Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 115 Difficult to choose

Jin Haoxuan slowly walked towards the pavilion not far away, and a trace of anger flashed on his face.

When Jin Haoxuan stepped on the pavilion, a dark shadow flashed by and suddenly appeared in front of Jin Haoxuan. He knelt on one knee and said, "Master!"

"How's the matter I asked you to inquire about?" Jin Haoxuan asked in a low voice, "What have you gained?"

The shadow has been lowering its head and answering in a low voice, "Return to the master, you have asked me to inquire about it. At present, I'm not very sure, but now it's certain that the king of Qi is indeed messing behind!"

"I guess it's him!" Jin Haoxuan's face was even more angry, and the topic changed: "So, how many people are loyal to me now?"

"To return to the master, now it is clear that the general of the northwest and the lord Zaifu in the dynasty, and others--

"Others are still watching, aren't they? Damn, a bunch of old foxes!" Jin Haoxuan snorted coldly, "Is there no other way? The king of Qi has the strongest foundation. It's not easy to bring him down!"

The shadow continued, "Master, there is a sentence that I don't know whether to say it or not?"

Jin Haoxuan glanced at him: "Say it!"

"In fact, as long as the master gets married to Princess Ziqing, the eldest princess of Yaoguo, and with the help of Yaoguo, even if he can't defeat the King of Qi for the time being, he can at least compete with him! At that time, if you attract other courtiers, are you afraid that you can't deal with the king of Qi? The shadow man said calmly, "Princess Ziqing is the eldest princess of Yaoguo. If she gets married, she will definitely not come empty-handed. If necessary, she can also use Yaoguo's foreign aid! You know, among the four countries, Yao's military ability is the strongest!"

"Nonsense! This is absolutely impossible!" Jin Haoxuan said sharply, "Don't mention this again in the future!"

"But the master! If you hesitate again, those waiting ministers will all fall to the King of Qi!" Shadow said eagerly, "The emperor is old, and you are the only master under his knees. If you can't get the support of most of the courtiers, you can't ascend the throne smoothly! At that time, the throne will fall into the hands of the king of Qi!"

Jin Haoxuan gritted his teeth and said, "Not bad! The King of Qi will indeed do that! However, I absolutely can't marry Ziqing, absolutely not!"

The shadow has to continue to talk, but Jin Haoxuan has said coldly, "Okay, no need to say any more! I have my own plan!"

After saying that, Jin Haoxuan turned around coldly and left. The shadow shook his head helplessly, and the figure flashed and disappeared into the pavilion in an instant.

Jin Haoxuan left the pavilion and walked back slowly. He didn't understand that as long as he married Ziqing, he would be one step closer to success. However, he promised Xiang Zixi, and he would definitely give her a satisfactory explanation.

Why can't feelings and career be both?

These days, he has been busy secretly contacting the nobles of the dark country. Because of the existence of the food festival, many nobles of the dark country have come to Yaoguo, some competitions and sightseeing. Because in Yaoguo, the spies of the dark country could not take full consideration, so Jin Haoxuan took advantage of this opportunity to meet many nobles who dared not meet privately in China.

But all the aristocratic style is surprisingly consistent, that is, he must give enough capital to prove that he can ascend the throne and become the next generation of emperors, otherwise these people will not easily take a stand.

Seeing that the old emperor of the dark country is getting older and his health is getting worse and worse. If he can't consolidate his power before the old emperor is critically ill, then the imperial power may be taken away by the king of Qi!

And the biggest shortcut is to marry Princess Ziqing!

However, this is also the last thing I want to do. In the past, I might not care so much, marrying everyone is the same. But now that I have Xiang Zixi, I can no longer accommodate other women in my heart. How can she share herself with other women?

Jin Haoxuan sighed and was in a dilemma!

Jin Haoxuan walked slowly on the road and suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure from the corner of his eyes. He flashed away from the street. Jin Haoxuan instantly hid his figure and chased him tightly against the wall!

If you don't read it wrong, that person should be the personal housekeeper of the King of Qi! Could it be that the king of Qi did not return to the dark country after the Food Festival? What will he do if he stays in Yaoguo?

Jin Haoxuan's beautiful eyes were slightly raised, and a happy color flashed in the corners of his eyes. Could it be that the king of Qi also made a move in Yaoguo? As long as you figure out what's inside, it may be helpful for your career!

King Qi, I won't let you go easily! You forced my mother to die and killed me several times, and I will definitely make you pay for it!

At this time, it was dusk, and the sunset dragged a long shadow, putting a layer of glow on everything in the world selflessly.

Jin Haoxuan closely followed the housekeeper of the King of Qi and slowly followed the door of a large house.

After the housekeeper looked around and made sure that no one followed him, he slowly opened the door and went in.

Jin Haoxuan looked up and saw that the plaque hanging on the house read: Mufu. It can be seen that the owner of this family should be a man surnamed Mu, and it can be seen from the scale of this house that the owner of this family should be a person of good status. Otherwise, the operation of such a large house will also need a lot of funds to maintain.

Jin Haoxuan clung to the wall, gently jumped on the wall, pressed it gently, fell down, and quietly appeared in the inner courtyard.

Hidden behind a big tree closed by two people, I watched a man come out quickly and welcomed the housekeeper of the King of Qi. As he walked, he said, "Please, please, my master has been waiting for a long time!"

The housekeeper of the King of Qi said with a smile, "I'm really sorry. It seems that someone was following me on the road just now. In order to get rid of them, I had to take a detour."

Jin Haoxuan's heart is calm. Is there someone following him? Unexpectedly, someone followed the housekeeper of the King of Qi? Who would that be? Does the King of Qi have other enemies besides his strong enemy?

Jin Haoxuan and the other two entered the room, suddenly lowered their bodies, slowly approached the room, looked up, gently jumped on the roof, and jumped on the roof in an instant. Slowly squat down, gently open two pages of tiles, and lean down to look inside.

Who is not the housekeeper of the King of Qi? Another man who received the reception with a smile has a new face. It is estimated that he is either an official or a rich man. However, what did the king of Qi do when he contacted the people of Yaoguo?

The owner surnamed Mu arched his hand to the housekeeper of the King of Qi with a smile and said, "I don't know how the housekeeper has any advice to visit in person? Or what does His Royal Highness the King of Qi have to order?

"Lord Mu, you're welcome!" The housekeeper of the king of Qi also replied with a smile: "I came here this time to ask Lord Mu for something!"

Master Mu immediately said, "It's easy to say that the matter of King Qi is the next thing, but please tell me!"

The housekeeper of the king of Qi looked around and whispered in the ear of the master Mu. After saying a few words like this, a suspicious look suddenly flashed in front of the master Mu and immediately said, "How is that possible? How could those two disappear in a good way? The people I sent are all masters! Do those people still have helpers?"

The housekeeper of the King of Qi said seriously, "Exactly! In the past, everyone was not familiar with each other, so I neglected this. After this incident, those people staring behind the scenes actually jumped out, and there were as many as four or five groups of people following them! It seems that everyone is focusing on what is in that girl's hand!"

Jin Haoxuan's heart suddenly fell on the roof! Are you talking about Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan?

Are they in danger?

Jin Haoxuan continued to lie on the roof and eavesdrop, but the housekeeper of the king of Qi said seriously, "The king of Qi is bound to get this thing, so he has to ask Lord Mu to continue to help! Now they are still in the border of Yaoguo, and it is inconvenient for us to do it, so——"

The master surnamed Mu immediately said, "It's easy to say that the king of Qi is grateful to him, and the king of Qi's order him to go through fire and water!"

When the housekeeper of the king of Qi heard the other party's promise, he immediately smiled: "Well, I thanked Lord Mu on behalf of His Royal Highness the King of Qi!"

The owner surnamed Mu sighed softly: "I really didn't expect that such a talent would come out in the small Wuxian County, which not only made the master of Zhuo country look at differently, but also made me fall in love with the long-year-old master of the country. What's more bizarre is that His Royal Highness the King of Qi is also interested in this woman. If it weren't for His Royal Highness the King of Qi, I would still appreciate this woman very much!"

The housekeeper of the king of Qi laughed and said, "That's right! Lord Mu probably didn't know that the sworn enemy of His Royal Highness the King of Qi, the prince of the Dark Kingdom today, also has a different feeling for this woman! Therefore, no matter from which side, as long as you catch this woman, it is equivalent to holding the throat of the prince of the Dark Kingdom! At that time, when Your Highness ascends the throne and the world is under control, it may be given as a gift to the emperor of the burning country or the emperor of your country in exchange for a peace agreement!"

Jin Haoxuan cursed in his heart, despicable! The king of Qi actually made such a plan! Unexpectedly, he planned to blackmail himself with a woman!

Jin Haoxuan flashed and went to chase Zixi and Ji Yan, but before he moved an inch, he suddenly stopped!

If you chase Zixi and Ji Yan now, then your side is bound to be empty and bound to be taken advantage of by the king of Qi! However, I can't watch Xiang Zixi step into danger step by step!

What should I do? How can you save Xiang Zixi and make your rear empty?

Thinking over and over again, Jin Haoxuan gritted his teeth, jumped gently, quietly fell from the roof, and left the house in an instant.

Even if you can't go in person, you must arrange a few proper people to protect her!