Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 134 I finally saw people!

It's fun to climb mountains occasionally, but it's boring to climb mountains every day.

Xiang Zixi has climbed almost Zhoushan Mountain in a row, and this time he has completely climbed enough mountains! Sure enough, the plain is better!

Just as the two of them turned over today's fourth mountain, Ji Yan suddenly pointed to the small village not far ahead and said, "Look! There are people smoking there!"

I tried my best to look into Zixi. Sure enough, there were several residential houses faintly emitting cooking smoke!

Oh, my God, this is the best news in this week! Finally, I met strangers besides each other! Sure enough, I'm still not suitable to be an otaku! Xiang Zixi was so excited that she was about to cry!

Because I saw the cooking smoke, Xiang Zixi, who had climbed the mountain and was bored, suddenly became as excited as chicken blood and rushed down to the small village head at the foot of the mountain: "Ah, ah, I finally saw human smoke! Finally, I don't have to eat meat anymore!"

Ji Yan looked at her childish side and couldn't help smiling and shaking his head again.

It looks very close from the top of the mountain, but in fact, there is still a long distance to walk. Friends who often climb mountains should have a deep understanding of this. Obviously, I looked at the distance that was close and within reach, but when I really measured that distance with my feet, I found that it would be several times or even dozens of times the visual distance.

Therefore, it took almost two hours when Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan ran down from the top of the mountain and really walked to that village.

Xiang Zixi sat on the stone outside the village and gasped and couldn't move.

Ji Yan is still so restful and carries a large pile of animal fur, which are the fruits of hunting these days. The meat was eaten, the bones were thrown away, and the fur was preserved. At night, it can be used as a quilt to keep out the cold. When you meet a farmer, you can also exchange food with each other and count it in one fell swoop.

"It's really unreasonable! I'm so tired that I'm empty-handed, and you didn't sweat a drop when you were carrying weight! It's so unreasonable!" Xiang Zixi couldn't help complaining: "I finally understand why Tang Monk's Xitian is so slow to get scriptures! The more people ride a horse, the more troublesome it is!"

"You still understand!" Ji Yan said calmly, "If it weren't for you, such a little road would not be enough for me!"

He said dejectedly to Zixi, "Yes, yes, people are more than others. It's so annoying! If you have the ability, you can compare with people who are better than you! Why do you have to compare with me?" Xiang Zixi rolled her eyes, looked at the village, and said happily, "I finally don't have to sleep in the field tonight!"

Ji Yan helped Xiang Zixi and whispered, "Someone came in front of you!"

Xiang Zixi, with the help of Ji Yan, grinned and stood up from the ground. The high-intensity mountain climbing these days has almost turned her into a panda.

A farmer who walked back from the ground with a hoe hummed a little song and came from behind the two people. He immediately piled up a smile at Zixi and quickly came forward to greet him: "Brother, excuse me, what is this place?"

The farmer looked at Xiang Zixi, looked at Ji Yan standing not far away, and immediately said, "You are not locals, are you?"

"Yes, yes, we came to marry, but we got lost as we walked, and we couldn't find any relatives after climbing over several mountains!" Xiang Zixi has always lied without drafting, so she opened her mouth and came.

"Did you join the family? That's not easy to do. There is only one village around here. If your relatives are not here, you must have gone wrong!" The farmer put down his hoe and said with a smile.

"Ah, that's really unfortunate! Brother, can our brother and sister go to the village to ask for water? Xiang Zixi said flatteringly with a smile, "We have been walking for a long time and haven't had a sip of water. If the eldest brother doesn't mind, we are willing to exchange it with fur!"

The farmer looked at the thick pile of fur on Ji Yan's body and immediately said, "Isn't it just drinking water!" Come with me! It's not easy to go that far!"

Hearing that there was a door, he turned back to Zixi and winked at Ji Yan, followed the farmer into the village.

Walking towards Zixi while looking at the village. The houses here are mostly adobe houses, which are made of soil mixed with straw. When the soil is dry, it will have a brick-like strength, which is a suitable material for building houses. Moreover, the shape, component and thickness can be controlled at will, which is flexible and convenient. In such a room, most of them are not very high, only about two meters high, covered with thick straw or hay, and the old windows also show the age of the house. Usually, the lighting of such a house is not very good. One is that the height is too low, and the other is that the walls have not been painted, so it will always give people a depressing and heavy feeling.

Xiang Zixi roughly estimated that this village is indeed not big, just like dozens of families, and the gap between the rich and the poor is not very big. Most people are wearing almost black-gray self-woven earthen clothes. The children playing on the streets of the village are all snot and looking at the two foreigners curiously. .

Compared with the residents here, the clothes on Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan are much more shiny. Among other things, the color alone is much brighter.

Xiang Zixi is wearing a light blue dress, and Ji Yan is wearing a dark blue gown, which reflects a lot of the spirit of the two people.

Xiang Zixi noticed that most of the buildings in the village were mud houses, but in a corner far away from the village, there was a brick-and-constructed house. This kind of house is not luxurious in the outside world, but it is simply luxurious here.

The farmer noticed that Xiang Zixi's eyes had been staying on the brick house and immediately said, "This is your first time to come to our village, so I have to remind you of some words in advance!" That house is a place that must not be approached at night. That place is haunted!"

The farmer said mysteriously, "At night, a woman without a shawl will come out to cry her husband! It is rumored that her husband was killed, and she was also cut off by her enemies and tortured to death!"

I had a chill to Zixi. Is it a ghost story again? No!

Ji Yan said disapprovingly, "That house is not the place where the dead couple lived, is it?"

"Yes! That was a young couple who came from the outside world like you, and then came and didn't leave. They built such a house by themselves. The farmer shook his head and said, "As a result, after living for a few years, they were found by a group of outsiders, and then the man was killed and the woman was tortured to death!" Tut, it's really cruel! Then, no one has ever been to that house since. A few years ago, someone wanted to see it, but she was scared by a female ghost in white and shawl without feet. From then on, even if the house is abandoned there, no one dares to go in!"

Xiang Zixi's eyes are shining again!

"Ah, my home has arrived!" The farmer walked to an adobe house similar to other houses and gently opened the firewood door.

Because there is only one village here, and everyone is a familiar villager who can no longer be familiar with, so people here do not have the habit of locking doors. It can be said that the real night is not closed and the road is not picked up.

Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan followed the farmer into the house. At a glance, they saw the farmer's wife breastfeeding a small child, and two three or four-year-old children were playing on the ground next to them.

When the peasant woman saw her husband bringing two strangers, she suddenly looked at Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan with some shyness and panic.

Xiang Zixi squatted down, teased the two children, took out a piece of cooked meat from the bag and handed it to the two children.

"Sister-in-law, we are foreign relatives, but we got lost and came here. Can you exchange food and drink with us? Let's exchange these furs!" Ji Yan gently patted the fur on her body, and the peasant woman's eyes lit up: "Do you want to change these? But we don't have so much food in our house!"

"It doesn't matter. You can give as much as you can!" Xiang Zixi said with a smile, "If you have green vegetables, you can give me some more green vegetables!"

She has really eaten enough meat these days. She really doesn't want to eat meat! Every day except roasting or baking, there is no seasoning except salt. It's so boring!

The peasant woman was even happier when she heard it: "Yes, yes, there are still a lot of vegetables now! Go to the garden in the back and take whatever you like!"

Xiang Zixi was overjoyed to hear the words and dragged Ji Yan to the back of the house to have a look. Sure enough, what a large vegetable field! Every resident here seems to have such a large vegetable field and a self-sufficient life, which is really very comfortable!

Xiang Zixi squatted in the vegetable garden, digging fresh radishes and fresh vegetable seedlings, and felt that she was drooling.

Holding a lot of booty, he left most of the fur to the couple with a smile, leaving only a few covered furs to sleep for a few nights, and the rest were put down.

Originally, I planned to use this farmer's house, but their family had such a large space. The husband and wife had a kang, and the two children occupied a kang, so there was no more room, and there was a milk doll.

Xiang Zixi could only leave the farmer's house with a smile and a lot of trophies.

I visited several farmers, and almost every one of them was in this situation. A four-room house, one house for cooking, kitchen utensils, one for food, one for adults, and the rest for children. Almost everyone has no spare room, and the two of them claim to be brothers and sisters, so they can't sleep in the same room, right?

After dinner, the two stood helplessly on the street and looked at the brick house in the corner of the village.

In terms of the current situation, either continue to sleep or live cruelly in the so-called haunted brick house.

"What should I do?" Xiang Zixi looked at Ji Yan: "Do we want to go?"

"You have decided!" Ji Yan shrugged his shoulders: "I'm a killer. Are you still afraid of the ghost of revenge? I don't know how many souls died in my hands! If I'm even afraid of this, what am I doing?"

Xiang Zixi gritted his teeth and stamped his feet: "Hid! Who is afraid of whom?"