Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 193 I will never let go!

Listening to Xiang Zixi's ruthless words, Lin Muyang loosened his arms and looked at Xiang Zixi in such a daze.

Xiang Zixi lowered her head gently: "Thank you for taking care of me these days! Thank you! If there is a chance, we will still be friends! Be nice to your women! In fact, women want very little, just want that person's heart. If you can't give it, then——”

"If you want my heart, I'll give it to you! I'll give you everything you want!" Lin Muyang suddenly tore his clothes, revealing his strong chest and the touching scar.

" Xiang Xiang, I don't know what you really care about! I don't understand why you are so different from other women, and I don't understand what you are struggling with! But I want to tell you that you are the only woman that Lin Muyang has really loved!" Lin Muyang's voice slowly became louder: "But after all, they have been my concubines for so many years. How can I drive them out of the house so ruthlessly? Once they are driven away by me, the only thing waiting for them is death! Why can't you be more generous and more tolerant? My heart and body are with you!"

"Lin Muyang, this is our essential difference! If I say that I ask you to share my words with other men, will you? Are you willing? Would you like it?" Xiang Zixi looked up and asked, "Would you like to see me smiling and flirting with other men?" Since you can't do it, why do you force me to do it? Don't you think this is unfair to me? If I am the kind of person who can share a man with other women, why should I be the enemy of Princess Ziqing? I can continue to follow Jin Haoxuan and be one of his many women regardless! Lin Muyang, you don't know me well at all!"

"Lin Muyang, I know that with your status, there can never be only one woman. However, I don't care! What I care about is that my man will end up with me!" Xiang Zixi's voice also became louder, and his expression became a little ferocious: "But neither you nor Jin Haoxuan can do it! OK! You have no choice, you have too much helplessness! Can't I go? Can't I avoid it far away? Do you have to grab me back, hurt me again and again, sprinkle salt on my wound again and again, watch me hurt, watch me hurt, watch my liver and gallbladder crack before you be happy? Is this what you call love?

"I used to really like Jin Haoxuan, so when he chose to give up me, I also chose to fulfill him! Let him get married without concern and marry Ziqing, who can bring him benefits!"

"So, would you like an irresponsible man? Will you fall in love with a man who has been abandoned? Lin Muyang looked down at Xiang Zixi and watched her finally roar to vent her anger, and a trace of heartache flashed in his eyes.

"So say it! So, I chose to give up! I will fulfill your righteousness with my abandonment!" Xiang Zixi sighed gently and said, "I'm not a wooden man. How can I be indifferent to other people's feelings for me? However, I have my principles and I have my bottom line. Once I touch my bottom line, I'd rather give up!"

"Xiang Zixi, you are so selfish!"

Yes! I'm just selfish, and I never deny it." Xiang Zixi looked up angrily: "I am not a Virgin, a saint, or a white lotus flower!" I only think about myself! Why not? Why should I worry about the country and the people, first worry about the world, and then the joy of the world? Why?! I'm just a little woman, neither an emperor nor a master. Why should I pretend to be a saint and pretend to be the Virgin Mary to tolerate other people's harm to me? Sorry, I can't do it! Sorry, I'm not your good wife and mother in your mind, little jasper!"

Xiang Zixi pushed Lin Muyang hard, pushed him out of the door, and said coldly, "I am me, I am Xiang Zixi, either all belongs to me or not belongs to me!" I will never compromise and never be ambiguous! This is Xiang Zixi!"

After leaving this sentence, he resolutely turned to Zixi and walked towards the gate outside.

Lin Muyang gently closed his eyes, clenched his right hand into a fist, and punched fiercely on the trunk of a big tree embraced by two people!

The tree trembled slightly, and the tree was instantly covered with cracks, fragmented and broken little by little.

The giant tree behind him fell to the ground and paused slightly to Zixi's body. He did not look back and continued to walk forward.

Now that you have made a choice, don't look back.

Lin Muyang looked at Xiang Zixi's back in a daze and slowly disappeared into the morning light. His figure became more and more blurred and indifferent. My heart suddenly hurt, and my body stammed and knelt on the ground on one knee!

"Your Highness!————" The servants immediately exclaimed, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Muyang waved his hand gently and said gently, "No! I can't let you go like this! It's not easy for you to come to me. How can I let you leave so easily!"

The body suddenly stood up, pulled up in an instant, and galloped towards the disappearance of Zixi's back.

Feed the wind behind her and turned back gently to Zixi, but before she could react, one hand firmly hugged her waist. The next second, my body has soared into the air and appeared in mid-air!

Xiang Zixi suddenly came to his senses and slapped his arm angrily: "Lin Muyang, you bastard! Put me down!"

"No! Don't let go!" Lin Muyang roared sharply: "If I let go now, I will regret it for the rest of my life!" Xiang Zixi, listen, I will never allow you to leave my sight, never allow you to leave my side, and never allow you to disappear into my life! Even if I share you with other men, I won't let you go!"

Xiang Zixi, who was struggling desperately, suddenly stopped his movements and looked at Lin Muyang in a daze: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I didn't say nonsense!" Lin Muyang said calmly, "This is my truth! You can doubt my execution, but you can't doubt my determination to love you! Ten years ago, I can't live without you!"

"Where are you taking me?" Xiang Zixi looked uneasily at the Taishi Mansion, which was left far behind him, and said urgently, "Do you know what you are doing? Since you want to be a responsible man, go back and officially marry your five concubines, instead of pestering me here!"

"I told you! My wife can only be you! It must be you too! I don't want any other women!" Lin Muyang shouted sharply, "Xiang Zixi, why do you always misunderstand my heart? Why do you always doubt my feelings for you? OK, today I'll show you how much I care about you!"

The wind sounded in my ears, and the figures of the two disappeared from the bustling Taishi Mansion in an instant and appeared on a peak.

Gently put down Xiang Zixi. Lin Muyang pointed to the abyss under his feet and said calmly, "Xiang Zixi, listen, I only say it once! I, Lin Muyang, swear by my mother's dead soul that I only have you in my heart all my life! If you violate this oath, the ashes will disappear!"

"You--" took a step forward to Zixi and said eagerly, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Muyang took a step back, and the gravel under his feet fell down. He didn't hear an echo for a long time.

"Don't be impulsive!" He stretched out his hand to Zixi and said slowly, "What on earth do you want? Are you going to die? Don't you think you are too naive?"

"I don't care! I just want you to stay where I can see you! Because, without you in sight, I would really want to die!" Lin Muyang said lightly, "Xiang Zixi, listen, I don't care about the so-called master, and I don't care about my so-called property. If I can, I would rather give up all this and go far away with you!"

"Then why do you still insist on those little things, so why don't you let your women leave?" He asked Zixi angrily.

"Because I need revenge! Just like you, I also have revenge that must be completed! And I want to complete the revenge. The power behind those women is my powerful arms!" Lin Muyang replied faintly, "I don't deny that I also have feelings for them. One day, the husband and wife have a hundred days of kindness. Although I only have a dewy marriage with them, my heart has never stopped for them. However, it's also a lie to say that there is no emotion at all!"

"I told you!" Xiang Zixi said angrily, "In this case, how can there be two things in the world? Don't you know that you can't have both fish and bear paws?

"Give me time! When I finish my great career, I will go with you! Leave everything behind and go away with you!" Lin Muyang's eyes became sad: "I just have mercy for them, but I really love you! There are countless women around me, but you are the only one who is really moved! Otherwise, how can I have no children yet? These two feelings are completely different and completely incomparable!"

"I'm sorry! Lin Muyang, I can't wait!" Xiang Zixi said faintly, "I said that I'm not a saint. I can't be so generous. I watched my man flirt with other women and sleep together. There must be no second woman beside my pillow except me!"

"I didn't! I swear that from now on, I will never touch the second woman except you!" Lin Muyang swore eagerly and said earnestly, "In fact, since the last time I said goodbye, I have not touched anyone else! Because as long as I leave you, my mind will always unconsciously think of you. Xiang Xiang, you have been engraved on my soul and will never forget it again!"