Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 253 Burn! Small universe! 3

At dinner, Xiang Zixi sat in the center of the soldiers with a rice bowl with a smile and listened to them talk about their family.

Xiang Zixi is a good listener, who is treated equally to every ordinary soldier. No matter whether the other party's family is sad or happy, he will listen carefully.

If it is a sad thing, I will pat the other party on the shoulder and be sad with him. If it is a happy thing, I will laugh with the other party.

In this way, Xiang Zixi was completely accepted by the old and young men in this barracks.

None of them had the idea of even a little disrespect for her, and all of them respected her like a goddess.

At dinner, almost everyone said to the veterans who divided the dishes that they should leave their best piece of meat to the civilian princess.

So when Xiang Zixi was the last one to cook, it was almost full of meat, and the shadow of green vegetables could hardly be seen!

Although Xiang Zixi doesn't like meat very much, she knows that this is the love of those simple men who are not good at expressing their feelings. So without any pretentiousness, she took a big bite and put the full bowl of food into her stomach.

Sure enough, everyone's faces are full of joy, happier than themselves.

Since Xiang Zixi came to the barracks, the atmosphere of the barracks has become much better for no reason. No one sneaks out to drink and pick up girls, and no one is late and leaves early for no reason. No one swears or fights, and everyone's faces are full of joy.

On the third day, Xiang Zixi took the initiative to change her uniform and stood on the stage bravely. Everyone below suddenly glowed and threw their five bodies to the ground with reverence!

Xiang Zixi said solemnly, "I, Xiang Zixi, what I admire most is a powerful man!" My brothers, tell me, aren't you?"

"Yes!————" neat and uniform answer, the military voice is loud!

"Very good! Then use your actions to tell me whether you are men or not! My brothers, look--" Xiang Zixi pointed to the obstacles piled up overnight not far away, some made of stones, some wrapped with wire, some hung up with net pockets, and a wooden wall up to two meters high. Behind the wooden wall is a huge pool, which is dirty and full of mud!

"My brothers, now listen to my command. According to the team, 12 people set out at the same time. Whoever arrives at the destination first and is covered with the mud of victory is the man I admire most to Zixi!" Xiang Zixi roughly explained the rules of the game. After telling the story, he shouted sharply, "Are you the strongest men? Answer me!"

"Yes!————" is full of vitality and boiling blood!

"Then, answer me with your actions! Let's go!" With a wave of the flag in Zixi's hand, everyone automatically returned to the team at the same time and rushed towards the target like a dragon crossing a mountain according to the sequence.

Most of the military training content is very boring queues and assassinations, and there are few such flexible competition events.

novel and fresh, coupled with the encouragement of the goddess of the barracks, a group of men rushed forward like wolves! Looking at the goddess rushing to the end one by one, rolling muddy water in the muddy water, smiling triumphantly at the goddess on the stage, and couldn't help nodding gently to Zixi.

Xin Zeyang and the little fat little fat stood at the end and put a red flower symbolizing victory on the first victorious soldier. The winning soldier showed off his power, and the defeated soldier was dejected.

Little fat said with a smile, "My lady said that failure in this game does not mean the final failure. As long as you can succeed in challenging the team first in the future, then you will be the first!"

After listening to Xiao Feifei's words, the soldiers who were not rewarded by the red flower shouted for revenge.

Little Pangpang continued to add: "The challenge is yet to come. Now is the audition. When this round is all over, it's time for you to challenge! Brothers, I am optimistic about you! Come on!"

Xin Zeyang also laughed. If there is a master, there will be any maid! Sure enough, it was damaged by their master!

In the morning, it was a fierce physical collision, but in the afternoon, it was a cultural class with a strong sense of books.

Several soldiers who had read books and written and were once scholars suddenly acted as gentlemen, teaching soldiers who could not read or write in the barracks.

Xiang Zixi also carried a small stool and participated in, seriously learning to write traditional Chinese characters.

Looking at her clumsy appearance, the soldiers laughed and felt that the princess was closer to her! It's not those high nobles at all, it's simply the little sister in her family who is spoiled and loved by herself.

When learning traditional Chinese characters, Xiang Zixi behaved like a child and was praised by the scholar soldiers, and she would dance happily. When you encounter traditional Chinese characters that you can't write, you will also peek at how others write. When you are caught by the instructor, you will droop your head and look depressed. A group of soldiers are funny, unbearable and distressed.

That's it, a week has passed. Xiao Zimo got Xiahou Junhao's 800 miles to expedite, and * Zhong said that he fully referred to the opinion of the civilian princess and carried it out by the whole army!

And Xiang Zixi's name became popular again in the armies of Yao and even four countries. Her story and her deeds were spread by word of mouth and quickly spread all over the world. Thousands of people who have studied and lived together with Xiang Zixi straightened up in front of other soldiers!

The princess is their pride, and the princess is their treasure! The princess is their faith! If someone dares to speak ill of the civilian princess, even if he tries his best to protect the princess's glory!

When we get together, we are always happy, but Xiang Zixi still has his own task and his own mission. Therefore, on the eighth day, he finally decided to leave.

When all the soldiers learned that Xiang Zixi was leaving, they ran out together, cried and shouted the princess's name, and sent them again and again!

Xin Zeyang drove the carriage on the official road and waved goodbye to Zixi behind him. After so many days of contact, Xiang Zixi gradually fell in love with these men. Now that she can't help blushing and tears falling down.

When she cried like this, all the soldiers cried!

waved hard to Zixi, and some of the soldiers proposed, "zhu jiao, let's sing, let's send the princess away with singing!"

The soldier's proposal was unanimously approved. Everyone sang a song taught to Zixi and saw Xiang Zixi's carriage disappear from sight little by little.

Little fat and little fat have been crying for a long time and their eyes are swollen! In this week, the two of them played happier than anyone else, which was simply a sea of happiness! Because they are the maids around Xiang Zixi, all the soldiers love the house, delicious and fun, and always secretly send them to their rooms and ask them to transfer them to Xiang Zixi.

How can Xiang Zixi eat so much? Those delicious food basically fell into the stomachs of two fat maids.

Xin Zeyang also has his own views on the barracks these days. After all, he is also a hot-blooded boy, and it is natural to like the barracks.

Xiang Zixi breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a nasal voice, "This man, you really can't gather a bunch to play, otherwise you will be reluctant to leave sooner or later!"

Xin Zeyang looked back at Zixi and said faintly, "You have gained a lot from this game! You don't know that your name is louder than before! All the soldiers are singing your songs!"

He smiled gently at Zixi: "Peace is so good! Let's not fight! Looking at their happy appearance, I really can't imagine if they really died in the battlefield one day--" Speaking of this, Xiang Zixi's nose was sore, tears fell down again, and he said with a nasal voice, "I hate war! I hate war the most! Together with the war, I like the person I care about the most and will always leave me! I don't want it!"

"Miss, don't cry! Aren't we going to the country just to prevent such a thing from happening? Xiaofei carefully handed over the handkerchief and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Little Fatty also said, "Yes, as long as we do our best, even if we can't stop it, even if it's delayed!"

Xiang Zixi nodded gently, bit her lower lip, sighed and said, "Yes! You still have to face the reality! Although this reality is so cruel! I will always try and do my best!"

Jin Haoxuan accelerated the journey under his feet, and the carriage rushed on the spacious road.

Overhead is the autumn wind, the leaves are rustling, and then up, there are white clouds all over the sky, gently like a child's smiling face.

The place where the carriage drove left a shallow rut and flying dust all the way.

The deeds of Xiang Zixi are not only spread in the barracks. How can the senior officials of the four countries not know? Xiang Zixi used her own actions to make the leaders of the four countries reconsider this legendary girl and reposition her meaning.

If someone assassinates her now, I'm afraid it will arouse public anger and trigger a bloody war!

Because her significance to the army, to the barracks, to the soldiers is really too important!

And it was also because of a series of activities in the military camp that Xiang Zixi easily erased Lin Muyang's efforts for many years, which revived Yao Guo's military ability and jumped to the top of the four countries again!

May I ask, how can such a person be anonymous?

When Lin Muyang got the news, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Xiang Xiang, can you understand why I can only see you in my eyes, but not others? That's precisely because of your characteristics, your cohesion! Although you easily erased my efforts, I don't blame you at all! If you are just a mediocre woman, how can I, Lin Muyang, fall in love with you? How can you be willing to give up everything for you?