Ji Yan slowly put down Xiang Zixi in his arms and whispered, "If you don't see it wrong, this is Baisong Village!" This is the last place where the beast haunted last time.

Look at the moonlight to Zixi. At this time, it is already an ugly time. According to the time of your own world, it is one and two o'clock in the morning. It is the time when people are sleeping soundly, and it is also the favorite time for ghosts to appear.

Xiang Zixi bent down, hid next to a straw, took Ji Yan's hand, and whispered, "We will stay here and see if the monster is a vampire!" Ji Yan, when I see this vampire, I will deal with him with the garlic and cross in my hand! Just give him a fatal blow at the right time! Remember not to let the other party bite you! Otherwise, you will also be infected and become a vampire!"

Ji Yan looked helpless. He killed the king and actually messed around with a little girl? If this spreads out, will you still want your reputation?

The night wind blew, and Xiang Zixi couldn't help shivering: "It's so cold!"

Ji Yan cried and laughed even more and opened his arms: "Come here, do you want to freeze to death?"

Xiang Zixi originally intended to be a hero, but it was really too cold, so he obediently came over and sat next to Ji Yan, clinging to Ji Yan's side to draw warmth.

Ji Yan, who was still a little resentful, suddenly felt that this monster had come to warm up when he saw Zixi so obediently to warm up! Otherwise, how can I usually have this opportunity to be so close to her?