Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 185 The tireless Miss Mu

What he said to Zixi and Miss Mu was half true and half false. But what Xiang Zixi didn't expect was that Miss Mu really took it seriously.

Lin Muyang and Mu Cifang have been talking about things in the study. After saying those words to Zixi, the prince of Lingguo never mentioned this stubble again. After an interesting tour, he left.

Xiang Zixi sent him away with the courtesy of the wife of the head of the Lin family. He returned to the house and heard from the housekeeper that Lin Muyang would continue to talk about matters with the second wife, and there was no need to prepare lunch and dinner.

Since he didn't have time to eat, Xiang Zixi had no reason to run to the side hall outside Lin Muyang's room for dinner.

I ordered the kitchen to make a delicate dish and send it to the room. Xiang Zixi planned to rest early after eating.

After a day of activity, I really have backache.

Unfortunately, some people are not going to let Xiang Zixi spend this beautiful night so easily!

At night, someone brought dinner and opened the food box to Zixi. When she was ready to eat, the corners of her eyes caught a glimpse of the delicate bracelet on the hand of the delivery maid's wrist. Suddenly, the chopsticks attacked her in an instant!

Soon, the maid who delivered the food made a sensitive backflip and landed firmly on the ground.

A smile appeared at the corners of Zixi's mouth, and he stuffed a mouthful of vegetables into his mouth and said lazily, "Miss Mu, the first rule of thieves. Don't bring unnecessary things on your body, especially all the decorations that will reveal your identity, will become the key reason for your failure!"

The maid who delivered the meal raised her head fiercely. Sure enough, who is Miss Mu, who is not the sister of Mu's room?

"You are cruel! How could you expose my disguise so quickly! However, Xiang Zixi, I won't admit defeat!" Miss Mu smiled proudly: "I'm not those stupid women. I will definitely get what I want!"

Xiang Zixi looked at Miss Mu thoughtfully: "Oh? So, you are also a thief!"

"You! You are the thief!" Miss Mu blushed angrily: "I'm a lady of a noble family. How can I be confused with that kind of promiscuous figure?"

"Is it bad?" Xiang Zixi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and hung a light green belly pocket on his right hand, constantly shaking on his fingers: "But today is the second time I have stolen your belly pocket!"

As soon as Miss Mu touched her chest, she immediately took a breath of cold air: "You! When did you do it?"

He smiled at Zixi for a long time, lay on the table and laughed breathlessly, pounding the table and said, "My Miss Mu, did you accidentally bump into someone when you entered the room just now?————"

"So it's you!" Miss Mu's eyes were wide open: "You are a girl who steals other people's belly pockets. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at when you go out?"

Xiang Zixi pouted and said, "Why should I be laughed at? I'm a girl! You are the one who will be laughed at, right? You, a young lady of a martial arts family, have been stolen twice a day! Hey hey, but I also want to thank you for not wearing much in this weather, so I got it! How about it? Don't you get used to us?"

threw the belly pocket in her hand to Miss Mu to Zixi and continued to eat her own food.

"Good! You wait! Let's wait and see!" Miss Mu stamped her feet with hatred and turned around and left the room.

Xiang Zixi laughed and kept shrugging his shoulders.

Gently stretched out his right hand and turned his wrist over. There was a small sharp blade between his right little finger and the ring finger. Just now, he successfully cut the lanyard on Miss Mu's neck with this blade and successfully stole her underwear.

Ah, ah, the underwear design of this era is really simple! If it's a bra of your own era, I'm afraid it's not so easy to steal!

Xiang Zixi reached out and grabbed the wine glass. Just as he was about to pour it into his mouth, he suddenly put it down again, turned his eyes, and picked up the glass again and continued to drink the glass of wine.

After dinner, the maid came to clean up the leftovers and sent two buckets of water according to Zixi's instructions, one with hot water and the other with cold water.

She retreated all the maids to Zixi, slowly untied her clothes, and slowly stepped into the hot water bucket to relax the muscles of her whole body. Bright flowers floated on the water, with an indescribable fresh fragrance.

A burst of sleepiness hit, and Xiang Zixi couldn't help yawning. She slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep slowly.

A dark shadow flashed in the room and slowly approached Xiang Zixi in the bathtub.

"Xiang Zixi, Xiang Zixi, you are vainly smart, but you didn't expect that I would put medicine in your wine, did you? As long as I find your jade pendant, I will definitely kick you out of the house!" The black shadow tore off the scarf on his face, revealing his young and energetic face.

It's none other than Miss Mu who doesn't give up!

Miss Mu dodged and appeared by the bed. She kept looking for the clothes she took off to Zixi, but she couldn't find what she wanted. Instead, she found a lot of inexplicable things from the pile of clothes.

Miss Mu frowned and said to herself, "It's so strange! She didn't take it with her. Where would she put it? Is it hidden somewhere else in the room?"

Miss Mu got up and turned over the inside and outside of Zixi's room, but still couldn't find the jade pendant symbolizing the head of the Lin family.

"It's strange, where can she put it? She is not all over her body now, and there is no place to hide anything at all, but she has turned over everywhere in the house, and there is nothing!" Miss Mu was puzzled and couldn't help sitting at the dressing table, meditating about what she had missed.

At this time, a ghost-like figure slowly appeared behind Miss Mu and quietly put his hand on her shoulder.

Miss Mu's eyes suddenly widened, and her left hand instinctively grabbed the hand on her shoulder and fell over her shoulder!

P--A slap in the face threw hard on Miss Mu's face!

Miss Mu covered her face in disbelief, and then looked at Xiang Zixi standing in front of her with an impossible expression and suddenly shouted: "Ghost!————"

He clapped his hands with Zixi and grabbed a towel to surround the key position of his body: "You are the ghost!" Humph, if you want to plot on me, you are still a little young!"

"You are wrong! I'm teaching you common sense! If a man really likes a woman, he will let go no matter how important it is! On the contrary, if he doesn't care about the other party, he won't move his eyelids even if he is idle! Do you think getting this jade pendant is equivalent to getting his heart? Then you are very wrong!" Xiang Zixi twisted her body and walked to Miss Mu, smiling proudly: "I also want to tell you a fact that you can take love seriously, but don't take men seriously!"

At this time, there was a rapid knock on the door, followed by Lin Muyang's eager voice: "Toward! What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?