Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 122 The Fate of Life

"When I knew that all this came from Mr. Song and Mrs. Song, I swore to myself in my heart that I would never let them end well! This is my own promise to my aunt. Qing Cui said calmly, and the tears on her face were gradually replaced by hatred.

"Because you haven't met your aunt, you can't imagine how kind and gentle your aunt is. Such a kind, gentle and beautiful woman had to marry Master Song because of her father's debts. She is a very relenting woman, forcing herself to accept such a life and such a fate.

"But fate did not let her go because of her kindness. The eldest lady was picky and tortured her aunt in all kinds of ways, but our servants have never been scolded so much!"

"Aunts have silently endured it, but as masters, they are doing maids' things. They get up earlier than anyone else and go to bed later than anyone else. But in this way, you still can't get the satisfaction of the old lady, and you have to beat or scold!"

"Later, my aunt finally got pregnant, which was a very happy thing. I thought that my aunt could finally escape without having to do those rough work. Unexpectedly, the eldest lady became even worse, because she saw that her aunt was younger and more beautiful than herself. She slapped and kicked again and again, and finally beat the child in her aunt's belly alive!"

"The baby in my stomach is gone, and my aunt almost went crazy! But what about the master? Not only did he not care about this, but he completely alienated his aunt! What is this all for? Isn't that child the master's? Why can you be so indifferent? It's not that he doesn't know his wife's jealousy, so why did he marry his aunt?

Qing Cui roared crazily again: "It's all because of their selfishness! Yes! It's all because of them! That's why my aunt suffered this misfortune! Finally, he was forced to die!"

"My aunt was forced to die by them! How can I allow them to be treated as nothing? Therefore, I have planned rumors again and again, and I want them to live a restless life forever! I want them to live in fear and torture all the time!"

"Later, I followed the young master and grandma to the county and completely left the ancestral house. But my revenge is not over yet? How can I just leave like this?" A trace of sarcasm flashed on Qing Cui's face: "Sure enough, there is a father and a son! My young master didn't know why he took a fancy to me and wanted to take me as his concubine? Well, if you really want to marry me, then hold his parents' corpses and marry me!"

Qingcui laughed crazily, and her tears fell down: "Now you know, and I have nothing to say. If you want to send me to the government, just send it away!" Anyway, I have avenged my aunt, so what if I die?

Xiang Zixi smiled gently and said softly, "Is it worth tying your own life to the fate of others?"

"Of course it's worth it! If it weren't for my aunt, do you think I would still sit here and talk to you? Qingcui said coldly, "In my life, my aunt is my only street lamp!"

"So, now that you have revenged, what are you going to do next?" Xiang Zixi said slowly, "Obviously, you can't stay, so where are you going next?"

Qingcui looked at Xiang Zixi in a daze: "Aren't you going to send me to the government?"

"Why should I send you to the government?" Xiang Zixi sneered: "It's their ability to solve the case. What does it have to do with me if they can't solve the case?" This kind of scum deserves to die!"

Xiang Zixi slowly stood up straight, stretched out, and smiled brightly at Ji Yan at the door: "It seems that we can't spend the night here tonight."

Qingcui looked at Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan in a daze: "You - who the hell are you?"

Xiang Zixi turned his head and smiled charmingly at Qing Cui: "I'm a thief. That guy is an accomplice of the thief! It's that simple!"

He moved his body and said slowly, "If I were you, I would immediately clean up and go as far as I could. It's not worth paying for this kind of scum, isn't it? Yao's laws are made for the nobles, not for the people! If you are caught by the government, you will die!"

Xiang Zixi walked to the door, pulled her clothes, and looked up and smiled gently at Ji Yan: "After watching the play, we should also go!"

Ji Yan bowed his head and returned a gentle smile: "Okay! I will go wherever you go. Moreover, I promise you that I will only follow in your footsteps.

Xiang Zixi looked at Ji Yan fixedly, and there seemed to be an illusion in front of him. Could it be that the person Ji Yan really likes was himself?

No, no, no, it must be your own illusion! How is this possible? That guy has always been so unreliable! In fact, except for Jin Haoxuan, the people around him seem to be a group of unreliable guys! Especially this Ji Yan, who has always been used to being careless, and his words must not be heard truth.

Thinking of this, he pounded Ji Yan's chest anxiously: "Damn it, there is always no right thing! Let others hear it and think how infatuated you are with me!"

Ji Yan looked disappointed, but said, "Yes, it's so funny! How can I really fall in love with a big fool like you who is smart and stupid!"

"Hey! How dare you scold me!" As soon as he stared at Zixi's eyes, he was about to raise his fist and beat people.

Looking at Xiang Zixi flirting with Ji Yan and not caring about herself next to her, Qing Cui was dumbfounded.

"I said--" Qingcui slowly said, but she hadn't continued to talk about it. She said lightly to Zixi, "Now it hasn't rained, and it's not long after night, it's very suitable for escape. Even if others find out, it will probably be tomorrow's case. Qingcui girl, take care of yourself!"

After saying this to Zixi, he turned around and dragged Ji Yan and slowly disappeared outside the door of the Song family's ancestral house.

Walking on the fresh night road after the rain, the air is extremely fresh, and the grass is mixed with the fragrance of wild flowers, which is refreshing.

Ji Yan gently stopped Xiang Zixi: "Xiang Xiang, what are you thinking?"

Xiang Zixi's footsteps suddenly stopped and said faintly, "I know what you mean! You want to say that if Jin Haoxuan and I decide to continue, such a thing is bound to happen, right? Based on what you know about me, I will probably be like Mrs. Song, either abusing others or being abused by others. And neither of these two situations is the end you want to see. Isn't it?"

"I knew that I couldn't hide anything from you." Ji Yan answered gently.

"Yes, is this the only way to go for the ending between me and Jin Haoxuan? No, I still have a second way!" Xiang Zixi turned around and smiled brightly: "How can I Xiang Zixi watch fate torture me? I will definitely persuade Jin Haoxuan to give up his throne and go far away with me!"

Ji Yan smiled gently: "Really? Do you really have this confidence? Xiang Xiang, you underestimated a man's infatuation with the throne!"

Xiang Zixi lowered his eyebrows and said, "Real? However, how can you give up easily if you don't try? I never give up to Zixi. Even if there is only a front-line opportunity, I have to try it!"

Ji Yan was resolute when he saw Xiang Zixi and knew that it was useless to say anything.

It is said that things gather people into groups, and how is their stubbornness similar to the stubbornness of the other party? I know that my love will not end, but isn't I so persistent?

A burst of night wind blew, slowly blowing away the dark clouds above his head. He stretched out his finger to Zixi and pointed to a star that quietly flashed in the sky and smiled at Ji Yan: "You see, even if it is just an insignificant star, it is still seizing every possible opportunity to show your body to your heart's content. We are like those stars. If we don't work hard, how can others see our glory?

Ji Yan looked at the sky along Zixi's fingers. The light of the stars was looming, shining and dull under the dark clouds, but still bloomed his weak light, as if he was declaring war on the world unyielding.

"Everyone's fate is so different, and everyone's pursuit is so different. Perhaps the trivial thing in our own eyes is amplified happiness in the eyes of others. We are all ignoring our own happiness and envying the happiness of others, but we are actually envied by others. Xiang Zixi said softly, "Ji Yan, I am very grateful that you can be my friend, accompany me like this, watch the stars with me, and watch the world with me."

Ji Yan fixedly looked at Xiang Zixi in the night. Xiang Zixi could not see his expression, but he could clearly see each expression of the other party.

Xiang Xiang, my happiness is you!

I don't know how fate will arrange our ending, but I know that as long as I can stay with you for a moment, I will also cherish this moment of happiness until I can't continue to accompany you.

Xiang Zixi put away his mood and smiled brightly at Ji Yan: "Tonight, we won't just go on like this, will we?"

"There's nothing wrong with night travel!" Ji Yan replied with a smile.

Xiang Zixi suddenly became playful, picked up a branch from the ground, resisted it on his shoulder, and suddenly shouted: "Lord of evil spirits, lead the master of hundreds of ghosts at night, the grandson of slippery ghosts, the third season is coming! Ah ha ha ha! Today, let me play an anime reality show to Zixi!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Ji Yan couldn't help shaking his head and smiled bitterly: "I find that the more I really want to know you, the less I know you! There are always so many strange words in your mouth! Alas! Which one is the real you?"