Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 180 Women 4

He shouted to Zixi in surprise: "Lin Muyang, we are rich!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiang Zixi immediately noticed her speech disease. Lin Muyang is rich enough. He really doesn't care how much profit this wine spring can bring to himself!

"Look at me! Don't change!" Xiang Zixi laughed and patted himself on the head gently: "I forgot that you are actually very rich. If there is also a Forbes list in this era, then you will definitely be in the top ten!"

"What is the Forbes ranking?" Lin Muyang asked in surprise.

"Hahahaha! Well, well, well!" Xiang Zixi turned his eyes and opened his mouth: "There is also a magical country outside the four countries. There is a magical figure called Forbes. He is idle and painful. He has made a ranking for the rich people in the country, that is, to count who is richer! That's what it looks like! Ah ha ha!"

Lin Muyang shook his head gently and never asked Xiang Zixi why he knew this again.

Not far from the Jiuquan is a meadow, where wild flowers compete for beauty, no less than the strange flowers and plants in the garden outside.

Xiang Zixi sighed: "It's really difficult for you to make a house like this! It must cost a lot!"

"Money is not brought, life is not brought, death is not brought! As long as I can make you laugh, so what if I scatter all my wealth!" Lin Muyang naturally replied, "In the past, I didn't understand that the king of Shang killed his close ministers for Daji, and King You of Zhou played the princes in order to praise Si's beacon fire, but since I met you that day, my heart suddenly became able to understand them! The country is valuable, but what is more valuable than the country is the smile of the beloved!"

He smiled gently at Zixi. Since Ji Yan left, it is the first time that he has faced life so relaxed and smiled so much. She had to admit that Lin Muyang was indeed difficult for others to match in his observation.

"It's getting late, and we should go back!" Xiang Zixi said softly, "Good things should be appreciated slowly. It's boring to walk all at once!"

"It's okay!" Lin Muyang took Xiang Zixi's hand and walked back slowly. When he passed the world of flowers again, Xiang Zixi couldn't help stopping again and closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

Looking at her intoxicated appearance, Lin Muyang stretched out his hand and grabbed the cherry blossoms falling from the branches like lightning, and slowly put them on the temples of Xiang Zixi.

Xiang Zixi slowly opened her eyes, reached out and gently stroked the cherry blossoms on her temples, and smiled gently at Lin Muyang.

"Let's go!" Lin Muyang slowly walked back with Xiang Zixi.

The two of them didn't say a word, just walked slowly. When the two people left the magical world and felt the scorched sun outside again, as if they were in a different world.

In that world, you can not think about anyone, anything can be so simple, only the world of two people.

Step out of that door and return to the original world. Xiang Zixi looked back and nostalgicly, reached out and stroked the cherry blossoms on her temples. If it weren't for the real existence, she would have believed that she was dreaming, right?

While the two people stepped out of the hospital, there were already standing respectfully on the side of the yard. When the two saw Lin Muyang coming out of the yard holding Xiang Zixi's hand, they immediately walked forward and saluted: "Your Highness, madam!"

"Ah--I--" Xiang Zixi just wanted to refute habitually, but for some reason, he couldn't speak today.

Is Lin Muyang's charm really so big? Looking up at Lin Muyang, he didn't know when he would put on his mask again and nodded to the two people: "What's the matter?"

"Your Highness's words! Lord Mucifang asked for a meeting!" One of them whispered.

Pastoral room? Xiang Zixi suddenly remembered the name! Isn't this the pastoral room that once helped him in the food festival competition? That man has tested himself. Now if he sees him holding hands with Lin Muyang, I guess he will jump into the Yellow River in his life!

Xiang Zixi was about to break away from Lin Muyang's hand, but unexpectedly, the other party's hand held his finger.

"Tell him to wait for me in the study!" Lin Muyang nodded gently and returned to the majestic and solemn Lin Taishi.

"Yes!" The two saluted Zixi and Lin Muyang again and turned around and left.

"Hey! This time, the people up and down in your house won't call me Miss Zixi!" Xiang Zixi raised the hand that was caught by Lin Muyang: "Is it appropriate for you to always grab my hand in front of your subordinates?"

"What's wrong with you? Only in this way can they see clearly who is the owner of this family! All right, you go back to your room to rest first, and I'll deal with the matter!" Lin Muyang spoiled the other hand of Xiang Zixi and looked down at her: "Remember! What I said to you in that world is my true words! I don't ask you to give me the answer now. I just hope you can seriously consider it and let me take care of you for the rest of my life! OK?"

"I will think about it!" Xiang Zixi smiled and said, "Frankly speaking, I really feel a little overwhelmed by being pursued by you! Go ahead! See you back!"

Lin Muyang smiled in a low voice, loosened Xiang Zixi's hand, and watched her slowly leave her sight.

Xiang Xiang, you ask me why I am special to you, because I don't know what this is for, but as long as I see you, my heart will be inexplicably stable. As long as I don't see you, my heart will panic inexplicably. Maybe this is love!

Xiang Zixi strolled slowly in the yard and walked aimlessly along the corridor while thinking about everything that had just happened in the magical world.

To be honest, I have no feeling for Lin Muyang's confession, which is definitely a lie! Among other things, his mind alone is enough to touch the hearts of many women. Xiang Zixi is not the Virgin or the white lotus. How can 13 be the same as the real 13?

The ideal is the ideal, and reality is the reality. Xiang Zixi suddenly felt a little confused. After all, what is the way you should go and the choice you should make?

At the thought of being uprooted by Princess Ziqing, my heart suddenly burst into an unknown fire!

Yes, let go of these children's private affairs for the time being. Princess Ziqing, you provoked me, and I will never let you go! I will definitely get all the profits back!

At this moment, a figure flashed past the garden. Xiang Zixi's eyes were sharp and it was clear that two women were enjoying flowers. A slightly older woman, obviously a married woman, and a girl who is not much younger than herself, wearing a long light blue dress and saying something to the woman with a smile.

The men and women in this family met yesterday, but the two women are clearly eye-catching.

When she was about to greet them, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Lin Muyang's concubine at the corners of her eyes. Zhilan, who also went to greet her in the morning, smiled and said, "Mrs. Mu, Miss Mu!"

The two women saw Zhilan and immediately saluted: "Madam!"

Zi Lan waved her hand in a panic: "Don't call me that! Where can a maidservant be qualified to take on the title of wife? The maidservant is just the concubine of Your Highness, and the real lady is someone else!"

"Mrs. Mu? Miss Mu?" Xiang Zixi pondered for a moment and said to himself, "Is it the family of Mu Cifang? He came to see Lin Muyang, why did he still bring his family? Interesting!"

Madam Mu looked surprised: "Hasn't your Highness had a big wedding yet? Where did you come from, madam?"

A faint anger flashed on Zhilan's face, but then dissipated and said with a smile, "Your Highness brought it home yesterday. Your Highness has issued an order that everyone should respect her as the owner of this family!" If you meet her, you must do the etiquette of Mrs. Taishi!"

Miss Mu snorted coldly: "Who am I? It turned out to be a wild girl of unknown origin! Unexpectedly, he also wants to fly up to become a phoenix, trying to ascend the throne of His Royal Highness's wife! It's really shameless!"

A trace of pride flashed on Zhilan's face, but she said, "Miss Mu, don't say that. If it spreads out, Your Highness will be angry!"

A sneer appeared on the corners of Zixi's mouth! I didn't expect that this seemingly good-looking Zhilan would be such a two-faced woman! Xiang Zixi, who had just tasted the feeling of being betrayed by her friends, flashed with a cold murderous intent in her eyes!

Miss Mu shook her head: "Hmm! If you want to be a master's wife, you have to have that *!"

"Yes, Miss Mu said that! After Miss Mu was born in such a famous family, such a beautiful woman is worthy of Your Highness!" Zhilan said enthusiastically, "I don't know how long Miss Mu will stay here this time?"

"We came here with the adults. We will go back when the adults finish their business!" Mrs. Mu replied with a smile.

"It's so good, it would be better if I could stay a few more days! Maybe Miss Mu can really become the real lady of our highness!" Zhilan's eyes flashed and said with a smile.

Miss Mu looked shy and surprised. Obviously, she has been really coveting Lin Muyang for a long time!

I don't know why, after Xiang Zixi secretly heard these conversations, she suddenly became in a bad mood, snorted coldly, turned around and left the same place.

At the same time, above the heavenly court.

Yue Lao sat leisurely in front of Laojun's alchemy furnace. Seeing Laojun guarding the elixir with a gloomy face, he couldn't help joked, "Lao Jun, those three wild boys who made your fairy boy commit a precept and stole the elixir, but now they are all paying for it all! No matter how you look at you, you are still very unhappy!"

Taishang Laojun blew his beard and stared at Yue Lao: "Look at what you have done!" Are you sincerely going to let that child's love pass? You reincarnated the three wild kids into brothers and one into a killer. You deliberately toss my baby, don't you?

Yue Lao saw that Lao Jun was really angry and was about to slip away by patting his buttocks: "Ah, you're really angry! Those three wild kids are also the disciples and grandchildren of the Bodhi ancestor. If you want to settle accounts, you should also find the Bodhi ancestor! Ah, I'd better go first so that you don't sprinkle fire on me again!"